Grichanov, I.Ya.
Language: Russian/English
Last updated: 31 January 2025
All 1979-1998 Diptera papers may
be downloaded from Diptera.Info site as 1 zip-file (30 MB):
All 1999-2005 Diptera papers may be
downloaded from Diptera.Info site as 1 zip-file (25 MB):
1. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Y. Novye i maloizvestnye
vidy Dolichopodidae /Diptera/ yugozapada evropejskoj chasti SSSR. - Vest.
Zool., 1979, N 2, p. 65-67. // New and little-known species of Dolichopodidae
/Diptera/ In the south-west of the European Part of the USSR.
PDF-file download
2. Grichanov I.Y. K izucheniyu fauny semejstva Dolichopodidae
/Diptera/ Odesskoj oblasti. - Vopr.biol. i pochvoved. materialy nauch.
konf. Voronezh, 1979, p. 2-8. - Dep. in VINITI, Moscow 03.10. 80, N 4288-80
dep. // Contribution to the knowledge of the Dolichopodidae /Diptera/ fauna
in the Odessa Region.
3. Grichanov I.Y., Negrobov O.P. Katalog semejstva Dolichopodidae
/Diptera/ fauny SSSR. Voronezh. un-t. Voronezh, 1979. - 128 p. - Dep. in
VINITI, Moscow 04.02.80, N 417-80 dep. // Catalogue for the family Dolichopodidae
/Diptera/ in the USSR.
4. Negrobov O.P., Vanschuytbroeck P., Gritchanov I.J. 1981. The
species of the genus Saccopheronta (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). - Bull. Inst.
roy. Sci. natur. Belg. Entomol., v. 53, N 4. - 11 pp. PDF-file
download here
5. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Y. Novye vidy dvukrylyh semejstva
Dolichopodidae /Diptera/ iz Tadvikistana i Kirgizii. - Tr. Zool. in- t
AN SSSR, 1982, t.110, p.105-108.// New Species Of The Family Dolichopodidae
/Diptera/ From Tadjikistan And Kirghizia. PDF-file
download here
6. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Y., Bakari K. New species of the
genus Rhaphium /Diptera, Dolichopodidae/ from Zaire. - Entomol. obozrenie,
1982, t.61, N1, p. 190-194. [in Russian]. [Engl. transl.: Entomol. Rev.,
1982, 61(1), p. 184-188].
7. Grichanov I.Y. Vozmovnost' dezorientacii samcov hlopkovoj sovki.
- II vses. soveshch. po him. kommunikacii zhivotnyh, Moskva, 1983. - M.,
1983, p.139. // The Possibility Of Male Desorientation In The Cotton Bollworm
Heliothis Armigera.
8. Grichanov I.Y. Zashchita ot sovok s pomoshch'yu feromonov
/obzor literatury/. - Zashchit rast., 1983, N 6, p. 22-24. // Plant protection
by way of using noctuid pheromones.
9. Grichanov I.Y. Brachnoye povedeniye khlopkovoj sovki Heliothis
Armigera. - Zool. zh., 1983, t. 62, N 5, p.707-713. // The nuptial behaviour
of the cotton bollworm Heliothis armigera.
10. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Y., Shamshev
I.V. Obzor palearkticheskih vidov roda Teuchophorus Loew /Dolichopodidae,
Diptera/. - Nauch. dokl. vyssh. shk. biol. n., 1984, N 9, p. 37 - 42. //
Palearctic Species Of The Genus Teuchophorus Loew /Dolichopodidae, Diptera/:
A Review.
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11. Grichanov I.Y. Otlov Acontia Luctuosa /Lepidoptera, NOCTUIDAE/
na sinteticheskij polovoj attraktant. - Vestn. Zool., 1984, N 1, p.58.
// Trapping of Acontia luctuosa /Lepidoptera, Noctuidae/ by using the synthetic
sex attractant.
12. Grichanov I.Y. Ocenka vozdejstviya biologicheski aktivnyh
veshchestv na povedenie imago h|opkovoj /Heliothis Armigera Hubn./ I ozimoj
/Scotia Segetum Schiff./ sovok v polevyh usloviyah. - Khemorecepciya nasekomyh.
Feromony,1984, N 8, p.58-65. // Field evaluation of effects of biologically
active compounds on chemical communication of the cotton bollworm moth
/Heliothis armigera Hubn./ and the turnip moth /Scotia segetum Schiff./.
13. Grichanov I.Y. Razrabotka metoda dezorientacii samcov hlopkovoj
sovki /Heliothis Armigera Hbn./ sinteticheskim polovym attraktantom. -
9 s'ezd vses. Entomol. o-va, Kiev, okt. 1984. Tez. dokl. ch. 1. Kiev, 1984,
p.130. // A Technique For Desorientation Of Males Of Heliothis Armigera
Hbn. By Means Of The Synthetic Sex Attractant.
14. Grichanov I.Y. Biologicheskoe obosnovanie primeneniya polovyh
feromonov hlopkovoj i ozimoj sovok v zashchite rastenij. - Thesis. Cand.
Sci. Biol., Leningrad, 1984. - 20 p. // Biological basis of cotton bollworm
and turnip moth sex pheromone application in plant protection.
15. Grichanov I.Y. Dezorientaciya samcov sovok polovymi feromonami.
- Zashchita rast., 1985, N 11, p.58-59. // Desorientation of noctuid moth
males with sex pheromones.
16. Grichanov I.Y. Narushenie himicheskoj kommunikacii babochek
hlopkovoj sovki /Heliothis Armigera Hubner/ komponentami polovogo feromona
samok i antiferomonami.- V sb.: Him.kommunikaciya zhivotnyh. Teoriya i
praktika. - Moscow: Nauka,1986, p.73-79. // Disruption Of Chemical Communication
Of Moths With Female Sex Pheromone Components And Antipheromones In Heliothis
17. Grichanov I.Y. Ocenka chislennosti hlopkovoj sovki s pomoshch'yu
feromonov. - Zashchita rast., 1986, N 12, p.42-43. // Estimations Of Numbers
Of The Cotton Bollworm Using Pheromones.
18. Kononenko A.P., Grichanov I.Y., Kirov E.I., Mayorov V.I.
Korrelyaciya vylova babochek hlopkovoj sovki v lovushki s chislennost'yu
preimaginal'nyh faz. - Izv. AN TadSSR, 1986, N 3, p. 51-55. // Correlation
Between Moth Catches And Numbers Of Preimaginal Stages In The Cotton Bollworm.
19. Grichanov I.Y., Kravchenko V.D., Papiyan R.F., Sattar-zade N.R.
Zavisimost' mezhdu otlovom samcov na feromon i chislennost'yu preimaginal'nyh
faz hlopkovoj sovki na hlopchatnike v Azerbajdzhane. - Bull. VIZR, 1987,
N 67, p. 49-54. // Dependence Of The Number Of Cotton Bollworm Preimaginal
Stages On Pheromone Trapping Of Males On The Cotton Fields Of Azerbaijan.
20. Grichanov I.Y., Kirov E.I., Kononenko A.P., Mayorov V.I.
Svyaz' vylova babochek hlopkovoj sovki v lovushki s chislennost'yu yaic
i gusenic na hlopchatnike. - Bull. VIZR, 1987, N 67, p. 54-59. // Connection
Between Cotton Bollworm Trapping And Number Of Eggs And Larvae On Cotton.
21. Voronkova V.V. Grichanov I.Y.,Ivanchenko V.V. i dr. Issledovanie
polovogo feromona ozimoj sovki /Agrotis Segetum Schiff. /. - Khemorecepciya
nasekomyh, 1987, N 9, p. 101-107.// A Study Of Sex Pheromone Of The Turnip
Moth /Agrotis Segetum Schiff./.
22. Shamshev I.V., Grichanov I.Y., Bosenko M.S., Pershina E.V.,
Vilesova M.S. Polevoe ispytanie mikrokapsulirovannogo polovogo feromona
hlopkovoj sovki dlya dezorientacii samcov. - Bull. VIZR, 1987, N 69, p.29-33.//
Field Trials On Microcapsuled Sex Pheromone Of The Cotton Bollworm Used
For Male Desorientation.
23. Bulyginskaya M.A., Burov V.N., Grichanov I.Y. i dr. Rekomendacii
po prakticheskomu primeneniyu polovogo feromona hlopkovoj sovki v integrirovannoj
zashchite hlopchatnika.- Moscow: Agropromizdat, 1987. - 16 p. // Recommendations
On The Practical Use Of Sex Pheromone Of The Cotton Bollworm In Integrated
Pest Management On Cotton.
24. Shamshev I.V., Grichanov I.Y. Osobennosti povedeniya babochek
hlopkovoj sovki okolo istochnika sinteticheskogo polovogo attraktanta.
- Bull. VIZR, 1987, N 68, p. 43-46. // Some Peculiarities Of Cotton Bollworm
Behaviour Near The Synthetic Sex Attractant Source.
25. Grichanov I.Y., Tsapkina L.B., Gryaznova A.S. Attraktant dlya
samcov seroj zernovoj sovki.- Zashchita rast., 1988, N 6, p. 48. // An
Attractant For Males Of Apamea Anceps.
26. Grichanov I.Y. Vzaimovliyanie polovyh attraktantov hlopkovoj
i ozimoj sovok v lovushkah.- Ref.dokl. IV vsesoyuz. simp. po hemorecepcii
nasekomyh. - Vil'nyus, 1988, p. 48. // Interaction Of Sex Attractants Of
Two Noctuid Moths /Heliothis Armigera And Agrotis Segetum/ In Traps.
27. Grichanov I.Y., Vaher P.L. Polevoj skrining attraktivnyh
veshchestv dlya samcov seroj zernovoj sovki.- Feromony nasekomyh i razrabotka
putej ih prakticheskogo ispol'zovaniya. Sb. nauch. tr., Leningrad: VIZR,
1988, p. 40-44. // Field Screening Of Attractants For The Apamea Anceps
28. Grichanov I.Y., Shamshev I.V., Laanma M.K. Feromonnaya lovushka
hlopkovoj sovki s dispenserom "Feroflor hs". Rekomendacii po primeneniyu.
- Tartu: Flora/TGU, 1989. - 12 p. // Pheromone Trap With The "Pheroflor
Xc" Dispencer For The Cotton Bollworm. Recommendations On The Use.
29. Grichanov I.Y., Kononenko A.P. Razrabotka prakticheskih
priemov primeneniya feromonnyh lovushek dlya hlopkovoj sovki. - Izv. AN
tadvSSR, otd. biol.n.- Dushanbe, 1989. - 13 p. - Dep. in VINITI, Moscow,
06.01.89, N 161-v89. // Pheromone Trap Application Techniqte For The Cotton
30. Grichanov I.Y. Polevoj skrining attraktivnyh komponentov
polovyh feromonov sovok. - Sovrem. metody issled. v Entomol., fitopatol.
i mikrobiol. /Metod. rekom. nauch. seminara, Pushkin, fevr. 1988/. - Leningrad:
LOP VA NTO/VIZR, 1989, p. 44 - 45. // Field Screening Of Attractive Components
Of Sex Pheromones For Noctuid Moths.
31. Bulyginskaya M.A., Grichanov I.Y., Shamshev I.V. Ispol'zovanie
sinteticheskih polovyh attraktantov dlya narusheniya ol'faktornoj kommunikacii
babochek hlopkovoj sovki /Heliothis Armigera Hubner/ v polevyh uloviyah.
- Entomol. obozr., 1989, t. 68, vyp. 2, p. 272 - 275. //Field Use Of Synthetic
Sex Attractants For Disruption Of Olfactory Communication In The Cotton
Bollworm Heliothis Armigera Hb. /Lepidoptera: Noctuidae/.
32. Grichanov I.Y., Vaher P.L. Attraktivnost' nekotoryh sinteticheskih
soedinenij dlya samcov seroj zernovoj sovki. - Izv. AN ESSR, biol., 1989,
t. 38, N 3, p. 185 - 188. // On Attractivity Of Some Synthetic Compounds
To Noctuid Apamea Anceps.
33. Grichanov I.Y. Itogi polevogo skrininga polovyh feromonov
sovok. - Konf. Nove Smery Vo Vyskume, Vyrobe A Pouziti Pripravkov Na Ochranu
Rastlin, Prve, Okt. 1989. - Bratislava,1989,V.1,P.16-17.// Results Of Field
Screening Of Sex Pheromones For Noctuid Moths.
34. Grichanov I.Y., Kononenko A.P. Otlov Chrysodeixis Chalcites,
Trichoplusia Ni I Autographa Gamma na sinteticheskij polovoj attraktant.
- Izv. AN Tad.SSR, 1989, t. 115, N 2, p. 64 - 67 // Trapping Of Chrysodeixis
Chalcites, Trichoplusia Ni And Autographa Gamma With A Synthetic Sex Attractant.
35. Grichanov I.Y., Kirov E.I., Karpenko V.I. Zavisimost' mezhdu
otlovom samcov na polovoj attraktant i chislennost'yu gusenic seroj zernovoj
sovki na pshenice. - Bull. VIZR., 1989, N 74, p. 25 - 29. / / Relation
Between Male Trapping By Sex Attractant And Numbers Of Apamea Anceps On
36. Grichanov I.Y., Rakitin A.A., Shamshev I.V., Vaher P.L.
Ingibiruyushchee dejstvie formiatov na himicheskuyu kommunikaciyu hlopkovoj
sovki.- Bull. VIZR., 1989, N 74, p. 67- 71. // Inhibitory Effects Of Formiates
On Chemical Communication Of Cotton Bollworm.
37. Shamshev I.V., Grichanov I.Y. Polevye ispytaniya cis-11-geksadecenil
formiata - ingibitora privlekatel'nosti polovogo attraktanta hlopkovoj
sovki.- Bull.VIZR., 1989, N 74, p. 71 - 78. // Field Trials Of Z-11-Hexadecenyl
Formiate, Inhibitor Of Cotton Bollworm Sex Attractant.
38. Kosaev E.M., Grichanov I.Y. O primenimosti vlagotemperaturnogo
kriteriya v analize dinamiki leta babochek hlopkovoj sovki v Turkmenii.-
Izv. ANTSSR, ser. biol. n., 1990, N 3, p. 67 - 69.// Humidity and temperature
as criteria for the analysis of Heliothis armigera flight dynamics in Turkmenia.
39. Kravchenko V.D., Grichanov I.Y. Razvitie polovogo povedeniya
i himicheskoj kommunikacii babochek hlopkovoj sovki HELIOTHIS ARMIGERA.
- Ekol. probl. zashchity rast. tez. dokl. konf. 21-24 noyabrya 1990 g.
Leninigrad: VIZR, 1990, p. 179. // Development Of Sexual Behavior And Chemical
Communication In Heliothis Armigera.
40. Grichanov I.Y. Capture of Medetera
jacula Fll. /Dolichopodidae/ and other Diptera by coloured sticky traps
on wheat. - Second Int. Congr. Of Dipterology, Aug 21 - Sept 1, 1990, Bratislava.
Abstr. Vol. Bratislava, 1990, P. 75. PDF-file
download here
41. Grichanov I.Y. Investigation Of Sex Pheromones For The Cotton
Bollworm Heliothis Armigera Hubner /Lepidoptera: Noctuidae/ In The Ussr.
- Conf. On Insect Chemical Ecology., Tabor, 12 - 18 Aug 1990. Abstr. Of
Papers. Prague,1990, P. 96.
42. Grichanov I.Y. Feromonnye lovushki. -Khlopok, 1990, N 1,
p. 26 - 27. // PHEROMONE TRAPS.
43. Grichanov I.Y. 1991. Statistical analysis of tortricid and noctuid
moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae and Noctuidae) in terms of chemical structure
of their sexual pheromones. Zoologicheskii zhurnal. Vol.70. No.1. P.32
- 39. [in Russian]. [Engl. transl.: Entomol. Rev., 1991, 70, 2, p. 159
- 165].
44. Grichanov I.Y., Karpilovskij L.N. Puti avtomatizacii sbora,
obrabotki i ispol'zovaniya informacii dlya prognoza i signalizacii poyavleniya
vreditelej sel'skohozyajstvennyh kul'tur. - Tez. dokl. nauch.- prakt. konf.
Agrometeorologicheskie resursy i produkcionnye processy v rastenievodstve,
Kiev, 18 - 21 marta 1991. - Kiev:UkrNIPTI Agroresursy, 1991, p. 147-149.
// Automatic Approach To Collection, Processing And Use Of Information
For Agricultural Pest Forecasting And Warning.
45. Grichanov I.Y. Polovye antiferomony cheshuekrylyh. - Entomol.
obozr. - Leningrad, 1991. - 34 p. - Dep. in VINITI, Moscow, 14.01.91, N
240-v91. // Sex Antipheromones Of Lepidoptera.
46. Grichanov I.Y. Interaction of sex attractants in Noctuidae
(Lepidoptera). - Regulat. of Insect Reproduction, V, sept. 1991. Abstracts.
Zinkovy, 1991, p. 21.
47. Grichanov I.Y., Shamshev I.V., Bosenko M.V., Vaher P.L.,
Vilesova M.I., Laanma M.K., Pyarisma P.P. Ingibitor polovogo attraktanta
hlopkovoj sovki Heliothis armigera. - Bull. VIZR, 1991, N 75, p. 56 - 60.
// Inhibitor of cotton bollworm (Heliothis armige- ra) sex attractant.
48. Grichanov I.Y. Dinamika otlova Medetera meridionalis Negrobov
(Diptera, Dolichopodidae) i drugih nasekomyh v tsvetnyye kleykiye lo- vushki
na yarovoj pshenitse. - Bull. VIZR, 1991, N 75. p. 64 - 68. / / Dynamics
of capture of Medetera meridionalis Negrobov (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)
and other insects by coloured sticky traps on wheat. PDF-file
download here
49. Grichanov I.Y. Komponenty polovyh feromonov sovok - vreditelej
hlopchatnika i drugih kul'tur - kak inhibitory attraktiv- nosti. - Probl.
integratsii v zashchite hlopchatnika ot vreditelej.- Ashgabat, 1992, p.
84 - 89. // Sex pheromones components of Noctui- dae as attractant inhibitors.
50. Grichanov I.Y. Structural affinity between sex attractants
and their inhibitors in Lepidoptera. - Proc. XIX Int. Congr. Entomol. Bejing,
1992, p. 226.
51. Grichanov I.Y. Feromony sovok (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): hemo-
taksonomiya, polevoj skrining i puti prakticheskogo ispolzovaniya. - Entomol.
Obozr. - Leningrad/St.Petersburg, 1993. - 49 p. - Dep. in VINITI, Moscow,
29.01.93, N 198-B93. // Noctuid pheromones: chemotaxonomy, field screening
and methods of practical use.
52. Grichanov I.Y. 1993. Chemical structure of sex pheromones
as taxonomic character of lepidopteran supreme taxa. Entomologicheskoe
Obozrenie. Vol.72. No.2. P.283-294. [in Russian]. [Engl. transl.: Entomol.
Rev., 1993, 72, 9, p. 133 - 144].
53. Bulyginskaya M.A., Porsayev M.M., Grichanov I.Y. Sezonnyj
prognos chislennosti khlopkovoj sovki c pomoshch'yu feromonnykh lovushek.
- Teoriya, metody i tekhnologiya avtomatizatsii fitosanitarnoj diagnostiki.
Sb. nauch. tr., Leningrad: VIZR, 1993, p. 60 - 70. // Seasonal forecast
of cotton bollworm density by way of using pheromone traps.
54. Grichanov I.Y. Prognoz vreditelej po feromonnym lovushkam
- Zashchita rast., 1993, N 9, p. 37 - 38. // Pests forecast by way of using
pheromone traps.
55. Grichanov I.Y., Bukzeyeva O.N., Berger L.P., Zakonnikova
K. V. Dispersal of Lepidoptera spp. inhabiting disjunctive areas at the
foot-hills of North Caucasus. - Proc. VI Meet. on the Project Species and
its Productivity in the Distribution Area. St.Petersburg, 23 - 26 Nov.
1993. - St.Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 1993, p. 266 - 267.
56. Grichanov I.Y., Shamshev
I.V. 1993. Argyra (Leucostola) negrobovi sp. n. from the Far East of Russia
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae). - Dipt. Res., v. 4, N 4, p. 191-194.
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57. Grichanov I.Y., Shamshev
I.V. Coloured sticky traps for investigation of wheat entomofauna in North
Kazakhstan. - Optimizatsia zashchity s.-kh. kultur ot vred. i bol. - Proc.
S.-Petersburg St. Agr. Univ., 1993, p. 48 - 52 (in Russian).
download here
58. Grichanov I.Y. Statisticheskij analiz primeneniya pesticidov.
- Zashchita rast., 1994, N 1, p. 9 - 11. // Statistical analisis of pesticide
59. Grichanov I.Y. General problems of extraordinary situations
occasioned by mass pest invasions. - Soversh. kontr. fitosan. sit., Moscow,
1994, p. 79 - 82 (in Russian).
60. Grichanov I.Y., Zakonnikova K.V. The use of automatic agrometeostation
for warning on the time of pesticide treatments in apple orchard. - Soversh.
kontr. fitosan. sit., Moscow, 1994, p. 241 - 243 (in Russian).
61. Bulyginskaya M.A., Grichanov I.Y. Attraction of two species
of Geometridae with the sex attractant of Lobesia botrana (Tortricidae,
Lepidoptera). - Kommunik. nasek. i sovr. met. zash. rast., Kharkov, 1994,
p. 20 - 21.
62. Grichanov I.Y. Pheromones of Lepidoptera males. - Kommunik.
nasek. i sovr. met. zash. rast., Kharkov, 1994, p. 36 - 38.
63. Grichanov I.Y. Lepidoptera male pheromones in relation to
insect behavior. - Kommunik. nasek. i sovr. met. zash. rast., Kharkov,
1994, p. 38 - 40.
64. Grichanov I.Y. Origin of the pheromone system of Lepidoptera.-
Kommunik. nasek. i sovr. met. zash. rast., Kharkov, 1994, p. 34 - 36.
65. Grichanov I.Y., Bukzeyeva O.N., Zakonnikova K.V. Dynamics
of flight of moths and spread of Lepidopteran pests in the Black Sea Region
of the North Caucasus. - Zool. zh., 1994, t. 73, N3, p. 39 - 46 (in Russian).
[Engl. transl.: Entomol. Rev., 1994, 73, 7, p. 126 - 133].
66. Bukseyeva O.N., Grichanov I.Y., Zakonnikova K.V. The influence
of temperature on the phenology of Archips rosana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
- V Europ. Congr. Entomol., 29 Aug. - 2 Sept. 1994, York. - York, 1994,
p. 162.
67. Ovsiannikova E.I., Grichanov I,Y. On non-specificity of lepidopterous
pheromones. - V Europ. Congr. Entomol., 29 Aug. - 2 Sept. 1994, York. -
York, 1994, p. 289.
68. Grichanov I.Y., Bulyginskaya M.A. Attraction of Geometridae
with the sex attractant of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
- V Europ. Congr. Entomol., 29 Aug. - 2 Sept. 1994, York. - York, 1994,
p. 118.
69. Grichanov I.Y. Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
in agricultural communities of North Caucasus. - III Intern. Congr. Dipter.,
Guelph, 15-19 Aug. 1994. Abstr. vol. Guelph, 1994, p. 78.
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70. Grichanov I.Y., Bukzeyeva O.N.,
Zakonnikova K.V. The influence of temperature on the phenology of Archips
rozana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). - Arch. Phytopath. Pflazenschutz, 1994,
N 2, p. 183 - 189.
71. Grichanov I.Ya., Rakitin A.A., Kovalev B.G., Konyukhov V.P.,
Boltykhova V.V. Investigation of sex pheromone of Apamea anceps (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae). - Bull. VIZR, 1994, N76, p. 77-80..
72. Grichanov I.Ya. Structural affinity between sex attractants
and their inhibitors in Lepidoptera. - Bull. VIZR, 1994, N 76, p. 72-76.
73. Frolov A.N., Grichanov I.Ya., Frolova T.A., Chumakov M.A.. 1994.
Factors of population dynamics and their role in phytophagous insects evolution
with corn borer as an example. Informatsionnyi byulleten RFFI, 2, 4(January):
58. [Electronic publication]
74. Grichanov I.Y. Automated forecast in orchard pests protection. - Zashchita
rast., 1995, N 7, p. 30 (in Russian).
75. Grichanov I.Y., Bulyginskaya M.A., Bukseyeva O.N., Zakonnikova
K.V., Ovsiannikova E.I. 1995. Ecological and geographical variability of
species-specificity of lepidopteran sex attractants. - Ecology, N 5, p.
377-380 (in Russian). [Engl. transl.: Russian J. Ecol., 1995, 26, p. 349-352].
76. Grichanov I.Y. Problems of pheromone production, trade and application
in relation to the collapse of the USSR. - Int. Pest Control, 1995, N 3,
p. 72-77.
77. Grichanov I.Ya. 1995. The Afrotropical
species of the genus Rhaphium Meigen (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). - Int.
J. Dipter. Res., v.6, N 1, p. 19-31.
78. Grichanov I.Ya. 1995. Olegonegrobovia (Diptera:Dolichopodidae),
new genus from Uganda - Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 6, N2, p. 125-128.
79. Grichanov I.Ya. 1995. Afrotropical species
of the subgenus Kalocheta Becker (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Chrysosoma Guerin-Meneville).
- Int. J. Dipter. Res., v.6, N 4, p.363-365.
80. Grichanov I.Ya., Berger L.P. Computer-assisted,
wheather driven pheromone monitoring of orchard pests. -
XIII Int. Plant Protecton Congr., Hague,
2-7 July 1995. Abstracts. - Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1995, p. 1263.
81. Grichanov I.Ya. 1995. Integrated phytosanitary monitoring of orchard
pests and deseases. - All-Russian Congr. on Plant Prot., Abstracts. St.
Petersburg, Dec. 1995, p. 45 (in Russian).
82. Grichanov I.Ya., Kononenko O.P. 1995. Flight dynamics of five Plusiinae
(Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) species in South Tadzhikistan. - All-Russian Congr.
on Plant Prot., Abstracts. St. Petersburg, Dec. 1995, p. 46 (in Russian).
83. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 1995. Field testing of pheromones
for monitoring of Plutella maculipennis. - All-Russian Congr. on Plant
Prot., Abstracts. St. Petersburg, Dec. 1995, p. 72 (in Russian).
83a. Novozhilov K.V., Burov V.N., Vilkova N.A., Vlasov Yu.I., Voronin
K.E., Goncharov N.R., Grichanov I.Ya., et al., eds. All-Russian Congr.
on Plant Prot., Abstracts. St. Petersburg, Dec. 1995, 810 p.
84. Grichanov I.Ya. 1996. Bickelia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae),
a new genus from Indian Ocean islands. - Int. J. Dipter. Res., v.7, N 2,
p. 119-122.
85. Grichanov I.Ya. 1996. Eight new species
of the genus Mascaromyia Bickel (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Indian Ocean
islands. - Int. J. Dipter. Res., v.7, N 2, p. 109-118.
86. Grichanov I.Ya. 1996. Olegonegrobovia
pappi sp.n. from Tanzania (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). - Int. J. Dipter.
Res., v.7, N 2, p. 123-124.
87. Grichanov I.Ya. 1996. Afrotropical
species of the genus Tenuopus Curran (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). - Int.
J. Dipter. Res., v.7, N 2, p. 125-131.
88. Grichanov I.Ya. 1996. Afrotropical species
of the genus Condylostylus Bigot (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). - Int. J. Dipter.
Res., v.7, N 3, p. 217-222.
89. Grichanov I.Ya. 1996. Afrotropical
species of the genus Ethiosciapus Bickel (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). - Int.
J. Dipter. Res., v.7, N 3, p. 223-227.
90. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1996. Four new species
of the genus Amblypsilopus Bigot (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tropical
Africa and Papua New Guinea. - Int. J. Dipter. Res., v.7, N 4: 285--294.
91. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1996. The generic names
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the World. Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 7, N
4: 261--265.
92. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1996. Biodiversity of Dolichopodid flies
(Diptera) in tropical forests of Africa and Indian Ocean islands. Proc.
XX Intern. Congr. of Entomol., Firenze, Italy, 25-31 Aug. 1996, p. 98.
93. Grichanov, I.Ya. Babich N.V. 1996. International school on
decision support systems. Zashchita. i Karantin Rast, N 11, p. 43-44 (in
94. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1996. Biogeographical links of Afrotropical
Dolichopodid flies (Insecta: Diptera). Fifth Intern. Congr. of Syst. and
Evol. Biol., Abstracts, Budapest, Hungary, 17-24 Aug. 1996, p. 249.
95. Grichanov, I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Babich N.V. 1997. Menace
to harvest in North Caucasus. Zashchita Rast. (Suppl.) N 4, p. 8 (in Russian).
96. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1997. Five new species
of the genus Chrysosoma Guerin-Meneville (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from
Tropical Africa. - Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 8, N 1, pp. 29--42.
97. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1997. Gigantosciapus
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae), a new genus from Tropical Africa. - Int. J.
Dipter. Res., v. 8, N 1, pp. 79--83.
98. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1997. Predatory
flies of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in agroecosystems of the Northern
Caucasus. - Diptera (Insecta) in Ecosystems, St-Petersburg, pp. 42-43 (in
99. Malozemov, A.Yu., Grichanov,
I.Ya., Ovsyannikova, E.I. 1997. To the knowledge of ecology of the family
Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from the Northern Urals. - Diptera (Insecta) in
Ecosystems, St-Petersburg, pp. 78-79 (in Russian).
100. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1997. Integral criterion of phytosanitary
estimation of agricultural territories. - Proc. St.-Petersburg St. Agr.
Univ., p. 95 - 100 (in Russian).
101. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1997. A brief review
of the Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)
with descriptions of new species. Int. J. Dipter.
Res., v. 8, N 1, pp. 43--50.
102. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1997. Notes on Afrotropical
and Palearctic species of the genus Thinophilus Wahlberg (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)
with descriptions of new species. Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 8, N 3, pp.
103. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1997. Eight new
species of Medetera Fischer von Waldheim (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from
Tropical Africa. Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 8, N 4, pp. 173-179.
104. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1997. Four new species
of Saccopheronta Becker (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tropical Africa
with notes on the world fauna of the genus. Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 8,
N 3, pp. 123--134.
105. Grichanov, I.Ya.1997. A brief
review of the Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Hydrophorinae (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) with description of Cemocarus stuckenbergi sp.n. Int. J.
Dipter. Res., v. 8, N 3, pp. 149--157.
106. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1997. Prohercostomus,
a new subgenus of the genus Hercostomus Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)
from Baltic amber. - Paleontol. zhurn., no. 5, pp. 82--85 (in Russian).
[Engl. transl.: Paleontol. J., 1997, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 520--522].
107. Grichanov I.Ya., Mitrofanov V.B., Sazonov A.P., Saulich
M.I., Fedorova R.N. 1997. Integrated phytosanitary monitoring of pests
and deseases in ecologically safe technology of orchard protection. Problemy
fitosanitarnogo sostoyaniya rastenievodstva. Proc. All-Russian Congr. on
Plant Prot., St. Petersburg, Dec. 1995, p, 158--165 (in Russian).
108. Grichanov I.Ya., Bulyginskaya M.A., Babich N.V., Bukseyeva O.N.,
Ovsyannikova E.I., Selitskaya O.G., Shamshev I.V. 1997. Ecological variations
in species-specificity of Lepidopteran sex attractants and their role reproductive
isolation of species. Informatsionnyi byulleten RFFI, 5, 4(January): 375.
[Electronic publication].
109. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. New data on
distribution of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) species in Russia, Ukraine and
Kazakhstan. Problems of Entomology in Russia, St. Petersburg, vol. 1, pp.
102-104 (in Russian).
110. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. Similarity of Sex
Attractants in Lepidopteran Species in Relation to the Mechanisms of Reproductive
Isolation. XI European Congress of Lepidopterology, Malle, Belgium, 22-26
March 1998, Programme and Abstracts, p. 48.
111. Grichanov I.Y. et al. 1998. Field screening of minor components
of sex attractant for Apamea anceps noctuid moth. Bul. VIZR, N 78--79,
pp. 81—85 (in Russian).
112. Grichanov I.Y. et al. 1998. Peculiarities of seasonal dynamics
of male and female flight in noctuid moth Apamea anceps. Bul. VIZR, N 78--79,
pp. 86—93 (in Russian).
113. Grichanov I.Y., Azhbenov V.K. 1998. Recommendations on the practical
use of pheromone traps for noctuid moth Apamea anceps on summer wheat.
St.Petersburg, pp. 98—104 (in Russian).
114. Grichanov I.Ya. 1998. Afrotropical Sciapodinae
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae): distribution and taxonomy. Fourth
international congress of dipterology, 6-13 September, 1998, Abstracts
Volume, p. 67--68.
115. Grichanov I.Y., Bulyginskaya M.A., Ovsiannikova
E.I., Shamshev I.V., Selitskaya O.G. 1998. Species-specificity of sex attractants
for main lepidopteran pests in north-western Russia. Proc. Conf.: Screening
and Use of Biologically Active Compounds in Plant Protection, St. Petersburg,
19–20 October 1998, Abstracts, pp. 21–23 [in Russian].
116. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. Two new species of
Urodolichus Lamb (Dipte- ra: Dolichopodidae) from Madagascar. Int. J. Dipter.
Res., v. 9, N 1, pp. 23-26.
117. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. A new species of
Dactylonotus Parent (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from South Africa. Int. J.
Dipter. Res., v. 9, N 1, pp. 27-29.
118. Grichanov I.Y. 1998. Lepidoptera male pheromones
in relation to the origin of the pheromone system in insects. – Russ. Entomol.
J. (Moscow). Vol.7. No.1-2. P.77-82.
119. Negrobov, O.P. and Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998.
Notes on several types of Afrotropical Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)
with some new records. Bull. Inst. roy. Sci. natur. Belg. Entomol., 68,
pp. 143-149.
120. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. New data on Sciapodinae
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with a revised catalogue and keys to Afrotropical
species. Bull. Inst. roy. Sci. natur. Belg. Entomol., 68, pp. 79-130.
121. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. Two new species of
Campsicnemus Haliday (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tropical Africa. Int.
J. Dipter. Res., v. 9, N 2, pp. 109-113.
122. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. Afrotropical species
of the genus Tachytrechus Haliday (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Int. J. Dipter.
Res., v. 9, N 2, pp. 115-122.
123. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. Two new species of
Argyra Macquart (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tropical Africa. Int. J.
Dipter. Res., v. 9, N 3, pp. 179-182.
124. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. Afrotropical species
of the genus Acropsilus Mik (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Int. J. Dipter.
Res., v. 9, N 3, pp. 183-190.
125. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. Three new Afrotropical
species of the Australian genus Corindia Bickel (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
J. Dipter. Res., v. 9, N 3, pp. 191-194.
126. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. Two new species of
Craterophorus Lamb (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Indian Ocean islands.
Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 9, N 3, pp. 207-211.
127. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. Afrotropical species
of the genus Thrypticus Gerstaecker (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) Int. J. Dipter.
Res., v. 9, N3, pp. 213-220.
128. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1998. Afrotropical species
of the genus Lichtwardtia Enderlein (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Int. J.
Dipter. Res., v. 9, N 3, pp. 221-236.
129. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1999. Afrotropical species
of the genus Hercostomus Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Int. J.
Dipter. Res., v. 10, N 1, pp. 7-44.
130. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1999. A brief review
of the Afrotropical fauna of the subfamily Medeterinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)
with descriptions of a new genus and new species. Bull. Inst. roy. Sci.
natur. Belg. Entomol., 69: 87-112.
131. Grichanov, I.Ya. 1999. New species and new
records of Afrotropical Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Bull. Inst.
roy. Sci. natur. Belg. Entomol., 69 : 113-135.
132. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova
E.I. 1999. Approbation of white water traps for monitoring predatory flies
(Diptera, Empidoidea). XIV International Plant Protection Congress
(IPPC). Plant Protection Towards the Third Millennium - Where Chemistry
Meets Ecology. Jerusalem, July 25-30, 1999. Abstracts supplement: p. 188.
download here
133. Grichanov I.Ya., Bulyginskaya
M.A., Ovsyannikova E.I., Selitskaya O.G., Shamshev I.V. 1999. Geographical
variations in species-specificity of lepidopteran sex attractants. XIV
International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC). Plant Protection
Towards the Third Millennium - Where Chemistry Meets Ecology. Jerusalem,
July 25-30, 1999. Abstracts supplement: p. 188.
134. Grichanov I.Ya. 1999. Dolichopodidae
[larvae and pupae]. In: Key to freshwater invertebrates of Russia and adjacent
lands. St. Peterburg. Vol. 4 Ed. by E.P. Narchuk, D.V. Tumanov. High Insects.
Diptera. Pp.: 323-326 (key), 877 (figures). Tabl. 253. (in Russian).
135. Bulyginskaya M.A., Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Shamshev
I.V., Selitskaya O.G. 1999. Field screening of sex attractants for Lepidoptera
inhabiting North-Western Russia. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, vol. 78(10): 1179-1183.
[Engl. transl.: Entomol. Rev., 1999, 79, 8, p. 1006 - 1010].
136. Grichanov I.Ya. 1999. A check list
of genera of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera). Studia Dipterologica,
6(2): 327-332.
137. Grichanov,
I.Ya. 1999. Dolichopodidae Homepage: http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/porton/875/.
138. Grichanov I.Ya., Bulyginskaya M.A., Bukseyeva O.N., Ovsyannikova
E.I., Selitskaya O.G., Shamshev I.V. 1999. Ecological variations in species-specificity
of Lepidopteran sex attractants and their role reproductive isolation of
species. Informatsionnyi byulleten RFFI, 7, 4(January): 271. [Electronic
139. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2000. Dolichopodidae
(Diptera: Empidoidea). In: Brandberg Massif. Cimbebasia, 16(9): 227-230.
140. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2000. New Afrotropical
Sciapodinae and Medeterinae with a review of Namibian Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
. Studia dipterologica, 7(2): 399-435.
141. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2000. Notes on Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) from Ukrainian and Baltic amber. Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 11,
N 3, pp. 129-131.
142. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2000. Afrotropical Neurigoninae
and notes on the diaphorine genus Dactylonotus PARENT (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae). Belgian Journal of Entomology, 2: 257-271.
143. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2000. New Afrotropical
Sympycninae and redescription of European Peloropeodes acuticornis
(Oldenberg) (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 11, N 2,
pp. 77-102.
144. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2000. West-Palearctic
species of the genus Ludovicius (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Russian
Entomol. J., 9(3):269-274.
145. Nadykta V.D., Bulyginskaya M.A., Ismailov V.Ya., Grichanov I.Ya.,
Ovsyannikova E.I., Agasjeva I.S., Niyazov O.D., Nikolaeva Z.V., Emeljanov
V.A., Senichev V.S. 2000. Research into theoretical bases and practical
application technologies for pheromones of Lepidoptera orchard pests with
the purpose of their phytosanitary monitoring. Nauka Kubani, Krasnodar,
5(12), 2: 46-50 (in Russian).
146. Zakharenko V.A., Kuzmichev A.A., Plotnikov V.F., Pavlyushin V.A.,
Novozhilov K.V., Dolzhenko V.I., Nasedkina G.A.; Grichanov, I.Ya. et al.
2000. Extent and trends of species composition and population structure
changes, areas of harmful and useful organisms complexes, and forecast
of dangerous phytosanitary situations in Russian regions. St. Petersburg,
p. 1-100 (in Russian).
Grichanov, I.Ya. 2000. Laboratory for Phytosanitary Diagnostics and Forecasts
VIZR (Web Site): http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/porton/875/defaul.html.
148. Grichanov, I.Ya., Bulyginskaya M.A., Ovsyannikova E.I., 2001. Molecular
taxonomical approach in chemical ecology as a basis for monitoring Lepidoptera
in agriculture. Biologizatsia zashchity rastenii: sostoyanie i perspektivy,
Krasnodar, 1: 15-16 (in Russian).
149. Ovsyannikova E.I., Nikolaeva Z.V., Grichanov, I.Ya., Mottus E.R.
2001. New pheromone dispensers for Rhopobota naevana, Aphelia paleana and
Argyresthia conjugella. Biologizatsia zashchity rastenii: sostoyanie i
perspektivy, Krasnodar, 3: 61-63 (in Russian).
150. Ovsyannikova E.I., Nikolaeva Z.V., Mottus E., Ojarand A., Liblikas
I., Laanmaa M., Grichanov, I.Ya. 2001. Usage of pheromone dispensers for
monitoring of moths in North-European area. Practice oriented results on
the use of plant extracts and pheromones in pest control (Proc. intern.
workshop, Tartu, 24-25 Jan. 2001), Tartu: 101-109.
151. Makhotkin A.G., Grichanov, I.Ya.,
Ovsyannikova E.I. 2001. Water traps for Diptera monitoring. Zashchita i
Karantin Rastenii, 8: 36 (in Russian).
PDF-file download
Grichanov, I.Ya. 2001. Interactive data base on orchard phytosanitary monitoring
(Web Site in Russian): http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/porton/875/defaulrus.html.
153. Nikolaeva Z.V., Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Mottus E.,
Liblikas I., Ojarand A. Dispensers for monitoring of Cydia pomonella L.
// Agroekologicheskie problemy sovremennosti: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy
nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii 6-8 iiunia 2001 g., g. Kursk.- Kursk,
154. Nikolaeva Z.V., Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Mottus E.,
Liblikas I., Ojarand A. 2001. Activity of modified sex pheromones of Lepidoptera
pests of apple. AGRO XXI, 10: 14-15.
155. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Nadykta V.D., Agasjeva I.S.
2001. Monitoring of species composition of lepidopteran apple pests in
Krasnodar Territory by use of pheromones. Sovremennye tehnologii i perspektivy
ispol'zovaniia ekologicheski bezopasnykh sredstv zashchity rasteniy i reguliatorov
rosta. Tez. dokl., III seminar-soveshchanie, Anapa, 10-14 sentiabria, 2001.
Moskva, CINAO: 68-69.
156. Grichanov, I.Ya., Roy Danielsson
2001. Dolichopodidae (Diptera) new to the fauna of Sweden. Entomologisk
Tidskrift 122(3):131-134.
157. Grichanov I.Ya., Liblikas I., Mottus E., Nikolaeva Z., Ojarand
A., Ovsyannikova E. 2001. On the variability of Archips podana (Lepidoptera:
Tortricidae). Ustoichivoe razvitie gornykh territorii. Tez. dokl. uchastn.
4 mezhdunarod. konf., Vladikavkaz: 365-367.
158. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2001. Afrotropical Syntormon
Loew and new synonyms in the genus Rhaphium Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 12(4): 181-194.
159. Ovsyannikova E.I., Nikolaeva Z.V., Grichanov, I.Ya. Mottus E., Liblikas
I., Ojarand A. 2002. Modified dispensers for the leafrollers monitoring.
Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 3: 42-43 (in Russian).
160. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2002. Method of monitoring
Lepidopteran imagoes in orchards by use of pheromone traps and sum of degree
days. Metody monitoringa i prognoza razvitiya vrednykh organizmov, Moscow-Saint-Petersburg,
RASKhN: 46-51 (in Russian).
161. Zakharenko V.A., Grichanov I.Ya. (Eds.) 2002. Methods of Monitoring
and Forecast of Noxious Organisms [in Agriculture], Moscow-Saint-Petersburg,
RASKhN: 1-96 (in Russian).
162. Grichanov, I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2002. First Report on the
Fauna and Ecology of Predatory Dolichopodid Flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)
of Pskov Province. Entomol. obozrenie., 81(4): 834-842 (in Russian; Engl.
transl. Entomological Review, 2002, 82(7): 832).
163. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2002. General information about important pests
on different crops in NW Russia. Crop Protection Conference - Pests, Diseases
and Weeds, St.Petersburg - Pushkin, May 28-30, 2002. Conference Report:
164. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2002. Information technologies of phytosanitary
monitoring in the All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection. Crop Protection
Conference - Pests, Diseases and Weeds, St.Petersburg - Pushkin, May 28-30,
2002. Conference Report: 59-61.
165. Sigvald R., Grichanov, I.Ya., Kostitsyn V.V. (Eds.) 2002. Crop
Protection Conference - Pests, Diseases and Weeds, St.Petersburg - Pushkin,
May 28-30, 2002. Conference Report: 1-143.
166. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2002. The development of codling
moth Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in North-western region
of Russia in climate warming conditions. XII s’ezd Russkogo Entomologicheskogo
obshchestva, Saint Petersburg, 19-24 August 2002 (Abstracts): 261 (in Russian).
167. Grichanov I.Ya. 2002. New and rare Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in
the fauna of Russia. XII s’ezd Russkogo Entomologicheskogo obshchestva,
Saint Petersburg, 19-24 August 2002 (Abstracts): 90-91 (in Russian).
168. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2002. A check list of Swedish Dolichopodidae
(Diptera). – Ent. Tidskr. 123(3):119-130.
169. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2002. A new species of Systenus Loew (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from Israel. – Studia Dipterologica, 9(1):219-223.
170. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2002. A check list of Estonian Dolichopodidae
(Diptera). Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 13(2): 127-133.
171. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2002. A check list of Yakutian Dolichopodidae
(Diptera). Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 13(2): 121-125.
172. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2002. Development of the codling
moth under conditions of climate warming in the European part of Russia.
Plant Protection News (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin), 3: 20-28 (in Russian).
173. Zakharenko V.A., Ovsyankina A.V., …, Grichanov I.Ya., Frolov A.N.,
Kuznetsova T.A., Karlik F.A. 2003. Maps of distribution of pests, pathotypes,
virulent genes of pathogens, phytophages, entomopathogens on the territory
of Russian Federation. Moscow: RASKhN (No. 5): 1-64 (in Russian).
174. Sigvald, R., Grichanov, I.Ya. (Eds.) 2003. Crop Protection Conference
- Pests, Diseases and Weeds, St.Petersburg - Pushkin, May 28-30, 2002.
Conference Report 01, Uppsala, SLU: 1-292.
175. Sigvald, R., Grichanov, I.Ya., Kostitsyn, V.V. 2003. Foreword.
Crop Protection Conference - Pests, Diseases and Weeds, St.Petersburg -
Pushkin, May 28-30, 2002. Conference Report 01, Uppsala, SLU: 3.
176. Pavlyushin, V.A., Grichanov, I.Ya. 2003. The All-Russian Institute
of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Crop Protection Conference
- Pests, Diseases and Weeds, St.Petersburg - Pushkin, May 28-30, 2002.
Conference Report 01, Uppsala, SLU: 17-18.
177. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2003. General information about important pests
on different crops in NW Russia. Crop Protection Conference - Pests, Diseases
and Weeds, St.Petersburg - Pushkin, May 28-30, 2002. Conference Report
01, Uppsala, SLU: 19-25.
178. Grichanov, I.Ya., Saulich, M.I. 2003. Information technologies
of monitoring pests, diseases and weeds distribution. Crop Protection Conference
- Pests, Diseases and Weeds, St.Petersburg - Pushkin, May 28-30, 2002.
Conference Report 01, Uppsala, SLU: 45-53.
179. Ovsyannikova, E.I., Grichanov, I.Ya. 2003. Pheromone monitoring
of nocturnal lepidopteran pests in NW Russia under conditions of climate
warming. Crop Protection Conference - Pests, Diseases and Weeds, St.Petersburg
- Pushkin, May 28-30, 2002. Conference Report 01, Uppsala, SLU: 165-177.
180. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2003. Visit of Russian delegation to Sweden.
Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 1: 54-55 (in Russian).
181. I.Ya.Grichanov. 2003. Afrotropical
predatory long-legged flies Dolichopodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Abstracts
of XXVI Nordic-Baltic Congress of Entomology, Skalupes, Latvia, July 8-13,
2003: 15-16.
182. I.Ya.Grichanov. 2003. Geographical
relations of Madagascan predatory long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae).
Abstracts of XXVI Nordic-Baltic Congress of Entomology, Skalupes, Latvia,
July 8-13, 2003: 16.
183. Grichanov I.Y. 2003. A check list of species of the family Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) of the World arranged by alphabetic list of generic names. http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/porton/875/Genera3.htm
184. Przhiboro, A.A., Grichanov, I.Ya. 2003 (2002). Three new records
of Dolichopodidae from NW Russia (Diptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 11(2):
185. Grichanov, I.Ya. (Ed.) 2003. Crop Protection Workshop - Pests,
Diseases and Weeds, St.Petersburg - Pushkin, Abstracts. St.Petersburg -
Pushkin, October 28-29, 2003. St.Petersburg - Pushkin: 1-60.
186. Sigvald, R., Grichanov, I.Ya. 2003. Foreword. Crop Protection
Workshop - Pests, Diseases and Weeds, Abstracts. St.Petersburg - Pushkin,
October 28-29, 2003. St.Petersburg - Pushkin: 5.
187. Ovsyannikova, E.I., Grichanov, I.Ya. 2003. Monitoring lepidopteran
pests in orchards of NW Russia by use of new synthetic sex attractants.
Crop Protection Workshop - Pests, Diseases and Weeds, Abstracts. St.Petersburg
- Pushkin, October 28-29, 2003. St.Petersburg - Pushkin: 39-40.
188. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2003. Notes on Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the
Karelian Republic of the Russian Federation. Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 14(1):
189. Kalinkin V.M., Maslak A.A., Grichanov, I.Ya. 2003. A planning
and analysis of experiment with an estimation of efficiency of isecticides
against lepidopteran pests of orchards. In: Ratsional’noe prirodopol’zovanie
i sel’skokhozyaistvennoe proizvodstvo v yuzhnykh regionakh Rossiiskoi Federatsii.
Moscow: Sovremennye tetradi, p.467-476 (in Russian).
190. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2003. New Afrotropical Sciapodinae (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) with some new synonymy. Russian Entomol. J. 12(3): 329–346.
191. Makhotkin A.G., Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov, I.Ya., Makhotkina
L.Ya. 2003. Features of warning system for the Codling Moth. Agro XXI.
N 7-12, p. 26 (in Russian).
192. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2004. Review of Afrotropical Dolichopodinae (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae). St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS (Plant Protection News Suppl.,
ISSN 1815-3682): 244+1 pp.http://www.vestnik.iczr.ru/engl/suppl.html
193. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2004. A list of Dolichopodidae from the Tyresta
National Park, Sweden, with description of a new species of the genus Rhaphium
Meigen (Diptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 2003, 12(2): 267-269.
194. Grichanov, I.Ya., Polevoi, A.V. 2004. Dolichopodidae of Russian
Karelia (Diptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 2003, 12(2): 271-275.
195. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2004. (translation from English into Russian).
Bjorn Andersson, Goran Gustafsson, Magnus Sandstrom, Peder Waern, Roland
Sigvald. Thresholds and recommendations for the control of pests and diseases
on cereals and potatoes in Sweden. Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection
News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin), 1: 25-41 (in Russian).
196. Makhotkin A.G., Makhotkina L.Ya., Grichanov, I.Ya., Ovsyannikova
E.I. 2004. Pheromone monitoring of Cydia pomonella. Zashchita i Karantin
Rastenii, 5: 47-48 (in Russian).
197. Nartshuk E.P., Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich M.I.
2004. Area and zone of harmfulness of Opomyza florum (Fabr.) (Diptera,
Opomyzidae). Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
2: 88-89 (in Russian).
198. Grichanov I.Ya. 2004. Russian-English and English-Russian dictionary
for entomologists. St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS, 116 p.
199. Kahanpaa Jere, Grichanov I.Ya. 2004. A check-list of Finnish long-legged
flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 15(1): 57-62.
200. Grichanov I.Ya. 2004. Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in the fauna of
Murmansk Region. Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 15(1): 63-72.
201. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2004. A revised check list of Swedish Dolichopodidae
(Diptera). Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 15(2): 111-121.
202. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2004. Keys to Swedish genera and species of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera). Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 15(2): 123-161.
203. Liblikas, I., Mottus, E., Nikolaeva, Z.V., Ojarand, A., Borg-Karlson
A.-K., Ovsyannikova, E.I., Grichanov, I.Ya., Ivanova, T.V. and Yemeljanov,
V.A. 2004. Variability of genitalia and pheromone communication channels
of Archips podana (Scopoli) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Proc. Estonian
Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. 53(2): 75–87.
204. Frolov A.N, Grichanov I.Ya. (Eds.). 2004. Russian-French Crop
Protection Workshop – Population Ecology of Lepidopterous Pests (St. Petersburg
– Pushkin, October 28, 2004). Abstracts. St.Petersburg – Pushkin: VIZR,
20 p.
205. Grichanov I.Ya. 2004. A preliminary list of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
of Abkhazia. Int. J. Dipter. Res., v. 15(3): 205-209.
206. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich M.I., Shatalkin A.I. 2005.
Area and zone of harmfulness of Chamaepsila rosae (Fabr.) (Diptera, Psilidae).
Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
1: 72-74 (in Russian; Engl. transl.: Plant Protection News, 2005, 1: 69-71).
207. Grichanov, I.Ya. (Ed.) 2005. Crop Protection Conference - Management
aspects of crop protection and sustainable agriculture: Research, development
and information systems (St.Petersburg - Pushkin, May 31-June 3, 2005).
Abstracts. - St.Petersburg - Pushkin: 1-96.
208. Sigvald, R., Grichanov, I.Ya., Anisimov A., Minin V. 2005. Foreword.
In: Crop Protection Conference - Management aspects of crop protection
and sustainable agriculture: Research, development and information systems
(St.Petersburg - Pushkin, May 31-June 3, 2005). Abstracts. - St.Petersburg
– Pushkin: 4.
209. Afonin A.N., Greene S.L., Frolov A.N., Dzyubenko N.I., Levitin
M.M., Grichanov I.Ya., Luneva N.N., Saulich M.I. 2005. A GIS-based interactive
agricultural atlas of the Former Soviet Union with special reference to
ranges of agricultural pest organisms. In: Crop Protection Conference -
Management aspects of crop protection and sustainable agriculture: Research,
development and information systems (St.Petersburg - Pushkin, May 31-June
3, 2005). Abstracts. - St.Petersburg – Pushkin: 5-7.
210. Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A. 2005. Harmonization of Russian and
International Laws on plant protection: a current status. In: Crop Protection
Conference - Management aspects of crop protection and sustainable agriculture:
Research, development and information systems (St.Petersburg - Pushkin,
May 31-June 3, 2005). Abstracts. - St.Petersburg – Pushkin: 29-31 (in Russian).
211. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Kuvarzina S., Kamyshkova K.
2005. Pheromone monitoring of Lampronia capitella Cl. (Lepidoptera: Incurvariidae)
and moth flight under different weather conditions. In: Crop Protection
Conference - Management aspects of crop protection and sustainable agriculture:
Research, development and information systems (St.Petersburg - Pushkin,
May 31-June 3, 2005). Abstracts. - St.Petersburg – Pushkin: 60-62 (in Russian).
212. Saulich M.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2005. Methods of mapping of agricultural
pest organisms. In: Crop Protection Conference - Management aspects of
crop protection and sustainable agriculture: Research, development and
information systems (St.Petersburg - Pushkin, May 31-June 3, 2005). Abstracts.
- St.Petersburg – Pushkin: 76-78 (in Russian).
213. Grichanov I.Y., Bulyginskaya M.A., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2005. In
memory of E.R. Mottus. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 6: 47 (in Russian).
214. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2005. Pheromones for phytosanitary
monitoring of Lepidoptera pests.– St.Petersburg – Pushkin: VIZR RAAS, 244
p. (Plant Protection News, Supplement). ISSN 1815-3682, ISBN 5-93717-025-3
(in Russian).http://www.vestnik.iczr.ru/engl/suppl.html
215. Greene S. L., A. N. Afonin, A. N. Frolov, N. I. Dzyubenko M. M.
Levitin, I. Ya. Grichanov, N. N. Luneva, M. I. Saulich. 2005. Electronic
collection of agricultural crops, their wild-growing relatives and pest
organisms within the Former Soviet Union. In: Taxonomic Databases Working
Group, 2005 Annual Meeting, 11-18 September 2005, St Petersburg, Russia.
Abstracts. St.Petersburg, Berlin and London, p. 12 [http://www.tdwg.org/2005meet/TDWG2005_Abstract_24.htm]
216. Grichanov I.Ya. 2005. An Internet-based information resource on
the family Dolichopodidae (Insecta: Diptera). In: Taxonomic Databases Working
Group, 2005 Annual Meeting, 11-18 September 2005, St Petersburg, Russia.
Abstracts. St.Petersburg, Berlin and London, p. 12-13 [http://www.tdwg.org/2005meet/TDWG2005_Abstract_25.htm]
217. Pavlyushin V.A., A.N.Frolov, I.Ya.Grichanov, M.M.Levitin, N.N.Luneva,
M.I.Saulich (Eds.). 2005. Areas and zones of harmfulness of main agricultural
weeds, pests and diseases. St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS, 2005, 84 p. (in Russian).
218. Grichanov I.Ya. 2005. Aeropus sibiricus L., Calliptamus italicus
L., Dociostaurus marrocanus Thunb., Locusta migratoria L. In: Pavlyushin
V.A. et al., eds. Areas and zones of harmfulness of main agricultural weeds,
pests and diseases. St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS, p. 49-55 (in Russian).
219. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2005. Mamestra brassicae L.,
Apamea anceps Den. et Schiff., Eurygaster integriceps Put. In: Pavlyushin
V.A. et al., eds. Areas and zones of harmfulness of main agricultural weeds,
pests and diseases. St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS, p. 56-61 (in Russian).
220. Grichanov I.Ya. 2005. Requirements to safety of objects of the
legal regulation that are necessary for maintenance of veterinary-sanitary
and phytosanitary welfare on the territory of the Russian Federation. Zashchita
i Karantin Rastenii, 9: 13-15 (in Russian). (www.z-i-k-r.ru/interest/interest4.html)
221. Negrobov, O.P., Grichanov, I.Ya. 2005. A new species of the genus
Diaphorus from Tajikistan (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Zoosystematica Rossica,
14(1): 169-170.
222. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2005. Systematic notes on Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
of Tristan da Cunha. Zoosystematica Rossica, 14(1): 171-172.
223. Grichanov I.Ya. 2005. Sex pheromones of harmful Lepidoptera (Insecta)
for phytosanitary monitoring. Second All-Russian Congress of Plant Protection.
Saint Petersburg, 5-10 December, 2005. Phytosanitary improvement of ecosystems
(Materials of Congress in two volumes). V. 1. Saint Petersburg: 22-25 (in
224. Ivanova G.P., Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Velikan' V.S.,
Belykh E.B. 2005. Prospects of pheromone monitoring of Noctuidae (Lepidoptera)
in hothouses of northwestern Russia. Second All-Russian Congress of Plant
Protection. Saint Petersburg, 5-10 December, 2005. Phytosanitary improvement
of ecosystems (Materials of Congress in two volumes). V. 1. Saint Petersburg:
37-38 (in Russian).
225. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya., David'yan G.E., Berim M.N.
2005. Experience of mapping of areas and zones of damage of insect pests
of fruit crops. Second All-Russian Congress of Plant Protection. Saint
Petersburg, 5-10 December, 2005. Phytosanitary improvement of ecosystems
(Materials of Congress in two volumes). V. 1. Saint Petersburg: 66-70 (in
226. Pavlyushin V.A., Frolov A.N., Saulich M.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Levitin
M.M., Luneva N.N., David'yan G.E., Ovsjannikova E.I., Karlik F.A., Berim
M.N., Fasulati S.R., Gus'kova L.A., Chumakov M.A., Kuznetsova T.A., Budrevskaya
I.A., Doronina A.I., Kravchenko O.E., Larina S.J., Nadtochii I.N., Sokolova
T.D., Khlopunova L.B., Kungurtseva O.V., Dmitriev A.P., Afanasenko O.S.,
Mihajlova L.A., Bil'der I.V., Gagkaeva T.J., Gasich E.L., Gul'tyaeva E.I.,
Tsyplenkov A.E., Yakutkin V.I., Ishkova T.I., Troyan V.N., Afonin A.N.,
Li Yu.S., Shaulite M.S., Greene S.L. 2005. Maps of distribution and harmfulness
of weed plants, pests and diseases of cultural plants as the major part
of the computer agricultural atlas of Russia and adjacent countries. Second
All-Russian Congress of Plant Protection. Saint Petersburg, 5-10 December,
2005. Phytosanitary improvement of ecosystems (Materials of Congress in
two volumes). V. 1. Saint Petersburg: 70-73 (in Russian).
227. Grichanov I.Ya. 2005. Phytosanitary standards of the European
and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. Second All-Russian Congress
of Plant Protection. Saint Petersburg, 5-10 December, 2005. Phytosanitary
improvement of ecosystems (Materials of Congress in two volumes). V. 2.
Saint Petersburg: 474-476 (in Russian).
228. Grichanov I.Ya. 2005. Russian-English and English-Russian dictionary
for entomologists. 2nd ed., corrected. St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS, 116 p.
229. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya. 2006. A new species of the genus Argyra
Macquart (Dolichopodidae, Diptera) from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Zoosystematica
Rossica, 14(2), 2005: 279-280.
230. Grichanov I.Ya. 2006. Scientific
basis for the use of synthetic sex pheromones of Lepidoptera pests in phytosanitary
monitoring. Abstract of Thesis for a Doctor's Degree in Biology: St.Petersburg
– Pushkin: VIZR RAAS, 48 p. (in Russian).
231. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2006. A checklist and keys to North European
genera and species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera). St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS
(Plant Protection
News Suppl., ISSN 1815-3682): 120+1 pp.PDF-file
download here
232. Grichanov I.Ya. 2006. New genera and new combinations for afrotropical
Dolichopodinae (Dolichopodidae, Diptera). Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 17(1):
233. Grichanov I. Ya., Kustov S. Yu., Volfov B. I. 2006. A checklist
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of Krasnodar Territory and Adygea (Russia).
Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 17(1): 35-55.
234. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Matov A.Yu., Saulich M.I.
2006. On area and harmfulness of common quaker moth Orthosia (Monima) cerasi
(Fabricius) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant
Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin), 2: 66-68 (in Russian).
235. Kahanpaa, J., Grichanov, I. 2006. Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) new for the fauna of Finland. Entomol. Fennica 17(2): 73-78.
236. Grichanov, I.Ya. Notes on taxonomy of Dolichopodinae
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Sixth International Congress of Dipterology,
Fukuoka, September 2006. Abstracts: 90-91. www.nadsdiptera.org/ICD/AbstractsICD6.pdf
237. Grichanov, I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. Diptera
in the cartographical database of agricultural plant pests of Russia and
adjacent countries. Sixth International Congress of Dipterology, Fukuoka,
September 2006. Abstracts: 88-89. www.nadsdiptera.org/ICD/AbstractsICD6.pdf
238. Grichanov I.Ya., Bagachanova A.K. 2006. New data on the distribution
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in Yakutia (Siberia). Int. J. Dipterol. Res.,
17(2): 127–140.
239. Grichanov I.Ya. 2006. A checklist of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
of Khabarovsk Territory and Jewish Autonomous Region (Russia). Int. J.
Dipterol. Res., 17(3): 167–175.
240. Grichanov I.Ya. 2006. A preliminary list of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
types in the collections of Swedish Museums. Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 17(3):
241. Grichanov I.Ya. 2006. First report on Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Vologda Region (Russia) and notes on the North European fauna of the
family. Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 17(4): 219–223.
242. Grichanov, I.Ya., Kirk-Spriggs, A.H., Grootaert, P. 2006. An annotated
checklist of Namibian Dolichopodidae (Diptera) with the description of
a new species of Grootaertia and a key to species of the genus. African
Invertebrates 47: 207-227.
243. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2006. Systematic and faunistic notes on Afrotropical
Chaetogonopteron De Meijere (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Sympycninae). Zoosystematica
Rossica, 15(1): 167-168.
244. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2007. [Harmonization of Russian and international
laws on plant protection. Abstract]. In: Danilenkova, G.A. Phytosanitary
monitoring today and tomorrow. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 1: 48-49
(in Russian).
245. Grichanov I.Ya., Volfov B.I., Kustov S.Yu. 2007(2006). New data
on the distribution of predatory Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in the North-Western
Caucasus. Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
2006, 4: 3-16. PDF-file
download here
246. Neimorovets V.V., Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich
M.I. 2007(2006). Area and zones of harmfulness of Eurygaster integriceps
Puton (Heteroptera, Scutelleridae). Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection
News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin), 2006, 4: 27-31 (in Russian).
247. Novozhilov K.V., Grichanov I.Ya. (manuscript preparation
for publication). E.M.Shumakov (1910-1997). From notes on long-term interest
in the locust problem. Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News)
(Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin), 2006, 4: 37-62 (in Russian).
248. Grichanov I.Ya. 2007. Possibilities of application of predatory
long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) for biological control of pests.
Information Bulletin EPRS IOBC, 38: 94-95. PDF-file
download here
249. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2007. The influence of climate
change on agricultural pest development in NW Russia. [First] Internat.
Forum «Ground and Crop», 5-8 June 2007, Saint-Petersburg. Abstracts. Saint-Petersburg:
Farexpo, p. 80-81 (in Russian).
250. Neimorovets V.V., Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich
M.I. 2007. Area and zones of harmfulness of Polymerus cognatus (Fieb.)
(Miridae, Heteroptera). Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News)
(Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin), 2: 55-57 (in Russian).
251. Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A. 2007. Harmonization of plant protection
legislation when entering of Russia into WTO. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii,
7: 4-7 (in Russian).
252. Neimorovets V.V., Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich
M.I. 2007. Area and zones of harmfulness of Adelphocoris lineolatus Goeze
(Scutelleridae, Heteroptera). Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection
News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin), 3: 62-62 (in Russian).
253. Grichanov I.Ya., Makhotkin A.G. 2007. Technique for mounting and
preparation of Diptera flies. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 9: 44-45 (in
download here
254. Grichanov I.Ya. 2007. Development of an Internet-based information
resource on the family Dolichopodidae (Insecta: Diptera). In: Problems
and perspectives of general entomology. Abstracts. XIII Congr. Russ. Entom.
Soc., Krasnodar, 9-15 Sept., 2007, p. 85-86.PDF-file
download here
255. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2007. Analysis of results of
mapping zones of harmfullness of Lepidoptera. In: Contribution of entomology
to agroindustrial complex, forestry and medicine. Abstracts. XIII Congr.
Russ. Entom. Soc., Krasnodar, 9-15 Sept., 2007, p. 150-151 (in Russian).
256. Grichanov I.Ya., Frolov A.N. 2007. Trends of development of phytosanitary
monitoring: entomological view. In: Contribution of entomology to agroindustrial
complex, forestry and medicine. Abstracts. XIII Congr. Russ. Entom. Soc.,
Krasnodar, 9-15 Sept., 2007, p. 58-59 (in Russian).
257. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2007. The influence of climate
change on agricultural insect pest development in Russia. In: NJF
seminar 402. Virus vector management in a changing climate. Preliminary
report. Kristianstad, Sweden, 9-11 October 2007. Pp. 59-60.
258. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2007. North European insects in the cartographical
database of agricultural plant pests of Russia and adjacent countries.
In: NJF seminar 402. Virus vector management in a changing climate. Preliminary
report. Kristianstad, Sweden, 9-11 October 2007. Pp. 61-62.
259. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2007. A checklist and keys to Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) of the Caucasus and East Mediterranean. St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS
(Plant Protection
News Suppl., ISSN 1815-3682): 160 p. PDF-file
download here
260. Grichanov I.Ya. 2007. New data on the distribution of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) in the Russian Altai (Siberia). Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 18(2):
261. Grichanov, I.Ya., Bert Viklund. 2007. Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
new to the fauna of Sweden. Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 18(2): 113–118.
262. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2007. New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from the Middle East. Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 18(3): 141–153.
263. Grichanov I.Ya., Tonguc A., Civelek H.S., Vikhrev N.E., Ozgul
O., Dursun O. 2007. Review of Turkish Dolichopodidae (Diptera) with first
description of male Hercostomus phoebus Parent, 1927, new synonyms and
new records. Caucasian Entomological Bull. 3(2): 261-268.
264. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2007. First data on Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
of the Central Chernozem Nature Reserve (Kursk Region, Russia). Int. J.
Dipterol. Res., 18(4): 213–216.
265. Grichanov, I.Ya., Volfov, B.I., Kustov, S.Yu. 2007. New records
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from the Caucasus. Int. J. Dipterol. Res.,
18(4): 279–296.
266. Sigvald R., Grichanov I. 2007. Integrated Pest Management, especially
forecasting and information systems in North-West Russia. In: Sb. tez.
VIII mezhd. ekol. foruma «Den’ Baltiiskogo morya». SPb: Dialog, p. 287-288
(in Russian).
267. Grichanov I.Ya., Popov G.V. 2007. Peloropeodes acuticornis (Oldenberg,
1916) (Dolichopodidae). In.: Zamotajlov A.S., ed. Red Data Book of Krasnodar
Territory (Animals). Second edition. Krasnodar: Administration of Krasnodar
Territory, p. 229-230 (in Russian).
268. Grichanov I.Ya., Volfov B.I. 2008. Predatory Dolichopodidae – promising
entomophages. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 2: 60-61 (in Russian).
269. Grichanov I.Ya. 2008. Systematics of the genus Epithalassius Mik,
1891 (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Caucasian Entomological Bull. 4(1): 131-136.
270. Grichanov I.Ya. 2008. Systematic notes on Sciapodinae from Baltic
amber and on Dolichopodidae from Tanzanian copal (Diptera). Caucasian Entomological
Bull. 4(1): 137-139. See http://fossilinsects.net/lib.htm
271. Grichanov I.Ya., Sigvald R. (Eds.). 2008. International conference
– Information systems of diagnostics, monitoring and forecasting the major
weed plants, pests and diseases of agricultural crops, St.Petersburg -
Pushkin, May 12-16, 2008. Abstracts. – St.Petersburg – Pushkin: 1-120.
1.2 MB
272. Sigvald R., Grichanov I.Ya., Anisimov A. 2008. Foreword. In: International
conference – Information systems of diagnostics, monitoring and forecasting
the major weed plants, pests and diseases of agricultural crops (St.Petersburg
– Pushkin, May 12-16, 2008). Abstracts. – St.Petersburg – Pushkin: 3-4.
273. Frolov A.N., Grichanov I.Ya., Luneva N.N., Saulich M.I. 2008.
Agricultural computerized atlas of Russia and neighbor countries: weeds,
pests and diseases of cultivated plants. In: International conference –
Information systems of diagnostics, monitoring and forecasting the major
weed plants, pests and diseases of agricultural crops (St.Petersburg –
Pushkin, May 12-16, 2008). Abstracts. – St.Petersburg – Pushkin: 27-29.
274. Grichanov I.Ya. 2008. Information-diagnostic complexes for phytosanitary
monitoring. In: International conference – Information systems of diagnostics,
monitoring and forecasting the major weed plants, pests and diseases of
agricultural crops (St.Petersburg – Pushkin, May 12-16, 2008). Abstracts.
– St.Petersburg – Pushkin: 29-31.
275. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2008. Zones of harmfulness
of Lepidoptera - pests of agricultural crops. In: International conference
– Information systems of diagnostics, monitoring and forecasting the major
weed plants, pests and diseases of agricultural crops (St.Petersburg –
Pushkin, May 12-16, 2008). Abstracts. – St.Petersburg – Pushkin: 68-71.
276. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2008. Afrotropical Sympycnus Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
Int. J. Dipterol. Res. 19(1): 17–65.
277. Frolov A., Grichanov I., Saulich M., Ovsyannikova E., Davidyan
G., Berim M., Malysh J. Afonin A., Greene S. 2008. Electronic agricultural
atlas of insect pests and other harmful organisms of the Former Soviet
Union. In: XXIII International Congress of Entomology, 6 - 12 July, 2008:
International Convention Centre, Durban. Abstracts CD: No ICE2008_1663.
download here
278. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2008. Dolichopodid species number in the North
and South of West Palearctic (Diptera): Explanation of differences and
forecast. In: XXIII International Congress of Entomology, 6 - 12 July,
2008: International Convention Centre, Durban. Abstracts CD: No ICE2008_1124.
download here
279. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2008. Sciapodinae from Baltic amber (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae): systematic position and possible palaeoclimatic implications.
In: XXIII International Congress of Entomology, 6 - 12 July, 2008: International
Convention Centre, Durban. Abstracts CD: No ICE2008_1192. PDF-file
download here
280. Grichanov, I.Ya. (about) 2008. To the birthday anniversary of
Grichanov I.Ya. Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
3: 78 (in Russian).
281. Shamshev I.V., Grichanov I.Ya. 2008. Pheromones in phytosanitary
technologies. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 9: 22-23 (in Russian).
282. Lysov A.K., Grichanov I.Ya. 2008. Biobeds for sprayers. Zashchita
i Karantin Rastenii, 11: 35-36 (in Russian).
283. Grichanov, I. Ya., Mostovski, M. B. 2008. Meuffelsia, a new genus
of long-legged flies from South Africa, with a key to Afrotropical peloropeodine
and allied genera (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). African Invertebrates (A journal
of biodiversity) 49(2): 159–170. http://palaeoentomolog.ru/Publ/GrichanovMostovski_AI_49_2_LO.pdf
284. Grootaert, P., Grichanov, I.Ya. 2008. A first record of Cymatopus
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Madagascar with the description of a new
species. Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique.
Entomologie 78: 275-278.
285. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. Insect pests
(82 species). In: «Agricultural atlas of Russia and adjacent countries:
plants, weeds, pests and diseases of cultivated plants». Saint-Petersburg,
2003-2009. Accessed: http://www.agroatlas.ru/en/
286. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2009. On the phytosanitary
terminology. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 4: 18-19 (in Russian).
287. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2009. Periodicals and multivolume
transactions of the All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection. Vestnik
zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
2: 68-70 (in Russian).
288. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya., Barkalov
A.V. 2009. The Dolichopus latipennis species group (=Hygroceleuthus Loew)
in the Palearctic Region (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Zootaxa 2087: 37-45.
289. Grichanov I.Ya. 2009. Systematics of the
genus Euxiphocerus Parent 1935 (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Caucasian Entomological
Bull. 5(1): 127-131.
290. Tonguc A., Grichanov I., Kechev M. 2009.
New Records of the Family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Turkey. Acta Zoologica
Bulgarica 61(2): 213-216.
291. Grichanov I.Ya., Vikhrev N.E. 2009. Mediterranean
species of the Medetera plumbella species group with description of a new
peculiar species from Morocco. Zootaxa 2170: 46–52.
292. Grichanov I.Ya., Volfov B.I. 2009. A new
and rare species of the genus Campsicnemus Walker (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)
in the fauna of Russia. Entomol. obozrenie, 88(3): 685-688 (Entomological
Review, 89(8): 962–964).
293. Grichanov, I. Ya., Mostovski, M. B. 2009.
Long-legged flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) in the collection of the Natal
Museum: A review of C.H. Curran’s types, new synonyms, and new combinations.
Zootaxa 2194: 37-53.
294. Grichanov I.Ya. 2009. A new species of Campsicnemus
Haliday from Azerbaijan with a key to the Palearctic species of the genus
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Far Eastern Entomologist 198: 1-16.
295. Grichanov I.Ya., Belousov I.A., Luneva N.I.,
Saulich M.I, Frolov A.N. 2009. Information technologies and systems for
phytosanitary diagnostics and monitoring of phytosanitary emergency situations.
In: 5th International Scientific Conference of Iran and Russia on Agricultural
Development Problems. Heads of reports. Saint-Petersburg, October 8-9,
2009, p. 129-131 (in English and Russian). http://spbgau.ru/files/nid/514/tezis.doc
296. Grichanov I.Ya. 2009. Plant quarantine [pp.
81-82]. In: Osipov Yu.S., Kravets S.L., eds. Great Russian Encyclopedia
in 30 vol. V. 13. Moscow: Bol’shaya Rossiiskaya entsiklopediya, 783 p.
(in Russian).
297. Barkalov A.V., Negrobov O.P., Grichanov
I.Ya. 2009. The Dolichopus planitarsis species group in the Palearctic
Region (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description of a new species from
the Russian Altai. Zootaxa 2268: 59–64.
298. Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.) 2009. Efficient and
accurate technologies and methods of phytosanitary monitoring. Saint-Petersburg:
VIZR, p. 1–84 (in Russian).
299. Grichanov I.Ya. 2009. Method of Diptera
identification by use of digital equipment and Internet. In: Grichanov
I.Ya. (Ed.). Efficient and accurate technologies and methods of phytosanitary
monitoring. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR, p. 69–72 (in Russian).
300. Grichanov I.Ya., Tomkovich K.P. 2009. New
data on the distribution of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in Azerbaijan. Int.
J. Dipterol. Res., 20(2): 99–110.
301. Grichanov, I. Ya., Volfov, B. I., Kustov,
S. Yu. 2009. New data on the distribution of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in
Adygea. Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 20(3): 121–131.
302. Grichanov, I. Ya., Urban R. 2009. New records
of Afrotropical Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from the South African National
Collection of Insects. Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 20(3): 133–135.
303. Grichanov, I. Ya., Mostovski, M. B. 2009.
Discovery of Systenus in the Afrotropical Region with a description of
a new species (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 18(2):
304. Grichanov I.Ya. 2009. Review of the genus
Dolichophorus Lichtwardt, 1902 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae, Medeterinae).
Far Eastern Entomologist 201: 1-16.
305. Grichanov, I. Ya. 2009. New records for
Mediterranean Dolichopodidae (Diptera). Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 20(4):
306. Grichanov I.Ya. 2009. A new species of Dolichopus
Latreille, 1796 from Tajikistan (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Caucasian Entomological
Bull. 5(2): 275–276.
307. Smirnov S.N., Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov
I.Ya. 2009. Monitoring of numbers of insects - pests of fruit-berry nurseries
in Leningrad region. In: Problems of plant protection in conditions of
modern development of agrarian and industrial complex of Russia. Materials
of the scientific conference devoted to the 80 anniversary of VIZR. Saint-Petersburg:
VIZR, p. 134-136.
308. Smirnov S.N., Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov
I.Ya. 2009. Monitoring of numbers of insects - pests of fruit-berry nurseries
in Leningrad region in modern conditions. In: All-Russian conference with
international participation. Problems of studying and conservation of fauna
in the North. Materials of reports. Syktyvkar, 16-20 November, 2009, p.
309. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. A new species of the genus Sciapus
Zeller (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Caucasus. Far Eastern Entomologist
204: 6-8.
310. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. Palearctic species of the Medetera senicula
species group (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description of a new species
from Tunisia. Russian Entomol. J. 19(1): 71–75.
311. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. Two new genera of Systenini from South Africa
and Madagascar (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Medeterinae). Int. J. Dipterol.
Res., 21(1): 79–90.
312. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2010. Climate change and agricultural
insect pests in Russia. In: NJF seminar 430. Climate Change and Agricultural
Production in the Baltic Sea Region. Uppsala, Sweden, 4-6 May 2010. P.
313. Saulich M.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. The Database «Pest, Disease
and Weed Warning System in Northwest Russia». In: NJF seminar 430. Climate
Change and Agricultural Production in the Baltic Sea Region. Uppsala, Sweden,
4-6 May 2010. P. 121.
314. Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.). 2010. International conference – Databases
and information technologies for diagnostics, monitoring and forecasting
the major weed plants, plant pests and diseases (St.Petersburg – Pushkin,
June 14-17, 2010). Abstracts. – St.Petersburg – Pushkin, 2010: 1-83.
315. Sigvald R., Grichanov I.Ya., Anisimov A. 2010. Foreword. In: International
conference – Databases and information technologies for diagnostics, monitoring
and forecasting the major weed plants, plant pests and diseases (St.Petersburg
– Pushkin, June 14-17, 2010). Abstracts. – St.Petersburg – Pushkin: 3-4.
316. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. Modern information technologies of phytosanitary
monitoring. In: International conference – Databases and information technologies
for diagnostics, monitoring and forecasting the major weed plants, plant
pests and diseases (St.Petersburg – Pushkin, June 14-17, 2010). Abstracts.
– St.Petersburg – Pushkin, 2010: 7-11.
317. Grichanov I.Ya., Smirnov S.N. 2010. Methodical features of insect
digital photographing by use of compound stereomicroscope. In: International
conference – Databases and information technologies for diagnostics, monitoring
and forecasting the major weed plants, plant pests and diseases (St.Petersburg
– Pushkin, June 14-17, 2010). Abstracts. – St.Petersburg – Pushkin, 2010:
318. Saulich M.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Sigvald R., Folger T. 2010. Database
for information support of phytosanitary monitoring in the North-West of
the Russian Federation. In: International conference – Databases and information
technologies for diagnostics, monitoring and forecasting the major weed
plants, plant pests and diseases (St.Petersburg – Pushkin, June 14-17,
2010). Abstracts. – St.Petersburg – Pushkin, 2010: 62-64.
319. Grichanov I.Ya. (manuscript preparation for publication). 2010.
E.M.Shumakov (1910-1997). Formation of agricultural entomology in pre-revolutionary
Russia. Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
2: 64-68, 3: 61-64, 4: 61-67 (in Russian).
320. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. New Dolichopodidae in the fauna of Denmark
(Diptera). Entomologiske Meddelelser, 73(1): 63–66.
321. Tonguc A., Grichanov I., Koc H., Ozgul O., Barlas M. 2010. Contributions
to the Dolichopodidae (Diptera) fauna of Turkey. J. Entomol. Res. Soc.,
12(2): 103-107.
322. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. Species of the genus Argyrochlamys Lamb,
1922 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Caucasian Entomological Bull. 6(1): 113-115.
323. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. The Rhaphium crassipes species
group in the Palearctic Region with the description of a new species from
Uzbekistan (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Caucasian Entomological Bull. 6(1):
324. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. West-Palearctic species of the genus Neurigona
Rondani (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Russian Entomol. J. 19(3): 249–256.
325. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. New data on Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Ukrainska entomofaunistyka, 1(2):
326. Grichanov I.Ya., Negrobov O.P., Volfov B.I., Kustov S.Yu. 2010.
History of faunal investigation of predatory flies of the family Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) in the North-Western Caucasus. In: Biological plant protection
as the basis for stabilizing agroecosystems. Issue 6. Proceedings of the
International Scientific and Practical Conference devoted to the 50th Anniversary
of ARRBPP "Biological Plant Protection as the Basis for Ecological Agriculture
and Phytosanitary Stabilization of Agrocenosis", September 21-24, 2010.
Ed. by V.D. Nadykta et al. Krasnodar: VNIIBZR: 239-244 (in Russian).
327. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. Modern high-precision technologies of phytosanitary
monitoring are information technologies. In: Biological plant protection
as the basis for stabilizing agroecosystems. Issue 6. Proceedings of the
International Scientific and Practical Conference devoted to the 50th Anniversary
of ARRBPP "Biological Plant Protection as the Basis for Ecological Agriculture
and Phytosanitary Stabilization of Agrocenosis", September 21-24, 2010.
Ed. by V.D. Nadykta et al. Krasnodar: VNIIBZR: 155-158 (in Russian).
328. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. A new species of Condylostylus Bigot, 1859
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tanzania and a new generic synonym. Far
Eastern Entomologist 216: 1-10.
329. Bulyginskaya M.A., Grichanov I.Ya., Shamshev I.V. 2010. In memory
of E.M.Shumakov (to the 100th anniversary). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie,
89(3): 701-703 (in Russian; Engl. transl. Entomological Review, 2010, 90(7):
330. [Bulyginskaya M.A., Grichanov I.Ya., Shamshev I.V.] Anonym. 2010.
To the 100th birthday anniversary of Evgenii Markovich Shumakov (1910-1997).
Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
1: 74-75 (in Russian).
331. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. Discovery of Griphophanes Grootaert et Meuffels
and Nepalomyia Hollis in the Afrotropical Region with a key to Afrotropical
genera of Peloropeodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Zootaxa 2668: 1–20.
332. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. A new genus of Dolichopodini from Tropical
Africa (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 21(3): 183–194.
333. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. Modern high-precision technologies of phytosanitary
monitoring as an information component of phytosanitary stabilization of
agroecosystems. In: Pavlyushin V.A., ed. Agrobiological basis of modernization
of field plant protection. St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS, p. 102-106 (in Russian).
334. Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A. 2010. Phytosanitary safety of Russia:
new trends of legal regulation. In: Pavlyushin V.A., ed. Agrobiological
basis of modernization of field plant protection. St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS,
p. 107-119 (in Russian).
335. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. A checklist of afrotropical genera of the
family Dolichopodidae (Diptera). Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 21(3): 203–218.
336. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. Discovery of Xanthochlorus in the Afrotropical
Region with a key to species of the Xanthochlorus helvinus species group
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 21(3): 219-223.
337. Grichanov I.Ya., Alikhani M. and Rabieh M.M. 2010. New data on
the distribution of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in Iran. Int. J. Dipterol.
Res., 21(3): 195-201.
338. Grichanov I.Ya. and Tonguc A. 2010. New contribution to the Turkish
Dolichopodidae (Diptera) fauna and taxonomy. Int. J. Dipterol. Res., 21(3):
339. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. First Records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Kaluga Region of Russia. Ukrainska entomofaunistyka, 1(3): 19–22.
340. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. First Data on Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region of Russia. Ukrainska entomofaunistyka, 1(3):
341. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. Aphasmaphleps, a new genus of long-legged
flies from Senegal, with a key to the genera of Afrotropical Diaphorinae
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae). African Invertebrates 51 (2): 405-412.
342. Grichanov I., Tonguc A. 2010. New Contribution to the Turkish
Dolichopodidae (Diptera) Fauna. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 62(3): 355-357.
343. Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. A new genus of Medeterinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)
from Baltic amber (Diptera). Caucasian Entomological Bull. 6(2): 209-212.
344. Neimorovets V.V. 2010. True Bugs (Heteroptera) of the Krasnodar
Territory and the Republic of Adygea. Checklist. Ed. by Grichanov I.Ya.
– St.Petersburg – Pushkin: VIZR RAAS, 103 p. (Plant Protection News, Supplement).
345. Smirnov S.N., Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2010. Main pests
of fruit-berry nurseries in the North-West // Nauchnoe obespechenie razvitiya
APK v usloviyakh reformirovaniya: Materialy nauchnoi konferentsii professorsko-prepodavatel’skogo
sostava, nauchnykh sotrudnikov i aspirantov / Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi
agrarnyi universitet. – Saint-Petersburg: 69-72.
346. Grichanov I.Ya. 2011. New species and new records
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Astrakhan Region of Russia. Russian Entomol.
J. 20(1): 75-80.
347. Grichanov I.Ya. 2011. Three new genera of Medeterinae (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from Old World tropics and Australasia. Far Eastern Entomologist
225: 1-16. [open access]
348. Grichanov I.Ya., Selivanova O. V., Negrobov O.P. 2011. A brief
synopsis of Palearctic genera of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera). Ukrainska
entomofaunistyka 2(2): 11–40. [open access: https://sites.google.com/site/ukrentfau/contents-1].
349. Grichanov I.Ya., Negrobov O.P., Selivanova O. V. 2011. Keys to
Palaearctic subfamilies and genera of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera).
CESA News 62: 13-46, 195 figs. [open access: http://www.archive.org/details/CentreForEntomologicalStudiesAnkaraCesaNewsNr.62].
350. Grichanov I.Ya., Mostovski M.B., Muller B. 2011. New records of
Afrotropical Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from the collection of Natal Museum
(1). International Journal of Dipterological Research. 22(1): 3–9.
351. Grichanov I.Ya., Mostovski M.B., Muller B. 2011. New records of
Afrotropical Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from the collection of Natal Museum
(2). International Journal of Dipterological Research. 22(2): 81–98.
352. Grichanov I.Ya., Kirk-Spriggs A.H., and Grootaert P. 2011. New
records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera: Empidoidea) from the Democratic Republic
of Congo. CESA News 64: 12-22, 16 figs. [open access: http://www.archive.org/details/CentreForEntomologicalStudiesAnkaraCesaNewsNr.64].
353. Grichanov I.Ya. 2011. An illustrated synopsis and keys to afrotropical
genera of the epifamily Dolichopodoidae (Diptera: Empidoidea). Priamus
Supplement 24: 1-98, 305 figs. ISSN 1015-8243. [open access: http://www.archive.org/details/CentreForEntomologicalStudiesAnkaraPriamusSupplement24].
354. Grichanov I.Ya., Negrobov O.P. 2011. A checklist of Palearctic
genera of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera). International Journal of
Dipterological Research 22(2): 65-80.
355. Grichanov I.Ya. 2011. Interactive Database DoliBank: A checklist
of species of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the World. CITIS registration
No 50201151234/27.09.2011. http://www.rntd.citis.ru/php/rntd4.php?pageno=89;
356. Grichanov I.Ya., Saulich M.I. 2011. Database for phytosanitary
monitoring of agroecosystems in Russian Federation. CITIS registration
No 50201151235/27.09.2011. http://www.rntd.citis.ru/php/rntd4.php?pageno=89.
357. Grichanov I.Ya., Saulich M.I., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2011. Object-oriented
information database on agricultural pests of Russian Federation. CITIS
registration No 50201151236/27.09.2011. http://www.rntd.citis.ru/php/rntd4.php?pageno=89.
358. Grichanov I.Ya., G.C. Muller, Z.A. Yefremova, V.D. Kravchenko,
M.M. Traore. 2011. On the distribution of Diaphorus lawrencei Curran (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) in tropical Africa. Ukrainska entomofaunistyka 2(5): 17-19.
[open access: https://sites.google.com/site/ukrentfau/contents-1].
359. Grichanov I.Ya. 2011. A key to the afrotropical genera of the
subfamily Dolichopodinae with descriptions of new taxa (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
Far Eastern Entomologist 234: 1-33. [open access: http://www.biosoil.ru/fee/].
360. Grichanov I.Ya. 2011. History of investigation of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) in the Afrotropical Region: from Wiedemann to Negrobov. In: Negrobov
O.P., ed. Modern Problems of Entomology. Voronezh: VSU: 51-54.
361. Selivanova O.V., Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya. 2011. History
of investigation and current status of species of the genus Hydrophorus
(Dolichopodidae, Diptera) of the word fauna. In: Negrobov O.P., ed. Modern
Problems of Entomology. Voronezh: VSU: 103-106.
362. Grichanov I.Ya. 2011. First records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Kaliningrad Region of Russia. CESA News 69: 3-7. [open access]
363. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich M.I. 2011. Zones of
distribution and harmfulness of Grapholita funebrana. In: Shevchuk I.B.,
Kondratenko P.V., Tertishnii O.S. Zastosuvannya sintetichnikh feromoniv
u zakhisti slivi vid slivovoi plodozherki. Rekomendatsii / Kyiv: Kolobig,
20p. (in Ukrainian).
364. Grichanov I.Ya., Guseva O.G. 2011. Review: M.D.Vronskikh "Climate
change and risks of agricultural production in Moldova. Kishinev, 2011".
Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
4: 79 (in Russian).
365. Grichanov I.Ya. 2011. Species of the genus Telmaturgus Mik, 1874
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 7(2): 229-232.
366. Grichanov I.Ya. 2011. On the Dolichopodidae (Diptera) fauna of
Gabon. An International Journal of Dipterological Research, 22(3): 131-137.
367. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. New records of Dolichopodidae from the Caucasus
(Diptera: Empidoidea). Cesa News 72: 13–22, 5 figs. [open access]
368. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. Shamshevia, a new genus of long-legged flies
from Namibia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Diaphorinae). Journal of Natural
History, 46(9-10): 557-563.
369. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. Description of female and new records of
Shamshevia hoanibensis Grichanov from Namibia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
Cesa News 75: 6–7, 2 figs. [open access]
370. Grichanov I.Ya., Negrobov O.P., Selivanova O.V. 2012. A review
of Palaearctic Teuchophorus Loew (Dolichopodidae, Diptera) with an updated
catalog and revised key to species. Russian Entomological Journal, 21(1):
371. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. Review of Campsicnemus species from the
Atlantic Ocean islands (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). European Journal of Taxonomy
11: 1-12.
372. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. Review of the genus Peodes Loew. Far Eastern
Entomologist 245: 1-8. [open access]
373. Capellari R.S., Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. Review of the Afrotropical
genus Aphasmaphleps Grichanov (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). African Invertebrates
53(1): 35-46.
374. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. Discovery of Shamshevia Grichanov in the
Oriental Region (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Zootaxa, 3329: 64-68.
375. Grichanov, I.Ya., Saulich, M.I. 2012. Modern information technologies
for phytosanitary monitoring. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 7: 13-17 (in
376. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. Systematics of the genus Katangaia Parent,
1933 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Caucasian Entomological Bulletin, 8(1):
165-167, 1 pl.
377. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. New rank for Dolichopodidae, Microphoridae
and Parathalassiinae – epifamily Dolichopodoidae (Insecta: Diptera) [p.
120]. XIV Congress of the Russian Entomological Society, Saint Petersburg,
August 27 - September 1, Materials of the Congress, 499 pp. (in Russian).
378. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. Entomology and phytosanitation in the Russian
Wikipedia: a snowball is thrown [p. 121]. XIV Congress of the Russian Entomological
Society, Saint Petersburg, August 27 - September 1, Materials of the Congress,
499 pp. (in Russian).
379. [Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A.] Anonym. 2012. To the 100th anniversary
of Ilya Yakovlevich Polyakov (1912-1992). Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant
Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin), 3: 73-75 (in Russian).
380. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. A new species of Campsicnemus from the Far
East of Russia with some new records (Dolichopodidae, Diptera). Amurian
zoological journal 4(3): 250-252.
381. Grichanov I.Ya., Negrobov O.P., Przhiboro A.A., Ovsyannikova E.I.
2012. On the Dolichopodidae fauna of Crimea (Diptera). Cesa News 82: 1–13,
11 figs. [open access]. [Corrigendum: Cesa News 84: 121, Fig. 4].
382. Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.). 2012. Methods of phytosanitary monitoring
and forecast. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR, p. 1–128 (in Russian).
383. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. Method of monitoring of noctuid moth Apamea
anceps by use of synthetic sex attractants. In: Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.).
Methods of phytosanitary monitoring and forecast. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR,
p. 47–51 (in Russian).
384. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. Method of monitoring of noctuid moth Helicoverpa
armigera by use of synthetic sex attractants. In: Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.).
Methods of phytosanitary monitoring and forecast. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR,
p. 52–58 (in Russian).
385. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2012. Method of integrated
phytosanitary monitoring in orchards based on the use of synthetic sex
attractants. In: Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.). Methods of phytosanitary monitoring
and forecast. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR, p. 59–66 (in Russian).
386. Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A. 2012. Plant protection. Terms and
definitions. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 12: 40 (in Russian).
387. Grichanov I.Ya., Belyakova N.A., Vilkova N.A., Sukhoruchenko G.I.
2012. Agricultural entomology on the XIV congress of the Russian Entomological
Society. Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
4: 75-78 (in Russian).
388. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. On the Dolichopodidae fauna of Sierra Leone
(Diptera). Cesa News 84: 1–11, 26 figs. [open access].
389. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. A new species of the genus Cymatopus Kertesz
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Madagascar. Zoosystematica Rossica, 21(2):
390. Selivanova O.V., Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. A new species
of the genus Campsicnemus Haliday (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Kyrgyzstan.
Zoosystematica Rossica, 21(2): 314–317.
391. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. A new species of Dolichopus Latreille, 1796
from Turkey (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Caucasian Entomological Bulletin
8(2): 316-318.
392. Shamshev I.V., Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. On the 70th anniversary of
O.P. Negrobov. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 91(4): 850-852. (in Russian).
393. Grichanov I.Ya. 2012. A new peculiar species of Chrysotus from
the Far East of Russia (Dolichopodidae, Diptera). Amurian zoological journal,
4(4): 333-335.
394. Grichanov I.Ya., Volfov B.I., Kustov S.Yu. 2012. Sybistroma transcaucasica
(Stackelberg, 1941). In.: Zamotajlov A.S., ed. Red Data Book of Republic
of Adygheya. Part 2. Animals. Second edition. Maykop: Kachestvo, p. 203
(in Russian).
395. Grichanov I.Ya., Volfov B.I., Kustov S.Yu. 2012. Sciapus polozhentsevi
Negrobov, 1977. In.: Zamotajlov A.S., ed. Red Data Book of Republic of
Adygheya. Part 2. Animals. Second edition. Maykop: Kachestvo, p. 204 (in
396. Volfov B.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Kustov S.Yu. 2012. Dolichopus ciscaucasicus
Stackelberg, 1927. In.: Zamotajlov A.S., ed. Red Data Book of Republic
of Adygheya. Part 2. Animals. Second edition. Maykop: Kachestvo, p. 205
(in Russian).
397. Grichanov I.Ya., Belyakova N.A., Vilkova N.A., Sukhoruchenko G.I.
2013. Phytosanitation on the XIV congress of the Russian Entomological
Society. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, N 1: 53-55. (in Russian).
398. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. On the distribution of Dolichopus
humilis Van Duzee in the Palaearctic Region and a new synonym (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae: Dolichopus latipennis species group). Zootaxa 3599 (5):
399. Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A. 2013. To the 100th anniversary of
I.Ya. Polyakov. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 3: 60 (in Russian).
400. Grichanov I.Ya., Negrobov O.P., Editors. 2013. Fauna and taxonomy
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera). Collection of papers. St.Petersburg: VIZR
RAAS, 96 p. (Plant Protection News Suppl., ISSN 1815-3682).
401. Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. Systematic notes on West-Palearctic species
of the genus Syntormon Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). In: Grichanov I.Ya.,
Negrobov O.P. (Editors). Fauna and taxonomy of Dolichopodidae (Diptera).
Collection of papers. St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS (Plant Protection News Suppl.,
ISSN 1815-3682): 3-26.
402. Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. Afrotropical species of the genus Asyndetus
Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with notes on some Palaearctic and Oriental
species. In: Grichanov I.Ya., Negrobov O.P. (Editors). Fauna and taxonomy
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera). Collection of papers. St.Petersburg: VIZR
RAAS (Plant Protection News Suppl., ISSN 1815-3682): 27-46.
403. Negrobov O.P., Selivanova O.V., Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. Re-description
of male and first record of Chrysotus pilitibia Negrobov et Maslova from
Mongolia (Dolichopodidae, Diptera). CESA News, 89: 3-6, 5 figs. (Open access).
404. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya., Selivanova O.V. 2013. On the distribution
of Syntormon pennatus Ringdahl in the Palaearctic Region and a new synonym
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae). CESA News, 89: 6-8, figs. (Open access).
405. Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.). 2013. Methods of phytosanitary monitoring
and forecast. 2nd ed. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR, p. 1–128 (in Russian).
406. Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. Method of monitoring of noctuid moth Apamea
anceps by use of synthetic sex attractants. In: Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.).
Methods of phytosanitary monitoring and forecast. 2nd ed. Saint-Petersburg:
VIZR, p. 47–51 (in Russian).
407. Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. Method of monitoring of noctuid moth Helicoverpa
armigera by use of synthetic sex attractants. In: Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.).
Methods of phytosanitary monitoring and forecast. 2nd ed. Saint-Petersburg:
VIZR, p. 52–58 (in Russian).
408. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2013. Method of integrated
phytosanitary monitoring in orchards based on the use of synthetic sex
attractants. In: Grichanov I.Ya. (Ed.). Methods of phytosanitary monitoring
and forecast. 2nd ed. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR, p. 59–66 (in Russian).
409. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya., Selivanova O.V. 2013. Re-description
of male and first record of Syntormon filiger Verrall from Mongolia (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae). CESA News, 90: 18-21, 6 figs. (Open access).
410. Khaghaninia S., Gharajedaghi Y. and Grichanov I. 2013. Additional
notes about long-legged flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) in East Azerbaijan
province of Iran. Biharean Biologist 7(1): 42-47.
411. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2013. Experience of phytosanitary
zonation of Russia and neighboring countries by a complex of fruit crop
pests using AxioVision program. Plodovodstvo i vinogradarstvo Yuga Rossii.
- Krasnodar: SKZNIISiV, 22(4): 1-15. – Accessed: http://journal.kubansad.ru/pdf/13/04/08.pdf.
412. Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. A new species of Thambemyia Oldroyd, 1956
from Gujarat, India (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Caucasian Entomological
Bulletin 9(1): 191-193.
413. Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. Species of the genus Trigonocera Becker
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Journal of Insect Biodiversity 1(6): 1-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.12976/jib/2013.1.6,
414. Tonguc A., Barlas M., Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. New records of Dolichopodidae
(Empidoidea) from inner western Anatolia (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology,
37(6): 713-716. DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1212-17.
415. Khaghaninia S., Gharajedaghi Y., Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. Study of
the genera Hercostomus Loew, 1857 and Poecilobothrus Mik, 1878 (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) in Kandovan Valley with new records for Iran. Biharean
Biologist 7(2): 73-79. http://biozoojournals.3x.ro/bihbiol/index.html.
416. Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. West Palaearctic species of the genus Diostracus
Loew, 1861 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). European Journal of Taxonomy 61:
417. Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. New trends in phytosanitary diagnostics,
monitoring and forecast. In: All-Russian Plant Protection Conference -
Phytosanitary Optimization of Agroecosystems: Congress Proceedings in 3
volumes (St.Petersburg - Pushkin, December 16-20, 2013). St.Petersburg
- Pushkin, Vol. 1: 28-30 (in Russian).
418. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. Phytosanitary zonation
of territories by a complex of fruit crop pests using AxioVision program.
In: All-Russian Plant Protection Conference - Phytosanitary Optimization
of Agroecosystems: Congress Proceedings in 3 volumes (St.Petersburg - Pushkin,
December 16-20, 2013). St.Petersburg - Pushkin, Vol. 1: 59-63 (in Russian).
419. Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A. 2013. Modern phytosanitary legislation
in Russia. In: All-Russian Plant Protection Conference - Phytosanitary
Optimization of Agroecosystems: Congress Proceedings in 3 volumes (St.Petersburg
- Pushkin, December 16-20, 2013). St.Petersburg - Pushkin, Vol. 1: 134-136
(in Russian).
420. Ovsyannikova E.I., Smirnov S.N., Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. On the
phenology of Cydia pomonella in the Northwestern Russia in modern conditions.
Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
4: 72 (in Russian).
421. Karlik F.A., Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. Phytosanitary legislation of
Russia. Analytical survey. – St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS, 80 p. (Plant Protection
News, Supplements, N10). – Accessed: http://www.vestnik.iczr.ru.
422. Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. Afrotropical species of the genus Micromorphus
Mik, 1878 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Euroasian Entomological Journal 12(6):
423. Negrobov, O.P., Grichanov, I.Y. and Selivanova O.V. 2013. Palearctic
species of the Rhaphium albifrons group (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Euroasian
Entomological Journal 12(6): 601-606. (Open access).
424. Kazerani F., Khaghaninia S., Grichanov I.Ya. 2013. The genus Rhaphium
Meigen, 1803 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) in Iran, with new species records
for the country. Studia dipterologica 20(1): 113–119.
425. [Grichanov I.Ya., Saulich M.I., Ovsyannikova E.I.] 2013. Area
of Hyphantria cunea. In: V.V. Yasjukevich, S.N. Titkina, I.O. Popov, E.A.
Davidovich, N.V. Yasjukevich. About formation of a secondary range of the
Fall Webworm (Hyphantria cunea Drury, Arctiidae, Lepidoptera) in Russia
and adjacent countries in XXI century. Problems of ecological monitoring
and ecosystem modeling, Moscow, V. 25. P. 454-478 [P. 459, fig. 2].
426. Khaghaninia S., Gharajedaghi Y. and Grichanov I.Ya. 2014. The Dolichopus
plumipes species group in the Palaearctic Region with the description of
a new species from Iran (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Journal of Insect Biodiversity
2(1): 1-9. (Open access).
427. Kazerani F., Khaghaninia S., Grichanov I. 2014. The genus Dolichopus
Latreille diversity in three different habitats of East Azerbaijan province,
with new records for Iran. Arxius de Miscellania Zoologica, 2013, 11: 134–152.
(Open access).
428. Kazerani F., Khaghaninia S., Grichanov I. 2014. The subfamily
Diaphorinae Schiner, 1864 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) in East Azerbaijan
Province with four new species records for Iran. Efflatounia (Efflatoun's
Journal of Entomology) 14: 1-8.
429. Kazerani, F., Khaghaninia, S. and Grichanov, I.Ya. 2014. New faunistic
records of the subfamily Sympycninae (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Iran.
Polish journal of entomology 83(1): 61–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/pjen-2014-0004.
430. Grichanov I.Ya., Negrobov O.P., Selivanova O.V. 2014. Two new
genera of Medeterinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Baltic amber and some
new combinations. Russian Entomological Journal 23(1): 61–70.
431. Khaghaninia S., Gharajedaghi Y. and Grichanov I. 2014. A contribution
to the knowledge of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in East Azerbaijan
province of Iran. Check List: The Journal of Biodiversity Data 10(3): 588-593.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/10.3.588.
432. Kazerani, F., Khaghaninia, S., Talebi, A.A., Grichanov, I.Ya.
2014. Annotated catalogue of Iranian long-legged flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
In: 8th International Congress of Dipterology, Potsdam 2014, Abstract volume:
433. Grichanov, I.Ya., Kaae M., Pape T. 2014. Discovery of Setihercostomus
Zhang et Yang in the Afrotropical Region (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Zootaxa
3861 (6): 598–600. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3861.6.7.
434. Grichanov, I.Ya., Kazerani, F. 2014. A new species of Sybistroma
Meigen (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from the Middle East with a key to West-Palaearctic
species of the genus. Zootaxa 3866 (4): 572–582. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3866.4.7.
435. Grichanov I.Ya., Negrobov O.P. 2014. Palaearctic species of the
genus Sciapus Zeller (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). St.Petersburg: VIZR, 84
p. («Plant Protection News Supplements», N13). ISBN 978-5-93717-061-3.
Available from: http://www.vestnik.iczr.ru/supplement/indexe.html; https://archive.org/details/GrichanovNegrobov2014Sciapus
(accessed 26 September 2014)
436. Kazerani, F., Khaghaninia, S., Talebi, A.A., Grichanov, I.Ya.
2014. Faunistic survey of Dolichopodidae in forests of northern Iran with
nine species as new records for the country. Zoology and Ecology 24(3):
266-273. DOI:10.1080/21658005.2014.937926
437. Kechev M., Negrobov O., Grichanov I.Ya. 2014. Diversity of long-legged
flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) along the banks of the Omurovska River
(Bulgaria), with the description of a new species of the genus Teuchophorus
Loew. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 66(3): 317-323.
438. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2014. Alphabetic list of generic and specific
names of predatory flies of the epifamily Dolichopodoidae (Diptera). St.Petersburg:
VIZR, 544 p. («Plant Protection News, Supplements», N14). Urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:CCB967E9-07BA-4F9F-95F0-DB25C5468845.
Available from: http://www.vestnik.iczr.ru/supplement/indexe.html; https://archive.org/details/Grichanov2014DoliBank
(accessed 24 October 2014).
439. [Grichanov I.Ya., Babich N.V., Ivashchenko V.G., Karlik F.A.,
Ovsyannikova E.I., Sukhoruchenko G.I., Tokarev Yu.S., Shpanev A.M., Yakovlev
A.A.] 2014. GOST 21507-2013 Plant protection. Terms and definitions. I-V+39
p. Available from: http://meganorm.ru/Index/57/57485.htm. (in Russian).
440. Kazerani, F., Khaghaninia, S., Talebi A.A., Gharajedaghi Y., Grichanov,
I.Ya. 2014. New Records of Long-Legged Flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)
from Iran. Acta entomologica serbica 19(1/2): 25-32.
441. Kazerani, F., Khaghaninia, S., Talebi, A.A., Grichanov, I.Ya.
2014. New data on the subfamily Sympycninae Aldrich, 1905 (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)
from Iran. Dipterists Digest 21(2): 143-149.
442. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2015. Palaearctic species of the Hercostomus plagiatus
group (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description of a new species from
the Middle East. Zootaxa 3918 (3): 424-432.
443. Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A. 2015. New Standard: «Plant protection.
Terms and definitions». Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 3: 52 (in Russian).
444. Grichanov I. Ya., Ovsyannikova E. I. 2015. Pest risk zonation
of Russia and neighboring countries for potato farming. Agro XXI, 1-3:
16-18. (in Russian). http://www.agroxxi.ru/zhurnal-agroxxi/nomera.html?journal=233
445. Kazerani, F., Khaghaninia, S., Talebi, A.A., Grichanov, I.Ya.
2015. Genus Sciapus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) in Iran, with description
of one new species and new records. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis
Pragae 55(1), 401-409. IF 0.574.
446. Grichanov Igor Ya., Ovsyannikova Elena I. 2015. First records
of Dolichopodidae from Orel Region of Russia (Diptera: Empidoidea). CESA
News 108: 1-5. [open access]
447. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2015. Editorial preface. In: Zubkov A.F. 80 years
of agrobioñenology development at the Institute of Plant Protection. St.Petersburg:
VIZR («Plant Protection News, Supplements», N15), pp. 5-7.
448. Zubkov A.F. 2015. 80 years of agrobioñenology development at the
Institute of Plant Protection. Ed. by Grichanov I.Ya. – St.Petersburg:
VIZR («Plant Protection News, Supplements», N15), 110 pp.
449. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2015. Editorial preface. In: Zubkov A.F. Agrobiogeoñenology
after 80 years of development and its role in the methodological natural
science agroecosystems. St.Petersburg: VIZR, pp. 3-5.
450. Zubkov A.F. 2015. Agrobiogeoñenology after 80 years of development
and its role in the methodological natural science agroecosystems. Ed.
by Grichanov I.Ya. – St.Petersburg: VIZR, 115 pp.
451. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2015. New species of Cryptophleps Lichtwardt
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with a key to the Afrotropical and Palaearctic
species of the genus. Zootaxa 4007 (2): 259–266.
452. Kaae M. E., Grichanov I., Pape T. 2015. Pseudoparaclius Grichanov
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) - a new species from Udzungwa Mountains National
Park, Tanzania, and a key to known species. Zootaxa. 4018 (1): 137–145.
453. Grichanov I.Ya. 2015. A new species of Diostracus Loew (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from the Yunnan Province of China. Far Eastern Entomologist.
N 300: 12-16.
454. Grichanov Igor Ya., Ovsyannikova Elena I. 2015. New records of
Dolichopodidae from Pskov Region of Russia (Diptera: Empidoidea). CESA
News 110: 1-5. [open access]
455. Grichanov Igor Ya., Kustov Semen Yu., Gladun Vladimir V. 2015.
New records of Dolichopodidae from Crimea (Diptera, Empidoidea). Cesa News
112: 9-14, 9 figs.
456. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2015. Problem of complex automated
phytosanitary zoning of Russia. In: Materials of the International scientific
and practical conference “Modern systems and methods of phytosanitary examination
and management of plant protection”, Bol’shie Vyazyomy, All-Russian Research
Institute of Phytopathology, November 23-27, 2015. P. 214-218.
457. Tonguc Alper, Grichanov I.Ya., Naglis Stefan. 2016. Checklist of the
Dolichopodidae (Diptera, Brachycera) of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology
40(1): 14-26.
458. Grichanov I.Ya. 2016. Two new species of Campsicnemus Haliday,
1851 from India with notes on some Oriental Dolichopodidae (Diptera). Halteres,
Vol. 7: 35-42. http://www.antdiversityindia.com/
459. Neimorovets V.V., Konarev Al.V., Nefedova L.I., Grichanov I.Ya.
Methods for detection of cereal crop’s ear and grain damages by shield
bugs Eurygaster genus (a review). Zashchita i karantin rastenii, 2016,
2: 28-37.
460. Kustov S.Yu., Grichanov I.Ya. Getman A.A. 2016. The Empidoidea
(Diptera) of the Utrish Nature Reserve, Russia. Halteres, 7, 46-63. http://www.antdiversityindia.com/
461. Grichanov I.Ya. 2016. Two new species of Dactylonotus Parent,
1934 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from South Africa and a key to Afrotropical
species. European Journal of Taxonomy 175: 1–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2016.175
[open access].
462. [Grichanov I.Ya., Neimorovets V.V., Konarev Al.V., Nefedova L.I.,
Vilkova N.A.] 2016. GOST 33538-2015 Plant protection. Methods of detection
and count of lesions on grains of cereal cultures caused by Eurygaster
bugs. I-II+10 p. [In Russian]. Available from: http://protect.gost.ru/v.aspx?control=8&baseC=-1&page=0&month=-1&year=-1&search=&RegNum=1&DocOnPageCount=15&id=193995.
(in Russian).
463. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2016. Complex maps of potential
phytosanitary risk for crop growing. Education, science and business. 2015.
N3(12). P. 80-82.
464. Grichanov I.Ya., R. S. Capellari, D. J. Bickel. 2016. New and
little-known species of the genus Urodolichus Lamb, 1922 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
Far Eastern Entomologist 310: 1-10. [open access].
465. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich M.I. Maps of areas
and zones of harmfulness of fruit and berry pests and diseases. St.Petersburg:
VIZR, 2016. 62 p. («Plant Protection News, Supplements», N18). [In Russian,
with English summary]. [http://vizr.spb.ru/assets/docs/vestnik/sup/Grichanov_Ovsyannikova_Saulich_2016_Maps_encrypt.pdf]
466. Grichanov I.Ya. 2016. On the Dolichopodidae (Diptera: Empidoidea)
from Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica, 2016, 21: [1–11]. [open access:
467. Grichanov I.Ya. 2016. A new peculiar species of Dolichopus from
Yunnan Province of China (Dolichopodidae, Diptera). Russian Entomological
Journal 25(2): 177–180.
468. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Saulich M.I., Yakutkin V.I.
2016. Automated methods of sunflower crop zonation by degree of phytosanitary
risk of culture cultivation. Plant Protection News, 3(89), p. 124–125.
469. Grichanov I.Ya. 2016. A new species of Cyrturella Collin, 1952
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Egypt. Caucasian Entomological Bull. 12(1):
470. Yakutkin V.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich M.I.
2016. Sunflower planting in Russia and neghbouring countries: Pest zoning
and optimization of phytosanitary situation in modern conditions. In: The
International scientific-practical conference "Fundamental and applied
research in bioorganic agriculture in Russia, CIS and the EU". B. Vyazåmy
– Skolkovo, 9-12 August 2016, p. 701-709. [In Russian].
471. Sukhoruchenko G.I., Ivanova G.P., Kudryashova L.Yu. Echinothrips
americanus Morgan – a new adventive pest of protected ground crops in Russia.
Editor Igor Ya. Grichanov. St.Petersburg: VIZR, 2016, 96 p. («Plant Protection
News, Supplements», N 19). ISBN 978-5-93717-062-9.
472. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2016. First data on Dolichopodidae
from Chechnya, Russia (Diptera). Russian Entomological Journal 25(3): 287–291.
473. Grichanov I.Ya. 2016. Genus Arabshamshevia Naglis in the Palaearctic
Region (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Israel Journal of entomology, Vol. 46,
pp. 93–98 (open access).
474. [Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A., Babich N.V., Neimorovets V.V.,
Ovsyannikova E.I., Tokarev Yu.S.] GOST 33829-2016 Plant protection. Requirements
to plant production culturing at risk of phytosanitary emergency development.
I-IV+8 p. [In Russian]. 6.09.2016.– Available from: http://protect.gost.ru/document1.aspx?control=31&baseC=6&page=0&month=9&year=2016&search=33829-2016&id=204810.
475. [Grichanov I.Ya., Belyakova N.A., Boikova I.V., Mitina G.V., Tokarev
Yu.S., Yakovlev A.A., Karlik F.A.] GOST 33828-2016 Plant protection. Requirements
to turnover of agents of biological control. I-IV+8 p. [In Russian]. 22.09.2016.–
Available from: http://protect.gost.ru/document1.aspx?control=31&baseC=6&page=0&month=10&year=2016&search=33828&id=204888
476. Negrobov O.P., Barkalov A.V., Selivanova O.V., Grichanov I.Ya.
2016. Two new species of the genus Sympycnus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)
from Siberia and Russian Far East. Euroasian Entomological Journal, 15(4):
330–334. [In Russian].
477. Ahmadi A., Gheibi M., Ostovan H., Hesami S., Grichanov I.Ya. 2016.
New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Central Provinces of Iran.
Halteres 7: 191-196, doi:10.5281/zenodo.19241. http://www.antdiversityindia.com/
478. Grichanov I.Ya., Ahmadi A. 2016. On the distribution of Liancalus
virens (Scopoli, 1763) (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Fly Times, 57: 6-10.
Available on-line at http://www.nadsdiptera.org/News/FlyTimes/issue57.pdf.
479. [Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich M.I.] Fig. 1. Area
of Phorbia fumigata in Russia. Fig. 2. Area of Zabrus tenebrioides in Russia.
In: Khilevskii V.A. Winter wheat protection against Zabrus tenebrioides
and Phorbia fumigata. Saarbrucken: Lambert, 2016. 200 p. [P. 12, fig. 1;
P. 32, fig. 2].
480. Grichanov I.Ya. 2016. Review of faunal investigation of predatory
flies of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in Iran. Acta Biologica Sibirica,
2 (4): 11–14. http://journal.asu.ru/index.php/biol/issue/view/88/showToc.
481. Grichanov I.Ya., Ahmadi A. 2016. A new peculiar species of Poecilobothrus
from Iran (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 12(2):
313-316. http://www.ssc-ras.ru/en/journal/caucasian_entomological_bulletin/electronic_c/
482. Grichanov I.Ya. 2017. A new species of Chrysotus Meigen, 1824 (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from Dominican Republic. Neotropical Entomology 46(1):
133–135. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13744-016-0447-1.
483. Kustov S.Yu. Problems of Empidoidae protection (Diptera: Empididae,
Hybotidae, Atelestidae, Brachystomatidae) in the Northwest Caucasus. Editor
Igor Ya. Grichanov. St.Petersburg: VIZR, 2017, 103 p. ("Plant Protection
News, Supplements", N 20). ISBN 978-5-93717-060-6.
484. Grichanov I.Ya., Yakutkin V.I., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich M.I.
2017. Maps of areas and zones of harmfulness of potato and sunflower pests
and diseases. St.Petersburg: VIZR, 63 p. ("Plant Protection News, Supplements",
N 21).
485. Sazonov A.P., Petrova M.O., Shamshev I.V., Selitskaya O.G., Stepanycheva
E.A. Insect pheromone test methods in agriculture. Editor Igor Ya. Grichanov.
St.Petersburg: VIZR, 2017. 73 p. ("Plant Protection News, Supplements",
486. Shpanev A.M., Golubev S.V., Shamshev I.V., Grichanov I.Ya. 2017.
Predatory flies in field agroñenoses of Northwest of Non-Chernozem zone
of Russia. Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
1(91): 42-48 (in Russian).
487. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2017. Alphabetic list of generic and specific
names of predatory flies of the epifamily Dolichopodoidae (Diptera). 2nd
ed. St.Petersburg: VIZR, 563 p. («Plant Protection News, Supplements»,
488. Ahmadi A., Gheibi M., Ostovan H., Hesami S., Grichanov I.Ya. 2017.
New records of long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) of Iran. Russian
Entomological Journal. Vol.26. No.1: 65–70. http://kmkjournals.com/upload/PDF/REJ/26/ent26_1_065_070_Ahmadi_et_al_for_Inet.pdf
489. Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A. 2017. Questions of standardization
in sphere of biological plant protection. Information Bulletin EPRS IOBC.
No. 52. P. 85-89.
490. Grichanov, I.Ya., Brooks, S.E. (2017, accepted). 56 Dolichopodidae
(long-legged flies) [P. 485–540]. In: Kirk-Spriggs, A.H., Sinclair, B.J.
(Eds.), Manual of Afrotropical Diptera, Volume 1. SANBI Publications, Pretoria.
491. Grichanov I.Ya. 2017. First data on Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of
the Tigirekskii Nature Reserve (Altai Territory, Russia). Acta Biologica
Sibirica, 3(1), 34-39.
492. Grichanov Igor Ya., Ahmadi Azam. Palaearctic species of the genus
Lamprochromus Mik, 1878 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Far Eastern Entomologist
336: 1-12.
493. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya., Selivanova O.V. 2017. Review of
East Palaearctic species of Sympycnus Loew, 1857, with a key to species.
Zootaxa 4277(4): 531-548.
494. Grichanov I.Ya. 2017. Russian-English and English-Russian dictionary
for entomologists. 3rd ed., corrected. St.Petersburg: VIZR RAAS, 164 p.
495. Grichanov I.Ya. 2017. A new species of Dolichopus from the Siberian
Republic of Khakassia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Dolichopus latipennis species
group). Amurian zoological journal, 2016, 8(4): 250-253.
496. Grichanov I.Ya. 2017. Speciation of Mascaromyia Bickel (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) on Reunion Island. Israel Journal of entomology 47: 9-18.
497. Grichanov I.Ya, Ovsyannikova E.I. 2017. First data on Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) of the West Kotlin Nature Reserve (Saint Petersburg, Russia).
Acta Biologica Sibirica, 2 (4): 11-14. http://journal.asu.ru/index.php/biol/article/view/2732
498. Grichanov, I.Ya., Ahmadi, A. (2017). Studying predatory Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) in Iran. In: XVth Congress of the Russian Entomological Society,
Russia, Novosibirsk, July 31 - August 7, 2017. Materials of the Congress.
Novosibirsk: Garamond, 37-38.
499. Grichanov, I.Ya. (2017). Modern technologies of alfa-taxonomy.
In: XVth Congress of the Russian Entomological Society, Russia, Novosibirsk,
July 31 - August 7, 2017. Materials of the Congress. Novosibirsk: Garamond,
135-136 (in Russian).
500. Grichanov, I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich M.I. (2017). Zones
of winter wheat phytophage abundance on the territory of Russia and adjacent
countries (2017). In: XVth Congress of the Russian Entomological Society,
Russia, Novosibirsk, July 31 - August 7, 2017. Materials of the Congress.
Novosibirsk: Garamond, 137-138 (in Russian).
501. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov, I.Ya., Saulich M.I. (2017). To development
of maps of joint harmfulness of grain crop pests (2017). In: XVth Congress
of the Russian Entomological Society, Russia, Novosibirsk, July 31 - August
7, 2017. Materials of the Congress. Novosibirsk: Garamond, 364-365 (in
502. Grichanov I.Ya. 2017. A new species of Diostracus Loew, 1861 (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from China with a key to species from the Yunnan Province.
Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 13(1): 127-130.
502. Azarkina G.N., Baranchikov Yu.N., Barkalov A.V., Belokobyl’skii
S.A., Glupov V.V., Grichanov I.Ya., Danilov Yu.L., Dubatolov V.V., Dudka
R.Yu., Kireichuk A.G., Knyazev A.N., Koval A.G., Korotyaev B.A., Krivokhatskii
V.A., Legalov A.A., Lelei A.S., Marusik Yu.M., Medvedev S.G., Musolin D.L.,
Novgorodova T.A., Proshchalykin M.Yu., Rasnitsyn A.P., Selikhovkin A.V.,
Sergeev M.G., Sinev S.Yu., Frolov A.N. (Eds.). 2017. XVth Congress of the
Russian Entomological Society, Russia, Novosibirsk, July 31 - August 7,
2017. Materials of the Congress. Novosibirsk: Garamond, 576 p.
503. Grichanov I.Ya. 2017. A new species of Diostracus Loew, 1861 (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from China with a key to species from the Yunnan Province.
Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 13(1): 127-130.
504. Grichanov, I.Ya., Ahmadi, A. (2017). A new species of Medetera
Fischer Von Waldheim, 1819 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Iran. Far Eastern
Entomologist, 339, 12–15. http://biosoil.ru/Files/FEE/00000876.pdf
505. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich M.I., Frolov A.N.,
Yakutkin V.I., Berim M.N., David’yan G.E., Karlik F.A., Malysh Yu.M. 2017.
Data Base “Phytosanitary risks”. Certificate on the State Registration
of the Database in Rospatent No. 2017620836 of August 07, 2017.
506. [Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A., Ovsyannikova E.I.] GOST 34199-2017
Plant protection. Requirements to production of agents of biological control
and other useful organisms. 14 July 2017.
507. Lazarev A.M., Mysnik E.N., Varitsev Yu.A., Zaitsev I.A., Kozhemyakov
A.P., Popov F.A., Volgarev S.A., Chebotar V.K. 2017. Areas and zones of
harmfulness of main bacterioses of plants on territory of Russia and neighboring
countries. Editors Vladimir A. Pavlyushin and Igor Ya. Grichanov. St.Petersburg:
VIZR, 136 p. («Plant Protection News, Supplements», N24).
508. Grichanov I.Ya., Karlik F.A., Mitropolskaya L.V. 2017. New phytosanitary
standards. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 12: 9-12 (in Russian).
509. Grichanov I.Ya. 2017. An annotated checklist of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) of Israel and adjacent territories. Acta Biologica Sibirica,
3(4), 6–19.
510. Grichanov I.Ya., Kosterin O.E., Ahmadi A. 2017. New records of
long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Novosibirsk Region of
Russia. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 3(4), 20–30.
511. Grichanov I.Ya., Polevoi A.V., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2017. New records
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Valaam Island (Russian Karelia). Acta
Biologica Sibirica, 3(4), 81–87.
512. Grichanov I.Ya., Ahmadi A., Kosterin O.E. 2017. New records of
long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Central and North-Eastern
Iran. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 3(4), 99–112.
513. Grichanov I.Ya. 2017. A new species of Hercostomoides Meuffels
et Grootaert, 1997 from Indonesia with new combinations for some Oriental
Sympycninae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Halteres 8, 123-136. http://www.antdiversityindia.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/Grichanov_Hercostomoides_upload.7222944.pdf
514. Grichanov I.Ya., Kustov S.Yu. 2017. Peloropeodes acuticornis (Oldenberg,
1916) (Dolichopodidae). In: Zamotajlov A.S., Lokhman Yu.V., Volfov B.I.,
eds. Red Data Book of Krasnodar Territory (Animals). Third edition. Krasnodar:
Administration of Krasnodar Territory, p. 437-439 (in Russian).
515. Grichanov I.Ya., Volfov B.I. 2017. Sybistroma transcaucasica (Stackelberg,
1941) (Dolichopodidae). In: Zamotajlov A.S., Lokhman Yu.V., Volfov B.I.,
eds. Red Data Book of Krasnodar Territory (Animals). Third edition. Krasnodar:
Administration of Krasnodar Territory, p. 440-441 (in Russian).
516. Grichanov I.Ya., Volfov B.I., Kustov S.Yu. 2017. Sciapus polozhentsevi
Negrobov, 1977 (Dolichopodidae). In: Zamotajlov A.S., Lokhman Yu.V., Volfov
B.I., eds. Red Data Book of Krasnodar Territory (Animals). Third edition.
Krasnodar: Administration of Krasnodar Territory, p. 439-440 (in Russian).
517. Grichanov I.Ya. 2018. A new genus and species of subfamily Medeterinae
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tanzania. Far Eastern Entomologist 350:
518. Grichanov I.Ya. 2018. New records of long-legged flies (Diptera,
Dolichopodidae) from Tyva Republic (Russia, Siberia). Acta Biologica Sibirica,
4(1), 6-16.
519. Grichanov I.Ya. 2018. An annotated catalogue of Afrotropical Dolichopodoidae
(Diptera). St.Petersburg: VIZR, 152 p. («Plant Protection News, Supplements»,
N25). Urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:984602B4-A39B-422F-B35C-F6C8DBE5D3F1. Available
from: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1187006; https://archive.org/details/Grichanov2018AfroDoliCatalogS;
http://www.vestnik.iczr.ru/supplement/indexe.html (accessed 2 March 2018).
520. Grichanov I.Ya., Bagachanova A.K. 2018. An annotated checklist
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of Yakutia (Siberia) with some new records.
Russian Entomological Journal 27(1): 73-92. (open access).
521. Grichanov I.Ya., Khrulyova O.A. 2018. Fauna and ecology of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) from Wrangel Island Nature Reserve (Chukotka, Russia). Nature
Conservation Research 3(3): 37-45.
522. Luneva N.N., Mysnik E.N. Modern botanical nomenclature of weed
plant species of the Russian Federation. Editor Igor Ya. Grichanov. St.
Petersburg: VIZR, 2018. 80 p. («Plant Protection News, Supplements», N26).
Available from: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1241599
523. Grichanov I.Ya. 2018. An annotated checklist of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) of Chukotka (Russia) with new records. Acta Biologica Sibirica
4(2), 25-31.
524. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich M.I. 2018. Maps of
areas and zones of harmfulness of grain crop pests. St.Petersburg: VIZR,
85 p. («Plant Protection News, Supplements», N27). Available from: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1257174
525. Grichanov I.Ya. 2018. New records of Afrohercostomus Grichanov
(Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Tropical Africa. Acta Biologica Sibirica
4(3), 54-56.
526. Grichanov I.Ya., Negrobov O.P. 2018. Peloropeodinae (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from Baltic amber. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 14(1):
527. Grichanov I.Ya. A new subfamily of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) for
Tenuopus Curran, 1924 with description of new species from Tropical Africa.
Far Eastern Entomologist 364: 1-25.
528. Ahmadi A., Gheibi M., Ostovan H., Hesami S., Grichanov I.Ya. 2018.
New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Central Provinces of Iran.
Biharean Biologist 12 (1): 7-9. http://biozoojournals.ro/bihbiol/cont/v12n1/bb_e171202_Gheibi.pdf
[reprinted without illustrations from Ahmadi et al., 2016: Halteres 7:
529. Grichanov I.Ya., Freidberg A. 2018. New species and new records
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Israel. Russian Entomological Journal,
27(3): 299-306.
530. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2018. Notes on Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) from the White Sea coast and islands (Russian North). Acta Biologica
Sibirica 4(4): 19-24.
531. Grichanov I.Ya. 2018. Phytosanitary inspection without inspectors:
unrealized opportunities. In: International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Modern plant protection technologies and means - platform for innovative
development in Russian agricultural sector". Conference Proceedings, 8-12
October 2018, St. Petersburg-Pushkin, p. 59-60.
532. Grichanov, I.Ya. (about) 2018. To the birthday anniversary of
Igor Grichanov. Vestnik zashchity rastenii (Plant Protection News) (Saint-Petersburg-Pushkin),
4: 74-75. (In Russian).
533. Grichanov I., Saulich M., Ovsyannikova E. 2018. Zones of phytosanitary
risk for crop cultivation in Russia and neighboring countries. In: Proceedings
of the International Scientific Conference "Formation and Development of
Plant Protection and Quarantine in the Republic of Kazakhstan" devoted
to the 60th anniversary of Institute and 100th anniversary of plant protection
research in Kazakhstan, Almaty, 6 December 2018. P. 226-229. (In Russian).
534. Grichanov I.Ya. 2018. New species and new records of Telmaturgus
Mik, 1874 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tropical Africa. Caucasian Entomological
Bulletin 14(2): 273-276.
535. Rezaei, S., Grichanov I.Ya., Fallahzadeh, M. 2019. First records of
long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Fars Province of Iran.
Acta Biologica Sibirica, 5(1), 6-11.
536. Grichanov I.Ya. 2019. Perspective databases for the intellectual
systems of phytosanitary monitoring. In: K.M. Ìussynov et. al. (eds.).
Phytosanitary security: integration into the scientific and educational
space. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical înline conference
(November 22, 2018, Astana, Kazakhstan). Astana: S.Seifullin KATU, p. 49-52.(in
537. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2019. Phenology of Cydia pomonella
confirms the climate warming [in the Northwestern Russia]. Zashchita i
Karantin Rastenii, 5: 28-30 (in Russian). https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37613650
538. Grichanov I.Ya. 2019. On the distribution of Campsicnemus armatus
(Zetterstedt, 1849) species group (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Acta Biologica
Sibirica, 5(2), 145-150, doi: https://doi.org/ 10.14258/abs.v5.i2.6210.
539. Grichanov I.Ya. . 2019. To the 80th anniversary of the first issue
of "Plant Protection News". Plant Protection News, 2(100): 55-56 (in Russian).
540. Grichanov I.Ya. New species and new records of Lichtwardtia Enderlein,
1912 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Afrotropical Region. Far Eastern Entomologist
387: 7-32. https://doi.org/10.25221/fee.387.2
541. Chursina M.A., Grichanov I.Ya. 2019. Evolutionary trends in the
wing shape of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera). Caucasian Entomological
Bulletin 15(1): 215-226 (in Russian). DOI: 10.23885/181433262019151-215226
542. Nourti M., Grichanov I.Ya., Kettani K. 2019. New records of long-legged
flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Morocco. Acta Biologica Sibirica,
5(3), 118-130, https://doi.org/10.14258/abs.v5.i3.6514
543. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I., Saulich M.I. 2019. Maps of
areas and zones of harmfulness of polyphagous insect crop pests. St.Petersburg:
VIZR, 42 p. ("Plant Protection News, Supplements", N28) (in Russian). Available
from: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3461623
544. Luneva N.N., Mysnik E.N. Abundance of weed plant species in the
Central Chernozem Region (by the case of the Lipetsk Region). Editor Igor
Ya. Grichanov. St.Petersburg: VIZR, 2019. 49 p. ("Plant Protection News,
Supplements", N29).
545. Grichanov, I. Ya. (2019) New records of long-legged flies (Diptera,
Dolichopodidae) from Morocco. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XI, no.
2, pp. 126-130. DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2019-11-2-126-130
546. Grichanov I.J., Ovsyannikov E.I., Saulich M.I. Zones of potential
phytosanitary risk of crop growing by a complex of polyphagous pests. In:
IV All-Russian Plant Protection Congress with international participation
"Phytosanitary technologies in ensuring independence and competitiveness
of the agricultural sector of Russia". Book of abstracts. Saint Petersburg:
FSBSI VIZR, 2019. P. 31 (in Russian).
547. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2019. Results of long-term
pheromone monitoring of harmful Lepidoptera in Leningrad region. In: IV
All-Russian Plant Protection Congress with international participation
"Phytosanitary technologies in ensuring independence and competitiveness
of the agricultural sector of Russia". Book of abstracts. Saint Petersburg:
FSBSI VIZR, 2019. P. 46 (in Russian).
548. Nourti M., Grichanov I.Ya., Kettani K. 2019. A new species of
Teuchophorus Loew, 1857 (Dolichopodidae, Diptera) from Morocco. Nature
Conservation Research 4(4): 106-110. https://dx.doi.org/10.24189/ncr.2019.064
549. Grichanov, I.Ya. (interview). 2019. From children's experiments
with Leucoma salicis to doctoral thesis and scientific discoveries. Agrarian
science, 2019, N10: 63-65 (in Russian).
550. Grichanov, I.Ya. 2019. Experience of phytosanitary mapping and
regionalization in Russia. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 11: 11-13 (in
551. Ovsyannikova, E. I., Grichanov, I. Y. (2019). New records of long-legged
flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Novgorod Region of Russia with an
annotated checklist of species. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XI, no.
3, pp. 206-217. DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2019-11-3-206-217
552. Grichanov I.Ya., Rezaei, S. (2019). A new species of Asyndetus
Loew, 1869 from Iran (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Halteres, 10, 35–39. doi:
553. Bagachanova A.K., Grichanov I.Ya. 2019. Chorological analysis
of the long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) of Yakutia. Entomologicheskoe
Obozrenie. Vol.98. No.4. 772-780. [in Russian]. [To be translated in: Engl.
transl.: Entomol. Rev.]. DOI: 10.1134/S0367144519040134
554. Grichanov I.Ya. 2019. New Afrotropical species of Tenuopus Curran,
1924 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Russian Entomological Journal 28(4): 460-463
463. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.28.4.15
555. Grichanov I.Ya. Discovery Udzungwomyia Grichanov in South Africa
and definition of a new tribe, Udzungwomyiini (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
Israel Journal of entomology, Vol. 49 (2): 267–275. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3562003
556. Rezaei, S., Grichanov I.Ya., Fallahzadeh, M. 2019. New records
of long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Fars Province of Iran.
Acta Biologica Sibirica, 5(3): 89-95. doi: https://doi.org/10.14258/abs.v5.i4.7069
557. Grichanov I.Ya. Development of Standards on Plant Protection in
Russia: Results and Prospects // Abstracts of Reports of the International
Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical Problems of Quarantine and
Plant Protection." (October 8, 2019). Bykovo: VNIIKR. 2019. P. 110-111.
558. Chursina M.A., Grichanov I.Ya. 2019. Analysis of the differences
between Syntormon pallipes and S. pseudospicatus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae):
morphological and molecular data. Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 28, No.
2, pp. 305–316. DOI 10.31610/zsr/2019.28.2.305
559. Nourti M., Kettani K., Grichanov I.Ya. 2019. Faunistic notes on
the genus Sciapus Zeller (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) of Morocco. Amurian
zoological journal 11(4): 309-313. DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2019-11-4-309-313
560. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. New species and new records of Lichtwardtia
Enderlein, 1912 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Australasian and Oriental
Regions. Far Eastern Entomologist 339: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.25221/fee.399.1
561. Grichanov I.Ya., Ovsyannikova E.I. 2020. Results of long-term
use of pheromone traps to monitor harmful tortricid moths in Leningrad
Region of Russia. J BIO Web Conf. 18, 00023: 1-5. DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20201800023
(Web of Science Core Collection CPCI)
562. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Saulich M.I. 2020. Assessing
phytosanitary risks of growing agricultural crops in Russia and neighboring
countries by a complex of phytophagous insects. J BIO Web Conf. 18, 00011:
1-5. DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20201800011 (Web of Science Core Collection CPCI)
563. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. A new species of Pseudoparaclius Grichanov
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from South Africa. Nature Conservation Research
5(2): [1-6]. https://dx.doi.org/10.24189/ncr.2020.012; http://ncr-journal.bear-land.org/article/257
564. Grichanov I.Ya., Nourti M., Kettani K. 2020. The Hercostomus exarticulatus
species group in the Palaearctic Region (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Caucasian
Entomological Bulletin 16(1): 27-34. DOI: 10.23885/181433262020161-2734
565. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. A new species of Pseudargyrochlamys Grichanov,
2006 from South Africa (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Russian Entomol. J. Vol.29.
No.1. P.97–101. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.29.1.14
566. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. Identification of mass pest species from
photos using Internet search engines. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii 7:
33-36. [in Russian].
567. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya., Kremneva O.Yu., Pachkin A.A.
2020. Approbation of LED traps in conditions of the Northwest of the Russian
Federation. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii 7: 29-33. [in Russian].
568. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. New species of Condylostylus Bigot (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from Comoros, Madagascar, Tanzania and South Africa, with
key to Afrotropical species. Zootaxa 4830 (1): 062-074. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4830.1.2
569. Shamshev I. V., Grichanov I. Ya., Karlik F. A. 2020. In Memoriam:
Mariya Aleksandrovna Bulyginskaya (1928–2019). Entomologicheskoe obozrenie
99 (3): 721–732.
570. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
fauna of the Novgorod Region. Addition. Russian Entomological Journal Vol.29.
No.3: 307–314. (Scopus Q4 https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100431830&tip=sid&clean=0)
571. Grichanov Igor Ya., Nourti Mohamed, Kettani Kawtar. 2020. A new
species of Chrysotus Loew, 1857 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Morocco.
Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 72 (3): 333-338.
572. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. Two new species of Mascaromyia Bickel (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from Mauritius Island. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin
16(2): 201–205. DOI: 10.23885/181433262020162-201205
573. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. New species of Hercostomus Loew, 1857 from
Afrotropics (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) and key to Afrotropical fauna. European
Journal of Taxonomy 722: 1-21. https://doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2020.722.1131
574. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. Review of recent investigations of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) fauna of the Mediterranean Sea basin. In: XI All-Russian Dipterological
Symposium (with international participation), Voronezh, 24-29 August 2020:
Ìaterials. St.-Petersburg: Russian entomological society: 283-286. DOI:
575. Negrobov O.P., Grichanov I.Ya., Wang M. 2020. Comparative analysis
of the fauna of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of Mongolia and Inner
Mongolia of China. In: XI All-Russian Dipterological Symposium (with international
participation), Voronezh, 24-29 August 2020: Ìaterials. St.-Petersburg:
Russian entomological society: 297-301. DOI: 10.47640/978-5-00105-586-0_2020_297
576. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. Review of recent investigations
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) fauna of Russian North-West. In: XI All-Russian
Dipterological Symposium (with international participation), Voronezh,
24-29 August 2020: Ìaterials. St.-Petersburg: Russian entomological society:
302-305. DOI: 10.47640/978-5-00105-586-0_2020_302
577. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. A new species of Sybistroma Meigen (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from China. Far Eastern Entomologist 418: 1-8. https://doi.org/10.25221/fee.418.1
578. Dawah Hassan A., Ahmad Syed Kamran, Abdullah Mohammed A. &
Grichanov Igor Ya. (2020) The family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the Arabian
Peninsula: identification key, an updated list of species and new records
from Saudi Arabia. Journal of Natural History, 54, 21-22: 1425-1454 https://doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2020.1800118
579. Grichanov I.Ya., Khruleva O.A. 2020. New records of long-legged
flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Wrangel Island Nature Reserve (Chukotka
AD, Russia). Acta Biologica Sibirica 6: 551-562. doi: 10.3897/abs.6.e53065
580. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. Afrotropical Dolichopodoidae (Diptera) catalogue:
Changes and corrections. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XII, no. 4, pp.
406-411. DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-4-406-411
581. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Russian Primorye and notes on some Chinese species. Russian Entomological
Journal Vol.29. No.4: 432-438. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.29.4.12
582. Grichanov I.Ya. 2020. Lamprochromus kowarzi (p. 290). In: Avtaeva
T.A., Belousov I.A., Grichanov I.Ya., David’yan G.E., Zamotailov A.S.,
Komarov E.V., Kushalieva Sh.A., Leptyagin D.O., Miroshnikov A.I., Orlov
N.V., Popov I.B., Terskov E.N., Fominykh D.D., Shokhin I.V. Part 9. Invertebrate,
Insecta (p. 243-307). In: Red data book of Chechen Republic. 2nd edition.
Rostov-na-Donu, 480 p. ISBN 978-5-98864-122-3
583. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region of Russia. Amurian Zoological Journal,
vol. XIII, no. 1: 4-11. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2021-13-1-4-11
584. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. A new species of Epithalassius (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from Brittany, France. Nature Conservation Research 6(2):
93-97. http://ncr-journal.bear-land.org/article/327/?lang=en, https://dx.doi.org/10.24189/ncr.2021.021
585. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. Phenomenon of the second
generation of the plum moth after a snowless winter in the Leningrad region.
Zashchita i karantin rastenii. No 3. P. 27-29. DOI 10.47528/1026-8634_2021_3_27
586. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. A new species of Tenuopus Curran, 1924 (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from Tanzania // Russian Entomological Journal. Vol.30.
No.1: 103-105.
587. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. Predatory long-legged
flies in apple ecosystems of North-West Russia. Zashchita i karantin rastenii.
No. 4: 43-46 (in Russian). DOI 10.47528/1026-8634_2021_4_43
588. Grichanov I.Ya., Selivanova O.O. 2021. An annotated checklist
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) species from Primorsky Territory, Russia, with
new records. Amurian Zoological Journal 13(2): 202-227. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2021-13-2-202-227
589. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. Eleven new species of Amblypsilopus Bigot
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Sciapodinae) and a key to the species of Madagascar
and adjacent islands. European Journal of Taxonomy 755: 47-87. https://doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2021.755.1399
590. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. Oleg Pavlovich Negrobov (21 November 1941
- 8 January 2021). Fly Times 66: 61-65.
591. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Mordovia, Russia. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 17(1): 129-139.
DOI: 10.23885/181433262021171-129139
592. Grichanov I.Ya., Nourti M. 2021. Notes on taxonomy and distribution
of some Ortochile Latreille, 1809, Sybistroma Meigen, 1824 and Teuchophorus
Loew, 1857 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) species from Mediterranean Region.
Russian Entomological Journal Vol.30. No.2. P.189-195. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.30.2.14
593. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. A new species of Mesorhaga Schiner, 1868
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tanzania, with key to Afrotropical species.
Far Eastern Entomologist 435: 1-6. https://doi.org/10.25221/fee.435.1
594. Skvortsova E.G., Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. Vegetable pest monitoring
in greenhouses. Zashchita i karantin rastenii 7: 25-28.
595. Grichanov I.Ya., Chursina M.A., Wang M. 2021. Detection of biodiversity
local centers and gradients of change of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in East
Asia. Journal of Insect Biodiversity 28(1): 13-34. https://doi.org/10.12976/jib/2021.28.1.2
596. Grichanov I.Ya., Chursina M.A., Maslova O.O., Selivanova O.O.,
Wang Mengqing. 2021. Primorsky Krai as a Dolichopodidae (Diptera) biodiversity
center in mainland East Asia. In: Baklanov P.Y., Ganzei K.S., Moshkov A.V.
(eds.). Materials, 16th Meetings of Geographers of Siberia and the Far
East, September 28 - October 1, 2021. Collection of scientific articles.
Vladivostok: Pacific Geographical Institute: 128-130. DOI: 10.35735/9785604701119_128
597. Grichanov, I. Ya. (2021) First records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Bastak Nature Reserve, Russia. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XIII,
no. 3, pp. 401-404. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2021-13-3-401-404
598. Polevoi A.V., Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. First data on long-legged
flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) of the Onezhskoye Pomorye National Park
(Arkhangelsk Region, Russia). Acta Biologica Sibirica 7: 283-292. doi:
599. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. A new species of Plagiozopelma Enderlein,
1912 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Cameroon. Journal of Insect Biodiversity
28(2): 35-43. https://doi.org/10.12976/jib/2021.28.2.1
600. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. Genus Mesorhaga Schiner, 1868 (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) on Madagascar, with description of a new species. Entomological
Review, Vol. 101, No. 5, pp. 705-708. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0013873821050109
601. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. Discovery of Dytomyia Bickel (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)
on African continent with description of a new peculiar species from Kenya.
Israel Journal of entomology 51, pp. 85-91. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5589575
602. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. Two new species of Parentia Hardy, 1935
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from South Africa, with key to Afrotropical species.
Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 17(2): 325-332. DOI: 10.23885/181433262021172-325332
603. Krivokhatsky V.A., Belokobylskij S.A., Grichanov I.Ya., Shamshev
I.V. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society. Vol. 92.
St Petersburg, 2021. 112 pp.
604. Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. New species and new records of the Afrotropical
Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Proceedings of the Russian Entomological
Society. St Petersburg, Vol. 92: 42-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/10.47640/1605-7678_2021_92_42
605. Shamshev I.V., Grichanov I.Ya. 2021. Oleg Pavlovich Negrobov (21.11.1941-08.01.2021).
Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society. St Petersburg, 2021.
Vol. 92: 5-11. [in Russian].
606. Grichanov I.Ya., Maslova O.O., Selivanova O.O., Kornev I.I. 2021.
Contribution of the Professor O.P. Negrobov's school to the study of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) of the Russian Far East (p. 95-99). Results and prospects for
the development of entomology in Eastern Europe: collection of articles
of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to
the memory of Alexander Mikhailovich Tereshkin (1953–2020), December 1-3,
2021, Minsk, eds.: O.V. Prischepchik, E.V. Makovetskaya. Minsk: A.N. Varaksin
Publishing house, 434 p. [in Russian].
607. Grichanov I.Ya., Selivanova O.O. 2022. Long-legged flies (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from Kurile Islands, with description of a new species
of the genus Sciapus Zeller, 1842. Far Eastern Entomologist 445: 7-24.
608. Ovsyannikova E. I., Grichanov I.Ya., Stulov S.V. 2022. Testing
Sex Attractant for Monitoring Plutella xylostella in the Leningrad Region.
Zashchita i karantin rastenii. No. 2: 30-33 (in Russian). DOI 10.47528/1026-8634_2022_2_30
609. Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. Six new species of Amblypsilopus Bigot (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae: Sciapodinae) and a key to species of the Afrotropical mainland.
European Journal of Taxonomy 789: 49-80. https://doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2022.789.1631
610. Grichanov I.Ya., Chursina M.A., Wang M. 2021. A checklist of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) species from Russian and Chinese far eastern mainland. Version
1. Online edition: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6281039
611. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. First records of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) from Kurgalsky Nature Reserve, and new records for Leningrad
Region, Russia // Russian Entomological Journal. Vol.31. No.1: 80–82
612. Grichanov, I. Ya. (2022) New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Primorsky Territory, Russia. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XIV,
no. 1, pp. 48-60. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-1-48-60
613. Selivanova, O. V., Grichanov, I. Ya. (2022) An annotated checklist
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) species from Sakhalin, Russia, with new records.
Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XIV, no. 1, pp. 34-47. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-1-34-47
614. Kettani K, Ebejer MJ, Ackland DM, Bachli G, Barraclough D, Bartak
M, Carles-Tolra M, Cerny M, Cerretti P, Chandler P, Dakki M, Daugeron C,
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IY, Haenni J-P, Hauser M, Himmi O, Macgowan I, Mathieu B, Mouna M, Munari
L, Nartshuk EP, Negrobov OP, Oosterbroek P, Pape T, Pont AC, Popov GV,
Rognes K, Skuhravy M, Skuhravy V, Speight M, Tomasovic G, Trari B, Tschorsnig
H-P, Vala J-C, von Tschirnhaus M, Wagner R, Whitmore D, Woznica AJ, Zatwarnicki
T, Zwick P (2022) Catalogue of the Diptera (Insecta) of Morocco - an annotated
checklist, with distributions and a bibliography. ZooKeys 1094: 1–466 [Kettani
K, Grichanov IY, Negrobov OP. Dolichopodidae: 218-228]. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1094.62644
615. Grichanov, I. Ya., Selivanova, O. V. (2022) New records of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) from Yakutia and Far East of Russia. Amurian Zoological Journal,
vol. XIV, no. 1, pp. 156-167. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-1-156-167
616. Karlik F.A., Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. The 75th anniversary of the
Laboratory of phytosanitary diagnostics and forecasts, VIZR: a story of
establishment. Zashchita i karantin rastenii. No. 6: 31-36. DOI: 10.47528/1026-8634_2022_6_31
617. Ovsyannikova E.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. Phenology of Enarmonia
formosana in Leningrad region under climate change. Plodovodstvo i vinogradarstvo
Yuga Rossii. No. 75(3), 221-230. DOI 10.30679/2219-5335-2022-3-75-221-230
618. Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. An annotated checklist of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) species from Belarus, with new records. Amurian Zoological Journal,
vol. 14, no. 2, 186-198. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-2-186-198
619. Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. A new species of Hercostomus Loew, 1857
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tanzania // Russian Entomological Journal,
Vol.31. No.2. P.191-193. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.31.2.18
620. Grichanov I.Ya., Chursina M.A., Maslova O.O., Selivanova O.O.
2022. Review of recent investigations of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) fauna
of the Russian Far East. In: 16th Congress of the Russian Entomological
Society. Moscow, August 22-26, 2022. Abstract book. Moscow: KMK, p. 57.
621. Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. Discovery of Griphophanes Grootaert &
Meuffels in Cameroon (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Russian Entomological Journal
3: 293-296. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.31.3.11
622. Selivanova O.V., Chursina M.A., Grichanov I.Ya. and Maslova O.O.
2022. New and insufficiently studied morphological characters in species
of the genus Dolichopus Latreille, 1797 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Proceedings
of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2022, 326(3): 190-202. https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2022.326.3.190
623. Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. A new species of the genus Thinophilus Wahlberg
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Turkey, new records and a key to species
of West and Central Palaearctic. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 18(2):
223-230. DOI: 10.23885/181433262022182-223230
624. Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. A new species of the genus Thinophilus Wahlberg,
1844 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from New Guinea, new records and a key to
species from New Guinea and adjacent islands. Entomological Review 102(4):
543-548. DOI: 10.1134/S0013873822040121
625. Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. A new species of Campsicnemus Haliday (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from South Africa and a key to continental Afrotropical
species. Euroasian Entomological Journal, 21(4): 239–242. doi: 10.15298/euroasentj.21.4.10
626. Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. First reliable record of the genus Micromorphus
Mik, 1878 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from the Oriental Region, with the
description of a new species from India. Russian entomological journal.
Vol.31. No.4. P.422-425. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.31.4.13
627. Volfov B.I. 2022. Argyra submontana Negrobov et Selivanova, 2006.
In: Zamotajlov A.S., ed. Red Data Book of Republic of Adygheya. Part 2.
Animals. Third edition. Voronezh: OOO "Slavyanskaya", p. 230 (in Russian;
Grichanov I.Ya. - photo).
628. Volfov B.I. 2022. Diostracus caucasicus (Negrobov, 1965). In:
Zamotajlov A.S., ed. Red Data Book of Republic of Adygheya. Part 2. Animals.
Third edition. Voronezh: OOO "Slavyanskaya", p. 230-231 (in Russian; Grichanov
I.Ya. - photo).
629. Grichanov I.Ya., Volfov B.I. 2022. Sybistroma transcaucasica (Stackelberg,
1941). In: Zamotajlov A.S., ed. Red Data Book of Republic of Adygheya.
Part 2. Animals. Third edition. Voronezh: OOO "Slavyanskaya", p. 231-232
(in Russian).
630. Grichanov I.Ya., Volfov B.I. 2022. Sciapus polozhentsevi Negrobov,
1977. In: Zamotajlov A.S., ed. Red Data Book of Republic of Adygheya. Part
2. Animals. Third edition. Voronezh: OOO "Slavyanskaya", p. 232-233 (in
631. Volfov B.I., Grichanov I.Ya. 2022. Dolichopus ciscaucasicus Stackelberg,
1927. In: Zamotajlov A.S., ed. Red Data Book of Republic of Adygheya. Part
2. Animals. Third edition. – Voronezh: OOO “Slavyanskaya”, p. 233-234 (in
632. Arzanov Yu.G., O.N. Artaev, I.A. Belousov, A.I. Belyi, A.R. Bibin,
K.V. Bibina, A.S. Bondarenko, B.I. Volfov, E.V. Galich, V.V. Gladun, I.Ya.
Grichanov, G.E. Davidian, I.V. Doronin, A.P. Evsyukov, K.A. Efetov, A.S.
Zamotajlov, I.I. Ivanov, G.I. Karnaukhov, A.A. Kidov, A.G. Koval, E.A.
Korotkov, B.A. Korotyaev, K.V. Kuprina, S.Yu. Kustov, V.I. Lantsov, B.A.
Liovin, A.K. Makaov, V.N. Makarkin, A.A. Makhrov, Ya.G. Merkulov, A.I.
Miroshnikov, R.A. Mnatsekanov, V.V. Neimorovets, S.V. Nesterenko, N.B.
Nikitsky, V.N. Orlov, S.V. Ostrovskikh, A.N. Pashkov, A.G. Perevozov, A.V.
Ponomarev, A.B. Pkhitikov, I.B. Popov, S.V. Pushkin, I.B. Rapoport, S.I.
Reshetnikov, M.A. Saprykin, V.V. Stakheev, A.V. Smokachiova, P.A. Tilba,
A.V. Tikhonov, B.S. Tuniev, D.D. Fominykh, E.A. Khachikov, E.E. Khomitskiy,
M.S. Chebanov, S.K. Cherchesova, I.V. Shamshev, M.I. Shapovalov, I.R. Sheudzhen,
I.V. Shokhin, V.I. Shchurov. 2022. In: Zamotajlov A.S., ed. Red Data Book
of Republic of Adygheya. Part 2. Animals. Third edition. Voronezh: OOO
"Slavyanskaya", 404 pp. (in Russian).
633. Grichanov I.Ya., Gilasian E. 2023. Mangrovomyia, a new genus of long-legged
flies from Iranian mangroves (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Hydrophorinae).
Zootaxa 5239 (3): 395-407. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5239.3.4
634. Grichanov, I. Ya. (2023) First records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Khingan Nature Reserve, Russia. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XV,
no. 1, pp. 69-76. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2023-15-1-69-76
635. Grichanov, I. Ya., Gilasian, E. (2023) An annotated checklist
of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) species from Iran, with new records and a bibliography.
Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XV, no. 1, pp. 82-109. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2023-15-1-82-109
636. Grichanov I.Ya. 2023. Four new species of the genus Thinophilus
Wahlberg, 1844 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with new records and a key to
species known from India and adjacent regions. Far Eastern Entomologist
472: 1-17.
637. Grichanov I.Ya. 2023. Irwinus, a new genus of long-legged flies
from South Africa (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Sympycninae) // Russian Entomol.
J. Vol.32. No.1: 83-88. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.32.1.10
638. Grichanov I.Ya., Gilasian E. 2023. Two new species of Sciapus
Zeller, 1842 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Iran. Journal of Insect Biodiversity
38 (2): 37-47. https://doi.org/10.12976/jib/2023.38.2.2
639. Grichanov, I. Ya. (2023) Afrotropical Dolichopodoidae (Diptera)
Catalog: Second addition with description of a new Syntormon species from
Kenya. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XV, no. 2, pp. 308-315. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2023-15-2-308-315
640. Grichanov I.Ya., Gilasian E. 2023. A new species of Neurigona
Rondani, 1856 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with a key to species from Iran
and adjacent countries. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 19(1): 79-84.
DOI: 10.23885/181433262023191-7984
641. Grichanov I.Ya. 2023. Dynamics of the Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
species number in the fauna of Iran: how soon the exponent turns into a
sigmoid? Second All-Russian conference "Zoological collections as the source
of genetic resources of the world fauna - classical and modern approaches
to its study, storage and use", St. Petersburg, Zoological Institute RAS,
June 27, 2023: Program and abstracts. St. Petersburg: ZIN RAS, 2023. P.
24. (In Russian)
642. Grichanov I.Ya., Gilasian E. 2023. Three new species of the genus
Argyrochlamys Lamb, 1922 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from mangroves of Iran
and Oman // Russian Entomol. J. Vol.32. No.2: 210-220. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.32.2.12
643. Grichanov I.Ya. 2023. A review of the Afrotropical Thinophilus
Wahlberg, 1844 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with the description of ten new
species. European Journal of Taxonomy 878: 1-52. https://doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2023.878.2153
644. Grichanov I.Ya., Gilasian E. 2023. A review of the genus Asyndetus
Loew, 1869 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Iran and neighbouring countries
with the description of three new species. Journal of Insect Biodiversity
040 (1): 12-27. https://doi.org/10.12976/jib/2023.40.1.2
645. Grichanov I.Ya., Gilasian E. 2023. A new species of Medetera Fischer
von Waldheim, 1819 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with a key to the species
known from Iran. Russian Entomol. J. Vol.32. No.3. P. 322–329. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.32.3.08
646. Grichanov I.Ya., Gilasian E. 2023. Four new species and new records
of Thinophilus Wahlberg, 1844 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Iranian mangroves
with a key to the species known from Iran. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin
19(2): 231–241. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8359943
647. Grichanov I.Ya. 2023. Discovery of Lichtwardtia Enderlein, 1912
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) in East India. Amurian Zoological Journal 15(3):
641-649. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2023-15-3-641-649
648. Grichanov I.Ya. 2023. A new species of Rhaphium Meigen, 1803 and
new records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Oka Nature Reserve, Russia.
Invertebrate Zoology. Vol.20. No.4: 467–473. https://doi.org/10.15298/invertzool.20.4.12
649. Grichanov I.Ya. 2023. New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Kaliningrad Region of Russia. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. 15,
no. 4, pp. 749–754. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2023-15-4-749-754
650. Grichanov I.Ya. 2023. A new species of Thrypticus Gerstaecker,
1864 and new records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Turkey. Journal of
Insect Biodiversity 44(2): 41-50. https://doi.org/10.12976/jib/2023.44.2.2
651. Grichanov I.Ya. 2023. A new species of Hercostomus Loew, 1857
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from India with some nomenclatural notes. Entomological
Review, Vol. 103, No. 6, pp. 684–691. DOI: 10.1134/S001387382306009X
652. Grichanov I.Ya. 2023. A new extinct genus of long-legged flies,
with a brief review and key to extinct genera of Baltic amber Dolichopodidae
(Diptera). Paleontological Journal 57, Suppl. 3, pp. 246–261. DOI: 10.1134/S0031030123600051
653. Grichanov I.Ya. 2024. A new species of Dolichophorus Lichtwardt, 1902
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Madagascar with a key to Afrotropical species.
Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 20(1): 3–7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10561398
654. Grichanov I.Ya. 2024. A new genus and species of subfamily Medeterinae
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Cameroon. Far Eastern Entomologist 495:
1-9. https://doi.org/10.25221/fee.495.1
655. Grichanov I.Ya. 2024. A new species of long-legged flies with
a brief review and key to species of the genus Wheelerenomyia Meunier from
Eocene Baltic amber (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Palaeoentomology 7 (1):
141–147. https://doi.org/10.11646/palaeoentomology.7.1.10
656. Grichanov I.Ya. 2024. Four new species of the genus Udzungwomyia
Grichanov, 2018 from Lesotho and South Africa (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).
Russian Entomol. J. 33(1): 372-378. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.33.1.12
657. Grichanov I.Ya. and Dubrovskiy D.V. 2024. A review of long-legged
flies from the Republic of Guinea (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description
of a new Lichtwardtia species. Journal of Insect Biodiversity 48(1): 10-19.
658. Grichanov I.Ya. 2024. A new species of Hercostomus Loew (Diptera:
Dolichopodidae) from Nepal. Euroasian Entomological Journal 23(2): 94–96.
659. Grichanov I.Ya. 2024. Evolution of phytosanitary terms and standards
(p. 269). In: V All-Russian Congress on Plant Protection. Book of abstracts.
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660. Karlik, F. A., Grichanov, I. Ya. (2024) Zoological research at
the All-Union Institute of Plant Protection (1946–1990). Amurian Zoological
Journal, vol. XVI, no. 1, pp. 206–219. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2024-16-1-206-219
661. Ovsyannikova E. I., Grichanov I. Ya., Volkov I. V., Koblova M.
N. 2024. New records of predatory long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)
from the Sablinsky Natural Park with a checklist of species from the Tosnensky
District, Leningrad Oblast, Russia. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. 14,
no. 2, pp. 326–333. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2024-16-2-326-333
662. Grichanov I.Ya. 2024. Rhinoceromyia, a peculiar new genus of long-legged
flies from Guinea (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Dolichopodinae), Zootaxa 5471
(4): 489–495. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5471.4.8
663. Polevoi, A.V., Grichanov, I.Ya. 2024. New records of long-legged
flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from the Murmansk Oblast, Russia, with
description of a new species. Amurian Zoological Journal 16(3): 682–694.
664. Grichanov I.Ya. 2024. Results of investigation of Dolichopodidae
(Diptera) from Baltic amber. In: XII All-Russian Dipterological Symposium,
St. Petersburg, October 21-24, 2024: program and abstracts. St. Petersburg:
Russian Entomological Society: LEMA Publishing House LLC: p. 31. (in Russian).
665. Ovsyannikova E. I., Grichanov I. Ya., Krokhalyov R. S., Nikolaeva
Z. V., Kryukova A. V., Vendilo N. V. Complex of codling moths in orchard
agrocenoses of North-West Russia. Agrarnyy nauchnyy zhurnal = Agrarian
Scientific Journal. 2024(10):47–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.28983/asj.y2024i10pp47-59.
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666. Grichanov, I. Ya. (2024) New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Khabarovsk Krai, Russia. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XVI, no.
4, pp. 839–844. https://www.doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2024-16-4-839-844
667. Grichanov I.Ya. 2024. A new species of Micromorphus Mik, 1878
from Turkey (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Russian Entomological Journal. Vol.33.
No.4: 493–495. doi: 10.15298/rusentj.33.4.12
668. Grichanov I. Ya. 2024. Distribution and zones of harmfulness of
phytophages of main agricultural crops: tutorial for higher education institutions.
St. Petersburg: Lan, 2024. - 84 p.: ill. - 149. Available from: https://lanbook.com/catalog/agronomiya/rasprostranenie-i-zony-vredonosnosti-fitofagov-osnovnykh-selskokhozyaystvennykh-kultur.
(in Russian).
669. Chursina M.A., Grichanov I.Ya., Maslova O.O. 2024. Molecular phylogeny
of Russian species of the genus Dolichopus Latreille, 1796 (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)
/ Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya Biologiya i ekologiya
4 (76): 82-93. https://doi.org/10.26456/vtbio386 (in Russian).
670. Grichanov I.Ya., Volfov B.I. 2025. Two new species of Diostracus Loew
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Caucasus with a key to species from the
Region. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 21(1): 3-8. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14720642