New data on Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with a revised catalogue and keys to Afrotropical species of the subfamily

by Igor Ya. Grichanov


Holotypes of 55 species and paratypes of additional 5 species have been examined mainly from the collections of the Royal Institute for Natural Sciences (Brussels) and Royal Museum for Central Africa (Tervuren). Descriptions of 18 new species, new records for known African species are given, 15 species are replaced, several species are excluded from the fauna of Madagascar, Congo (Kinshasa) or even Africa. Subgenus Bickeliolus Grichanov is raised to genus. The following pairs of species are synonymized: Bickeliolus haemorhoidalis (Becker) [(=B. coalescens (Parent)], Chrysosoma consentium Curran (=C. fortunatum Parent), C. katangense Curran (=C. speciosum Parent), C. mesotrichum Bezzi (=C. garambaense Vanschuytbroeck), C. singulare Parent (=C. gracile Vanschuytbroeck), Ethiosciapus bicalcaratus (Parent) [=E. setifrons (Parent)], E. finitimus (Parent) (=E. skufjini Grichanov), Plagiozopelma pallidicorne (Curran) [=P. lindneri (Vanschuytbroeck)]. A revised catalogue and keys to 12 genera and 205 Afrotropical species of Sciapodinae are also presented.

Key words: Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Sciapodinae, nomenclature, Tropical Africa.


The last catalogue of Afrotropical dolichopodid fauna (Dyte and Smith, 1980) included about 180 species belonging to 8 genera of Sciapodinae, of which 3 genera were later synonymized, status of 1 genus was changed, and all species of the genus Sciapus were transferred to other genera. As a result, only 65 previously known Afrotropical species are placed now in the sciapodine genera sensu Dyte and Smith (1980). Bickel (1994a) recently revised the world fauna of sciapodine genera. In his big work he proposed 21 valid genera, of which 8 occur in Afrotropical Region. Grichanov (1995–1997) reviewed all African sciapodine genera, described two new genera and 22 new species of the subfamily from the Region. In this paper one new genus is established and one more is recorded for Africa for the first time. Now twelve genera are known from Afrotropical zoogeographical Region, of which Ethiosciapus, Bickeliolus and Gigantosciapus are endemic for Continental Africa and Madagascar, and Bickelia and Mascaromyia are confined to western Indian Ocean islands. Dytomyia was found on Madagascar and in Australia. The number of Afrotropical species belonging to sciapodine genera are as follows: Chrysosoma (67), Amblypsilopus (43), Mascaromyia (21), Plagiozopelma (17), Condylostylus (15), Gigantosciapus (13), Ethiosciapus (10), Bickeliolus (7), Mesorhaga (5), Dytomyia (3), Bickelia (3) and Sciapus (1).

In total, 205 Afrotropical species are known today. Many of those species were briefly or incompletely described. Some of them are known from females, others from males only. Authors in their descriptions often omitted important characters regarded now as having generic level value. That is why no less than 20 species are waiting to be synonymized or be declared Nomina Dubia in future revisions of type material. A few dozens of species are probably waiting to be described. The major fraction of Afrotropical species was described by O. Parent (71 species including 7 placed in synonymy), I.Ya. Grichanov (41 and 1), C.H. Curran (37 and 7), Th. Becker (21 and 2), P. Vanschuytbroeck (15 and 3) and C.G. Lamb (9).

The well-known fauna of Congo (Kinshasa) comprises 84 species; Tanzania numbers 25, South Africa 22, Uganda 20, Nigeria 19, Kenya and Cameroons – 16 species each. Adjacent African islands are poorly studied. Only 29 species were recorded from Madagascar, 16 from Mauritius and 11 from Seychelles. The most interest distribution of species are as follows: Chrysosoma snelli Curran – Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar, Seychelles, Reunion, Mauritius, Rodriguez, Aldabra, Maldives, Chagos Archipelago; Mascaromyia librativertex (Lamb) – Seychelles, Mauritius, Chagos Archipelago; Bickelia subparallela Grichanov – Chagos Archipelago, Seychelles; Amblypsilopus munroi (Curran) – South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, Sri Lanka; Amblypsilopus pallidicornis (Grimshaw) – Madagascar, Seychelles, Hawaiian Islands, Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, Guam, Belau and Taiwan.

Treating material from the collections of the Royal Institute for Natural Sciences [RINS] (Brussels), Royal Museum for Central Africa [RMCA] (Tervuren) and National Museum of Kenya [NMK] (Nairobi), I found a lot of interesting material in the subfamily Sciapodinae. Holotypes of 55 species and paratypes of additional 5 species were examined. In this paper descriptions of 18 new species, new records for known African species are given, 8 species are synonymized and 15 species are replaced, and some previous species records from Madagascar, Congo (Kinshasa) or even all Africa are shown to be incorrect. A revised catalogue and keys to all Afrotropical sciapodine species is also presented.

Holotypes and paratypes of the new species are deposited in the Royal Institute for Natural Sciences (Brussels). Hypopygii removed from the dry specimens are placed after alkalisation into glycerol and mounted on the same pin in a cavity of polymer film covered with a piece of adhesive tape. Most part of the material collected from Madagascar is kept in 70% alcohol inside glass tubes and cans. In addition, one specimen of each species is also placed after alkalisation into glycerol and mounted on pin in sealed plastic container. Listing material examined, I use here slash ( / ) to separate labels on one pin and square brackets [...] to insert my personal remarks. Species diagnosis includes usually key characters and some important features that were missed in original descriptions. Bibliography includes works published after the "Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region" (Dyte and Smith, 1980).



Genus Mesorhaga Schiener

Mesorhaga Schiener, 1868:217. Type species Mesorhaga tristis Schiener, 1868, by monotypy.

=Aptorthus Aldrich, 1893:48. Type species Aptorthus albiciliatus Aldrich, 1893, subsequently designated by Coquillett, 1910:509.

africana Curran, 1927:264 – Congo (Kinshasa).

demeyeri Grichanov, sp. n. – Madagascar.

mahunkai Grichanov, 1997c:45 – Tanzania.

pauliani Vanschuytbroeck, 1952:137 – Madagascar.

tsurikovi Grichanov, sp. n. – Burundi.


Genus Sciapus Zeller

=Leptopus Fallen, 1823:23. Included species Leptopus longulus Fallen, 1823 and Leptopus wiedemanni Fallen, 1823 [preoccupied by Latreille, 1809].

=Psilopus Meigen, 1824:35. Type species Dolichopus platypterus Fabricius, 1805, by subsequent designation of Westwood, 1840:134 [preoccupied by Poli, 1795].

Sciapus Zeller, 1842: 831 (new name for Psilopus Meigen)

=Stenarus Gistl, 1848:10 ([unnecessary] new name for Psilopus Meigen).

=Psilopodius Rondani, 1861:11 ([unnecessary] new name for PsilopusMeigen).

=Psilopodinus Bigot, 1889:24. Type species Dolichopus platypterus Fabricius, 1805, by original designation.

=Psilopiella Van Duzee, 1914:438. Type species Psilopiella rutila Van Duzee, 1914, by original designation.

=Agastoplax Enderlein, 1936:114. Type species Psilopus flavicinctus Loew, 1857, by monotypy.

=Dactylodiscia Enderlein, 1936:114. Type species Psilopus calceolata Loew, 1859, by original designation.

=Dactylorhipis Enderlein, 1936:114. Type species Psilopus bellus Loew, 1873, by monotypy.

=Placantichir Enderlein, 1936:114 [unavailable name, genus proposed after 1930 without designation of type species from the five included species].

=Placantichir Bickel, 1994a:88. Type species Dolichopus nervosus Lehmann, 1822, designated by Bickel, 1994a [for description to validate proposal of new genus, see generic characters cited for Placantichir Enderlein, 1936:114].

Records of Palearctic species such as S. longimanus Becker, S. adumbratus Becker and S. sylvaticus Becker from Congo (Kinshasa), Zimbabwe and Madagascar (Vanschuytbroeck, 1951, 1952, 1959) belong to undescribed species of Amblypsilopus.

endrodyi Grichanov, 1997c:47 – Ghana.

Genus Dytomyia Bickel

Dytomyia Bickel, 1994a:91. Type species Sciopus sordidus Parent, 1928, by original designation.

deconinckae Grichanov, sp. n. – Madagascar.

elenae Grichanov, sp. n. – Madagascar.

paulyi Grichanov, sp. n. – Madagascar.

Genus Bickelia Grichanov

Bickelia Grichanov, 1996a:119. Type species Bickelia subparallela Grichanov, 1996, by original designation.

guerini Parent, 1935:86 (Sciopus) – Mauritius.

parallela Macquart, 1842:175 (Psilopus) – Mauritius.

subparallela Grichanov, 1996a:120 – Chagos Archipelago, Seychelles.

Genus Mascaromyia Bickel

Mascaromyia Bickel, 1994a:100. Type species Psilopus pollicifer Lamb, 1922:375, by original designation.

albitarsis Parent, 1935:83 (Sciopus) – Mauritius.

amplicaudata Lamb, 1922:378 (Psilopus) – Seychelles.

babichae Grichanov, 1996:113 – Mauritius.

bickeli Grichanov, 1996:111 – Mauritius.

desjardsini Macquart, 1842:175 (Psilopus) – Mauritius.

duplicata Parent, 1932:230 (Sciopus) – Reunion.

dytei Grichanov, 1996:116 – Mauritius.

frolovi Grichanov, 1996:117 – Mauritius.

grandicaudata Lamb, 1922:378 (Psilopus) – Seychelles.

hutsoni Grichanov, 1996:115 – Mauritius.

indistincta Lamb, 1922:376 (Psilopus) – Seychelles.

kalinkini Grichanov, 1996:116 – Mauritius.

leptogaster Thomson, 1869:510 (Psilopus) – Mauritius.

librativertex Lamb, 1922:374 (Psilopus) – Seychelles, Mauritius; Chagos Archipelago.

makhotkini Grichanov, 1996:112 – Mauritius.

magnicaudata Lamb, 1922:377 (Psilopus) – Seychelles.

mauritiensis Parent, 1939:270 (Sciopus) – Mauritius.

pollicifer Lamb, 1922:375 (Psilopus) – Seychelles.

rufiventris Macquart, 1842:174 (Psilopus) – Mauritius.

shabuninae Grichanov, 1996:114 – Mauritius.

vagabunda Lamb in Bezzi & Lamb, 1925:546 (Psilopus) – Rodriguez.

Genus Condylostylus Bigot

Condylostylus Bigot, 1859:215. Type species Psilopus bituberculatus Macquart, 1842, by original designation.

=Dasypsilopus Bigot, 1859:215. Type species Psilopus pilipes Macquart, 1842, by original designation.

=Eurostomerus Bigot, 1859:215. Type species "Psilopus coerulus Macquart", nomen nudum (=Eurostomerus coerulus Bigot, validated by generic description).

=Oedipsilopus Bigot 1859:224. Type species Psilopus posticatus Wiedemann, 1830, by original designation.

=Tylochaetus Bigot, 1889:215. Type species Psilopus bituberculatus Macquart, 1842, by original designation.

=Laxina Curran, 1934:230. Type species Dolichopus patibulatus Fabricius, by original designation.

angustipennnis Loew, 1858:372 (1860:346) (Psilopus) – South Africa.

basovi Grichanov, sp. n. – Madagascar.

beckeri Speiser, 1920:218 – Cameroons.

burgeoni Parent, 1935:115 – Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, Kenya, Ruanda, Burundi.

chaineyi Grichanov, sp. n. – Madagascar.

congensis Curran, 1927:263 – Congo (Brazzaville), Cameroons, Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa.

=imitans Parent, 1935:117 nec Curran (misidentification).

galinae Grichanov, 1996c:218. – Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa).

imitator Curran, 1924:221 – Congo (Kinshasa), Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Angola, Namibia.

=imitans Curran, 1925:114 ([unnecessary] new name for C. imitator Curran).

kivuensis Vanschuytbroeck, 1964:136 – Congo (Kinshasa).

paricoxa Parent, 1939:267 – Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanzania.

pateraeformis Becker, 1923:38 – Cameroons, Nigeria, Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, (?) Madagascar.

=alter Becker, 1923:38.

selectus Parent, 1931:43 – Malawi, Congo (Kinshasa).

selitskayae Grichanov, sp. n. – Congo (Kinshasa).

skufjini Grichanov, sp. n. – Madagascar.

stenurus Loew, 1858:377 (1860:346) (Psilopus) – South Africa, Zimbabwe.

=sicatris Curran, 1926:389.


Genus Ethiosciapus Bickel

Ethiosciapus Bickel, 1994a:141. Type species Psilopus bilobatus Lamb, 1922, by original designation.

bicalcaratus Parent, 1933:37 (Sciapus) – Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda, Burundi, Madagascar, Comores, St. Helena.

=setifrons Parent, 1937:14 (Sciapus), n. comb., n. syn.

bilobatus Lamb, 1922:372 (Psilopus) – Seychelles.

degener Parent, 1934:119 (Condylostylus) – South Africa, n. comb.

dilectus Parent, 1935:84 (Sciapus) – Tanzania, Uganda.

exarmatus Parent, 1933:39 (Sciapus) – Congo (Kinshasa), ?Madagascar.

finitimus Parent, 1939:262 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda, n. comb.

=skufjini Grichanov, 1996:226, n. syn.

flavirostris Loew, 1858:371 (Psilopus) – South Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar, ?Ethiopia.

inflexus Becker, 1923:46 (Sciapus) – Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Congo (Kinshasa), Madagascar, South Africa, St. Helena, n. comb.

integer Becker, 1923:47 (Sciapus) – Malawi.

latipes Parent, 1930:94 (Chrysosoma) – Madagascar.

Genus Bickeliolus Grichanov, n. status

Bickeliolus Grichanov, 1996:224 (as subgenus). Type species Ethiosciapus maslovae Grichanov, 1996, by original designation.

alluaudi Parent, 1935:80 (Chrysosoma) – Madagascar, n. comb.

haemorhoidalis Becker, 1923:46 (Sciapus) – Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi, Congo (Kinshasa), South Africa, n. comb.

=coalescens Parent, 1934:121 (Sciapus), n. comb., n. syn.

lamellatus Parent, 1935:118 (Sciapus) – Congo (Kinshasa), Ruanda, Tanzania, Uganda, St. Helena, n. comb.

lasiophtalmus Lamb, 1922:371 (Psilopus) – Seychelles, n. comb.

lutescens Vanschuytbroeck, 1952:139 (Sciapus) – Madagascar, n. comb.

maslovae Grichanov, 1996:224 (Ethiosciapus) – Angola, n. comb.

trochanteralis Curran, 1924:219 (Sciapus) – South Africa, n. comb.

Genus Chrysosoma Guerin-Meneville

Subgenus Chrysosoma Guerin-Meneville

Chrysosoma Guerin-Meneville, 1831:pl.20, fig.6. Type species Chrysosoma fasciata Guerin-Meneville, 1831, by subsequent designation of Enderlein, 1912:373.

=Agonosoma Guerin-Meneville, 1838:293 ([unnecessary] replacement name for Chrysosoma Guerin-Meneville), preoccupied by Laporte, 1832.

=Margaritostylus Bigot, 1859:215. Type species Psilopus globifer Wiedemann, 1830, by original designation.

=Megistostylus Bigot, 1859:215. Type species Dolichopus crinicornis Wiedemann (as Psilopus crinicornis), by original designation.

=Mesoblepharius Bigot, 1859:215. Type species Psilopus senegalensis Macquart, 1834, by original designation.

=Oariostylus Bigot, 1889:215. Type species Psilopus tuberculicornis Macquart, 1855, by original designation.

=Eudasypus Bigot, 1889:24. Type species Psilopus senegalensis Macquart, 1834, by original designation.

=Oariopherus Bigot, 1889:24. Type species Psilopus tuberculicornis Macquart, 1855, by original designation.

=Spathiopsilopus Bigot, 1888:24. Type species Psilopus globifer Wiedemann, 1830, by original designation.

=Spathipsilopus Bigot, 1890:268. Type species Psilopus globifer Wiedemann, 1830, by subsequent designation of Dyte, 1975:213.

aequatoriale Parent, 1933:2 – Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda.

aequilobatum Parent, 1933:15 – Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville).

aestimabile Parent, 1934:18 – Nigeria, Gambia, ?Madagascar.

albilimbatum Bigot, 1890:287 (Psilopus) – Ivory Coast, Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa).

albocrinitatum Curran, 1925:109 – Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville).

alboguttatum Parent, 1930:93 – Cameroons, Burundi, Guinea.

angolense Parent, 1934:113 – Angola, Congo (Kinshasa).

arduus Parent, 1936:6 (Sciapus) – Congo (Kinshasa), n.comb.

asperum Parent, 1934:114 – South Africa.

bacchi Dyte, 1957:37 – Tanzania, Burundi.

benignum Parent, 1934:115 – Nigeria.

bredoi Parent, 1933:21 – Congo (Kinshasa).

carum Walker, 1849:643 (Psilopus) – "Congo".

centrale Becker, 1923:25 – Cameroons.

cilifemoratum Parent, 1934:115 – Malawi, Congo (Kinshasa).

consentium Curran, 1925:111 – Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville).

=fortunatum Parent, 1933:1, n. syn.

continuum Curran, 1927:255 – Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville).

corruptor Parent, 1933:24 – Congo (Kinshasa).

flexum Loew, 1858:371 (Psilopus) – South Africa.

gemmeum Walker, 1849:644 (Psilopus) – Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Senegal.

gromieri Parent, 1930:92 – Cameroons.

hargreavesi Curran, 1927:9 – Sierra Leone.

hirsutulum Parent, 1933:27 – Congo (Kinshasa).

ituriense Parent, 1933:29 – Congo (Kinshasa), Malawi.

katangense Curran, 1925:107 – Congo (Kinshasa), Sudan.

=speciosum Parent, 1933:32, n. syn.

kuznetzovi Grichanov, 1997:37 – Zambia.

laeve Bigot, 1891:373 (Psilopodius) – ?Guinea, Ivory Coast.

lavinia Curran, 1927:260 – Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, Burundi.

leucopogon Wiedemann, 1824:40 (Dolichopus) – ?Mauritius, ?Aldabra; Chagos Archipelago, Burma, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, India, Indochina, Java, Sumatra, Thailand, Queensland, New Caledonia, Tahiti.

=apicalis Wiedemann, 1830:227 (Psilopus).

=conicornis Macquart, 1846:120 (Psilopus).

=loewi Enderlein, 1912:378.

liberia Curran, 1929:4 – Liberia, Congo (Kinshasa).

marginatum Becker, 1923:29 – Sierra Leone.

mesotrichum Bezzi, 1908:380 (Psilopus) – Congo (Kinshasa), Sierra

Leone, Uganda.

=senegalense Becker, 1923:20,33 nec Macquart (misidentification).

=senegalense Curran, 1925:107 nec Macquart (misidentification).

=garambaense Vanschuytbroeck, 1959:37, n.syn.

micantifrons Speiser, 1910:108 (Agonosoma) – Tanzania.

minusculum Becker, 1923:29 – Cameroons, Equatorial Guinea, Congo (Kinshasa), ?Sierra Leone.

=ostentatum Becker, 1923:30.

norma Curran, 1927:257 – Congo (Kinshasa).

pauperculum Parent, 1933:30 – Congo (Kinshasa).

petersi Dyte, 1957:37 – Tanzania.

pomeroyi Curran, 1927:7 – Nigeria, Cameroons.

praecipuum Parent, 1936:319 – Congo (Kinshasa).

praelatum Becker, 1923:31 – Equatorial Guinea, Tanzania, Congo (Kinshasa), Malawi.

pseudorepertum Grichanov, sp. n. – Congo (Kinshasa).

repertum Becker, 1923:31 – Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria.

schoutedeni Curran, 1927:258 – Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, Angola, Zambia.

=fortunatum Grichanov, 1997 nec PARENT (misidentification).

senegalense Macquart, 1834:450 (Psilopus) – Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Gabon, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Nigeria.

=smaragdinum Walker, 1849:642 (Psilopus).

=saphirum Bigot, 1858:362 (Psilopus).

=mixtum Curran, 1927:3.

singulare Parent, 1933:3 – Congo (Kinshasa).

=gracile Vanschuytbroeck, 1959:29, n.syn.

snelli Curran, 1927:5 – Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar, Seychelles, Reunion, Rodriguez; Maldives, Chagos Archipelago.

=leucopogon, authors, nec Wiedemann.

stolyarovi Grichanov, sp. n. – Burundi.

stubbsi Grichanov, 1997:35 – Kenya, Uganda.

tarsiciliatum Parent, 1930:91 – Cameroons, Sierra Leone, Congo (Kinshasa), Gabon.

tanasijtshuki Grichanov, 1997:33 – Kenya, Congo (Kinshasa).

tenuipenne Curran, 1927:254 – Senegal, Nigeria, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda.

tractatum Becker, 1923:35 – Togo, Nigeria, Ghana.

=biciliatum Parent, 1931:45.

tricrinitum Parent, 1933:33 – Congo (Kinshasa), Burundi, Mozambique, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa.

=flexum Curran, 1926:384 nec Loew (misidentification).

trigemmans Walker, 1849:650 (Psilopus) – no locality.

triumphator Parent, 1933:33 – Congo (Kinshasa).

ungulatum Parent, 1941:207 – Principe.

varivittatum Curran, 1925:112 – Congo (Kinshasa).

vividum Becker, 1923:36 – Equatorial Guinea, Congo (Kinshasa), Cameroons.

=crinipes Parent, 1933:25.

woodi Parent, 1935:82 – Zambia.

zaitzevi Grichanov, 1997:38 – Zambia.

zephyrum Bigot, 1858:361 (Psilopus) – Gabon.

zinovjevi Grichanov, 1997:31 – Nigeria.

Subgenus Kalocheta Becker

Kalocheta Becker, 1923:41 (as genus). Type-species: Kalocheta passiva Becker, 1923, by monotypy.

collarti Parent, 1933:35 (Kalocheta) – Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda.

cucana Negrobov et Kulibali, 1983:1121 (Kalochaeta) – Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda.

neoliberia Bickel, 1994a:212 – Liberia.

=liberia Curran, 1929:5 (Kalocheta) nec Curran, 1929:4 (preoccupied).

passiva Becker, 1923:42 (Kalocheta) – Cameroons, ?Congo (Brazzaville), ?Congo (Kinshasa).

villiersi Vanschuytbroeck, 1970:267 (Kalocheta) – Congo (Brazzaville).

Genus Gigantosciapus Grichanov

Gigantosciapus Grichanov, 1997:79. Type-species: Gigantosciapus oldroydi Grichanov, 1997: original designation.

africanus Parent, 1933:16 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Kinshasa).

anomalipes Parent, 1935:112 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Kinshasa), Ghana.

decellei Vanschuytbroeck, 1966:202 (Megistostylus) – Ivory Coast.

francoisi Grichanov, sp. n. – Congo (Kinshasa).

gemmarius Walker, 1849:645 (Psilopus) – Sierra Leone, Congo (Brazzaville), Ghana, Congo (Kinshasa), Ivory Coast, Liberia, Cameroons.

=fulvicinctus Bigot, 1891:372 (Psilopodius).

inversus Curran, 1927:249 (Chrysosoma) – Sierra Leone, Liberia.

kamerunensis Becker, 1923:27 (Chrysosoma) – Cameroons, Guinea, Congo (Kinshasa), ?Madagascar.

meyeri Vanschuytbroeck, 1962:353 (Megistostylus) – Nigeria.

nataliae Grichanov, sp. n. – Congo (Kinshasa).

oldroydi Grichanov, 1997:80 – Cameroons.

pseudogemmarius Parent, 1934:118 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Brazzaville).

saegeri Vanschuytbroeck, 1959:9 (Megistostylus) – Congo (Kinshasa).

tuberculatus Curran, 1927:246 (Chrysosoma) – Ghana, Ivory Coast.

Genus Plagiozopelma Enderlein

Plagiozopelma Enderlein, 1912:367. Type species Plagiozopelma spengeli Enderlein, 1912, by original designation [=Psilopus appendiculatus Bigot, 1890].

angulitarse Parent, 1933:18 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Kinshasa).

bequaerti Curran, 1926:2 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda.

capilliferum Parent, 1933:22 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Kinshasa).

collarti Curran, 1927:249 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Brazzaville), Malawi, Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa).

conjectum Parent, 1934:116 (Chrysosoma) – Ghana.

daveyi Parent, 1939:261 (Chrysosoma) – Malawi.

du Curran, 1929:2 (Chrysosoma) – Liberia, Congo (Kinshasa).

ghesquieri Parent, 1936:2 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Kinshasa).

grahami Parent, 1939:264 (Chrysosoma) – Ghana.

inops Parent, 1929:202 (Chrysosoma) – Liberia, Benin, Tanzania, Congo (Kinshasa).

nalense Curran, 1926:6 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Kinshasa), Nigeria, Tanzania.

njalense Parent, 1934:118 (Chrysosoma) – Sierra Leone.

pallidicorne Curran, 1927:252 (Chrysosoma) – Kenya, Tanzania, Congo (Kinshasa), n. comb.

=lindneri Vanschuytbroeck, 1964:3 (Megistostylus), n. syn.

=puma Dyte & Smith, 1980:446 (Chrysosoma) ([unnecessary] new name for Chrysosoma pallidicorne Curran), n. comb.

piliseta Parent, 1936:4 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Kinshasa).

ramiseta Parent, 1939:266 (Chrysosoma) – Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Congo (Kinshasa).

tritiseta Parent, 1929:271 (Chrysosoma) – Cameroons, Ghana, Nigeria, Congo (Kinshasa).

vagator Becker, 1923:36 (Chrysosoma) – Togo, Congo (Kinshasa), Equatorial Guinea.

Genus Amblypsilopus Bigot

Amblypsilopus Bigot, 1889:24. Type species Psilopus pittacinus Loew, 1861 (as pitacinus Fabricius), by original designation.

=Gnamptopsilopus Aldrich, 1893:48. Type species Psilopus scintillans Loew, designated by Coquillett, 1910:547.

=Leptorhethum Aldrich, 1893:50. Type species Leptorhethum angustatum Aldrich, 1893, by monotypy.

=Sciopolina Curran, 1924:216. Type species Sciopolina fasciatum Curran, 1924, by monotypy.

=Australiola Parent, 1932:127. Type species Australiola tonnoiri Parent, 1932 (=Sciapus zonatus Parent, 1932), by original designation.

=Labeneura Parent, 1937:126 (as subgenus of Sciapus). Type species Labeneura barbipalpis Parent, 1937 (=Sciapus lenga Curran, 1929), by monotypy.

aenescens Vanschuytbroeck, 1952:138 (Sciapus) – Madagascar.

auratus Curran, 1924:217 (Chrysosoma) – South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola, Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, Nigeria, Guinea.

barkalovi Grichanov, sp. n. – Congo (Kinshasa).

basilewskyi Vanschuytbroeck, 1960:319 (Sciapus) – Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda.

bevisi Curran, 1927:11 (Sciapus) – South Africa.

bipectinatus Parent, 1934:120 (Sciapus) – Kenya.

bonniae Irwin, 1974:245 (Sciopolina) – South Africa.

bruneli Grichanov, sp. n. – Madagascar.

cilifrons Parent, 1937:126 (Chrysosoma) – Nigeria, Togo, Congo (Kinshasa), Kenya, Madagascar.

cuthbertsoni Parent, 1937:129 (Sciapus) – Zimbabwe, Burundi.

dallastai Grichanov, sp. n. – Madagascar.

disjunctus Parent, 1936:1 (Chrysosoma) – Congo (Kinshasa), Nigeria, Burundi.

fasciatus Curran, 1924:216 (Sciopolina) – South Africa.

=palliatus Curran, 1927:12 (Sciapus).

flabellifer Becker, 1923:45 (Sciapus) – Madagascar, ?Congo (Kinshasa).

flavicollis Becker, 1923:40 (Leptorhethum) – Cameroons, Equatorial Guinea.

flavus Vanschuytbroeck, 1962:353 (Megistostylus) – Madagascar, n.comb.

gorodkovi Grichanov, 1996:291 – Tanzania.

grootaerti Grichanov, sp. n. – Madagascar.

kraussi Grichanov, sp. n. – Madagascar.

lenga Curran, 1929:1 (Sciapus) – Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe.

=barbipalpis Parent, 1937:128 (Labeneura, as subgenus of Sciapus).

longifilis Becker, 1923:28 (Chrysosoma) – Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa), St. Helena.

macularivenus Irwin, 1974:251 (Sciopolina) – South Africa.

madagascarensis Vanschuytbroeck, 1952:89 (Chrysosoma) – Madagascar.

miserus Parent, 1935:81 (Chrysosoma) – Mozambique, Zimbabwe.

munroi Curran, 1924:218 (Chrysosoma) – South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique; Sri Lanka.

=ernestus Curran, 1924:218 (Chrysosoma).

nanus Parent, 1929:243 (Sciapus) – Senegal, Congo (Kinshasa).

nartshukae Grichanov, 1996:290 – Angola.

nubilis Parent, 1935:87 (Sciapus) – Madagascar.

pallidicornis Grimshaw, 1901:12 (Gnamptopsilopus) – Madagascar, Seychelles; Hawaiian Islands, Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, Guam, Belau, Taiwan.

=fulgidipenne Enderlein, 1912:377 (Chrysosoma).

parilis Parent, 1931:44 (Chrysosoma) – South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Congo (Kinshasa), Nigeria.

pernigrus Becker, 1923:30 (Chrysosoma) – Malawi, Congo (Kinshasa).

rectangularis Parent, 1937:13 (Sciapus) – Congo (Kinshasa), ?Madagascar.

retrovenus Irwin, 1974:242 (Sciopolina) – South Africa.

rosaceus Wiedemann, 1824:40 (Dolichopus) – South Africa.

=peringueyi Curran, 1926:2 (Sciapus).

signatus Becker, 1923:35 (Chrysosoma) – Malawi, Congo (Kinshasa).

simplex de Meijere, 1910:99 (Agonosoma) – ?Seycheles; Java.

steelei Grichanov, 1996:289 – Kenya.

stuckenbergi Vanschuytbroeck, 1957:3 (Sciapus) – Madagascar.

stuckenbergorum Irwin, 1974:236 (Sciopolina) – South Africa.

subfascipennis Curran, 1926:386 (Sciapus) – Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa), St. Helena, ?Madagascar.

sudanensis Parent, 1939:271 (Sciapus) – Sudan, Congo (Kinshasa).

tenuicauda Parent, 1936:7 (Sciapus) – Congo (Kinshasa).

tropicalis Parent, 1933:40 (Sciapus) – Congo (Kinshasa).


1. Mesorhaga africana Curran

Type material examined. Holotypus, ?[red label] / Musee du Congo, Bas-Uele: Buta, Congo, Jan. 23–31.1925, Dr. H. Schouteden / Type Mesorhagaafricana Curran.

Diagnosis. M. africana differs from other Afrotropical species of the genus in smaller size (2.25 mm) and, in addition, right-angular, rather than gentle, bend of M1+2 vein.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

2. Mesorhaga demeyeri sp.n. (Fig. 1)

Holotype. ? in glycerol. Madagascar: Ambatondvaraha, 26.II.1991, A. Pauly col. [RINS].

Paratypes [all in alcohol]. 3 ?? with the same label as holotype. 3 ??, Madagascar: Foulpointe, forét, lagune, X.1993, A. Pauly col. P.M. [RINS].

Description. Frons and face metallic dark-green. 2 short front vertical seta bends forward on each side; ocellar tubercle with 2 pairs of strong bristles and 1 or 2 pairs of weak posterior setae; 2 long postvertical setae positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ventral postcranium covered with irregular white hairs. Face narrowed, approximately 1.5 times as high as wide under antennae. Proboscis and palpus black-brown, with short light hairs; palpus with 1 black seta in addition. Antennae black. Pedicel with ring of short setae; 1 or 2 ventral setae slightly longer than pedicel. First flagellomere rounded, as long as high, with very short hairs. Arista apicodorsal. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to of first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 6 : 38.

Mesonotum and scutellum metallic green. Pleura bronze-black. 5 strong dorsocentral setae, 3 long acrostichals, a pair of strong and pair of fine scutellar setae.

Legs mostly black-brown; fore knee, tibia and basitarsus yellow; middle knee yellow-brown. Fore and middle coxae with numerous dark cilia anteriorly; hind coxa with external seta. All femora with double ventral row of black cilia, approximately equal in length to femora diameter. Fore tibia bare; tarsus simple. Length ratio of fore femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 55 : 62 : 26 : 11 : 8 : 5 : 7. Middle tibia with 1 very short dorsal and 3 or 4 apical setae, tarsus simple. Length ratio of middle tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 80 : 46 : 17 : 11 : 7 : 7. Hind tibia with several inconspicuous dorsal and 2 or 3 apical setae. Last tarsomere of hind tarsus slightly flattened. Length ratio of hind tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 90 : 37 : 29 : 18 : 10 : 8.

Wings brownish in anterior half, densely brown at base; veins brown. R1 reaching mid-wing. R2+3 straight. R4+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 with two right-angular bends. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1, 50 : 8. M2 absent. Crossvein m-cu straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (up to curvation) to apical part of CuA1, 31 : 40 : 32. Alula with somewhat longer than usually, flattened cilia. Fold-like anal vein and anal lobe present. Lower calypter brownish, with fan of black setae. Halter brown.

Abdomen bronze-black, with short, though laterally long, black hairs. First tergite with medial triangular excavation and several long black distolateral bristles. Sixth and seventh segments shortened. Hypopygium black-brown, epandrium elongate. Cercus mostly brown, digitiform, slightly curved ventrad, with short black dorsolateral setae, several subapical ventral setae, apicodorsal fringe of short curved setae and transverse inner row of several short subapical spines. Surstylus bi- or trilobate, with several dorsal and lateral setae. Epandrial lobe long, flattened, bearing one strong seta in the middle and short seta at apex.

Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual characters, otherwise as follows. Middle tibia and basitarsus entirely yellow-brownish; wing only slightly darkened.

Length: body 3.8 mm; antenna 0.8 mm; wing-length 3.6 mm; wing-width 1.3 mm.

Distribution: Madagascar.

Etymology. The species is named for Belgian entomologist Marc De Meyer.

Diagnosis. The new species is related to M. pauliani, differing in partly yellow legs, white postocular setae, different ratio of wing veins m-cu to CuA1 and hypopygium morphology.

3. Mesorhaga pauliani Vanschuytbroeck (Fig. 2)

Material examined. ? in glycerol, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, 16–30.IX.1991, A. Pauly, forét, 25 km W. ? in alcohol, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, 1–15.IX.1991, A. Pauly, forét, 25 km W. 10 ??, 7 ?? in alcohol, Madagascar: Fia Ranomafana, 19.I.1992, A. Pauly, forét [RINS].

Description. Male. Frons and face metallic green. A strong front vertical seta bends forward; ocellar tubercle with a pair of strong bristles; 5 or 6 long postvertical setae positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Lower postocular setae black. Face narrowed, approximately 1.5 times as high as wide under antennae. Proboscis and palpus black-brown, with short light hairs; palpus supplemented with one black seta. Antennae black. Pedicel with short dorsal and 2 very long ventral setae, 4 times longer than pedicel. First flagellomere rounded, approximately as long as high. Arista dorsal. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 6 : 5 : 6 : 40.

Mesonotum and scutellum metallic green-black. Pleura bronze-black. 5 strong dorsocentral setae, 3 long acrostichals, a pair of strong and pair of fine scutellar setae.

Legs black-brown, fore tibia and basitarsus somewhat lighter. Fore and middle coxae with black setae anteriorly; hind coxa with strong external seta at base. All femora with double ventral row of black setae, longer than femora diameter. Last tarsomere of all tarsi slightly flattened. Fore tibia with 2 posterodorsal seta. Length ratio of fore tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 57 : 30 : 10 : 7 : 5 : 6. Middle tibia with 2 anterodorsal, 1 posterodorsal setae. Length ratio of middle tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 74 : 44 : 15 : 12 : 6 : 6. Hind tibia with 4 dorsal setae. Length ratio of hind tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 85 : 33 : 26 : 16 : 9 : 8.

Wings evenly darkened in anterior half; veins brown. R1 nearly reaching mid-wing. R2+3 straight. R4+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 with double, nearly right-angular bend. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1, 34 : 6. M2 absent. Crossvein m-cu nearly straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (section from m-cu to curvation) to apical part of CuA1, 23 : 33 : 34. Fold-like anal vein and anal lobe present. Lower calypter brown, with fan of long black setae. Halter brown.

Abdomen bronze-black, with short, though laterally long, black hairs. First tergite without membranous excavation, with several long black distolateral bristles. Sixth and seventh segments shortened. Hypopygium black, epandrium elongate. Cercus mostly brown, dorsolaterally with several black setae in basal third, apically trilobate; the widest ventral lobe bearing 4 short thick dorsal setae and thin ventral apophysis. Surstylus broad, with four distal setae. Epandrial lobe long, flattened, bearing 2 subapical setae.

Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual characters. Wing only slightly darkened, almost hyaline.

Length: body 3.3 mm; antenna 0.9 mm; wing-length 3.0 mm; wing-width 1.1 mm.

Distribution: Madagascar.

Diagnosis. M. pauliani differs from other Afrotropical species of the genus in entirely black-brown leg. 2nd to 5th segments of fore tarsus shortened. M1+2 with two nearly right-angular bends; m-cu 2/3 as long as middle section of M1+2 (from m-cu to curvation) or CuA1.

4. Mesorhaga tsurikovi sp.n. (Fig. 3)

Holotype. ?, Urundi: Bururi, alt. 1950, 8.I.1949, F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452. [RINS]

Paratypes. 2 ??, Urundi: Bururi, alt. 2000, 10.X.1948, F. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452. [RINS]

Description. Frons and face metallic green, mostly grey pollinose. A hairlike front vertical seta bends forward; ocellar tubercle with a pair of strong bristles and a pair of weak posterior hairs; 3 long postvertical setae are positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ventral postcranium covered with irregular white hairs. Face narrowed, 1.6 times as high as wide under antennae; clypeus separated from margins of eyes, 1/3 as high as epistome. Proboscis and palpus black-brown, with short light hairs. Antennae black. Pedicel with short dorsal and ventral bristles. First flagellomere transverse-oval, shorter than high, with very short hairs. Arista apicodorsal, microscopically haired. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 5 : 7 : 65.

Mesonotum and scutellum metallic green, slightly brownish pollinose. Pleura bronze-black, densely grey pollinose. 5 strong dorsocentral setae, 3 long acrostichals, a pair of strong and pair of fine scutellar setae.

Legs mostly dark-yellow; fore coxa yellow-brownish, blackish at base; middle and hind coxae black; anterior four femora brown at base; hind femora brown at base and apex; hind tibia black at extreme apex; basitarsi light-brown in basal half; tarsi otherwise black. Fore and middle coxae with numerous dark cilia anteriorly; hind coxa with fine external seta. Fore femora with posterior hairs, longer than femora diameter; fore tibia bare; tarsus simple. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 55 : 90 : 99 : 60 : 25 : 17 : 8 : 9. Middle femora with fine brownish posteroventral hairs, as long as femora diameter. Middle tibia with 2 or 3 apical setae, tarsus simple. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 35 : 100 : 136 : 90 : 34 : 23 : 12 : 11. Hind femora with posteroventral hairs, half as long as femora diameter; tibia with 2 or 3 apical setae. Last tarsomere of hind tarsus slightly flattened. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25 : 135 : 167 : 60 : 52 : 33 : 19 : 11.

Wings mostly hyaline, brownish in anterior half; veins brown. R1 nearly reaching mid-wing. R2+3 straight. R4+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 with strong, 60º bend, than gently curved apicad. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1, 6 : 1. M2 absent. Crossvein m-cu straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (up to curvation) to apical part of CuA1, 38 : 70 : 50. Fold-like anal vein and anal lobe present. Lower calypter brown, with black setae. Halter black-brown.

Abdomen bronze-black, with short, though laterally long, black hairs. First tergite with narrow membranous excavation and a few long black distolateral bristles. Fifth tergite ventrally swollen, with numerous long black setae; sixth and seventh segments shortened; first to sixth segments combined 2.5 times longer than mesonotum. Hypopygium black, epandrium elongate. Cercus mostly brown, strongly curved, dorsolaterally with several long black setae in the middle, apically with 2 lobes; broad ventral lobe without thick setae, bearing soft thin appendix on apex; dorsal lobe half as long as ventral, pointed, arising from rosette of short spinules. Surstylus elongate, with four apical lobes, each of them bearing 1 or 2 setae. Epandrial lobe long, flattened, fine at apex and bearing 2 setae in apical third.

Female unknown.

Length: body 4.7 – 5.3 mm; antenna 1.2 mm; wing-length 5.8 mm; wing-width 1.6 mm.

Distribution: Burundi.

Etymology. The species is named for Russian dipterologist Mikhail Tsurikov.

Diagnosis. The new species can be separated from M. mahunkai in larger size, another ratio of middle tarsomeres and CuA1/m-cu, mostly yellow femora and morphology of cercus. It cannot be associated with M. pauliani and female of M. africana having smaller size (2.25–3.3 mm) and right-angular, rather than gentle, bend of M1+2 vein.

5. Sciapus longimanus Becker

Remark. S. longimanus determined by P. Vanschuytbroeck (female examined, RINS) to be from Madagascar belongs to undescribed species of Amblypsilopus and should be excluded from the fauna of the island. Four females and male (examined, RINS) from Congo (Kinshasa) labelled by the same author as S. longimanus belongs to undescribed or indeterminable species of Amblypsilopus and Condylostylus. So, the species does not occur in the Afrotropical region.

Distribution. Palearctic region.

6. Dytomyia deconinckae sp.n. (Figs. 4, 5)

Holotype. ?, Fort Dauphin, R.P. / Institut Scientifique Madagascar [RINS].

Paratypes. 5 ?? with the same labels.

Description. Frons broad, shining metallic blue-green, slightly pollinose. A weak long front vertical bristle bending forward, a strong long postvertical one positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face blue-green, white pollinose, slightly convex; clypeus separated from eyes, not coming down eyes, widely rounded at apex; face slightly narrowed, 1.4 times as high as wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis yellow, with light hairs, palpus also with two black bristles. Antenna mostly yellow, with scape and 1st flagellomere darkened dorsally, in total 1.2 times as long as height of head. Scape slightly swollen; pedicel with a ring of short setae and one dorsal bristle equal in length to first flagellomere. The latter rounded, slightly longer than high, with short yellow hairs. Arista apicodorsal, bare. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 4 : 4 : 7 : 75.

Mesonotum and scutellum shining blue-green. Pleura bronze-green, densely grey pollinose. 4 dorsocentral setae with anterior one hairlike; 1 or 2 pairs of long acrostichals. Scutellum with two strong setae.

Legs including trochanters yellow. Middle and hind coxae brown-black, apical segments of tarsi brown. Fore coxa yellow, from the front with long white hairs and 3 or 4 long yellow apical setae. Middle and hind coxae from the outside with a few yellow hairs, hind coxa also with 3 or 4 fine long yellow external setae in basal half. Fore femora with 3 or 4 long posteroventral setae in the middle, the longest is half as long as femora length; with several anteroventral setae, the longest is longer than femora diameter. Fore tibia with 1 posteroventral seta at basal fourth and microscopic semi-erect setulae along entire length. Fore basitarsus slightly broadened, ventrally flattened, with pale pile; other tarsomeres simple. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 52 : 83 : 63 : 52 : 24 : 15 : 8 : 7. Middle femora bare. Middle tibia with 1 anterodorsal, 1 anterior, 1 posterodorsal and 2 or 3 apical setae; all setae short. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 28 : 80 : 101 : 80 : 32 : 18 : 8 : 8. Hind femora bare. Hind tibia with several short dorsal and posterodorsal, 2 or 3 apical setae. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25 : 100 : 138 : 61 : 32 : 20 : 12 : 10.

Wings hyaline, veins brown. R1 reaching 0.4 of wing length. R4+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 gently curved and forming the right angle with M1+2. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1, 16 : 4. M2 present as short stub vein and faint fold on membrane. Crossvein m-cu almost straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA, 31 : 38 : 19. Anal vein and lobe present. Anal angle acute. Lower calypter yellow, with brown edging and fine light hairs. Halters yellow, halter stem thin, nearly twice as long as knob, with short row of dark setulae in front of knob.

Abdomen shining blue-green, with copper reflection in places, weakly white pollinose, with short black hairs and long black marginal bristles. Base of segments mat-black; first and second segments with short white hairs; unmodified segments combined nearly twice as long as mesonotum; seventh segment invisible; 8th segment positioned symmetrically, covering epandrium basodorsally. Hypopygium brown. Surstylus brown, with two thin mid-dorsal apophysis. Epandrial lobe distinct, with 2 setae. and having several long setae. Cercus yellow, with light hairs and wide articulated apical lobe. Basoventral lobes of both cerci forming capitulate "Organ X" with longitudinal suture, fused along entire length, long, with 2 short ventral setae.

Female. Unknown.

Length: body 3.6 mm; antenna 1.05 mm; postabdomen 0.5 mm; wing-length 3.6 mm; wing-width 1.1 mm.

Distribution. Madagascar.

Etymology. The species is named for Belgian dipterologist Dr. E. De Coninck.

Diagnosis. Five species of the genus were earlier known from Australia (Bickel, 1994a). D. deconinckae has some similarities with Australian D. flaviseta Bickel, strongly differing from the latter in black setae on head and thorax, long posteroventral seta at base of fore tibia, more complex hypopygium morphology and many other characters.

7. Dytomyia elenae sp.n. (Fig. 6)

Holotype. ? in glycerol. Madagascar: Foulpointe, X.1993, A. Pauly col., forét de lagune, P.M. [RINS].

Paratype. ? in alcohol, Madagascar: Tam, Foulpointe, X.1993, A. Pauly col. [RINS].

Description. Frons broad, metallic blue-green. A strong front vertical bristle bends forward, postvertical one is positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face metallic green, clypeus separated from eyes; face slightly narrowed, 1.4 times as high as wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis orange, with light hairs, palpus with 2 black bristles. Antennae mostly blackish-brown, longer than height of head. Pedicel with ring of short setae. First flagellomere ovate, a little longer than high, with short hairs. Arista dorsal to apicodorsal, bare and simple. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 7 : 65.

Mesonotum and scutellum metallic blue-green. Pleura bronze-green. 3 strong and 1 or 2 short anterior dorsocentral setae; 3 pairs of short acrostichals, restricted to anterior third of mesonotum. Scutellum with two strong setae.

Legs including trochanters and fore coxa yellow. Middle and hind coxae bronze-black, apical segments of tarsi brown. Fore coxae from the front with white hairs and several yellow setae. Middle and hind coxae with sparse yellow cilia. All femora practically bare. Fore tibia with long posteroventral seta just before the middle, nearly half as long as tibia length. Fore basitarsus ventrally flattened, with dense pale pile. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 45 : 75 : 72 : 42 : 40 : 27 : 15 : 8. Middle tibia with 2 anterodorsal and 2 or 3 apical setae. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 34 : 77 : 112 : 85 : 34 : 23 : 11 : 8. Hind tibia with weak setae. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25 : 95 : 143 : 80 : 42 : 25 : 12 : 8.

Wings hyaline, veins brown. R1 2/5 as long as wing. R2+3 almost parallel to costa. R4+5 gently curved to M1 in apical fifth. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1, 16 : 4. M1 widely arcuate. M1+2 and M1 forming right angle. M2 present as short stub vein and faint fold on membrane. Crossvein m-cu straight, oblique. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA, 30 : 35 : 15. Anal vein fold-like, anal lobe developed. Anal angle acute. Alula small but distinct. Lower calypter yellow, with brown edging and dark hairs. Halters yellow, halter stem as long as knob.

Abdomen metallic dark-green, with short black hairs and long black marginal setae. Sternite with short hairs. Hypopygium green-black. 8th segment positioned symmetrically, as a continuation of 7th tergite, covering epandrium basodorsally and having several long setae. Cercus yellow at base, with two brown narrow lobes in apical half and small middorsal process; basoventral lobes of both cerci long, bare, fused in basal 2/3.

Female. Unknown.

Length: body 3.4 mm; antenna 1.2 mm; wing-length 3.4 mm; wing-width 1.1 mm.

Distribution. Madagascar.

Diagnosis. B. elenae is related to B. paulyi (see diagnosis of this species), differing in posteroventral seta positioned just before the middle of fore tibia and narrow cercal lobes having shorter setae.

8. Dytomyia paulyi sp.n. (Fig. 7)

Holotype. ? in glycerol. Madagascar: Foulpointe, forét, lagune, X.1993, A. Pauly col., , P.M. [RINS].

Paratypes [in alcohol]. 7 ??, Madagascar: Foulpointe, 2.XI.1991, A. Pauly., plage, bac jaune. 5 ??, Madagascar: Foulpointe, XI.1995, A. Pauly. 4 ??, Madagascar: Foulpointe, XI.1995, A. Pauly rec., plage, bac jaune. [RINS].

Description. Frons broad, metallic blue-green. A strong front vertical bristle bends forward, postvertical one is positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face metallic green, clypeus separated from eyes; face slightly narrowed, slightly higher than wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis orange, palpus with light hairs and 2 black bristles. Antennae mostly black, as long as height of head. Scape yellow, brownish dorsally. Pedicel with ring of short setae; the longest dorsal seta longer than pedicel. First flagellomere rounded, as long as high, with short hairs. Arista subapical, bare and simple. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 5 : 70.

Mesonotum and scutellum metallic blue-green. Pleura bronze-green. Three strong posterior and one short anterior dorsocentral setae; one pair of long and 1 or 2 pairs of microscopic acrostichals, restricted to anterior third of mesonotum. Scutellum with two strong setae.

Legs including anterior four trochanters yellow. Middle and hind coxae bronze-black, hind trochanter and apical segments of tarsi brown. Fore coxa from the front with numerous white hairs and several strong yellow setae. Middle and hind coxae from the outside with several yellow cilia. Fore and hind femora with very short light and dark ventral hairs, middle femora with row of dark and light ventral cilia, at most equal in length to femora diameter. Fore tibia with 1 posteroventral seta at basal 1/3, half as long as tibia length. Fore basitarsus ventrally flattened, with dense pale pile. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 40 : 70 : 58 : 39 : 25 : 18 : 10 : 8. Middle tibia with 2 anterodorsal and 2 or 3 apical setae. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 28 : 85 : 98 : 77 : 29 : 18 : 10 : 7. Hind tibia with 1 anterodorsal, 2 short dorsal and 2 or 3 apical setae. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 20 : 100 : 140 : 64 : 36 : 24 : 12 : 7.

Wings transparent, veins brown. R1 5/12 as long as wing. R2+3 almost parallel to costa in apical half. R4+5 gently curved to M1 in apical fourth. M1+2 and M1 form the right angle. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1, 16 : 3. M2 present as short stub vein and faint fold on membrane. Crossvein m-cu straight, oblique. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA1, 30 : 43 : 16. Anal vein weak, anal lobe present. Anal angle acute. Alula small but distinct. Lower calypter yellow, with brown edging and dark cilia. Halters yellow, halter stem a little longer than knob.

Abdomen metallic dark-green, with short black hairs and long black marginal setae.

Sternite with short sparse hairs. Hypopygium green-black. 8th segment positioned symmetrically, covering epandrium basodorsally and having several long setae. Cercus orange, bilobate; dorsal lobe with apical brush of long yellow undulate setae, as long as epandrium; ventral lobe twice longer than dorsal, slightly widened apicad, with black flattened setae. Basoventral lobes of both cerci forming "Organ X", fused along entire length, with longitudinal suture, long, with 2 short ventral setae.

Female. Unknown.

Length: body 3.3 mm; antenna 1.1 mm; wing-length 3.3 mm; wing-width 1.0 mm.

Distribution. Madagascar.

Etymology. The species is named for the collector, A. Pauly.

Diagnosis. B. paulyi is related to B. deconinckae, strongly differing in bilobate cercus with long thick setae, long posteroventral seta at basal third of fore tibia, one pair of long acrostichal setae. Antenna mostly black, scape mostly yellow. 8th segment positioned symmetrically, covering epandrium basodorsally. "Organ X" simple, almost bare.

9. Condylostylus basovi sp.n. (Fig. 8)

Holotype [in alcohol]. ?, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, 25.V.1992, A. Pauly.

Paratypes [in alcohol]: 51 ??, Madagascar: 25 km W. Morarano-chrome, forét, XI.1991, bac jaune. A. Pauly. 9 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, XII.1991, A. Pauly, forét, 25 km W. ? in glycerol. Madagascar: Tam, W. Morarano-chrome, 1–6.V.1991, A. Pauly, forét, bac jaune.

Description. Frons metallic blue-green, shining. A strong front vertical bristle (broken) arising from small mound; postocular setae black, short. Ventral postcranium covered with irregular white hairs. Face greenish-black, silvery-white pollinose, narrow. Bulging clypeus 2/3 as long as epistome. Proboscis dark-brown; palpi black, with black hairs. Antennae black, as long as height of head. Pedicel with short dorsal and ventral bristles. First flagellomere rounded, as long as high, with short hairs. Arista dorsal, microscopically haired. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 5 : 60.

Mesonotum and scutellum metallic blue-green. Pleura bronze-green, white pollinose. Five dorsocentral bristles (broken in holotype) gradually decreasing in size anteriorly with two strongest posterior pairs. Acrostichals short, biseriate. Scutellum with two pairs of strong setae (broken in holotype).

Legs mostly black-brown. Coxae black. Fore coxa at apex, trochanter, tibia and basitarsus yellow; fore femora brown in the middle, with yellow apices; middle trochanter, tibia and basitarsus dark-brown. Legs otherwise black. Fore coxa from the front with numerous yellow hairs and 3 black subapical setae. Middle coxa from the outside with light hairs and cilia. Hind coxa with one external seta. Femora without strong or long setae. All femora with light ventral hairs in basal half, half as long as femora diameter. Fore tibia without seta. Fore basitarsus 4 times longer than wide, flattened and widened except basal two fifths, with ventral pile, posteroventral row of hooked setulae in basal two fifths, row of elongate setulae along dorsal margin of flattened part and 1 or 2 short apicodorsal setae. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 50 : 63 : 75 : 53 : 22 : 13 : 9 : 7. Middle tibia with 3 short posterodorsals in basal half and 2 short ventral setae in apical half. Third and fourth tarsomeres with elongate setulae; fourth and fifth tarsomeres slightly enlarged and flattened. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25 : 50 : 103 : 82 : 20 : 15 : 14 : 10. Last tarsomeres of hind tarsi slightly thickened. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25 : 105 : 153 : 72 : 23 : 18 : 12 : 9.

Wings widened apically, hyaline in basal part, dark in apical half, brownish along veins, veins brown. R4+5 gently curved to M1 in apical fifth. M1+2 straight in basal half, slightly convex anteriad in middle part. M1 with nearly right-angular elbow, forming right angle with M1+2 and M2. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1, 33 : 4. Crossvein m-cu straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA1, 26 : 49 : 15. Anal vein and lobe reduced. Anal angle absent. Lower calypter brownish, with fine cilia. Halter yellow.

Abdomen thin and long, metallic green-black, with short black hairs. Unmodified segments combined 3 times as long as mesonotum. Hypopygium black, with short black hairs. Cercus brown, long, filiform, slightly broadened at base, without basoventral lobe, with numerous black hairs; the ventral hairs at base somewhat hooked. Cercus 5 times longer than epandrium. Surstylus and epandrial lobe greatly reduced.

Female unknown.

Length: body 5.3 mm; antenna 1.1 mm; postabdomen 2.1 mm; wing-length 3.7 mm; wing-width 1.1 mm.

Distribution: Madagascar.

Etymology. The species is named for Russian dipterologist V.M. Basov.

Diagnosis. Males of C. basovi are included into the group of species with normal female-type venation of wings, differing from other species in long filiform cercus without basal swelling, simple tibiae without remarkable setae or hairs, and other characters.

10. Condylostylus burgeoni Parent (Fig 9)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Kivu: Tshibinda, 18/26.XI.1932, L. Burgeon / R. Det. Z. 2966 / Condylostylus burgeoni n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Additional material. 3 ??, Urundi, Bururi, 4.XII.1950, 2000 m [20.XII.1948, 1950 m], F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452.

Diagnosis. C. burgeoni is closely related to C. galinae, differing in brown-black middle and hind legs and quantitative characters as follows: apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) at least twice as long as m-cu; cercus nearly twice as long as 7th tergite and epandrium combined, with long setae from base to apex. Frons usually bare in both sexes, with strong vertical seta and at most one fine hair on small mound.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, Kenya, Ruanda, Burundi.

11. Condylostylus chaineyi sp.n. (Fig. 10)

Holotype. ?, Fort Daufin, R.P. / Institut Scientifique Madagascar [RINS].

Paratypes [in alcohol]: 1 ?, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, 1–15.VIII.1991, A. Pauly, forét, 25 km W. 3 ??, Madagascar: Morarano-chrome, 1–15.IX.1991, A. Pauly, forét, 25 km W. 1 ?, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, VII.1991, A. Pauly col., forét, 25 km W. 14 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, XII.1991, A. Pauly col., forét, 25 km W. 62 ??, Madagascar: 25 km W. Morarano-chrome, forét, XI.1991, bac jaune. A. Pauly. 17 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, A. Pauly, X.1991. 1 ?, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, 25.V.1992, A. Pauly col. 8 ??, Madagascar: Tam, W. Morarano-chrome, 1–6.V.1991, A. Pauly, forét, bac jaune. [RINS].

Description. Frons shining blue-violet, pollinose at base of antennae. A strong front vertical bristle bends forward, arising from small bare mound; strong postvertical bristle is positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ventral postcranium covered with irregular white hairs. Face black, white pollinose, narrow, 17 times as high as wide in the middle and 4 times as high as wide under antennae. Slightly bulging clypeus half as wide as epistome under antennae. Proboscis dark-brown, palpus black, with short hairs and 1 or 2 fine black setae. Antenna black, nearly as long as height of head. Pedicel with short dorsal and ventral bristles. First flagellomere rounded, as long as high, with short pubescence. Arista dorsal, microscopically haired. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 4 : 4 : 5 : 55.

Mesonotum and scutellum shining green-violet, slightly pollinose. Pleura bronze-green, white pollinose. 5 dorsocentral setae gradually decreasing in size anteriorly (most setae broken in holotype). Short acrostichals in two rows. Scutellum with two pair of strong bristles, with somewhat smaller lateral setae.

Legs. Fore coxa and leg yellow, tarsus brownish; middle and hind coxae black, whitish pollinose; middle femora mostly black-brown, yellow in basal third or half; middle and hind trochanters yellow; middle tibia yellow-brown; hind femora mostly black, yellow at base; hind tibia black-brown; middle and hind tarsi black. Fore coxa from the front with yellow hairs and 3 strong black setae at apex. Middle and hind coxae from the outside with sparse yellow hairs. Hind coxa with fine yellow seta at base. Femora almost bare. Fore tibia with fine apicoventral seta. Fore basitarsus flattened and widened except basal fifth, 4 times longer than wide, with ventral pile and elongate apicodorsal setulae. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 30 : 65 : 85 : 60 : 23 : 12 : 8 : 7. Middle tibia with 1 anterodorsal, 2 or 3 short posterodorsal and 2 or 3 apical setae. 3rd and 4th tarsomeres of middle tarsus somewhat thickened, with elongate setulae. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 30 : 90 : 122 : 92 : 24 : 15 : 10 : 9. Hind tibia with inconspicuous ordinary setae, 1 or 2 short apical setae; basitarsus with 1 basoventral short seta. Last tarsomeres of hind tarsi slightly thickened. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 40 : 110 : 158 : 80 : 25 : 15 : 10 : 8.

Wings mostly hyaline, darkened anteriorly in apical half; veins brown, undisturbed. R4+5 gently curved to M1 in apical fifth. M1+2 slightly curved posterad in apical part. M1 with nearly right-angular elbow, forming right angle with M1+2 and M2. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+5 and M1, 29 : 4. Crossvein m-cu straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA1, 25 : 41 : 13. Anal vein and lobe reduced. Anal angle absent. Lower calypter yellow, with light cilia. Halters yellow-brown, halter stem thin and long, nearly twice longer than knob.

Abdomen thin and long, mostly black-violet, with short black hairs. First two segments mostly metallic blue-green; first tergite with broad membranous excavation, longitudinal dorsal furrow and several long white lateral hairs. Unmodified segments combined 3 times longer than mesonotum. 5th and 6th segments swollen ventrally; 7th segment short. Hypopygium black, with short black hairs. Cercus black, strongly swollen at base, narrowed apicad, 6 times longer than epandrium, laterally with a row of long black setae. Surstylus and epandrial lobe greatly reduced.

Female unknown.

Length: male body 4.8 mm; antenna 0.9 mm; postabdomen 1.3 mm;

wing-length 3.5 mm; wing-width 1.05 mm.

Distribution. Madagascar.

Etymology. The species is named for English dipterologist John Chainey.

Diagnosis. Males of C. chaineyi are included into the group of species with normal female-type venation of wings, differing from other species in the following complex of characters: anterior four tibia without long setae, hind tibia without sicatrix, pedicel with comparatively short setae; cercus simple, swollen at base, strongly narrowed apicad; basoventral lobe of cercus undeveloped.

12. Condylostylus congensis Curran

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Mayumbe Lemba, 1–10.XII.1915, R. Mayne / D. Det. I 1954 / Type. Condylostylus congensis Curran.

Additional material. 1 ?, 1?, Kenya: Ongata Longai, 29.X.1995, T. Kanasugi [NMK].

Diagnosis. Similar to C. pateraeformis except as noted. Face 9 times as high as wide in the middle; legs mostly brown-black, fore coxa in apical half and fore tibia yellow; fore femora and basitarsus and sometimes middle tibia yellowish-brown; ratio of fore tibia to length of basitarsus to width of the same joint to second tarsomere, 98 : 53 : 13 : 25; fore basitarsus usually shorter than 2nd to 5th tarsomeres combined. M1+2 and M1 form the right angle; M1 nearly straight; cercus nearly twice as long as 7th tergite and epandrium combined, with egg-shaped ventral lobe.

Remark. C. congensis from Madagascar determined by P. Vanschuytbroeck belongs to C. skufjini.

Distribution: Congo (Brazzaville), Cameroons, Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa.

13. Condylostylus galinae Grichanov (Fig. 11)

Type material examined. Holotype. ?, Uganda: Ruwenzori Range, XII.1934–I.1935. B.M.E.Afr. Exp. B.M.1935–203 / Namwamba Valley, 6500 ft (F.W.Edwards) / Condylostylus galinae Grichanov. Paratypes. 2 ?? and 1 ?, the same labels.

Additional material. ?, Congo Belge: P.N.A., 5.II.1953, P. Vanschuytbroeck & J. Kekenbosch, 2033–34 / Massif Ruwenzori, Kalonge, 2010 m, Riv. Kamahoro affl. Butahu.

Diagnosis. Males of C. galinae are closely related to C. burgeoni and can be separated by the following combination of attributes: fore femora, fore and middle tibiae yellow, middle and hind femora mostly yellow; wing fork-handle 1.5 times as long as m-cu; cercus nearly thrice as long as seventh tergite and epandrium combined, with long bristles in basal half. Female is probably similar to C. burgeoni.

Distribution: West Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa).

14. Condylostylus imitator Curran

Material examined. 1 ?, Kenya: Taita hills, Chawia forest, 12.2.1997 [NMK]. 6 ??, Urundi, Rumonge, alt. 780 m, 20.II.1949 [Kitaba, 11.II.1950, 1700 m; Terr. de Rutana, 10.XI.1951, 1400 m and 25.XII.1951, 1850 m; Terr. de Kitega, 13.I.1952, 1750 m], F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452.

Diagnosis. Similar to C. pateraeformis except as noted. Face 7 times as high as wide in the middle; legs mostly yellow, middle and hind coxae, 2nd–5th tarsomeres of fore tarsus, apex of middle tibia, middle and hind tarsi, middle femora in apical fifth black-brown, hind tibia brown; ratio of fore tibia to length of basitarsus to width of the same joint to second tarsomere, 95 : 50 : 12 : 28; fore basitarsus usually shorter than 2nd to 5th tarsomeres combined. M1+2 and M1 form the right angle; M1 with distinct elbow; cercus thin, nearly thrice as long as 7th tergite and epandrium combined, ventral lobe of cercus with pointed apex.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Angola, Namibia.

15. Condylostylus kivuensis Vanschuytbroeck

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Coll. Mus. Congo, Kamogobe (Sud Masisi), 4.III.1936, L. Lippens (48–49) / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 195? Condylostylus kivuensis n.sp.

Diagnosis. C. kivuensis is rather similar to C. congensis and C. imitator, differing by legs entirely black-brown, with only fore trochanter and knee yellowish. M1+2 and M1 form right angle. Fore and middle tibia without very long setae. Fore basitarsus longer than 2nd to 5th tarsomeres combined. Cercus 4 times longer than epandrium. Body length 7 mm.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

16. Condylostylus paricoxa Parent

Material examined. 1 ?, Kenya: Tavara, Kitovo Forest, 24.5.1985, J. Muhangani [NMK].

Diagnosis. C. paricoxa is the only species in Africa with two long preapical setae on the male fore tibia (Grichanov, 1996c). It can be separated by the following combination of attributes: frons with white hairs; fore tibia with a long black preapical ventral hair, with 2 long thick black apicoventral setae of equal length, half as long as fore basitarsus. First tarsomere slightly swollen in middle half, with short dense ventral hairs and one thin apicodorsal seta. Cercus yellow, short, spoon-shaped, curved, especially on apex, with yellow hairs. Surstylus greatly reduced, narrow, epandrial lobe very short, with strong setae. Females differ in having a mostly yellow middle coxa and entirely yellow hind coxa.

Distribution. Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanzania.

17. Condylostylus selitskayae sp.n. (Fig. 12)

Holotype. ?, Coll. R.I.Sc.N.B., Congo belge: Kasai, Port Francqui, 18.I.1958, F. Francois.

Description. Frons metallic blue-green, shining. A strong front vertical bristle bends forward, arising from small bare mound; shorter postvertical bristle is positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ocellar tubercle with a pair of strong setae and pair of hairs. Ventral postcranium covered with irregular white hairs. Face greenish-black, silvery-white pollinose, narrow, 10 times as high as wide in the middle and 4 times as high as wide under antennae. Bulging clypeus nearly half as wide as epistome under antennae. Proboscis black, palpi black, with black hairs. Antennae black, nearly as long as height of head. Pedicel with short dorsal and ventral bristles. First flagellomere rounded, as long as high, with short hairs. Arista dorsal, microscopically haired. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 5 : 60.

Mesonotum and scutellum metallic green, slightly pollinose. Pleura bronze-green, white pollinose. Five dorsocentral bristles gradually decreasing in size anteriorly with two strongest posterior pairs. Short acrostichals in two rows, restricted to anterior 2/3 of mesonotum. Scutellum with two pairs of strong setae of approximately equal length.

Legs mostly black. Fore coxa mostly black, yellow in apical 1/3; fore trochanter yellow; fore femora brown in basal half, yellow in apical half; fore tibia mostly yellow, progressively brown in apical half; fore basitarsus brown; middle coxa at apex, trochanter and knee brownish. Fore coxa from the front with numerous yellow hairs and 3 black subapical setae. Middle coxa from the outside with light hairs and black cilia. Hind coxa with one black external seta. Femora without strong or long setae. Fore and hind femora with posteroventral hairs, half as long as femora diameter. Fore tibia with short black subapical ventral seta. Fore basitarsus 4 times longer than wide, flattened and widened except basal fifth, with ventral pile and 2 short apicodorsal setae. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 50 : 85 : 90 : 47 : 22 : 14 : 9 : 10. Middle tibia with 2 short posterodorsals in basal half and several apical setae, and erect ventral setulae in apical half. Third and fourth tarsomeres with elongate setulae; fourth and fifth tarsomeres slightly enlarged and flattened. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 40 : 100 : 125 : 70 : 21 : 15 : 13 : 10. Last tarsomeres of hind tarsi slightly thickened. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25 : 130 : 175 : 75 : 25 : 17 : 11 : 10.

Wings widened apically, mostly hyaline, with brownish stripe along costa in apical half and smoky spot at m-cu, veins brown. R4+5 gently curved to M1 in apical fifth. M1+2 convex posteriad in basal half, convex anteriad in apical half. M1 slightly convex basad, forming right angle with M1+2. M2 short, forming wide arc with M1. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+5 and M1, 75 : 8. Crossvein m-cu straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA, 21 : 83 : 29. Anal vein and lobe reduced. Anal angle absent. Lower calypter brownish, with fine, shining light, cilia. Halter brown, halter stem thin, 1.5 times longer than knob, with row of setulae in front of knob.

Abdomen thin and long, metallic green-black, posteriorly entirely black, with short black hairs. First tergite with broad membranous excavation, longitudinal dorsal furrow and short white lateral hairs. Unmodified segments combined 3 times as long as mesonotum. Hypopygium black, with short black hairs. Cercus long, filiform, swollen at base, black, with distinct hairy inner apophysis at base and numerous black hairs along entire length. Cercus nearly 6 times as long as epandrium. Surstylus and epandrial lobe greatly reduced.

Female unknown.

Length: body 5.3 mm; antenna 1.15 mm; postabdomen 1.8 mm; wing-length 4.1 mm; wing-width 1.4 mm.

Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa).

Etymology. The species is named for Russian entomologist Oksana Selitskaya.

Diagnosis. Males of C. selitskayae is related to C. congensis, differing in erect ventral setulae in apical half of middle tibia and weakly developed basoventral lobe of cercus. Fore coxa yellow in apical third; fore femora and tibia half yellow; fore basitarsus shorter than 2nd to 5th tarsomeres combined. M1+2 and M1 forming right angle. Venation abnormal: M1+2 curved towards posterior wing margin, M2 short, forming wide arc with M1.

18. Condylostylus skufjini sp.n. (Fig. 13)

Holotype. ? on pin, Fenerive, Madagascar, Dec. 1955, B. Stuckenberg / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 1957, Condylostylus congoensis Curran / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 20938 [RINS].

Paratypes [mostly in alcohol]. ? on pin, La Mandraka, XII.1951, N.S.H. Krauss / Institut Scientifique Madagascar. 17 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, A. Pauly, X.1991. 1 ?, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, XII.1991, A. Pauly. 12 ??, Madagascar: Tam, W. Morarano-chrome, 1–6.V.1991, A. Pauly, forét, bac jaune. 1 ?, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, 16–30.IX.1991, A. Pauly, forét, 25 km W. 5 ??, Madagascar: Foulpointe, 11.XI.1993, A. Pauly col., bac jaune, forét. 1 ?, Madagascar: Tam, Foulpointe, X.1993, A. Pauly col. 1 ?, Madagascar: Foulpointe, X.1993, A. Pauly col., forét . 1 ?, Madagascar: Foulpointe, 2.XI.1991, A. Pauly., plage, bac jaune.[RINS].

Description. Frons metallic bluish-green, white pollinose at base of antennae. A strong front vertical bristle bends forward, arising from small bare mound; strong postvertical bristle is positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ventral postcranium covered with irregular white hairs. Face greenish-black, silvery-white pollinose, narrow, 12 times as high as wide in the middle and 4 times as high as wide under antennae. Bulging clypeus nearly half as wide as epistome under antennae. Proboscis black, palpus black, with light hairs and 2 fine black setae. Antenna black, as long as height of head. Pedicel with short dorsal and ventral bristles. First flagellomere rounded, as long as high, with short pubescence. Arista dorsal, microscopically haired. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 4 : 4 : 5 : 67.

Mesonotum and scutellum brilliantly shining green-blue. Pleura bronze-black, white pollinose. 5 dorsocentral setae gradually decreasing in size anteriorly with two strongest posterior pairs. Short acrostichals in two rows, restricted to anterior half of mesonotum. Scutellum with two pairs of strong bristles, with lateral setae somewhat smaller.

Legs mostly yellow. Middle and hind coxae dark-brown; middle femora in apical fourth, middle tibia and 2nd to 5th tarsomeres of fore tarsus brownish; hind femora in apical third, hind tibia, middle and hind tarsi black-brown. Fore coxa from the front with yellow hairs and 2 or 3 black setae at apex. Middle and hind coxae from the outside with sparse yellow hairs. Hind coxa with fine light seta at base. Femora without strong or long bristles and hairs. Fore tibia with 1 black apicoventral seta. Fore basitarsus flattened and widened except basal third, 4.6 times longer than wide, with ventral pile and elongate apicodorsal setulae. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 46 : 66 : 80 : 55 : 19 : 11 : 6 : 6. Middle tibia with ventral row of 5 setae in apical fifth, twice longer than tibia diameter, and preceding row of several elongate setulae, otherwise bare. 3rd to 5th tarsomeres of middle tarsus slightly flattened. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 33 : 90 : 130 : 87 : 26 : 23 : 10 : 10. 1st to 4th tarsomeres of hind tarsi flattened and slightly widened. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25 : 120 : 173 : 86 : 27 : 18 : 10 : 9.

Wings mostly hyaline, slightly darkened anteriorly at apex including base of M1; veins brown, undisturbed. R4+5 nearly straight, gently curved to M1 in apical fifth. M1+2 slightly curved posterad in apical part. M1 with nearly right-angular elbow, forming right angle with M1+2 and M2. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+5 and M1, 28 : 4. Crossvein m-cu straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA1, 23 : 43 : 14. Anal vein and lobe reduced. Anal angle absent. Lower calypter yellow, with light cilia. Halters yellow, halter stem thin and long, twice longer than knob, with several dark setulae at the middle.

Abdomen thin and long, mostly black, with short black hairs. First two segments mostly metallic green; first tergite with broad membranous excavation, longitudinal dorsal furrow and several long white lateral hairs. Unmodified segments combined nearly 3 times longer than mesonotum. Hypopygium black, with short black hairs. Epandrium rounded. Cercus black-brown, short, widened apicad and truncated at apex, with rounded angles and short black hairs along entire surface. Cercus as long as epandrium. Surstylus and epandrial lobe greatly reduced.

Female unknown.

Length: body 4.7 – 5.3 mm; antenna 1.1 mm; postabdomen 0.6 mm; wing-length 3.6 mm; wing-width 1.0 mm.

Distribution. Madagascar.

Etymology. The species is named for Russian dipterologist Prof. K.V. Skufjin.

Diagnosis. C. skufjini is related to C. chaineyi, differing in short cercus and long ventral setae on middle tibia (see diagnosis of C. chaineyi).

19. Ethiosciapus bicalcaratus (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Ituri: Mont Wago, 24.XI.1928, A. Collart / R. Det. R. 2413 / Sciopus bicalcaratus n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Additional type material. Holotype ?, Congo Belge: Eala, 27.IV.1936, J. Ghesquiere / R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482 / Sciopus cilifrons [nomen nudum] n.sp. Type. O. Parent / O. Parent, 1936. Sciopus cilifrons n.sp. / Type [red label] / S. setifrons sp. of Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg., XII–18 (1937) p. 14, pl. 4, fig. 33, 34 / Ethiosciapus bicalcaratus (Par.), det. Grichanov.

Additional material. 1 ?, Urundi, Bururi, alt. 1950 m., VI.1948, F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452. [RINS].

Diagnosis. Male with a group of hairs laterally on frons, 2 strong posterior and hairlike anterior dorsocentral setae; 3 long acrostichals. Fore coxa yellow except base, other coxae black; femora yellow, with long black ventral hairs, fore tibia with 2 long posteroventral bristles; fore basitarsus ventrally flattened. Lower calypter with dark, though shining light, cilia. Third sternite with 2 strong black setae. Cercus yellow, with brown margin on apex, pale ventral hairs and black lateral and apical hairs, with thin basoventral hook.

Remark. Holotype of Sciapus bicalcaratus is identical to holotype of Sciapus setifrons.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda, Burundi, Madagascar, Comores, St. Helena.

20. Ethiosciapus exarmatus (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Ituri: Missa Moke (Faradji), 20.II.1930, A. Collart / R. Det. O. 2413 / Sciopus exarmatus n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Diagnosis. Males with group of hairs laterally on frons; femora with long black ventral hairs; 3 long acrostichal setae; alula well developed. All coxae black. Femora mostly yellow. Fore femora black ventrally in basal half, hind femora black on apex. Fore tibia with at most 2 long posteroventrals. Cercus with short setae, without distinct groups of hairs, with strong pointed and strongly curved basoventral hook.

Remark. E. exarmatus determined by P. Vanschuytbroeck (male and female

from Madagascar are examined, RINS) belongs to Amblypsilopus cilifrons, although I have seen several males from Madagascar (RINS), quite similar to this species.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), ?Madagascar.

21. Ethiosciapus finitimus (Parent) (Fig. 14)

Type material examined. Holotype, ?, Congo Belg.: Rutshuru, XII.1936, J. Ghesquiere, 3566 / R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. 10.482 / O. Parent det., 1937: Sciopus finitimus [nomen nudum]. Type. O. Parent.

Additional type material. Holotype, ?, Uganda: Ruwenzori Range, XII.1934–I.1935. B.M. E. Afr. Exp. B.M. 1935–203 / Kilembe, 4500 ft., F.W. Edwards / Holotype Ethiosciapus skufjini Grichanov; paratype, ?with the same labels.

Additional material. 1 ?, Congo Belge: P.N.A., 26–28.VIII.1953, P. Vanschuytbroeck & V. Hendricks 4999–5005 / Secteur Tshiaberimu, Riv. Mbulikerere, affl. dr. Talia N, 2720 m [RINS].

Diagnosis. E. finitimus is close to E. latipes, differing in longer ventral setae on all femora, black halters, other colour characters, and hypopygium morphology.

Remark. E. finitimus was described as Chrysosoma (Sciopus?) finitimus Parent (1939). So, the name Sciopus finitimus in this paper is nomen nudum. Holotype of C. finitimus is identical to holotype of E. skufjini.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda.

22. Ethiosciapus flavirostris (Loew)

Material examined. 1 ? [in glycerol], Madagascar: Fia Ambalamanakana, 13.III.1994, A. Pauly [RINS].

Diagnosis. Male with a group of hairs laterally on frons, 2 strong posterior and hairlike anterior dorsocentral setae; 3 long acrostichals. Fore coxa yellow except base, other coxae black; femora yellow, with long black ventral hairs, fore tibia with 2 long posteroventral bristles; fore basitarsomere ventrally flattened. Lower calypter with light cilia. Third sternite with 2 strong black setae. Cercus yellow, with brown margin on apex, pale ventral hairs and black lateral and apical hairs, with thin basoventral hook. E. integer is possible synonym to this species. E. flavirostris is very closely related to E. bicalcaratus.

Distribution. South Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar, ?Ethiopia.

23. Ethiosciapus inflexus (Becker)

Material examined. 1 ?, Kenya: Kakamega bridge, Isiukhu river, 17.IX.1995, N 0º16'46", E 34º46'61", Leg. Earthwatch Team 5 [NMK]. 3 ??, Urundi, Bururi, alt. 1950 m, III.1948 [Terr. de Kitega, 23.II.1952, 1750 m], F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452. 1 ?, Costermansville, Congo Belge, J. Wolfs / R.I.Sc.N.B. 24.236, Coll. M. Bequaert. 11 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, X.1991, A. Pauly. 20 ??, Madagascar: 25 km W. Morarano-chrome, forét, XI.1991, bac jaune. A. Pauly. 3 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, XII.1991, A. Pauly, forét, 25 km W. 12 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, 16–30.IX.1991, A. Pauly, forét, 25 km W. 1 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Manakambahiny Atn., 18–25.I.1991, A. Pauly col., forét. 3 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Manakambahiny Atn., 17–23.III.1991, A. Pauly, forét. 3 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, 25.V.1992, A. Pauly. 28 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, VII, 1–15.VIII and 1–15.IX.1991, A. Pauly., forét, 25 km W. [RINS].

Diagnosis. Male with a group of hairs laterally on frons, 2 strong posterior and hairlike anterior dorsocentral setae; 3 long acrostichals. All coxae black; femora mostly black, with long black ventral hairs, fore tibia with 1 to 3 long posteroventral bristles; fore basitarsus ventrally flattened. Lower calypter with black cilia. Third sternite with long black bristles; first tergite and sternite with long white hairs. Cercus yellow, strap-like, slightly broadened towards apex, with dense pale ventral hairs, a row of black lateral bristles, and sclerotized pointed basoventral hook.

Remark. Descriptions of E. inflexus and E. dilectus have no significant difference and the two species are possible synonyms. Large series of males collected on Madagascar in yellow water traps displays a great variability of specimens in anterior four femora coloration (black in basal 1/3 to 4/5) and number of long posteroventral setae on fore tibia (1 to 3).

Distribution. Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Congo (Kinshasa), South Africa, Madagascar, St. Helena..

24. Ethiosciapus latipes (Parent)

Material examined (all in alcohol). 2 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, XII.1991, A. Pauly, forét, 25 km W. 10 ??, 1 ?, Madagascar: Morarano-chrome, VII, 1–15.VIII, 1–15, 16–30.IX.1991, A. Pauly., forét, 25 km W. 2 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, 25.V.1991, A. Pauly. 26 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, X.1991, A. Pauly. About 300 ??, Madagascar: 25 km W. Morarano-chrome, forét, XI.1991, bac jaune. A. Pauly. 4 ??, Madagascar: Tam, W. Morarano-chrome, forét, 1–6.V.1991, bac jaune. A. Pauly. 1 ?, Madagascar: Tam, Manakambahiny Atn., 17–23.III.1991, A. Pauly, forét. 2 ??, Madagascar: Foulpointe, 11.XI.1993, A. Pauly col., bac jaune, forét.

Diagnosis. E. latipes is closely related to E. finitimus, differing in shorter setae on femora (a little longer than diameter of fore and hind femora, half as long as midfemora diameter). Despite the description of this species by Parent, frons has a group of lateral hairs; 4th and 5th segments of hind tarsus slightly broadened and flattened; halters brown. All coxae black; hind femora brown at apex; fore tibia with 2 or 3 moderately long posteroventral setae. 3rd abdominal sternite without strong setae. Cercus with short lateral setae; these setae stronger, than corresponding setae in E. finitimus, and cercal basoventral hook somewhat smaller.

Distribution. Madagascar.

25. Bickeliolus alluaudi (Parent)

Material examined [all in alcohol]. 14 ??, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, XII.1991, A. Pauly col., forét, 25 km W. 1 ?, Madagascar: Tam, Manahambahiny – Atn, 18–25.I.1991, A. Pauly col., forét. 1 ?, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, VII.1991, A. Pauly col., forét. 1 ?, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, 25.V.1992, A. Pauly col. About 80 ??, Madagascar: 25 km W. Morarano-chrome, forét, XI.1991, bac jaune. A. Pauly. 14 ??, Madagascar: Ambatondvaraha, 26.II.1991, A. Pauly col. [RINS].

Diagnosis. B. alluaudi is very close to B. trochanteralis from South Africa, differing in suboval, rather than subtriangular, basoventral process of cercus. Male with strong vertical seta; acrostichals very short. Antenna black. Legs including trochanters yellow, middle trochanter with a fringe of long yellow ventral hairs, middle femora with a few fine yellow ventral hairs at base, fore basitarsus ventrally flattened. Cercus narrowed in the middle, with apical brush of long setae and suboval basoventral sclerotized process on thin stem.

Distribution. Madagascar.

26. Bickeliolus haemorhoidalis (Becker)

Material examined. 2 ??, Urundi: Rumonge, alt. 780 m, 15.X.1948 [26.XI.1948], F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452; 1 ?, Urundi: Terr. de Bubanza, 23.VI.1953, F.J. Francois / Colline: Kagunuzi (Imbo), alt. 900 m. [RINS].

Diagnosis. Male with strong vertical seta, 4 strong dorsocentrals and microscopic acrostichals. Antenna black. Legs yellow; middle and hind coxae black; fore coxa yellow, with 4 long thick yellow setae in middle and 1 yellow apical seta of glued hairs. All femora with white ventral hairs at base, longer than femora diameter; fore basitarsus ventrally flattened, with pale pile. Cercus practically bilobate; ventral lobe short, wide, with ventral spine-like process; dorsal lobe thin, twice longer than ventral lobe, slightly widened at apex, with subapical ventral brush of short hairs and apical brush of long hairs. Basoventral sclerotized process club-shaped, truncate at apex, with strong apical setae.

Distribution. Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi, South Africa.

27. Bickeliolus lamellatus (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo,

Rutshuru, I–1934, Dr. De Wulf / R. Det. CC.2966 / Sciopus lamellatus n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Additional material. 1 ?, N'Goma (Kivu), 17/19.IX.1935, Dr. H. Damas, Parc Nat. Albert / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 1950, Sciopus rectangularis Parent; 7??, 1?, Congo Belge: P.N.A., 26–28.VIII.1953 [26.X.1953; 29.VIII.1956; 10.VIII.1957; 6.IX.1956; 18.XI.1956], P. Vanschuytbroeck & V. Hendricks / Secteur Tshiaberimu, Riv. Mbulikerere, affl. dr. Talia N, 2720 m [Massif Ruwenzori, Kiurama, 2100 m; Secteur Nord, riv. Mukandwe affl. dr. Talia, 1200 m; Secteur Nord, Kamusonge, massif pres Mutsora, 1420 m; Massif Ruwenzori, riv. Lume (moyenne) affl. Semliki, 1830 m]; 2??, 5??, Congo belge: Kivu [P.N.A.], Rutshuru [Nyongera-Butumba; Lubirizi; Riv. Fuku], 20 au 21.XII.1933 [6 au 8, 18 au 23.VI.1934; 5–17.VII.1935], 1218–1285 m, G.F. de Witte: 1669 [131, 431, 448, 1622, 1645, 1662]. [RINS].

Diagnosis. B. lamellatus is closely related to B. maslovae. Male with strong vertical seta and 4 strong dorsocentral bristles, the anteriormost short; acrostichals very short. Antenna black. Legs including trochanters yellow, fore and middle femora with short white ventral hairs, fore basitarsus ventrally flattened. Cercus tapering, with apical brush of long hairs and subtriangular basoventral sclerotized process.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Ruanda, Uganda, Tanzania, St. Helena.

28. Bickeliolus lutescens (Vanschuytbroeck)

Type material examined. Paratype ?, Ambila, VII.51, R.P. Forét cotiere / Institut Scientifique Madagascar / R.I.Sc.Nat.Belg. I.G. 18441 / Paratype / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 195? Chrysosoma lutescens n.sp. [RINS].

Additional material (all in alcohol). About 95 ??, Madagascar: Foulpointe, XI.1995, A. Pauly rec., plage, bac j. About 100 ??, Madagascar: Foulpointe, 2.XI.1991, A. Pauly., plage, bac j. 7 ??, Madagascar: Foulpointe, 11.XI.1993, A. Pauly col., bac jaune, forét. 1 ?, 4 ?, Madagascar: Foulpointe, X.1993, A. Pauly col., forét, bac j. 9 ??, Madagascar: Foulpointe, XI.1995, A. Pauly. [RINS].

Diagnosis. Scape yellow, other articles dark brown dorsally; first flagellomere triangular, with rounded apex. Anterior coxa yellow, black at extreme base, with yellow setae; middle and hind coxae black. Legs yellow except apical tarsomeres. Femora bare. Fore tibia with 1 dorsal seta at base, 1 long posterior seta at basal 1/3. Middle tibia with 1 dorsal, 2 anterior setae. Hind tibia with 1 anterodorsal, 2 posterodorsal, 1 anterior setae. Fore basitarsus enlarged and ventrally flattened, with pile of hairs; 5th tarsomere of the same tarsus black, slightly flattened. Hind basitarsus with 1 short basoventral seta. Cross-vein m-cu nearly straight, slightly sinuous, approximately equal to fork-handle M; CuA1 approximately 2/3 as long as m-cu. Alula developed. Anal angle sharp. Cercus approximately 5 times longer than wide at base; cercus at base twice wider than in middle; cercal basoventral hook thick, 1/5 as long as cercus; apex of cercus slightly enlarged and rounded, with spade-like fringe of yellow cilia at basal 1/3; cercal cilia entirely yellow, 1/3 or 1/4 as long as cercus.

Distribution. Madagascar.

29. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) aequatoriale Parent

Type material examined. Holotype, ?, Wendji, 30.VI.27, A. Collart / Prov. Equateur (Congo Belge / Chrysosoma aequatoriale n.sp. Type. O. Parent rev., 1933.

Diagnosis. Antenna red-brown; mesonotum without distinct stripes. Lower calypter with black cilia. Male middle basitarsus without long setae. All coxae black, sometimes fore coxa yellow at apex; fore femora black in basal quarter, middle femora black in basal 3/5; middle femora with black ventral setae in the middle; hind tibia black; middle tarsus whitish; 2nd to 4th tarsomeres of middle tarsus with posterodorsal fringe of white flat setae, as long as tarsomeres diameter. Cercus simple, tapering, without tooth.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda.

Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) aequilobatum Parent

Type material examined. Holotype, ?, Musee du Congo, Mayumbe Lemba, XII.1915, R. Mayne / Chrysosoma aequilobatum n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Diagnosis. C. aequilobatum is included into the group of species with very long setae on middle basitarsus. Hind femora entirely black. Middle tibia without long setae. Middle basitarsus with two long setae, without white preapical ring, Cercus shallow bifurcated, with equal lobes.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville).

30. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) albocrinitatum Curran

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Mayumbe: Kiniati, 7.IV.1911, R. Mayne / R. Det. G. 1155 / Holotype Chrysosoma albocrinitatum Curran.

Diagnosis. C. albocrinitatum is related to a group of species having a row of cilia on middle basitarsus; these cilia 3 or 4 times as long as tarsomere diameter. It differs from C. crinipes in second tarsomere of fore tarsus 2/3 to 3/4 as long as basitarsus, the latter swollen, with ventral pile of short hairs in basal 1/2 or 2/3 and pectination of long hooked hairs in apical half; second tarsomere also with hooked hairs along ventral side, the hairs longer than tarsomere diameter.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville).

31. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) alboguttatum Parent

Material examined. 2 ??, 2 ??, Urundi: Bururi, alt. 1950 [1900] m, III.1948 [8.I.1949; 5.III.1953], F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452[RINS]. 1 ?, Labé–Guinée, 21–IX–981, C. Bakary.

Diagnosis. Male tibiae and tarsi without long setae, with very short erect setulae; fore coxa yellow; antenna black; wing brown with two hyaline windows and transparent posterior edge; cercus simple, short, narrow, slightly widened at apex.

Distribution. Cameroons, Guinea, Burundi.

32. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) arduus (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotype, ?, Congo Belge: Eala, XI.1934, J. Ghesquiere / Reg. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482 / Sciopus arduus n.sp. Type. O. Parent det., 1935 / Type [red label]; paratypes, 4 ??, same locality, with additional red label "cotype".

Diagnosis. Face widely bulging, clypeus slightly separated from eyes. Wings strongly maculated; m-cu strongly sinuate. Middle femora with ventral seta at base. Fore femora yellow in apical two thirds, with 1 or 2 fine black ventral setae; fore tibia with 1 anterodorsal and 2 posterodorsal, middle tibia with 3 anterodorsal, 3 posterodorsal and 2 ventral, middle basitarsus with 5 ventral setulae; hind tibia with 1 anterodorsal and 1 posterodorsal at base, 4 dorsal, 3 anterior and 3–4 short ventral setae; hind basitarsus with 1 basoventral seta. Despite the description by Parent (1936), the fore femora has 0 to 2 dark and 5 to 10 light fine ventral cilia approximately as long as femora diameter; these cilia arranged in two irregular rows in basal half of femora. The species is possible synonym to C. norma.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

33. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) bacchi Dyte

Material examined. 1 ?, Urundi: Rutana, 24.V.1950, 1800 m, F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452 [RINS].

Diagnosis. Male middle basitarsus with white preapical ring, usually covered with very short yellow pectination on dorsal side; middle basitarsus with only three long setae; middle tibia with two long setae; hind femora black except apical quarter and almost bare.

Distribution. Tanzania, Burundi.

34. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) bredoi Parent

Type material examined. Holotype, ?, Musee du Congo, Lukolela, III.1929, H.J. Bredo / Chrysosoma bredoi n.sp. Type. O. Parent; 3 ??, 1 ?, Congo Belge: Eala, 7.V, IX, XI.1935, IX.1936, J. Ghesquiere / R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482 / Chrysosoma bredoi Par. O. Parent det., 1936.

Diagnosis. Closely related to C. hirsutulum, differing in at most 1 or 2 long setae at base of middle tibia; middle basitarsus with 3 to 5 long setae; middle tarsus with erect pectination from the middle of 1st joint; femora dark-brown except apices. Holotype with head missing.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

35. Chrysosoma (Kalocheta) collarti (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Ituri: Gaduma Mala (Faradji), 13.III.1930, A. Collart / R. Det. T.2414 / Kalocheta collarti n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Additional material. 2 ??, 1 ?, Kenya: Kakamega forest, Ikuywa river, 25.VI.1995, N 0º12'73", E 34º55'42", Leg. Earthwatch Team 4; 2 males, 2 ??, Kenya: Kakamega forest, Buyaungu Res., 21.I, 2.XII 1995, 21.XI.1994, far end path (Salazar circ), N 0º20'84", E 34º51'93", Leg. Earthwatch Team 1, 2, 6 [NMK]; 1 ?, Kenya: Kakamega forest, nr. road betw. Rondo estate & Isecheno, 23.I.1995, Leg. Earthwatch Team 2 [NMK]; 1 ?, Kenya: Kakamega forest, path betw. Isecheno stat. & Kalunya glade, 20.I.1995, N 0º14'48", E 34º51'88", Leg. Earthwatch Team 2 [NMK].

Diagnosis. Fore coxae with white hairs and black bristles; apical and median brown spots have crosspiece near junction of M 3+4 and posterior transverse (m-cu) wing veins. Males with hairlike part of arista twice as long as strap-like part; lower calypter with black hairs; Cercus with short dorsal tooth at basal third and short thin subapical dorsal tooth. Metallic epistome and clypeus appearing white pollinose under certain lightening. See also description of female by Grichanov (1995).

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda.

36. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) consentium Curran

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Mayumbe: Kiniati, 7.VI.1911, R. Mayne / R. Det. H. 1155 / Holotype Chrysosoma consentium Curran. [RMCA].

Additional type material. Holotype, ?, Yumbi, 1.VII.1912, Dr. P. Mouchet / Chrysosoma fortunatum n.sp. Type. O. Parent det., 1933 / Type [red label] [RINS].

Diagnosis. C. consentium is similar to C. mesotrichum and C. schoutedeni, differing mainly in morphology of hypopygium. Fore and middle femora black in basal third; hind leg entirely black; middle tibia and tarsus except apex yellow. All femora with white ventral hairs in basal half. First and second tarsomeres of middle tarsus with additional row of short dorsal hairs, which more than twice as long as tarsomere diameter; middle tibia with 7 to 10 long posterodorsal setae; middle basitarsus with 6 to 10 long setae. 2nd to 5th tarsomeres of middle tarsus with black hairs; 5th tarsomere with pile of white hairs. Cercus with short dorsal tooth, at most half as long as width of cercus at apex, with short hairs in apical half of cercus.

Remark. Despite Curran (1925), C. consentium has nothing to do with C. albocrinitatum, but is identical to the holotype of C. fortunatum.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville).

37. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) continuum Curran

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Bas-Uele: Koteli, I.1925, Dr. H. Schouteden / Type Chrysosoma continuum Curran.

Diagnosis. C. continuum is associated with a group of species having long setae on middle tibia and basitarsus. Middle tibia with 7–8 long setae; middle basitarsus without white preapical ring, with 7 long setae in apical half; second to fifth tarsomeres with a row of white hairs, without black hairs. Fore femora widely black at base; hind femora mostly blackish. Antenna red. Wing vein m-cu, measured along sinuation, nearly thrice as long as fork-handle. Cercus simple, with short dorsal apophysis.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville).

38. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) corruptor Parent

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Stanleville, 19.II.1928, A. Collart / R. Det. J. 2413 / Chrysosoma corruptor n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Diagnosis. Holotype of C. corruptor is similar to description of. C minusculum Becker (1923). Antenna black. Mesonotum metallic, pleura and coxae with silvery tinge. Two dorsocentrals. Vein m-cu sinuate. First and second abdominal segment with white tinge (see from behind). Only fore coxa yellow. Middle and hind coxae with pale ciliation. Middle tibia and tarsus without erect pubescence. Middle basitarsus without long setae. Cercus bifurcated, with lobes more than half as long as cercus.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

39. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) hirsutulum Parent

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Equateur, Boende, 11.III.1926, R.P. Hulstaert / Chrysosoma hirsutulum n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Diagnosis. C. hirsutulum is associated with a group of species having long setae on middle tibia and basitarsus. Middle tibia with 3 long setae (basal one shorter) in basal half; middle basitarsus without white preapical ring, with three long setae in apical half; middle tibia and tarsus with erect pectination (holotype with broken 3rd–5th tarsomeres of middle tarsus). Cercus simple, with short dorsal apophysis.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

40. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) ituriense Parent

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Ituri: Genge (Nizi), 16.III.1929, A. Collart / R. Det. A.2413 / Chrysosoma ituriense n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Diagnosis. Antenna black. Lower calypter with pale cilia. All coxae black, femora yellow. Middle tibia and basitarsus without long setae, middle tarsus without white hairs; middle tibia with erect pectination on all sides, hairs half as long as tibia diameter; 1st to 4th tarsomeres with mostly dorsal pectination. Cercus not bifurcated, short, rounded in apical half, with short hairs.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Malawi.

41. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) katangense Curran

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Lubumbashi, Mt. Katanga, 1.XI.21, Dr. M. Bequaert / R. Det. D. 1155 / Holotype Chrysosoma katangensis Curran.

Additional type material. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Elisabethville, 1927, Dr. M. Bequaert / R. Det. H. 2412 / Chrysosoma speciosum n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Diagnosis. C. katangense is associated with a group of species having black antenna and numerous long setae on middle tibia and basitarsus. It differs from other species in sinuous vein m-cu, middle basitarsus with four or five long setae and row of shorter setae, half as long as the longest setae; middle tibia with 1 very long apical seta and 3 or 4 long setae, half as long as the longest setae on basitarsus; middle basitarsus dark or yellow, without white preapical ring covered with yellow pectination; second to fifth tarsomeres of middle tarsus without remarkable ciliation; cercus not bifurcated, rounded on apex, with dorsoapical excavation and short pointed apophysis at the middle.

Remark. Holotype of C. speciosum Parent has no difference from holotype of C. katangense Curran.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Sudan.

42. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) lavinia Curran

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Bas-Uele: Koteli, 1–21.I.1925, Dr. Schouteden / Type Chrysosoma lavinia Curran.

Additional material. 6 ??, Urundi, For. M'Bururi, alt. 2000 m, 4.IX.1948 [3.IX.1949; 10.X.1948], F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452.

Diagnosis. Cercus long and thin, truncated and widest at apex, with apophysis at apical third; middle tibia with 5 to 7 long setae, decreasing in length towards base (with two very long subapical setae); middle basitarsus with 5 long setae; fifth and sometimes fourth tarsomeres white haired; femora almost entirely yellow; antenna black; wing vein m-cu strongly sinuate.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, Burundi.

43. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) leucopogon (Wiedemann)

Remark. I re-examined material including several specimens determined by C.E. Dyte from the Natural History Museum in London (Grichanov, 1997) and collected in Kenya, Tanzania, on Chagos and Maldives. All males strongly differ from C. leucopogon as described by Bickel (1994a) in hypopygium morphology, belonging apparently to C. snelli described and figured accurately by Curran (1927). Long seta on 7th tergite and unequal arms of cercus figured by Lamb (1922) show that his description of C. leucopogon from Seychelles belongs also to C. snelli. Among other authors, only Parent (1934) recorded this species for western Indian Ocean Region (Mauritius).

Distribution. ?Mauritius, ?Aldabra; Chagos Archipelago, Burma, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, India, Indochina, Java, Sumatra, Thailand, Queensland, New Caledonia, Tahiti.

44. Chrysosoma (Kalocheta) neoliberia Bickel

Type material examined. Paratypes, 3 ??, [red label] / Musee du Congo, Liberia: Du River, Camp N 3 – 1926, D. J. Bequaert / D. Det. U 1954 / Paratype, Kalocheta liberia Curran.

Diagnosis. Face thinly whitish pollinose, propleural hairs black. Fore coxa with white hairs and black bristles; wing distinctly maculated. Males with hairlike part of arista as long as strap-like part; lower calypter with black hairs.

Distribution. Liberia.

45. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) mesotrichum (Bezzi) (Fig. 15)

Type material examined. Holotype, ?, Congo Belg.: P.N.G. Miss H. De Saeger, II/fd/17,9.VII.1952, H. De Saeger, 3763 / Holotypus [red label] / Coll. Mus. Congo (ex coll. IPNCB) / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 1959, Chrysosoma garambaensis n.sp. [RMCA]. New synonym.

Additional material. 1 ?, Kenya: Kakamega forest, Isecheno stat., pump house trail, 22.VI.1995 (afternoon), N 0º16'46", E 34º46'61", Leg. Earthwatch Team 4; 1 ?, Kenya: Kakamega bridge, Isiukhu river, 17.IX.1995, N 0º16'46", E 34º46'61", Leg. Earthwatch Team 5. 1 ?, Kenya: Kakamega, Virembe nr. trading center, 17.IX.1995, N 0º14'26", E 34º50'93", Leg. Earthwatch Team 5 [NMK]. 1 ?, Congo: Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452. 1 ?, Congo Belge: Kivu, Beni (poste), 18.VI.1953, J. Verbeke, – KEA [RINS].

Diagnosis. C. mesotrichum is associated with a group of species having black antenna and numerous long setae on middle tibia and basitarsus. It differs from other species in strongly sinuous vein m-cu, which 1.5 – 2 times as long as fork-handle M1+2; also in simple cercus with rounded apex and pointed dorsal apophysis, and additional row of short dorsal hairs on first and second joints of middle tarsus, which hardly longer than tarsomere diameter. Cercus with a row of dorsal setae in basal half, with 1 strong and a few fine dorsal setae in apical half, with 2 strong setae and short hairs on apex, which evenly cut and slightly broadened; dorsal dens with 3 or 4 preapical setae. Males with a group of lateral hairs on frons and mostly black femora, whereas females have strong vertical seta and yellow femora.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Sierra Leone, Uganda, Kenya.

46. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) norma Curran

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Albertville, Congo, Oct. 1925, Dr. H. Schouteden / Type Chrysosoma norma Curran.

Additional material. 3 ??, Kasai: Terr. de Dekese, Itunda, XI.1959, F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452.

Diagnosis. Middle basitarsus without long setae; all coxae black, sometimes fore coxa yellow at apex; fore and middle femora black except apical quarter; first three tarsomeres of middle tarsus brownish; lower calypter with black cilia; antenna at least partly yellow-red; cercus with long pointed dorsal apophysis at basal third, thin in the middle, slightly enlarged and setosed at apex, with very thin and sharp subapical dorsal hook.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

47. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) pauperculum Parent

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Ituri: Gaduma Malo (Faradji), III.1930, A. Collart / Chrysosoma pauperculum n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Diagnosis. C. pauperculum is placed within the group of species having no long setae on middle basitarsus. Antenna black. Wing hyaline, vein m-cu sinuate. Only fore coxa yellow. Posterior four coxae black. Middle tibia and tarsus without erect pubescence. Cercus not bifurcated, digitiform, with short dens in the middle.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

48. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) praecipuum Parent

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Bambesa, 15.IX.1933, J.V. Leroy / Chrysosoma praecipuum n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Diagnosis. The species with unclear position within the genus Chrysosoma. It has coxae black, femora mostly black; wing black-brown, whitish along posterior edge, with narrow white transverse band, falling down from R1; lower calypter with pale cilia.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

49. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) pseudorepertum sp.n. (Fig. 16)

Holotype. ?. Congo Belge, Uele: Bili, III.1953 [RINS].

Description. Frons broad, metallic blue-violet, with one fine black lateral seta; postvertical seta positioned as a linear continuation of short postocular setal row. Ocellar tubercle with a pair of strong curved setae and one pair of short hairs. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face metallic blue-green, mostly whitish pollinose; clypeus bulging, separated from eyes; face narrowed, 1.3 times as high as wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis brown, with pale hairs; palpus also with a pair of black bristles. Antenna mostly orange-brownish, 1.8 times as long as height of head. Scape simple. Pedicel with a ring of strong bristles, at most as long as 1st flagellomere. First flagellomere dark-brown at apex, subtriangular, asymmetric, slightly longer than high. Arista apical, bare and simple. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 12 : 190.

Mesonotum metallic blue-green; pleura bronze-black, grey pollinose. Two strong posterior and 2 microscopic anterior dorsocentral setae; 3 pairs of strong long acrostichals. Scutellum with two strong bristles, without lateral hairs.

Legs mostly yellow. Fore coxa black except apex; middle and hind coxae and trochanters black; hind femora blackish at extreme apex; hind tibia black at apex; 2nd to 5th segments of fore tarsus brown; hind tarsus entirely black. Fore coxa from the front with numerous white hairs and 3 black subapical setae. Middle coxa with white anterior hairs and 2 black subapical setae; hind coxa with several white external hairs and one black seta in the middle. All femora with light ventral hairs in basal half, slightly longer than femora diameter, gradually decreasing in length from fore to hind femora and from base towards the middle of corresponding femora. Fore tibia with 3 dorsal, 1 anterodorsal and 1 or 2 apical setae. Fore basitarsus with posteroventral row of elongate setulae, at most equal in length to basitarsus diameter. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 40 : 78 : 90 : 67 : 17 : 9 : 7 : 8. Middle tibia with 5 or 6 (including apical one) long posterodorsal setae, gradually increasing in length towards apex, and additional posterodorsal row of hairs, slightly longer than tibia diameter, 5 strong anterodorsal, 1 ventral and 3 or 4 apical setae. Middle basitarsus with 4 to 6 long posterodorsal setae and additional posterodorsal row of hairs, twice longer than tarsomere diameter; other tarsomeres without rows or brushes of remarkable hairs. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 33 : 100 : 156 : 120 : 30 : 17 : 8 : 8. Hind tibia with 7 dorsal, 4 anterior, 6 short ventral and 3 apical setae. Hind basitarsus with one basoventral seta. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to basitarsus (other tarsomeres broken), 21 : 110 : 175 : 85.

Wing widely brownish anteriorly and along veins, with hyaline medial and posterior cells; veins brown. R1 0.4 times as long as wing. M1 convex anteriad. M1+2 and M1 forming obtuse angle. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+5 and M1, 23 : 7. M2 present as short stub vein and faint curved fold on membrane. Crossvein m-cu strongly sinuate. Ratio of crossvein m-cu, measured along sinuation, to apical part of M 1+2 (fork-handle), 10 : 7. Anal vein faint, anal lobe and alula present. Anal angle acute. Lower calypter brown, with fine, shining light, cilia. Halters black-brown, halter stem yellow at base, thin, 3 or 4 times as long as knob, with short row of black setulae.

Abdomen metallic blue-green, whitish pollinose, with black sutures, short black hairs and long setae. First tergite with pale lateral hairs; sternite with pale and dark hairs. 1st to 6th segments combined twice longer than mesonotum. 7th segment as long as epandrium, with 2 pairs of strong setae; 7th and 8th tergites with long black cilia. Hypopygium small, black. Cercus black, digitiform, with suboval apex and thin long mid-dorsal apophysis, 1/3 as long as cercus; dorsal side of cercus densely covered with long cilia; apex with 2 pairs of thick setae and dense short hairs. Surstylus black, shallow excavated on apex, with short apical setulae and short apicodorsal process.

Female unknown.

Length: body 7.9 mm; antenna 3.5 mm; wing-length 8.7 mm; wing-width 2.2 mm.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

Diagnosis. C. pseudorepertum is associated with a group of species having yellow antenna and numerous long setae on middle basitarsus and tibia. It differs from C. repertum species in yellow femora and bare 2nd to 5th segments of middle tarsus. It has some similarities with C. katangense, differing from the latter species in long thin pointed mid-dorsal apophysis on cercus and distinctly orange antenna.

50. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) schoutedeni Curran (Fig. 17)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Albertville, Congo, Oct. 1925, Dr. H. Schouteden / Holotype Chrysosoma schoutedeni Curran.

Diagnosis. C. schoutedeni is similar to C. mesotrichum and C. consentium, differing mainly in morphology of the hypopygium. Fore and middle femora black in basal third; hind femora entirely black; middle tibia and tarsus except apex yellow. All femora with white ventral hairs in basal half. First and second tarsomeres of middle tarsus with additional row of short dorsal hairs, which are more than twice as long as tarsomere diameter; middle tibia with 7 to 10 long posterodorsal setae; middle basitarsus with 6 to 10 long setae. 2nd to 5th tarsomeres of middle tarsus with black hairs; 5th tarsomere with pile of white hairs. Cercus with long thin dorsal apophysis, longer than width of cercus at apex, with short hairs in apical half of cercus.

Distribution. Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, Angola, Zambia.

51. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) singulare Parent

Type material examined. Holotype ?, Leopoldville, August 1911, Muileman / Chrysosoma singulare n.sp. Type. O. Parent rev., 1933 / Type [red label]. Paratype ?, Mateba, Aug. 1911, Muileman / det. O. Parent 93, Chrysosoma singulare Parent / Paratype [red label].

Additional type material. Holotype, ?, Congo Belg.: P.N.G. Miss H. De Saeger, Akain, 19.V.1950, Rec. H. De Saeger, 529 / Holotypus [red label] / Coll. Mus. Congo (ex coll. IPNCB) / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 1959, Chrysosoma gracilis n.sp. [RMCA].

Diagnosis. Antenna black. Middle basitarsus without long setae; fore coxa yellow; middle tibia and tarsus with erect pubescence. Wing without spots; apical part of CuA1 nearly half as long as m-cu; m-cu sinuate. Cercus bifurcated with dorsal lobe longer than ventral; ventral lobe with apical incision. Holotype of C. gracile without abdomen.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa)

52. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) snelli Curran

Material examined. ?, Coll. R.I.Sc.N.B., Seychelles: I. Mahe, Anse Royale: riv. sans. nom. 29–IX–1976 (Stat. 14), G. Marlier. ?, Coll. R.I.Sc.N.B., Seychelles: I. Mahe, Riv. Gd. Anse pres embouchure, 4/10–IX–1976 (Stat. 26), G. Marlier.

Diagnosis. C. snelli is almost identical to C. leucopogon (see Bickel, 1994a), differing from the latter species in genital morphology. Seventh tergite with long curved subapical lateral seta; cercus with long narrow arms; dorsal arm longer than base of cercus and 1/3 longer than ventral arm, dorsally densely white haired, with 3 or 4 long apical setae; ventral arm distinctly bifurcated in apical half, with subequal setosed lobes. Female differs, probably, in only one strong anterodorsal (rather than pair of short antero- and posterodorsals in C. leucopogon) seta at basal fifth of hind tibia.

Distribution. Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar, Seychelles, Reunion, Rodriguez; Maldives, Chagos Archipelago.

53. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) stolyarovi sp.n. (Fig. 18)

Holotype. ?. Ruanda: Shangugu, alt. 1460 m, 14.XI.1949, F. Francois / Le long riv. Ruzizi / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452 [RINS].

Paratypes. ? with the same labels; 6 ??, Ruanda: Shangugu, alt. 1500 m, 2.XI.1948, F. Francois / Le long riv. Ruzizi / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452 [RINS].

Description. Frons broad, metallic bluish-green, with one black lateral seta; postvertical seta positioned as a linear continuation of short postocular setal row. Ocellar tubercle with a pair of strong curved setae and 2 pairs of hairs. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face metallic blue-green, mostly whitish pollinose; clypeus bulging, separated from eyes; face narrowed, 1.3 times as high as wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis black-brown, with pale hairs; palpus also with a pair of black bristles. Antenna black, 1.7 times as long as height of head. Scape simple. Pedicel with strong bristles, at most as long as 1st flagellomere. First flagellomere subtriangular, slightly longer than high, with short hairs. Arista apical, bare and simple. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 7 : 6 : 12 : 150.

Mesonotum metallic blue-green; pleura bronze-black, grey pollinose. Two strong posterior and 4 hairlike anterior dorsocentral setae; 3 or 4 pairs of strong acrostichals. Scutellum with two strong bristles, without lateral hairs.

Legs mostly black-brown. Anterior four tibiae, knees and basitarsi yellow. Fore coxa from the front with numerous white hairs and 3 black subapical setae. Middle coxa with white anterior hairs; hind coxa with white external hairs and one black seta in the middle. All femora with ventral hairs, twice longer than femora diameter. Fore femora with full row of black anteroventral hairs and row of white posteroventral hairs in basal half; middle femora with the same rows and additional posterior row of dark hairs in apical half; hind femora with full row of black ventral hairs, several long dorsal hairs at base and posterior cilia at apex. Fore tibia with 8 to 10 long dorsal setae. Fore basitarsus with 5 or 6 long dorsal setae and ventral pile of very short hairs. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 38 : 62 : 75 : 60 : 12 : 8 : 5 : 5. Middle tibia with 10 to 12 long posterodorsal setae and additional posterodorsal row of hairs, nearly twice longer than tibia diameter, 5 short anterodorsal, 1 short ventral and 3–4 apical setae. Middle basitarsus with 5 to 7 long posterodorsal setae and additional posterodorsal row of hairs, twice longer than tarsomere diameter; 2nd to 4th tarsomeres with posterior row of black hairs and one long apical seta, 5th tarsomere with dorsal brush of white hairs. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 26 : 83 : 124 : 97 : 24 : 14 : 8 : 8. Hind tibia with several short dorsal and ventral setae. Hind basitarsus with one basoventral seta. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 18 : 92 : 145 : 75 : 24 : 14 : 9 : 9.

Wing widely brownish along veins, with partly hyaline medial and posterior cells; veins brown. M1 slightly convex anteriad. M1+2 and M1 forming obtuse angle. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+5 and M1, 23 : 7. M2 present as short stub vein and faint fold on membrane. Crossvein m-cu strongly sinuate. Ratio of crossvein m-cu, measured along sinuation, to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle), 95 : 55. Anal vein faint, anal lobe and alula present. Anal angle acute. Lower calypter black, with fine, shining light, cilia. Halters black-brown, halter stem thin, twice as long as knob, with a row of black setulae.

Abdomen metallic blue-green, with black sutures, long black hairs and setae. First tergite with pale lateral hairs; sternite with long sparse pale and dark hairs. 1st to 6th segments combined 2.5 times longer than mesonotum. 7th segment as long as epandrium; 7th and 8th tergites with long black hairs. Hypopygium small, black. Cercus black, narrow, digitiform, with short subtriangular apicoventral lobe; dorsal and distal margins of cercus with fine hairs. Surstylus black, with several short setulae at apex and short distodorsal apophysis.

Female unknown.

Length: body 6.1 mm; antenna 2.3 mm; wing-length 7.6 mm; wing-width 2.15 mm.

Distribution: Burundi.

Etymology. The species is named for Russian entomologist Dr. Mark Stolyarov.

Diagnosis. C. stolyarovi is associated with a group of species having black antenna and numerous long setae on middle basitarsus and tibia. It differs from other species in long dorsal setae on fore tibia and basitarsus, additional posterodorsal hairs on middle tibia and tarsus; narrow digitiform cercus with rectangular apicoventral apophysis, without middorsal tooth.

54. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) tanasijtshuki Grichanov (Fig. 19)

Type material examined. Holotype. ?. [Kenya:] Van Someren, Ngong K.C.,April 1936 / Chrysosoma) tanasijtshuki Grichanov [Natural History Museum (London)].

Additional material. ?, Kasai: Terr. de Dekese, Itunda, XII.1959, F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452.

Diagnosis. C. tanasijtshuki is associated with large group of species having numerous and very long dorsal setae on middle tibia and basitarsus. Male of the species differs in unusually broad and broadened apicad, shallow excavated on apex, densely haired cercus and other characters such as following: antenna black; m-cu strongly sinuate; all femora black except apex; middle tibia with 8 long setae; middle basitarsus with 6 setae.

Distribution: Kenya, Congo (Kinshasa).

55. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) tenuipenne Curran

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Kwamouth, Jan. 1922, Dr. H. Schouteden / Holotype Chrysosoma tenuipenne Curran.

Diagnosis. C. tenuipenne is associated with a group of species having black coxae and simple middle leg. Frons with one vertical and one postvertical whitish hairs; antenna black; wing hyaline, but with a brown round spot at apex; M2 as faint fold; lower calypter with white cilia; cercus bifurcated, with densely setosed branches, ventral branch with bladelike setae.

Distribution. Senegal, Nigeria, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda.

56. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) triumphator Parent

Type material examined. Holotypus, ?[red label] / Musee du Congo, Ituri: Mont Wago, 24.XI.1928, A. Collart / R. Det. L. 2413 / Chrysosoma triumphator n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Diagnosis. C. triumphator is associated with a group of species having black antenna and numerous long setae on middle tibia and basitarsus. It differs from other species by sinuous vein m-cu; middle basitarsus with 8 long setae, middle tibia with 5 short anterodorsal and 8 or 9 long posterodorsal, 3 or 4 ventral and 2 apicoventral setae, both tibia and basitarsus with additional anterodorsal row of shorter setae, 3 or 4 times as long as tibia (tarsomere) diameter; middle basitarsus without white preapical ring; second to fourth tarsomeres of middle tarsus without remarkable ciliation except 1 short apicodorsal seta; cercus not bifurcated, thin, with pointed apex, with short pointed apophysis at basal third.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa)

57. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) varivittatum Curran

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Watsa a Niangara, VII.1920, L. Burgeon / R. Det. V. 1155 / Holotype Chrysosoma varivittatum Curran.

Diagnosis. Antenna reddish-brown. Middle femora yellow; hind femora dark yellow, black at extreme base and on apex; hind tibia and tarsus black. Middle tibia with 6 long setae decreasing towards base; middle basitarsus with 6 long setae; second and third tarsomeres with black dorsal setation; third to fifth tarsomeres with white hairs. Wing vein m-cu strongly sinuate, measured along sinuation, 3.5–4.0 times as long as fork-handle. Cercus with one dorsal apophysis. Holotype lacked fore legs, middle tibia and tarsus, and arista.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa)

58. Gigantosciapus africanus (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label], Musee du Congo, Munjungani (Likimi), 4.X.1922, A. Collart / R. Det. O.2412 / Chrysosoma africanum n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Additional material. 6 ??, 10 ??, Congo Belge: Eala, V–VII.1935 [II, XI.1936], J. Ghesquiere / R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482 / Chrysosoma africanum Par. Parent det. 3 ??, Congo Belg.: Bambesa, 30.VII, 1.VIII, 11.XI.1938, J. Vrijdagh / R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 12234 [11.952] / Holotypus [Paratypus] Chrysosomabambesaensis B. Coulibaly [red label; nomen nudum].

Diagnosis. Face narrow. Scape swollen. First flagellomere entirely brown-black, 5–6 times longer than high at base; female 1st flagellomere as long as height of face. Lower calypter reduced, without cilia. Wings darkened anteriorly at apex. Tarsi simple; fore basitarsus with 2 strong subapical posteroventral, 2 fine anteroventral in the middle, 1 basoventral setae; 2nd to 4th tarsomeres of the same tarsus with ventral spiculi; hind basitarsus with 1 short dorsal seta in both sexes; middle femora with posteroventral cilia in basal half, longer than femora diameter; other femora bare; fore tibia with 1 fine dorsal seta at base; female fore basitarsus with three bristles on either side of lower surface. Male middle femora dorsally and hind femora entirely black-brown; female middle femora mostly yellow, slightly brownish dorsally; posterior tibia entirely whitish. Male cercus elongate, with rounded apex and long cilia in apical half, but without brush.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

59. Gigantosciapus anomalipes (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Uele, Dingila, VII.1933, J.W. Leroy / Chrysosoma anomalipes n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Diagnosis. G. anomalipes is keyed to G. pseudogemmarius. Face narrow. Scape swollen. First flagellomere partly brown-black. Lower calypter reduced, without cilia. Hind femora with a posteroventral row of cilia, as long as femora diameter, and a group of 7 or 8 strong posteroventral setae at apical third. Fore basitarsus simple, with 2 strong bristles in the middle and 2 short apical bristles. Middle basitarsus with 2 posterior rows of long hairs; 3rd tarsomere with subapical ventral excavation, 4th tarsomere with basoventral tooth. Hind basitarsus with erect posterior hairs. Cercus with rounded apex.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Ghana.

60. Gigantosciapus decellei (Vanschuytbroeck)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Recolte sur cacayoer / Coll. Mus. Tervuren, Cote d'Ivoir: Amanikro, 50 km N.W. Abengourou, J. Decelle, V/VI.1961 / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 195?, Megistostylus decellei n.sp.

Diagnosis. Face narrow. Scape swollen. First flagellomere partly brown-black. Lower calypter reduced, without cilia. Wings darkened anteriorly at apex. Fore femora whitish; middle femora yellow, brownish posteriorly; fore and middle femora with ventral hairs, longer than femora diameter; hind femora brown, somewhat swollen in apical fourth, with group of erect ventral hairs in apical fourth, half as long as femora diameter, and group of posteroventral hairs, slightly longer than femora diameter. Fore tibia and basitarsus white ventrally, brown dorsally; fore basitarsus with 2 posteroventral in apical half, 2 anteroventral in basal half, 1 fine dorsal, 1 basoventral setae; basitarsus slightly swollen at apex, 2nd tarsomere curved and swollen. Middle tibia brownish dorsally, whitish ventrally; middle tibia and basitarsus with numerous ventral hairs and fine cilia, 2–3 times longer than tibia diameter and 3–4 times longer than tarsomere diameter. Hind tibia and basitarsus white; hind tibia with posteroventral row of hairs, 2–3 times longer than tibia diameter. Body length 13–14 mm, antenna 5 mm.

Distribution. Ivory Coast.

61. Gigantosciapus francoisi sp.n. (Fig. 20)

Holotype. ?, Luebo, 27.IV.1958, F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452.

Paratypes. ? with the same labels as holotype; ? [figured], Kasai, Terr. de Luebo, 10.02.1960, F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452.

Description. Male. Frons shining blue-violet, bare, longer than wide. Two pairs of postvertical bristles present on the back slope of vertex. Occiput densely whitish pollinose. Upper postocular setae short, black. Face white pollinose, narrow, with nearly parallel sides; ratio of face width in the middle to epistome to clypeus length, 2 : 4 : 4. Clypeus strongly bulging, beak-like, coming down eyes, but adjacent to margin of eyes except apex. Ventral postcranium silvery-white pollinose, covered with dense white hairs. Palpi and proboscis yellow-brownish, not very long, covered with small light and dark hairs, palpus also with a pair of fine black setae. Scape and pedicel yellow; arista and first flagellomere except extreme base dark-brown; scape at apex slightly wider than pedicel; pedicel with a ring of very short setae, first flagellomere microscopically pubescent, tapering, 12–13 times as long as high at base, much longer than face. Arista apical, bare, simple. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 14 : 6 : 150 : 180.

Mesonotum and scutellum dark with metallic blue-violet reflection, humeri yellow, pleura mostly yellow except brownish stripe coming down of halter. One or two pairs of strong posterior dorsocentral bristles with 5 hairlike setae in front of them; several microscopic acrostichals in two rows restricted in anterior third of mesonotum. Scutellum with two strong bristles and two very short lateral hairs.

Anterior four coxae and trochanters, fore femora yellow, hind coxa almost entirely brown; fore and middle tibia, middle basitarsus and middle femora yellow-brownish; hind femora dark-brown; hind tibia and basitarsus whitish; fore tarsus, 2nd to 5th tarsomeres of middle and hind tarsi black. Fore coxa from the front with short light hairs and several fine black apical cilia. Middle coxa from the front with a few light hairs and longer black apical cilia. Hind coxa with one long black external seta and several short hairs. Fore and middle femora with numerous fine dark anteroventral and posteroventral hairs, longer than femora diameter; the longest hairs positioned in apical half; hind femora with the same, somewhat stronger, black cilia in apical half only. Fore tibia with one dorsal at base and two or three short ventral setae. First tarsomere simple, with one or two dorsal and 4 ventral short setae, slightly elongate ventral setulae; 2nd and 3rd tarsomeres with short erect ventral setulae; 4th tarsomere with posteroventral spinules; 4th and 5th tarsomeres ventrally flattened, with ventral pile of microscopic hairs. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 70 : 90 : 130 : 83 : 22 : 14 : 15 : 11. Middle tibia with 8 strong posterodorsal, one or two short posterior, four ventral, three apical bristles; 2nd to 4th tarsomeres with posteroventral hairs, longer than tarsomeres diameter; 2nd tarsomere with apical seta, half as long as 3rd tarsomere; 3rd tarsomere ventrally flattened, with subapical ventral sicatrix. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 37 : 130 : 210 : 100 : 25 : 17 : 14 : 7. Hind tibia with 10–12 short dorsal, 6–7 short ventral, numerous dorsal and posterodorsal dark hooked hairs in basal half, longer than tibia diameter; hind basitarsus with one short ventral at base, several inconspicuous setae in middle, yellow posterior accumbent setulae along entire length; 2nd tarsomere simple; other tarsomeres broken. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments first and second), 25 : 145 : 230 : 100 : 30.

Wings mostly hyaline, darkened at apex, veins brown. R1 reaching first 1/3 of wing. Costa with short simple setulae, posterior margin of wing with short hairs. R2+3 and R4+5 slightly curved posteriad at apex. M1+2 almost straight. M1 slightly convex anteriad, forming acute angle with M2; crossvein m-cu nearly straight, slightly convex, forming right angle with M1+2. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1, 45 : 5. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA1, 80 : 155 : 23. Anal vein and lobe undeveloped. Halter stem long and thin, yellow, thrice longer than knob, with row of dark setulae behind the middle, knob brownish. Lower calypter reduced, without setae.

Abdomen thin and long, cylindrical, with short dark hairs and black marginal bristles. 1st segment mostly yellow-brown with metallic reflection dorsally, other segments metallic bronze-green with mat black bands in basal third. 6th segment as long as 5th. 7th tergite half as long as 6th, with several strong marginal bristles; 7th and 8th tergites with long hairs. Hypopygium black-brown, attached to the tip of 7th segment. Hypandrium with left lateral arm, fused with long hypandrial hood, which tapering apicad. Aedeagus with two dorsal angles, slightly broadened apicad. Epandrial lobe prominent, with at least 6 strong setae. Cerci black, digitiform, as long as epandrium, densely covered with black hairs. Surstylus strongly sclerotized, broad, subrectangular, with small apicodorsal dens and several midventral hairs.

Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual characters, otherwise as follows: frons shining metallic blue-violet, bare; face white pollinose. First flagellomere broken. Proboscis twice longer than palpus.

Fore basitarsus yellow-brownish. Middle and hind femora with a few apicoventral cilia. Fore tibia with three dorsal, three ventral, one or two apical setae; fore basitarsus with one short dorsal in middle, three anteroventral and three posteroventral very short setae, one pair of strong basoventral setae. Middle tibia with 7 anterodorsal, four posterodorsal, four ventral and four or five apical bristles. Middle basitarsus with one dorsal and several ventral short setae. Hind tibia bearing up to eight anterodorsal, eight posterodorsal and eight ventral bristles. Hind basitarsus with one dorsal at basal third, one basal posteroventral strong bristle. Wing the same as in male. Anal vein and lobe undeveloped. Lower calypter reduced.

Abdominal ventrum pale; 6th segment somewhat smaller than 5th; 7th segment half smaller than 6th; cercus long, with one long and one shorter apical setae.

Length: body 11.1–12.1 mm; hypopygium 1.8 mm, antenna 6.1 mm; wing-length 10.3–11.6 mm; wing-width 2.6 mm.

Distribution: Congo (Kinshasa).

Etymology. The species is named for the collector, F.J. Francois.

Diagnosis. Gigantosciapus francoisi is close to G. anomalipes, differing in long hairs on all femora, fore and middle tibia; short setae on fore basitarsus; simple setulae on middle and hind basitarsus, and other characters. Female differs from G. anomalipes in brown mesonotum, mostly brown hind coxa and femora, more numerous setae on middle tibia, another ratio of fork-handle M1+2 to m-cu.

62. Gigantosciapus meyeri (Vanschuytbroeck)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Nigeria, Ogoja County, 3 June 1961 / R.W. Meyer A 6775 / Mus. Roy. Afr. Centr., don P. Vanschuytbroeck / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 195?, Megistostylus meyeri n.sp.

Diagnosis. 1st flagellomere entirely dark-brown, 9–10 times longer than high at base. Fore femora yellow; middle femora yellow in basal half, brown in apical half; fore tibia except base, fore tarsus and middle tibia brown; middle tarsus broken. Fore tibia with 2 fine dorsal, 1 apicodorsal, 3 fine ventral setae; fore basitarsus with 1 strong subapical posteroventral, 1 fine dorsal and 1 fine ventral setae in the middle; fore tibia and basitarsus also with fine ventral–posteroventral hairs, as long as tibia diameter; 2nd to 4th tarsomeres of the same tarsus with ventral spiculi. Middle femora with posteroventral cilia, longer than femora diameter. Hind femora brown; hind tibia and basitarsus white. Cercus narrowed apicad, with sharp apex and short cilia; surstylus slightly widened apicad and truncated on apex, with short apical hairs; epandrial lobe prominent, with numerous setae.

Distribution. Nigeria.

63. Gigantosciapus nataliae sp.n. (Fig. 21)

Holotype. ?, Kasai: Terr. de Bekese Itanda, XII.1959, F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452.

Paratype. ? with the same labels as holotype, but collection date 25.XII.1959.

Description. Frons shining blue-violet, bare, longer than wide. Two pairs of postvertical bristles present on the back slope of vertex. Ocellar tubercle with a pair of strong long setae and pair of hairs. Occiput densely whitish pollinose. Upper postocular setae short, black. Face white pollinose, narrow, with nearly parallel sides; ratio of face width in the middle to epistome to clypeus length, 1 : 4 : 3. Clypeus strongly bulging, beak-like, coming down eyes, but adjacent to margin of eyes except apex. Ventral postcranium silvery-white pollinose, covered with dense white hairs. Palpi and proboscis yellow, not very long, covered with small light and dark hairs, palpus also with a pair of fine black setae. Antenna mostly yellow; first flagellomere in apical third and arista dark-brown; scape slightly wider than pedicel; pedicel with a ring of short setae, first flagellomere microscopically pubescent, tapering, 3 or 4 times as long as high at base, much longer than face. Arista apical, bare, simple.

Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 10 : 5 : 24 : 200.

Mesonotum yellow with narrow metallic violet longitudinal stripe in posterior third; scutellum metallic blue-violet dorsally; thorax otherwise entirely yellow. 5 pairs of dorsocentral setae gradually decreasing in size anteriorly with several anterior hairs; short acrostichals in two rows restricted in anterior half of mesonotum. Scutellum with two strong bristles and two microscopic lateral hairs.

Legs almost entirely yellow; fore tibia except basal third and tarsus dark-yellow; hind tibia and basitarsus whitish-yellow; 2nd to 5th tarsomeres of middle and hind tarsi brownish to brown. Fore coxa from the front with short dark hairs and several black apical setae. Middle coxa from the front with a few dark hairs and several black apical cilia. Hind coxa with one long black external seta and several short hairs. Fore femora with short hairs; middle femora in apical third with anteroventral and posteroventral rows of several fine dark hairs, as long as femora diameter; hind femora with 1 or 2 pairs of subapical antero- and posteroventral black cilia. Fore tibia with one anterodorsal at base, three short posterodorsal, 2 or 3 ventral, 2 or 3 apical setae and ventral row of setulae, half as long as tibia diameter. First tarsomere simple, with one short dorsal, 2 strong posterior in basal half and elongate ventral setulae, as long as basitarsus diameter, becoming denser at apex; 2nd, 3rd and 4th tarsomeres with short erect ventral setulae; 4th tarsomere widened in the middle; 2nd to 5th tarsomeres ventrally flattened, with ventral pile of microscopic hairs. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 70 : 80 : 95 : 40 : 16 : 12 : 20 : 11. Middle tibia with 4 or 5 strong anterodorsal, 2 posterodorsal, 1 or 2 ventral, 4 apical setae, anteroventral cilia in apical half, posteroventral cilia along entire length, mostly twice longer than tibia diameter. Middle basitarsus with anteroventral, posteroventral and posterior rows of hairs, with the longest posteroventral hairs, decreasing in length apicad, at most twice longer than basitarsus diameter; 3rd tarsomere entirely and 4th one at base with ventral hairs, longer than tarsomeres diameter; 3rd tarsomere at apex and 4th one at base ventrally flattened, with shallow ventral excavation; 5th tarsomere flattened. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 37 : 118 : 162 : 73 : 18 : 17 : 21 : 8. Hind tibia with 6 or 7 pairs of short dorsal, 3 or 4 long posterior setae in 3rd quarter, elongate posterior and posteroventral setulae in apical half, longer than tibia diameter, and 4 apical setae. Hind basitarsus with one short ventral at base, 2 short apicoventral, 1 or 2 dorsal setae at base, yellow posterior accumbent setulae along entire length, posterodorsal and posterior rows of hairs, twice longer than basitarsus diameter; 2nd and 3rd tarsomeres simple; 4th and 5th tarsomeres flattened and slightly widened. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 26 : 120 : 190 : 66 : 28 : 19 : 10 : 7.

Wings practically hyaline, slightly infumate at apex, veins brown. R1 reaching first 1/3 of wing. Costa with short simple setulae, posterior margin of wing with short hairs. R2+3 and R4+5 slightly curved posteriad at apex. M1+2 almost straight. M1 slightly convex anteriad, forming acute angle with M2; M2 fold-like; crossvein m-cu slightly convex, forming right angles with M1+2 and CuA1. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+5 and M1, 31 : 4. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA, 57 : 105 : 17. Anal vein and lobe undeveloped. Halter stem long and thin, yellow, nearly thrice longer than knob, with row of dark setulae behind the middle, knob brownish. Lower calypter reduced, without setae.

Abdomen thin and long, cylindrical, mostly reddish-yellow, with short black hairs and long marginal setae. 1st segment metallic violet dorsally, other segments with large metallic brown-blue subapical spot. 6th segment nearly as long as 5th. 7th tergite half as long as 6th, with several fine long marginal bristles; 7th and 8th tergites with short black hairs. Hypopygium brown, attached to the tip of 7th segment. Hypandrium with long left lateral arm. Aedeagus with aberrant crenulate swelling. Epandrial lobe prominent, with 4 setae. Cercus black, clavate, widened apicad, rounded at apex, as long as epandrium, with black hairs and setae. Surstylus simple, sclerotized, broadened distad, with 2 acute apical angles, thin apicodorsal dens and numerous ventral hairs.

Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual characters, otherwise as follows: frons shining brown-black, bare; face white pollinose. First flagellomere dark-brown except yellow base, 7 times longer than high, approximately 2/3 as long as face. Proboscis twice longer than palpus. Mesonotum posteriorly and scutellum yellow-brown. Legs yellow except 5th tarsomere of fore tarsus and 2nd to 5th tarsomeres of posterior four tarsi. Middle and hind femora with a few apicoventral cilia. Fore tibia with 1 antero- and 2 posterodorsal, 3 ventral, 3 or 4 apical setae; fore basitarsus with 2 short dorsal in middle, 3 or 4 anteroventral and 3 or 4 posteroventral setae; 5th tarsomere flattened. Middle tibia with 6 anterodorsal, 3 posterodorsal, 3 or 4 ventral and 4 apical bristles. Middle basitarsus with 1 dorsal and several ventral short setae. Hind tibia with 6 or 7 dorsal and 5 ventral short setae. Hind basitarsus with one dorsal at basal third or in the middle, one basal posteroventral strong setae. Wing the same as in male. Anal vein and lobe undeveloped. Lower calypter reduced. Abdomen pale ventrally, with brown spots dorsally; 6th segment 1/3 smaller than 5th; 7th segment 1/3 smaller than 6th; cercus long, with a pair of long apical setae.

Length: male body 8.9 mm, female body 8.4; hypopygium 1.3 mm; antenna 4.0 mm in male and 4.6 mm in female; wing-length 6.9 mm in male and 8.4 mm in female; wing-width 1.95 mm in male and 2.3 mm in female.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

Diagnosis. Gigantosciapus nataliae is related to G. anomalipes and G. francoisi, differing in short hairs on femora (except apical hairs on middle femora) and different ciliation of other podomeres.

64. Plagiozopelma angulitarse (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label], Musee du Congo, Stanleville, IX.1928, A. Collart / R. Det. G. 2413 / [no identification label] / Megistostylus Bigot [on individual pin] / angulitarsis Parent [on individual pin].

Diagnosis. Arista bare and simple. Thorax entirely dark. Vein m-cu sinuate. Posterior four coxae black, fore tibia with long apical seta. Cercus with basoventral apophysis and short apical cilia. This species is possible synonym of P. nalense.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

65. Plagiozopelma capilliferum (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Kibali-Ituri: Kilo, G. du Soleil / R. Det. E.2413 / Chrysosoma capilliferum n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Additional material. 3 ??, Congo Belg.: Bambesa, 1.VIII.1938, J. Vrijdagh / R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 11.952 / Chrysosoma njalense Parent [misidentification].

Diagnosis. Thorax entirely dark; m-cu sinuate; arista bare and simple; posterior four coxae black; fore tibia with 1 long spine of fused setae; cercus with apical cilia, as long as cercus; cercus with short thin basoventral apophysis.

Remark. Despite the anonymous label, material examined (RINS) belongs apparently to P. capilliferum.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

66. Plagiozopelma collarti (Curran)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Mayumbe: Tibo, 25.IV.1926, A. Collart / R. Det. D.1344 / Type. Chrysosoma collarti Curran.

Diagnosis. Thorax entirely dark. Arista narrow, lanceolate in apical half, with longest cilia in front of long flattened lamella, where they 4 times longer than maximum width of arista and twice longer than cilia in basal half of flattened lamella. Fore coxa with a row of lateral spines. Fore tibia with a few long apical setae; third tarsomere of fore tarsus half as long as the next one. Cercus with distinct basoventral apophysis, with short hairs on apex.

Distribution. Congo (Brazzaville), Malawi, Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa).

67. Plagiozopelma du (Curran)

Material examined. ?, Musee du Congo, Kasai: Inebo, XI.1921, Van Risseghem, R. Det. C.2413 / Chrysosoma du Curr. O. Parent [det.].

Diagnosis. Thorax entirely dark. Arista narrow, lanceolate in apical half, with longest cilia on the short flattened lamella, where they 2 times longer than maximum width of arista. Fore coxa with a row of lateral spines. Fore tibia with a few long apical setae; third tarsomere of fore tarsus as long as the next one. Cercus with distinct basoventral apophysis, with short hairs on apex.

Distribution. Liberia, Congo (Kinshasa).

68. Plagiozopelma ghesquieri (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotype, ?, Congo Belge: Eala, 14.VI.1935, J. Ghesquiere / R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482 / Chrysosoma ghesquieri n.sp. Type. O. Parent det., 1935 / Type [red label]; paratypes, 4 ??, same locality.

Diagnosis. Thorax entirely dark; 2 strong dorsocentrals, 3 acrostichals with short first pair. Arista narrow, lanceolate in apical half, with the same width in apical fifth as in the middle, distinctly flattened and ciliate in apical half, with hairs as long as arista transverse. Fore femora with short ventral cilia in basal 2/3, half as long as femora diameter. Fore tibia with 3–4 long apical setae. Fore coxa with a row of lateral spines. m-cu slightly sinuate. Cercus having large midventral prominence, covered entirely with dense hairs, approximately half as long as cercus.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

69. Plagiozopelma pallidicorne (Curran)

Type material examined. Paratypes, ? and ?, Usangi: Pare Gebirge, 5.VI.1952, D. O. Afrika Exp. / Paratype / R. I. Sc. N. B. I.G. 22.942 / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 19??, Megistostylus lindneri n.sp. New synonym.

Diagnosis. Antenna entirely yellow; arista simple, bare. Frons shining, with 1 fine white vertical hair; face silvery white, narrowed apicad, twice higher than wide under antenna and 4 times higher than wide at clypeus. 1st flagellomere twice longer than high. Thorax and abdomen entirely dark. 2 strong dorsocentrals, 3 long acrostichal setae. Fore coxa yellow, middle and hind coxae dark; legs yellow, 2nd to 5th tarsomeres of fore and middle tarsus dark, hind tarsus entirely black-brown; hind tibia only slightly darkened at extreme apex. Fore femora with yellow ventral hairs, approximately equal to femora diameter; fore tibia with 2 or 3 long black apical spines; fore basitarsus swollen and ventrally flattened, with pile of short whitish hairs. Legs otherwise simple. M1 and M2 forming right angle; M2 as short stub, then fold-like; m-cu slightly sinuate or convex; CuA1 1/3 as long as m-cu; m-cu approximately equal to fork-handle M1+2. Cercus distinctly bilobate, with wide lobes and thin basodorsal apophysis. Body length (without antenna) 7.3 mm.

Distribution. Tanzania, Kenya, Congo (Kinshasa).

70. Plagiozopelma piliseta (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotype ?, Congo Belge: Eala, 24.V.1935, J. Ghesquiere / R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482 / Chrysosoma piliseta n.sp. Type. O. Parent det., 1935 / Type [red label].

Diagnosis. Similar to P. capilliferum. Thorax entirely dark; m-cu sinuate; arista bare and simple; posterior four coxae black; fore tibia with 2 (anterior and ventral) long apical spines of fused setae; cercus with apical cilia, as long as cercus; cercus with long basoventral apophysis, half as long as cercus.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

71. Amblypsilopus aenescens (Vanschuytbroeck)

Material examined. About 300 ?? in alcohol, Madagascar: Fia Ranomafana, 19.I.1992, A. Pauly, forét [RINS].

Diagnosis. A. aenescens is an Afrotropical representative of zonatus group of species (Bickel, 1994a) characterising by long posterior seta at basal fourth of fore tibia. Frons laterally with 1 vertical seta. 1st flagellomere with dorsal arista. Legs mostly yellow; fore coxa brown in basal half; middle and hind trochanters and coxae black; hind femora at apex, hind tibia and fore tarsus brownish; middle and hind tarsus brown-black. All femora with ventral row of black cilia, longer than femora diameter. In addition, fore femora with full ventral row of dark cilia, and middle and hind femora with several light cilia in basal half. Fore tibia with posteroventral row of elongate setulae in addition to long seta. The same setulae covering fore basitarsus. The latter slightly broadened, ventrally flattened, with pale pile, 2.3 times longer than 2nd tarsier. Middle tarsus simple; 3rd and 4th tarsomeres of hind tarsus slightly thickened, posteriorly flattened, with brown pad of microscopic hairs; 5th tarsomere flattened. Wing evenly brownish; lower calypter brown, with black cilia; halter black. Cercus short, mostly black, practically trilobate; dorsal and middle lobes forming triangle with distal emargination; dorsal lobe with 2 or 3 long black undulate apical setae, longer than postabdomen; middle lobe with 2 black setae, longer than cercus; ventral lobe looking like long thin yellow basoventral cercal process covered with short hairs. Body length 4.5--4.8 mm, wing 4.2 mm.

Distribution. Madagascar.

72. Amblypsilopus barkalovi sp.n. (Fig. 22)

Holotype. ?, Congo Belge: P.N.U. Lusinga (1760 m), 1–8.XII.1947, Mis. G.F. de Witte. 1123a / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 1952, Sciopus longimanus Becker [RINS].

Paratypes. 2 ??, same labels with collection dates 9–17.XII.1947 [RINS].

Description. Male. Frons broad, shining metallic blue-green. A front vertical bristle (broken), a strong postvertical one positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face dark-green, pollinose, parallel-sided; clypeus separated from eyes, not coming down eyes, rounded at apex; face thrice higher than wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis yellow-brownish, with light hairs, palpus also with one black bristle. Antenna black, approximately as long as height of head. Scape simple; pedicel with a ring of short setulae. First flagellomere with rounded apex, as long as high, with short hairs. Arista basodorsal, bare. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 7 : 51.

Mesonotum and scutellum shining blue-green, pollinose. Pleura bronze-green, grey pollinose; metaepimere yellow. 2 (?) strong dorsocentral setae (broken); at most 1 or 2 (?) short acrostichals. Scutellum with two strong setae.

Legs including coxae and trochanters yellow, apical segments of tarsi brown (hind tarsi broken). Fore coxa from the front with short white hairs and 2 or 3 yellow apical setae. Middle and hind coxae from the outside with a few yellow hairs, hind coxa also with one fine external seta. Fore femora with ventral hairs, at most half as long as femora diameter. Fore tibia without setae, with ventral row of semi-erect setulae, as long as tibia diameter. Fore tarsus simple, with fifth tarsomere flattened. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 50 : 80 : 90 : 104 : 35 : 33 : 17 : 8. Middle femora bare. Middle tibia with 2 or 3 short dorsal setae. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25 : 80 : 140 : 135 : 44 : 30 : 18 : 8. Hind femora bare. Hind tibia with several very short dorsal setae. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia, 22 : 122 : 185.

Wings (partly broken) hyaline, veins brown. R4+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+5 and M1, 31 : 8. Anal vein and lobe present. Anal angle right. Lower calypter yellow, with pale hairs. Halters yellow.

Abdomen shining blue-green, pollinose, thin, with short hairs and fine setae. Ventrum brownish at base; first and second segments with white hairs; unmodified segments combined 2.5 times as long as mesonotum; seventh segment as long as sixth. Hypopygium brown. Cercus yellow, brown in apical half, narrow, simple, with dense ventral hairs in apical half and dorsal hairs in basal 2/3. Surstylus brown, with broad ventral and long thin dorsal lobes. Epandrial lobe reduced to 2 small tubercles each bearing one seta.

Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual characters, otherwise as follows: one strong front vertical seta; 5 strong dorsocentrals, no acrostichals or at most one hairlike acrostichal seta; middle and hind tibiae with 2 or 3 apical setae. Length ratio of tibia to 1st to 2nd tarsomere, 86 : 76 : 32 (fore leg); 130 : 105 : 38 (middle leg); 158 : 66 : 44 (hind leg). M1 with nearly right-angular bend, forming right angle with M1+2. Crossvein m-cu almost straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA1, 25 : 46 : 19.

Length: male body 3.6 mm; female body 3.2 mm; antenna 0.8 mm; male postabdomen 0.7 mm; male wing 3.7 mm; female wing 3.8 mm; female wing-width 1.2 mm.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

Etymology. The species is named for Russian dipterologist Dr. A. Barkalov.

Diagnosis. A. barkalovi is similar to A. basilewskyi, differing in simple tarsi and cerci, long fore and middle tarsi, and other characters. Female is keyed to A. stuckenbergi, differing from the latter in metallic green thorax and shorter fore basitarsus.

73. Amblypsilopus basilewskyi (Vanschuytbroeck) (Fig. 23)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Region bocagere et zone des cultures / Coll. Mus. Congo. Tanganyika Terr.: Kilimanjaro, Marungu, Versant S.E. 1800–2200 m, 20/27.VII.57 / Mission Zool. I.R.S.A.C. en Afrique orientale (P. Basilewsky et N. Leleup) / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 1959 Sciopus basilewskyi n.sp.

Additional material. 1 ?, Kenya: Kakamega forest, Isecheno stat., 23.VI.1995, near guest house N 0º14'16", E 34º51'88", Leg. Earthwatch Team 4; 1 ?, 1 ?, Kenya: Kakamega forest, Isecheno stat., 22.VI.1995, near guest house N 0º14'16", E 34º51'88", Leg. Earthwatch Team 4; 1 ?, Kenya: Kakamega forest, Isecheno stat., pump house trail, 28.IV.1995 (morning), N 0º16'46", E 34º46'61", Leg. Earthwatch Team 4; 1 ?, Kenya: Kakamega forest, Buyaungu Res., 2.XII.1995, far end path (Salazar circ), N 0º20'84", E 34º51'93", Leg. Earthwatch Team 6 [NMK]. 1 ?, Nairobi Museum, 26.X.1995. T. Kanasugi.

Diagnosis. Males have yellow flag on broadened fifth tarsomere of fore tarsus. First flagellomere rounded, as long as high; middle and usually hind coxae with blackish-brown external spot (holotype with entirely yellow hind coxa); middle femora with anteroventral row of somewhat elongate dark hairs, which at most as long as femora diameter; seventh abdominal segment with long fine hairs, without strong bristles; cercus with strong setae. See also description of this species by Grichanov (1996e). A male collected by T. Kanasugi differs in smaller size (body 6.3 mm, wing 6.7 mm), shorter hairs on 4th and 5th tarsomeres of fore tarsus, m-cu approximately twice longer than CuA1 and fore tibia 1/3 longer than basitarsus.

Distribution. Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya.

74. Amblypsilopus bruneli sp.n. (Fig. 24)

Holotype. ? in glycerol, Madagascar: 25 km W. Morarano-chrome, XI.1991, forét, bac jaune. A. Pauly [RINS].

Description. Frons broad, metallic blue-violet. Four front vertical bristles bends forward. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face greenish-blue, slightly convex, clypeus separated from eyes; face slightly narrowed, a little higher than wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis yellow, with light hairs, palpus also with two black bristles. Antenna black, approximately as long as height of head. Scape simple; pedicel globular, with a ring of short setae. First flagellomere rounded, as long as high. Arista apicodorsal, bare and simple. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 7 : 6 : 7 : 70.

Mesonotum and scutellum shining blue-green. Pleura bronze-blue. Four strong dorsocentral setae; two strong acrostichals, scutellum with two strong setae (all setae broken).

Legs mostly yellow. Middle coxa black except apex, hind coxa and trochanter black, 2nd–5th joints of four tarsus and hind knee brownish, 2nd–5th segments of hind tarsus black. Fore coxa yellow, brown at base, with short white hairs from the front and 3 yellow subapical setae. Middle coxa with short and long white hairs in apical half anteriorly, hind coxa with several yellow cilia. Fore femora bare. Fore tibia with 1 short dorsal at base, 1 strong posterior at apical 1/3 (broken) and 1 apical setae. Fore basitarsus slightly broadened, ventrally flattened, with pale pile; other tarsomeres simple. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 50 : 72 : 79 : 60 : 18 : 10 : 7 : 7. Middle femora bare. Middle tibia with 1 anterodorsal, 1 posterodorsal, 2 anterior and 1 short ventral setae. Middle tarsus broken. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia, 35 : 76 : 108. Hind femora with light ventral cilia in basal half, at most equal in length to femora diameter. Hind tibia with 1 anterodorsal, 3 or 4 posterodorsal, 2 anterior, several short ventral setae. 3rd and 4th tarsomeres slightly widened and flattened, with brown pad of microscopic hairs; 5th tarsomere flattened. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25 : 100 : 150 : 54 : 30 : 16 : 12 : 8.

Wings evenly greyish, veins brown. R1 reaching 0.4 wing length. R4+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 gently curved and forming the right angle with M1+2. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1, 16 : 4. M2 present as short stub vein and faint fold on membrane. Crossvein m-cu almost straight, slightly sinuate. Ratio of m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA1, 30 : 40 : 21. Anal vein fold-like, alula and anal lobe developed. Anal angle acute. Lower calypter dark (cilia broken). Halter yellow.

Abdomen shining greenish-violet, with black hairs and marginal setae. Margins of segments from the end of 2nd mat-black; ventrum with white hairs;; 7th and 8th segments with black cilia; seventh segment short. Hypopygium with appendages dark-brown. Cercus with widely divergent lobes of equal length; ventral lobe tapering; dorsal lobe twice wider than ventral, with rounded apex and 4 (?) apical seta, as long as cercus. Surstylus straight, with several apical hairs, 1 long subapical pedunculate seta and short distodorsal apophysis. Epandrial lobe distinct, with 1 long and 1 short setae.

Female. Unknown.

Length: body 4.5 mm; antenna 1.4 mm; postabdomen 0.8 mm; wing-length 3.7 mm; wing-width 1.2 mm.

Distribution. Madagascar.

Etymology. The species is named for French entomologist, E. Brunel.

Diagnosis. A. bruneli is related to A. dallastai (see diagnosis for this species), differing in bare fore and middle femora, light cilia on hind femora, fore basitarsus thrice longer than second tarsomere and morphology of hypopygium.

75. Amblypsilopus cilifrons (Parent) (Fig. 25)

Material examined. 3 ??, 15 ??, Congo Belg.: P.N.G. Miss H. De Saeger, PFSK.5/3 [PFSK.20/11; II/gd/4; II/fd/17; II/hd/8; Inimvua; Pidigala; Nagero], 21.VII.1951 [3.VIII.1951, 26.VI.1951, 23.IV.1952, 20.V.1952, 10.V.1952, 26.VI.1952, 20.VI.1952, 16.VI.1952, 9.VII.1952], H. De Saeger, 3656, 3706, 3488, 3763, 2128, 3328, 3629, 2185, 1981, 3500 [RMCA]. 4 ??, Fort Dauphin, R.P. / Institut Scientifique Madagascar; 1 ?, Mailaka, I.52 (N.S.H. Krauss) / Institut Scientifique Madagascar; 1 ?, 10 km est d'Ambilobe, I.52, N.S.H. Krauss / Institut Scientifique Madagascar / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 19793 / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 1954, Sciopus exarmatus Par. About 70 ?? in alcohol, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, XII.1991, A. Pauly col., forét, 25 km W. About 150 ?? in alcohol, Madagascar: 25 km W. Morarano-chrome, forét, XI.1991, bac jaune. A. Pauly.

Diagnosis. A. cilifrons is associated with auratus group of species, differing by the following combination of characters. Legs mostly black; fore and middle tibiae and basitarsus yellow to dark-brown. All femora with two rows of white ventral hairs in basal 2/3, longer than femora diameter; fore tibia without erect setulae; first tarsomere of fore tarsus 1.5 – 2 times as long as second article and 2/3 to 9/10 as long as rest tarsomeres; fore basitarsus and following joint with ventral pad of short fine hairs; fourth and fifth tarsomeres of hind tarsus flattened; m-cu straight. Cercus black, short, strap-like (dorsal view), densely haired, with a brush of longer black hairs on apex. Surstylus strongly curved, flattened and oval (ventral view), with 5 – 6 distolateral setulae, one of which longest, and thin dorsoapical hook.

Distribution: Nigeria, Togo, Congo (Kinshasa), Kenya, Madagascar.

76. Amblypsilopus cuthbertsoni (Parent)

Material examined. 2 ??, 1 ?, Urundi, Terr. Bururi, Kumuyunge, alt. 2050 m, 19.V.1948, F. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452.

Diagnosis. Wing hyaline, venation undisturbed; 5 dorsocentrals, no acrostichal setae; fore coxa yellow, legs without remarkable hairs or setae; 5th tarsomere of fore tarsus slightly enlarged, with hypertrophied claws; antenna black; cercus knife-shaped, with 2 mid-dorsal cilia, as long as cercus.

Distribution: Zimbabwe, Burundi.

77. Amblypsilopus dallastai sp.n. (Fig. 26)

Holotype. ?, Madagascar / R.I.Sc.N.B. 24236, Coll. M. Bequaert.

Description. Frons broad, shining metallic blue-violet. Four front vertical bristles bends forward, a strong postvertical one (broken) positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ocellar tubercle with two extremely strong setae. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face blackish-blue, pollinose, slightly convex, clypeus separated from eyes, not coming down eyes; face slightly narrowed, 1.2 times as high as wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis yellow, with light hairs, palpus also with two black bristles. Antenna black, approximately as long as height of head. Scape simple; pedicel globular, with a ring of short setulae, longer ventral bristles and one strong dorsal seta. First flagellomere transverse-oval, shorter than high, with short hairs. Arista dorsal, bare. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 5 : 81.

Mesonotum and scutellum shining blue-green. Pleura bronze-blue, densely grey pollinose. Five strong dorsocentral setae; 2 long acrostichals (setae mostly broken). Scutellum with two strong setae.

Legs mostly yellow. Middle and hind coxae and trochanters black, hind knee and basitarsus brownish, apical segments of tarsi brown-black. Fore coxa mostly yellow, brown at base, with short white hairs from the front and 4 or 5 yellow apical setae. Middle coxa with short and long white hairs in apical half anteriorly, hind coxa from the outside with a few yellow hairs and 2 or 3 fine white external seta. Fore femora with anteroventral row of white hairs nearly equal to femora diameter and posteroventral row of hairs, white at base, otherwise dark, longer than femora diameter. Fore tibia with 1 short dorsal at base, 1 very long posterior at apical forth and ventral row of elongate setulae. Fore basitarsus slightly broadened, ventrally flattened, with pale pile; other tarsomeres simple. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 50 : 70 : 80 : 45 : 27 : 16 : 8 : 7. Middle femora with anteroventral row of black setae equal to femora diameter and posteroventral row of white hairs of the same length. Middle tibia with 1 anterodorsal, 2 posterodorsal, 2 anterior and 3 or 4 apical setae. Middle tarsus simple. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 30 : 80 : 115 : 73 : 23 : 20 : 10 : 8. Hind femora with anterior, ventral and posterior white hairs in basal half in addition to full row of dark cilia, approximately equal in length to femora diameter. Hind tibia with 1 anterodorsal, 5 or 6 posterodorsal, 2 anterior, several short ventral and 3 or 4 apical setae. 3rd and 4th tarsomeres slightly widened, posteriorly flattened, with brown pad of microscopic hairs; 5th tarsomere flattened. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 22 : 95 : 145 : 57 : 30 : 15 : 14 : 9.

Wings hyaline, veins brown. R1 reaching 0.4 wing length. R4+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 gently curved and forming the right angle with M1+2. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1, 18 : 5. M2 present as short stub vein and faint fold on membrane. Crossvein m-cu almost straight. Ratio of m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA1, 30 : 42 : 18. Anal vein and lobe developed. Anal angle acute. Lower calypter brown with black cilia. Halters dark-brown; halter stem thin, twice as long as knob, with a row of short black setulae in front of knob.

Abdomen shining blue-violet, slightly pollinose, with black hairs and marginal setae. Margins of segments from the end of 2nd mat-black; first (laterally) and second (ventrally) segments with white hairs; unmodified segments combined nearly twice as long as mesonotum; apex of 7th tergite and 8th segment with numerous strong black cilia; seventh segment short. Hypopygium dark-brown. Cercus black, bifurcated, with long thin lobes; dorsal lobe with one short seta; ventral lobe with 2 apical and one subapical thick curved setae. Surstylus black, slightly curved, with strong apical seta and short distodorsal apophysis. Epandrial lobe distinct, with 1 long and 1 short setae.

Female. Unknown.

Length: body 3.8 mm; antenna 1.4 mm; postabdomen 0.8 mm; wing-length 3.7 mm; wing-width 1.2 mm.

Distribution. Madagascar.

Etymology. The species is named for Belgian entomologist, Ugo Dall'Asta.

Diagnosis. A. dallastai is keyed to a group of species with yellow fore coxa, black middle and hind coxae and black antenna, differing in very long posterior seta on fore tibia, broadened fore basitarsus, widened and flattened 3rd and 4th tarsomeres of hind tarsus. It has some similarities with A. aenescens and A. flabellifer, differing in mostly yellow fore coxa, entirely yellow fore femora, bifurcated cercus with long thin lobes. A. dallastai, A.bruneli and A. aenescens are possible representatives of Australian zonatus group of species (Bickel, 1994a).

78. Amblypsilopus disjunctus (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotype ?, Congo Belge: Eala, 30.XII.1934, J. Ghesquiere / R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482 / Chrysosoma disjunctum n.sp. Type. O. Parent det., 1935 / Type [red label].

Additional material. 1 ?, 1 ?, Urundi, Muhinga, 1700 m, 2.III.1952, F.J. Francois / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452. 3 ??, 1 ?, Urundi, Terr. de Kitega, 13.I.1952, F.J. Francois / Colline: Kitega, alt. 1750 m / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452.

Diagnosis. Venation normal. Legs including coxae entirely black; all femora with a row of brown or black bristles. Fore tarsus with ventral pile of short light hairs at apex of basitarsus and on the 2nd tarsomere. Cercus simple, with small tubercle.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), Nigeria, Burundi.

79. Amblypsilopus flavus (Vanschuytbroeck)

Type material examined. Paratypus, ?, Coll. Mus. Congo, Madagascar: Ambodiwangi, XII.1949, I. Vadon / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 195? Megistostylus flavus n.sp.

Additional material. 1 ? in glycerol, Madagascar: Fia Ranomafana, 19.I.1952, A. Pauly, forét [RINS].

Diagnosis. A. flavus has some similarities with A. basilewskyi. Antenna yellow; wing venation normal. Coxae yellow; middle coxa with blackish-brown spot. Fore basitarsus twice longer than tibia, with ventral pectination; 2nd tarsomere equal to 3rd; 2nd to 5th tarsomeres combined equal to fore tibia. Middle basitarsus equal to tibia. Cercus bifurcated, with long thin lobes.

Distribution. Madagascar.

80. Amblypsilopus grootaerti sp.n. (Fig. 27)

Holotype [in glycerol]. ?. Madagascar: 25 km W. Morarano-chrome, forét, XI.1991, bac jaune. A. Pauly [RINS].

Paratypes. 3 ?? in alcohol, Madagascar: Tam, Manakambahiny Atn., 17–23.III.1991, A. Pauly, forét. 1 ? in glycerol, Madagascar: Fia Ranomafana, 19.I.1952, A. Pauly, forét. 1?, 1? in alcohol, Madagascar: Tam, Morarano-chrome, A. Pauly, X.1991.

Description. Frons broad, shining metallic green. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face blue-green, slightly narrowed apicad, approximately 1.7 times as high as wide under antennae; clypeus separated from eyes, not coming down eyes. Palpi and proboscis yellow, with light hairs, palpus also with two black bristles. Antenna yellow, approximately twice longer than height of head. Scape swollen; pedicel with a ring of short setulae. First flagellomere conoid, asymmetric, slightly longer than high. Arista apical or apicodorsal, simple, bare, fused with 1st flagellomere. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 7 : 140 (holotype) or 7 : 6 : 8 : 190 (paratype).

Mesonotum and scutellum shining green. Pleura bronze-green, sometimes brown in places; metaepimere yellow. At least three strong dorsocentral setae. Scutellum with two strong bristles (all setae broken).

Legs yellow; middle coxa brown, hind coxa dark-yellow; 5th segment of anterior tarsus brown (middle and hind tarsi mostly broken). Fore and middle coxae from the front with short black hairs and several black apical setae. Hind coxa from the outside with one black external seta. Femora without strong or long setae, but fore femora with several ventral black cilia at base. Fore tibia and tarsus without strong setae; tarsus simple. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 50 : 96 : 112 : 113 : 35 : 37 : 20 : 10 (holotype) or 55 : 92 : 104 : 125 : 35 : 40 : 21 : 10 (paratype). Middle tibia with dorsal row of erect cilia, slightly longer than tibia diameter. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to basitarsus, 35 : 90 : 177 : 125. Hind tibia with several dorsal and apical setae. Hind basitarsus with row of short flattened ventral setulae in basal half. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments first and second), 30 : 130 : 208 : 80 : 40 (paratype).

Wing yellowish, narrow; veins brown. R1 reaching first third of wing. R4+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 with nearly right-angular curvation and forming the right angle with M1+2. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+5 and M1, 3 : 1. M2 distinct. Crossvein m-cu straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA1, 27 : 71 : 22. Anal vein and lobe pronounced. Anal angle right. Lower calypter yellow, with short black cilia. Halters yellow, halter stem thin, twice as long as knob, with a row of short dark setulae in the middle.

Abdomen with short black setae; 1st to 4th segments mostly yellow; abdomen otherwise greenish-brown. Unmodified segments combined 2.5 times as long as mesonotum; 7th segment half as long as 6th. 8th segment dark-brown, with short hairs. Hypopygium brown. Cercus yellow, simple, narrow, with simple dark dorsal hairs and one apical seta, as long as cercus. Surstylus dark-brown, broad, with several distal setae and apicodorsal lobe bearing several short setae. Epandrium with two remarkable processes (?lobes of cercus) between cercus and surstylus, each bearing apical brush of strong setae.

Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual characters. 1st flagellomere somewhat shorter.

Length: body 5.0–6.0 mm; antenna 1.8 mm; hypopygium 0.8 mm; wing-length 4.2–5.5 mm; wing-width 1.4 mm.

Distribution. Madagascar.

Etymology. The species is named for Belgian entomologist, Patrick Grootaert.

Diagnosis. A. grootaerti is similar in general habitus to A. basilewskyi and A. flavus, differing in shorter fore basitarsus, simple fore tarsus, pectinate middle tibia and morphology of hypopygium.

81. Amblypsilopus kraussi sp.n. (Fig. 28)

Holotype. ?, La Mandraka, XII.1951, N.S.H. Krauss / Institut Scientifique Madagascar [RINS].

Paratypes. 7 ?? in alcohol and 1 ? in glycerol, Madagascar: Fia Ranomafana, 19.I.1952, A. Pauly, forét [RINS].

Description. Frons broad, shining metallic blue-green. A group of 10 black front vertical hairs bending forward, a strong postvertical one positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ocellar tubercle with a pair of strong bristles. Ventral postcranium covered with long dense irregular white hairs. Face greenish-blue, pollinose, slightly convex, clypeus separated from eyes, not coming down eyes; face slightly narrowed, 1.25 times as high as wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis brownish, with light hairs, palpus also with two black bristles. Antenna black, 1.2 times as long as height of head. Scape simple; pedicel globular, with a ring of short setulae and one long dorsal seta. First flagellomere transverse-oval, slightly shorter than high, with short hairs. Arista dorsal, bare. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 7 : 5 : 5 : 95.

Mesonotum and scutellum shining blue-green. Pleura blue-green, grey pollinose. Two strong and three anterior hairlike dorsocentral setae; 2 or 3 long acrostichals. Scutellum with two strong setae and two short lateral cilia.

Legs mostly black-brown (hind legs broken in holotype). All coxae black; apex or apical 1/3 of fore femora, fore tibia, and middle femora (in apical third or half) yellow; middle tibia dark-yellow in basal half and light-brown in apical half; hind tibia mostly brown. Fore coxa from the front with white hairs and 2 or 3 yellow apical setae. Middle coxa from the front with yellow hairs, hind coxa with several short external hairs. Fore femora with two rows of ventral white hairs as long as femora diameter. Fore tibia with very long posteroventral seta at apical fifth and elongate ventral setulae along entire length. Fore basitarsus slightly broadened, ventrally flattened, with pale pile; other tarsomeres broken. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to basitarsus, 55 : 100 : 100 : 58. Middle femora with row of white ventral hairs shorter than femora diameter. Middle tibia with 2 or 3 short anterodorsal, 2 ventral and 3 or 4 apical setae; 3rd to 5th tarsomeres broken. Length ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments first and second), 30 : 110 : 145 : 97 : 30. Hind femora with ventral row of white cilia in basal half, twice longer than femora diameter. Hind tibia with 3 dorsal, 2 anterior, several short ventral setae. 3rd to 5th segments of hind tarsus slightly widened and flattened. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments first to fifth), 28 : 110 : 180 : 74 : 35 : 15 : 14 : 9.

Wing evenly darkened, veins brown. R1 reaching 0.4 wing length. R4+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 gently curved and forming the right angle with M1+2. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+5 and M1, 23 : 5. M2 present as faint fold on membrane. Crossvein m-cu almost straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA1, 40 : 48 : 21. Anal vein and lobe present. Anal angle acute. Lower calypter brown, cilia broken. Halters dark-brown, halter stem thin, twice as long as knob, with a row of short black setulae in front of knob.

Abdomen mostly blue-green, slightly pollinose, with black hairs and marginal bristles. Margins of segments from the end of the second mat-black; first (laterally) and second (ventrally) segments with white hairs; fifth to eighth segments entirely black; unmodified segments combined twice longer than mesonotum; seventh segment short; eighth tergite with numerous fine cilia. Hypopygium black. Cercus dark-brown, large, securiform, with long ventral and shorter dorsal projections, short haired. Surstylus black, with several short hairs and distodorsal apophysis. Hypandrium black. Epandrial lobe short, with 2 setae.

Female. Unknown.

Length: body 5.2 mm; antenna 1.5 mm; wing-length 5.0 mm; wing-width 1.4 mm.

Distribution. Madagascar.

Etymology. The species is named for the collector, N.S.H. Krauss.

Diagnosis. A. kraussi is keyed to a group of species with mostly black femora and short broad cercus, strongly differing in long posteroventral seta on fore tibia, broadened fore basitarsus and securiform cercus.

82. Amblypsilopus longifilis (Becker) (Fig. 29)

Type material examined. Neotype, ?. E. Africa: Arusha, 4.I.1961, B. Hocking / Hocking Colln, B.M. 1980–386.

Additional material. 1 ?, Kenya: Taita Hills Exp., Msau Valley, 18.5.1985, J. Muhangani [NMK].

Diagnosis. A. longifilis is associated with parilis group of species, differing by the following combination of characters. Lateral frons with two postvertical setae; face metallic blue green, thinly grey pollinose; palpus black, proboscis brown; all femora with two rows of white ventral hairs in basal half, longer than femora diameter; middle femora on posteroventral surface with white hairs turning into long black hairs in apical half; fore and middle basitarsus yellow-brown; fore basitarsus 2.6 times as long as second article; apical third of fore basitarsus with ventral pad of short fine hairs; middle tibia with two short dorsal setae; cercus long, filiform, with long cilia; epandrial lobe prominent. (See redescription of this species by Grichanov (1996e).

Distribution. Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa), St. Helena.

83. Amblypsilopus madagascarensis (Vanschuytbroeck)

Type material examined. Holotype, ?, Manjahotompo, Inst. Scient. Madagascar, 1.XI.48, P.C. / R.I.Sc.Nat.Belg. I.G. 18.205 / Type [red label] / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 1951. Chrysosoma madagascarensis n.sp.

Redescription. Frons broad, metallic green-violet, slightly pollinose. 10 to 13 fine black front vertical hairs on frons; 2 strong black postvertical setae positioned as a linear continuation of the row of short postocular setae. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face bluish-green, epistome convex, slightly pollinose, clypeus slightly bulging, with dense white microscopic hairs, separated from eyes; face narrowed, approximately as high as wide under antennae. Palpi and proboscis black, palpus with light hairs and 2 black bristles. Antenna black, twice as long as height of head. Scape simple. Pedicel with short but strong bristles. First flagellomere subtriangular, as long as high, with short hairs. Arista apical, bare and simple. Scape approximately equal to pedicel, and pedicel equal to first flagellomere in length.

Mesonotum and scutellum metallic blue-green. Pleura bronze-green, white pollinose. 2 strong posterior and 3 hairlike anterior dorsocentral setae; 4 long acrostichals. Scutellum with two strong bristles (broken). Legs entirely greyish black with fore knee and fore tibia somewhat lighter. Fore coxa from the front with numerous white hairs, longest at apex. Middle and hind coxae with white cilia, hind coxa without external seta. Fore femora ventrally with dark, though shining light, hairs in basal half, longer than femora diameter; hind femora with black ventral hairs in basal half, where they 1.5 times as long as femora diameter. Middle femora absent. Fore tibia bare. 2nd tarsomere of fore tarsus ventrally with dense pale pile of very short hairs. Length ratio of fore tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 18 : 6,1 : 8,1 : 3.2 : 1.7 : 1.5. Middle tibia bare. Middle tarsus simple. Length ratio of middle tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 27 : 22 : 7 : 4.5 : 2.1 : 1.5. Hind tibia bare. Hind basitarsus 1/4 as long as hind tibia. Other joints of hind tarsus broken.

Wings hyaline, veins brown-black. R1 nearly reaching middle of wing. R4+5 convex anteriorly in apical half. M1+2 and M1 forming right angle. M1 strongly concave. M2 fold-like. Ratio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to this between R4+5 and M1, 5 : 1. Crossvein m-cu slightly sinuate, almost straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu, measured along sinuation, to apical part of M1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of CuA1. (up to the wing margin), 65 : 65 : 30. Anal vein fold-like, anal lobe and alula present. Anal angle sharp. Lower calypter blackish, with black cilia. Halters black, halter stem thin, with a row of short setulae at apex.

Abdomen shining green-violet, with long black hairs and bristles. Apical margin of segments narrowly black; first tergite with narrow membranous excavation and black lateral hairs. 1st to 6th segments combined more than twice longer than mesonotum. Hypopygium small, black. Cercus black, narrow, simple, rounded on apex, with short pale dorsal and dark apical hairs, without dorsal apophysis, with small ventral tubercle at basal third and small dorsal tubercle at apical third; apex of cercus nearly reaching apex of surstylus. Surstylus curved, rounded at apex, with narrow subapical tooth and several setae, as long as width of surstylus.

Body length 4.5 mm.

Diagnosis. Having simple, entirely black, legs and all femora with dark ventral cilia, A. madagascarensis is keyed to A. disjunctus, but differs in having only 2nd tarsomere of fore tarsus with ventral pile; cercus short, simple, with short pale dorsal and dark apical hairs. The species is possible synonym to A. auratus.

Distribution. Madagascar.

84. Amblypsilopus pallidicornis (Grimshaw)

Material examined. 1 ? in glycerol, Madagascar: Foulpointe, forét, lagune, X.1993, A. Pauly col. P.M. [RINS].

Diagnosis. All coxae wholly yellow. Fore tibia with long curved posterior seta. Venation undisturbed. See Bickel (1994b) for description of this species.

Distribution. Madagascar, Seychelles; Hawaiian Islands, Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, Guam, Belau, Taiwan.

85. Amblypsilopus parilis (Parent) (Fig. 30)

Material examined. ?, Congo Belge: Leopoldville, 4.X.1950, M. Leclercq / R.I.Sci.Nat.Belg. I.G. 17818 / Holotypus Chrysosoma longilamellatus Coulibaly [red label; nomen nudum].

Diagnosis. A. parilis is characterised by the following combination of characters. Face white pollinose; palpus and proboscis black; all femora with two rows of short white ventral hairs in basal half; first tarsomere of fore tarsus 2.65 times as long as second article and nearly as long as rest; fore tarsus with simple setulae; middle tibia and tarsus with short erect setulae. Cercus blackish, whiplike, with light and dark dense hairs, at most 1/10 as long as cercus. Epandrial lobe reduced, with setae raising on the ventral side of surstylus base.

Distribution. South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Congo (Kinshasa), Nigeria.

86. Amblypsilopus rectangularis (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotype, ?, Congo Belge: Eala, III.1935, J. Ghesquiere / R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482 / Sciopus rectangularis n.sp. Type. O. Parent / Type [red label]; paratype, ?, same labels [XI.1935].

Remark. Holotype lacks the middle tarsus, 3 to 5th tarsomeres of fore tarsus, cilia on lower calypter. Body size 2.5 mm. Abdomen and most part of legs are absent in paratype. Lower calypter with black cilia. Further investigation is necessary to give a discriminating diagnosis for this true Amblypsilopus species.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa), ?Madagascar.

87. Amblypsilopus rosaceus (Wiedemann)

Remark. A. rosaceus determined by P. Vanschuytbroeck as being from Madagascar (female examined, RINS) belongs to indeterminable species of Amblypsilopus and should be excluded from the fauna of the island.

Distribution. South Africa.

88. Amblypsilopus stuckenbergi (Vanschuytbroeck)

Type material examined. Paratypes, 2 ??, Perinet, Madagascar, Dec. 1955, B. Stuckenberg / P. Vanschuytbroeck det. 1957, Sciopus stuckenbergi n.sp. / Paratype [red label] / R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 20.938.

Remark. This mostly yellow fly with only small green stripe in front of scutellum is very similar to A. rosaceus (Wiedemann). Acrostichals absent; 5 dorsocentral setae; fore basitarsus slightly longer than tibia in female. Body size about 3 mm. Further investigation is necessary to give a discriminating diagnosis for the species.

Distribution. Madagascar.

89. Amblypsilopus tenuicauda (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotype ?, Congo Belge: Eala, V.1935, J. Ghesquiere / R. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. I.G. 10.482 / Sciopus tenuicauda n.sp. Type. O. Parent det., 1935 / Type [red label].

Diagnosis. Fore coxa black; hind femora mostly black; fore and middle femora brown dorsally and yellow ventrally; fore femora with two fine black ventral bristles in basal fourth, other femora bare.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).

90. Amblypsilopus tropicalis (Parent)

Type material examined. Holotypus, ? [red label] / Musee du Congo, Kibali-Ituri: Djugu, 13.VIII–1931, Mme L. Lebrun / R. Det. P.2413 / Sciopus tropicalis n.sp. Type. O. Parent.

Diagnosis. A. tropicalis has many similarities with A. basilewskyi. It differs in the following key features. Vertex distinctly excavated. First flagellomere yellow-orange. Acrostichals short. Lower calypter with pale cilia; m-cu shorter than M1+2 distad of m-cu. Fore coxa yellow; middle and hind coxae mostly yellow, with brownish spot. Hind coxa without lateral seta, with only light hairs. Middle and hind tibiae brown in apical half. Ratio of tibia to first to second tarsomere of fore, middle and hind tarsi, 2 : 2 : 1; 3.7 : 2.5 : 1; 6 : 2 : 1. Body length 9 mm.

Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa).


1. Middle and/or hind femora with distinct anterior preapical setae …………… 2

–Femora without strong anterior preapical setae …………… 3

2. Hind femora only with anterior preapical seta; propleuron without strong ventral setae …………… Sciapus

–Both middle and hind femora with anterior preapical setae; propleuron with more or less strong ventral setae …………… Bickelia

3. Vein M2 absent, without fold or indication on membrane; dorsocentral bristles strong in both sexes; arista usually dorsal; strong vertical seta present in both sexes; clypeus adjacent to margin of eyes …………… Mesorhaga

–Vein M2 present, even if as fold or indication on membrane; other features various …………… 4

4. Both pairs of scutellar setae long; wing often with dark brown band; arista dorsal or dorsoapical; pedicel with long dorsal and ventral setae; frons of both sexes with raised mound bearing strong vertical seta and sometimes numerous hairs …………… Condylostylus

–Scutellum usually with one pair of strong setae, lateral setae short, hairlike or absent; frons with vertical seta present or absent, but without vertical seta arising on setose mound; other features various …………… 5

5. Arista usually apical on triangular first flagellomere; m-cu often sinuous; arista usually long, and more than half body length in females; male arista sometimes with apical flag; fore tibia often with long setae …………… 6

–Arista usually distinctly dorsal on subrectangular first flagellomere and rarely longer than head width, or if apical or dorsoapical, then always with following characters: male arista rarely with apical flag, tibial chaetotaxy often weak, especially on males; m-cu usually straight …………… 10

6. Vertical setae or hairs absent in both sexes, m-cu straight or slightly convex, pleura usually yellow, first flagellomere very long, frons and face narrow, acrostichal setae weak and short, all tibiae and first tarsomeres with strong bristles in both sexes; cercus simple …………… Gigantosciapus

–Strong (at least in female) or hairlike vertical setae present, m-cu often sinuous, first flagellomere usually short, frons and face usually broad, acrostichal setae often long …………… 7

7. Crossvein m-cu usually straight, 2 or 3 long acrostichal setae present, legs elongate, with a few major setae, male fore tibia sometimes with strong curved posterior subapical seta; cercus simple …………… Amblypsilopus (part)

–Crossvein m-cu usually sinuouse; tibiae often with major setae; cercus usually deeply forked …………… 8

8. Frons highly polished metallic blue-green; male frons bare or with single weak vertical seta only; male scape often swollen and vaselike; fore coxa with either 3 to 7 strong lateral spine-like setae (stronger in females than males), or fore coxa with 3 strong black distolateral setae …………… Plagiozopelma

–Vertex and frons usually with pruinosity; male frons often with hairs on lateral slope; male scape rarely swollen and vaselike; fore coxa without strong lateral spine-like setae; pedicel often with long ventral and dorsal setae …………… 9

9. Male and female arista strongly flattened and strap-like with hairlike apical part …………… Chrysosoma (Kalocheta)

–Arista usually simple, sometimes with apical flag …………… Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma s.s.)

10. Male cercus with distinctive sclerotized basal hook; male fore basitarsus flattened and forming ventral cushion with dense pale pile; lateral scutellar absent …………… 11

–Male cercus without sclerotized basal hook; other features various …………… 12

11. Male with strong vertical seta; femora usually bare; cercus usually with apical brush of long hairs; acrostichals short or absent; alula usually reduced …………… Bickeliolus

–Male with group of hairs laterally on frons; femora usually with long black ventral hairs; cercus usually with short or long hairs, but without apical brush; 3 long acrostichal setae; alula well developed …………… Ethiosciapus

12. Hypopygium globular, with basal foramen; face wide; 3 strong dorsocentral setae; male fore basitarsus slightly broadened, with ventral pile ……………Dytomyia

–Hypopygium various, usually with lateral foramen; face narrow; fore basitarsus usually simple …………… 13

13. Male usually with some anterior dorsocentrals weak and hairlike; vertical setae in males usually strongly reduced, or lateral frons with dense hairs; female fore femora rarely with strong basoventral setae; cercus usually simple …………… Amblypsilopus (part)

–4 to 5 dorsocentrals, all strong in both sexes; strong vertical setae present either in both sexes or in females only; proclinate vertical setae sometimes absent in males; cercus usually with two strong ventral projections; female fore femora often with stout basoventral setae …………… Mascaromyia


Genus Mesorhaga Schiener

1. M1+2 with gentle curvation; m-cu distinctly shorter than apical part of CuA1 …………… 2

–M1+2 with two nearly right-angular bends; hind basitarsus brown or black …………… 3

2. Apical part of CuA1 1.5 times longer than m-cu; hind femora brown, hind tibia and basitarsus yellow …………… M. mahunkai

–Apical part of CuA1 1.3 times longer than m-cu; femora mostly yellow, hind femora with brownish apices, fore and middle femora brown in basal third; hind tibia black at extreme apex; hind basitarsus black-brown …………… M. tsurikovi

3. Hind femora brownish except yellow apex, hind tibia dark-yellow except brownish apex, hind basitarsus brownish; body 2.25 mm …………… M. africana

–Hind leg entirely black; m-cu shorter than M1+2 from m-cu to curvation; body 3.3–3.8 mm …………… 4

4. Legs black with fore tibia brown; m-cu 2/3 as long as apical part of CuA1 …………… M. pauliani

–Anterior four tibiae and basitarsi yellow; m-cu as long as apical part of CuA1 …………… M. demeyeri

Genus Sciapus Zeller

1. Thorax yellow and slightly pollinose; wing hyaline, M2 fold-like; hind tibia a little longer than femora; hind basitarsus 2/3 as long as 2nd tarsomere; middle tarsus ornamented with short but strong ventral erect setulae; smaller species (body 2.2 mm) (Ghana) …………… S. endrodyi

–Thorax thickly pollinose; dark spot at wing apex, M2 distinct; hind tibia twice longer than femora, hind basitarsus slightly shorter than 2nd tarsomere; larger species (Egypt) …………… S. adumbratus

Genus Dytomyia Bickel

1. Male fore femora with 3 or 4 long posteroventral setae in the middle, the longest seta half as long as femora …………… D. deconinckae

–Fore femora without long setae …………… 2

2. Male fore tibia with long posteroventral seta at basal third; male cercus with numerous long setae …………… D. paulyi

–Fore tibia with long posteroventral seta just before the middle of tibia; cercus with several short setae …………… D. elenae

Genus Bickelia Grichanov

1. Fore femora without strong bristles …………… 2

–Fore femora with four strong black anteroventral bristles (females) …………… 3

2. Distinct acrostichal setae in two rows (male) …………… B. subparallela

–Acrostichals absent (female) …………… B. guerini

3. Anal vein present, two scutellar bristles only …………… B. parallela

–Anal vein reduced, two strong scutellars and two lateral hairs from the outside …………… B. subparallela

Genus Mascaromyia Bickel

1. Males …………… 2

–Females …………… 18

2. Fore femora with 2–5 thorns or spines beneath …………… 3

–Fore femora without long bristles …………… 6

3. Fore femora with 2 fine ventral thorns at base, middle femora bare …………… 4

–Fore femora with a row of 5 conspicuous sloping black bristles beneath in basal two thirds …………… 5

4. Last tarsomere of fore legs dilated and twisted, and carries a small side process like a thumb …………… M. pollicifer

–Last tarsomere absolutely simple and undifferentiated …………… M. indistincta

5. Scape and pedicel dark; femora with regular bristles below; hypopygium less pedicillate …………… M. magnicaudata

–Scape and pedicel orange; fore femora with very irregular rows of variously sized bristly hairs; middle femora is devoid of the row of bristles; hypopygium more pedicillate …………… M. grandicaudata

6. Thorax including mesonotum and abdomen mostly yellow …………… 7

–At most pleura partly orange …………… 11

7. Middle femora with 5 strong anterior bristles …………… M. amplicaudata

–Middle femora bare …………… 8

8. Vein M2 and apical part of CuA1 absent without fold or indication on membrane …………… M. bickeli

–Wing venation undistorted …………… 9

9. Fore basitarsus shorter than fore tibia …………… M. babichae

–Fore basitarsus 1 and 1/3 times as long as fore tibia …………… 10

10. Legs yellow; fore basitarsus as long as second and third tarsomeres combined …………… M. vagabunda

–Hind legs mostly brown, hind tibia white in basal third; fore basitarsus thrice as long as rest ……….... M. makhotkini

11. Legs yellow, simple, middle coxa black …………… M. duplicata

–All coxae yellow; if middle and hind coxae brownish, then femora or tibiae partly brown or some tarsomeres modified (enlarged, shortened, thin and long, or white) …………… 12

12. Fore basitarsus nearly as long as rest tarsomeres; posterior margin of wing in apical half often foggy …………… M. librativertex

–Fore basitarsus long and thin, more than twice as long as rest tarsomeres …………… 13

13. Face nearly as wide as first flagellomere …………… 14

–Eyes touching in the middle of face …………… 15

14. Last tarsomere of fore tarsus strongly enlarged, black …………… M. shabuninae

–Last tarsomere simple, short …………… M. hutsoni

15. Hind tarsus white …………… M. albitarsis

–Hind tarsus dark-brown ……………16

16. Antenna yellow, legs yellow, tarsi brownish …………… M. dytei

–Antenna black, hind femora progressively brown towards apex, hind tibia brown …………… 17

17. Fore tarsus white, basitarsus thrice as long as rest …………… M. kalinkini

–Fore tarsus dark, basitarsus twice as long as rest tarsomeres …………… M. frolovi

18. At least middle coxa black-brown …………… M. desjardsini, M. mauritiensis, M. duplicata, (?) M. frolovi

–All coxa yellow …………… 19

19. Thorax including mesonotum and abdomen mostly yellow …………… M. amplicaudata, M. vagabunda, M. babichae, M. bickeli, M. makhotkini

–At most pleura orange …………… 20

20. Fore femora bare or with 1–3 fine ventral setae only …………… M. albitarsis, M. rufiventris, (?) M. kalinkini

–Fore femora with 4–5 strong ventral spines…………… M. librativertex, M. pollicifer, M. indistincta, M. magnicaudata, M. grandicaudata.

Genus Condylostylus Bigot

1. Males …………… 2

–Females …………… 16

2. Fore tibia with two long apicoventral setae, half as long as fore basitarsus …………… C. paricoxa

–Fore tibia without such setae, at most with a long apicoventral hair …………… 3

3. Cercus bifurcated, with long narrow branches …………… C. selectus

–Cercus not bifurcated, usually long, sometimes short, with or without basoventral lobe …………… 4

4. Middle tibia with a row of long dorsal setae, femora bare …………… 5

–Middle tibia with several usual anterodorsal and posterodorsal bristles, or femora with long hairs …………… 6

5. Cercus nearly twice as long as 7th tergite and epandrium combined …………… C. burgeoni

–Cercus nearly thrice as long as 7th tergite and epandrium combined …………… C. galinae

6. Hind tibia with black ventral cicatrix (callus-like swelling) in basal third, covered with light hairs …………… C. stenurus

–Hind tibia without such cicatrix …………… 7

7. Pedicel with long ventral and dorsal setae, as long as three antennal segments combined; costa with curvation in front of R1; posterior wing edge sinuous …………… C. angustipennis

–Pedicel with usual setae, at most as long as scape and pedicel combined; costa without curvation …………… 8

8. Wing with normal female-type venation …………… 9

–Venation abnormal: M1+2 strongly curved towards posterior wing margin, M1 continued nearly in the same line as M2 …………… 11

9. Cercus short, semicircular, slightly longer than wide …………… C. skufjini

–Cercus long, filiform …………… 10

10. Cercus swollen at base …………… C. chainey

–Cercus not swollen, gradually narrowed apicad …………… C. basovi

11. Fore tibia enlarged, fore tarsus simple …………… C. beckeri

–Fore tibia simple, fore basitarsus enlarged …………… 12

12. M1+2 and M1 form acute angle…………… C. pateraeformis

–M1+2 and M1 form right angle …………… 13

13. Legs entirely black-brown, with only fore trochanter and knee yellowish; fore basitarsus longer than 2nd to 5th tarsomeres combined; cercus 4 times longer than epandrium …………… C. kivuensis

–At least fore tibia mostly yellow; fore basitarsus shorter than 2nd to 5th tarsomeres combined …………… 14

14. Fore coxa and femora yellow; basoventral lobe of cercus large, with pointed apex …………… C. imitator

–Fore coxa black at least in basal half; fore femora mostly brown or black …………… 15

15. Middle tibia without erect ventral setulae; basoventral lobe of cercus large, egg-shaped …………… C. congensis

–Middle tibia with short erect ventral setulae in apical half; basoventral lobe of cercus poorly developed …………… C. selitskayae

16. Middle coxa mostly yellow…………… C. paricoxa

–At least middle coxa mostly brown or black …………… 17

17. Lower calypter with black cilia …………… C. stenurus

–Lower calypter with yellow cilia …………… 18

18. Wing anal lobe and angle absent …………… C. burgeoni, C. galinae

–Wing anal lobe present, anal angle obtuse or acute …………… 19

19. Hind femora yellow, at most with black spot on apex …………… C. imitator

–Hind femora partly black …………… 20

20. Frons blue-violet …………… C. pateraeformis

–Frons green …………… C. congensis

Genus Ethiosciapus Bickel

1. Legs entirely black; body 3.5 mm …………… E. degener

–At least anterior four tibiae yellow; usually larger species …………… 2

2. Femora mostly black, all coxae black; male fore tibia with 1 to 3 long posteroventral setae …………… E. dilectus, E. inflexus

–Femora mostly yellow …………… 3

3. All coxae black, at most fore coxa yellow at apex …………… 4

–Fore coxa yellow, at most with small black basal spot on outer surface …………… 7

4. Male cercus with short dorsal and apical hairs …………… 5

–Male cercus with long dorsal and apical setae, usually half as long as cercus …………… 6

5. Femora with black ventral cilia slightly longer than femora diameter …………… E. latipes

–Femora with black ventral cilia 1.5–2 times as long as femora diameter …………… E. finitimus

6. Femora entirely yellow; male cercus with several long apical bristles, and a group of comparatively long dorsal hairs in apical fourth …………… E. bilobatus

–Fore femora black ventrally in basal half, hind femora black on

apex; cercus with setae gradually increasing towards apex, without

distinct group of dorsal hairs …………… E. exarmatus

7. Male middle femora with a row of shorter black ventral hairs, usually half as long as femora diameter; male cercus with apical hairs nearly as long as cercus …………… E. flavirostris, E. integer *

–Middle femora with a row of longer black ventral hairs, usually 1.5 times longer than femora diameter; male cercus with apical hairs approximately half as long as cercus …………… E. bicalcaratus

Genus Bickeliolus Grichanov

1. Male middle trochanter with fringe of long hairs, male cercus narrowed in the middle …………… 2

–Middle trochanter without fringe, cercus usually tapering …………… 3

2. Basoventral process of cercus subtriangular (South Africa) …………… B. trochanteralis

–Basoventral process of cercus suboval (Madagascar) …………… B. alluaudi

3. Antenna black, cercus wide …………… 4

–At least scape yellow-orange, cercus usually thin and simple …………… 6

4. Cercus widest at base, very thin in apical half, slightly widened at apex …………… B. haemorhoidalis

–Cercus with gently curved distoventral margin and apical hairs half as long as cercus …………… 5

5. Basoventral process of cercus subtriangular …………… B. lamellatus

–Basoventral process of cercus club-shaped…………… B. maslovae

6. Scape yellow, other articles dark brown dorsally, first flagellomere triangular, with rounded apex; cercus 5 times longer than wide at base, at base twice wider than in middle; basoventral process thick, 1/5 as long as cercus …………… B. lutescens

–Antenna dusky orange, first flagellomere short, egg-shaped, pointed; cercus tapering …………… B. lasiophtalmus

Genus Chrysosoma Guerin-Meneville

(Some pairs of species cannot be distinguished by using published descriptions. Females usually cannot be identified without males of the same series. ?C. laeve known only from female is not included)

1. Male and female arista strongly flattened and strap-like with hairlike apical part (Kalocheta) …………… 2

–Arista usually simple, sometimes with apical flag (Chrysosoma s.s.) …………… 6

2. Wings transparent, slightly darkened along veins …………… C.(K.) cucana

–Wings with brown spots …………… 3

3. Lower calypter with white hairs …………… C.(K.) villiersi

–Lower calypter with black hairs or bristles …………… 4

4. Face thinly whitish pollinose, propleural hairs black, fore coxa with white hairs and black bristles …………… C.(K.) liberia

–Only epistome greyish pollinose, clypeus metallic green …………… 5

5. Fore coxa without hairs, with black bristles only; apical and median brown spots have crosspiece along R 4+5 and M 1+2 wing veins …………… C.(K.) passiva

–Fore coxa with white hairs and black bristles; apical and median brown spots have crosspiece near junction of CuA1 and m-cu wing veins …………… C.(K.) collarti

6. Male middle basitarsus dorsally ornamented with long fine setae or cilia, which at least thrice as long as tarsomere diameter …………… 7

–Middle basitarsus without long setae, sometimes with short erect ciliation (some species are known only from females) …………… 30

7. Middle basitarsus with a row of cilia, 3 or 4 times as long as tarsomere diameter …………… 8

–Middle basitarsus with setae much longer …………… 9

8. Second tarsomere of fore tarsus 2/3 to 3/4 as long as basitarsus, the latter swollen and ventrally ciliated in apical half …………… C.(C.) albocrinitatum

–Second tarsomere of fore tarsus 2/5 to 2/7 as long as basitarsus; first and second tarsomeres of fore tarsus with ventral pile of short fine cilia …………… C.(C.) tarsiciliatum; C.(C.) vividum

9. Middle basitarsus with white preapical ring, covered usually with very short yellow pectination on dorsal side …………… 10

–Middle basitarsus dark or yellow, without white preapical ring covered with yellow pectination …………… 12

10. Middle basitarsus with five long setae; middle tibia with five to seven long setae; hind femora entirely or almost entirely black …………… C.(C.) gemmeum; C.(C.) hargreavesi

–Middle basitarsus with only three long setae; middle tibia with one or two long setae …………… 11

11. Middle tibia with one long seta; hind femora black in basal sixth, with long ventral and posterior hairs …………… C.(C.) tricrinitum

–Middle tibia with two long setae; hind femora black except apical quarter and almost bare …………… C.(C.) bacchi

12. Middle basitarsus with no more than three long setae; middle tibia usually without long setae …………… 13

–Middle basitarsus with at least four long setae; middle tibia usually with numerous long setae …………… 16

13. Middle basitarsus with one long seta; cercus shallow bifurcated, with shorter dorsal lobe …………… C.(C.) zinovjevi

–Middle basitarsus with two long setae …………… 14

–Middle basitarsus with three long setae; cercus simple, with short dorsal apophysis …………… 15

14. Cercus shallow bifurcated, with equal lobes; hind femora entirely black …………… C.(C.) aequilobatum

–Cercus simple, without apophysis; femora blackish in basal half …………… C.(C.) tractatum

15. Middle tibia with 1–2 long setae at base; middle tibia without erect pectination, tarsus pectinate from the middle of basitarsus …………… C.(C.) bredoi

–Middle tibia with 3 long setae; middle tibia and tarsus with erect pectination …………… C.(C.) hirsutulum

16. Cercus deeply bifurcated, with thin equal lobes; middle tibia with 5 to 8 long setae; middle basitarsus with 5 to 7 long setae; second to fourth tarsomeres with 1 or 2 apicodorsal setae; fifth tarsomere white haired …………… C.(C.) senegalense

–Cercus usually not bifurcated, with or without short dorsal apophysis …………… 17

17. Antenna yellow, sometimes partly reddish-brown …………… 18

–Antenna black, sometimes partly brown …………… 22

18. Cercus gradually thinned towards apex, without apophysis, with several longer hairs at apex; wing blackish, with whitish median transverse band; femora entirely reddish-yellow; second to fifth tarsomeres of middle tarsus without remarkable hairs …………… C.(C.) albilimbatum, C.(C.) liberia

–Cercus with one dorsal tooth; hind femora at least partly black-brown; apical tarsomeres of middle tarsus usually white haired …………… 19

19. Wing vein m-cu, measured along sinuation, thrice as long as fork-handle M1+2 …………… 20

–Wing vein m-cu, measured along sinuation, no more than twice as long as fork-handle …………… 21

20. Fore femora widely black at base; middle tibia with 7 or 8 long setae; middle basitarsus with 7 long setae; second to fifth tarsomeres with a row of white hairs, without black hairs …………… C.(C.) continuum

–Fore femora narrowly black at base; middle tibia with 6 long setae decreasing towards base; middle basitarsus with 6 long setae; second and third tarsomeres with black dorsal setation; third to fifth tarsomeres with white hairs …………… C.(C.) varivittatum

21. Middle tibia with 4–6 long setae; middle basitarsus with 4–6 long setae; other tarsomeres simple; femora reddish, narrow base and apex of hind femora brown …………… C.(C.) pseudorepertum

–Middle tibia with 5–6 pairs of long antero- and posterodorsal setae; middle basitarsus with 5 long setae; 3rd to 5th tarsomeres with dorsal comb of white hairs; femora red-brown with blackish dorsal stripe …………… C.(C.) repertum

–At most 1 or 2 long setae at base of middle tibia; middle basitarsus with 3 to 5 long setae; middle tarsus with erect pectination from the middle of 1st joint; femora dark-brown except apices …………… C.(C.) bredoi

22. Cercus long and thin, truncated and widest at apex, with apophysis at apical third; middle tibia with 5 to 7 long setae, decreasing in length towards base (with two very long subapical setae); middle basitarsus with 5 long setae; fifth and sometimes fourth tarsomeres white haired; femora almost entirely yellow …………… C.(C.) lavinia

–Cercus with apophysis in basal half or without apophysis; other features various …………… 23

23. Cercus without distinct apophysis; middle tibia with 8 long setae; middle basitarsus with 6 long setae; femora black …………… 24

–Cercus usually thin and thinned towards apex, with apophysis in basal half; other features various …………… 25

24. Cercus short and broad, subrectangular, 2nd to 5th tarsomeres of middle tarsus with short black hairs, brownish on fifth joint; fore tibia and tarsus with short setae …………… C.(C.) tanasijtshuki

–Cercus thin, slightly widened and excavated at apex; middle tibia and tarsus with additional row of black hairs, longer than podomere diameter; 2nd to 4th tarsomeres of same tarsus with 1 long apical seta, 5th tarsomere with white hairs; fore tibia and basitarsus each with at least 5 long dorsal seta …………… C.(C.) stolyarovi

25. Cercus very thin in apical half, with pointed apex …………… 26

–Cercus with rounded apex …………… 27

26. Cercus with short pointed apophysis at basal third; middle basitarsus with 8 long setae, middle tibia with 5 short anterodorsal and 8 or 9 long posterodorsal, 3 or 4 ventral and 2 apicoventral setae; both tibia and basitarsus with additional anterodorsal row of shorter setae, 3 or 4 times as long as tibia poomere diameter …………… C.(C.) triumphator

–Cercus with apophysis in front of the middle; middle tibia with 7 anterodorsal, 8 posterodorsal and 1 apicoventral long setae; middle basitarsus with 4 long setae …………… C.(C.) angolense

27. Middle tibia with 4 long posterodorsal setae; second to fifth tarsomeres of middle tarsus without remarkable ciliation …………… C.(C.) katangense

–Middle tibia with 5 to 10 long posterodorsal setae, sometimes decreasing in length towards base; second to fifth tarsomeres of middle tarsus with elongated hairs …………… 28

28. First and second tarsomeres of middle tarsus with additional row of short dorsal hairs, hardly longer than tarsomere diameter; middle tibia with 5 to 8 long setae; middle basitarsus with 6 to 8 long setae …………… C.(C.) mesotrichum

–First and second tarsomeres of middle tarsus with additional row of short dorsal hairs, more than twice as long as tarsomere diameter; middle tibia with 7 to 10 long posterodorsal setae; middle basitarsus with 6 to 10 long setae …………… 29

29. Cercus with long thin dorsal apophysis, longer than width of cercus at apex …………… C.(C.) schoutedeni

–Cercus with short dorsal tooth, at most half as long as width of cercus at apex …………… C.(C.) consentium

30. At least fore coxa yellow …………… 31

–All coxae black, sometimes fore coxa yellow at apex …………… 47

31. All coxae yellow …………… 32

–Only fore coxa yellow …………… 35

32. Abdomen entirely metallic; fore and middle legs without erect hairs …………… 33

–Abdomen partly yellow; fore and middle tibiae and tarsi with erect pubescence …………… 34

33. Basitarsus of all tarsi yellow …………… C.(C.) aestimabile

–Tarsi entirely black (female) ……………?C.(C.) micantifrons

34. Antenna yellow; frons brilliant; fore coxa with yellow apical bristles; first to fourth abdominal segments at least partly yellow ……………?C.(C.) trigemmans

–Antenna black; frons entirely pollinose; fore coxa with black apical bristles; only first abdominal segment yellow …………… C.(C.) asperum

35. Antenna yellow-brownish …………… 36

–Antenna black …………… 37

36. Wing brownish with round white spots in the middle and along posterior edge …………… C.(C.) marginatum

–Wing hyaline or monochrome; m-cu straight; fore basitarsus flattened; fore tibia without long bristles; last tarsomeres of fore and hind tarsi slightly enlarged ……………?C.(C.) centrale (?Amblypsilopus)

37. Wing distinctly maculated …………… 38

–Wing hyaline, monochrome or evenly darkened along costa …………… 39

38. Wing with three separated spots (female) …………… C.(C.) flexum

–Wing brown, with two windows and hyaline posterior edge …………… C.(C.) alboguttatum

39. Wing vein m-cu straight (female) ……………?C.(C.) benignum

–Vein m-cu sinuate or distinctly convex …………… 40

40. Middle tibia and tarsus with erect pubescence …………… 41

–Middle tibia and tarsus without erect pubescence …………… 42

41. Apical part of CuA1 nearly half as long as m-cu …………… C.(C.) singulare

–Apical part of CuA1 approximately as long as m-cu …………… C.(C.) woodi

42. Cercus short, with 3 or 4 lobes; 4 or 5 dorsocentral setae …………… C.(C.) praelatum

–Cercus simple or bifurcate; 2 or 3 dorsocentrals …………… 43

43. Cercus bifurcated …………… 44

–Cercus not bifurcated …………… 45

44. Cercal arms less than half as long as cercus …………… C.(C.) minusculum

–Cercal arms more than half as long as cercus …………… C.(C.) corruptor

45. Cercus digitiform, with short dens in the middle …………… C.(C.) pauperculum

–Cercus subtriangular, widest at apex …………… 46

46. Cercus with wide apical excavation; middle tibia with 1 basodorsal seta …………… C.(C.) ungulatum

–Cercus evenly cut or convex at apex; middle tibia with 2 anterior and 1 dorsal setae in the middle …………… C.(C.) stubbsi

47. Wing hyaline, but with a brown round spot at apex …………… C.(C.) tenuipenne

–Wing with another type of maculation …………… 48

48. Lower calypter with pale cilia …………… 49

–Lower calypter with black cilia …………… 58

49. Male hind tibia with basal ring-shaped callus; fourth tarsomere of middle tarsus white; female anterior four tibiae with a few long dorsal and ventral setae …………… 50

–Legs without such characters …………… 51

50. Seventh tergite without distinct seta; cercus with 2 subequal arms and median projection …………… C.(C.) leucopogon

–Seventh tergite with long curved subapical seta; cercus with dorsal arm longer than ventral, without median projection …………… C.(C.) snelli

51. Femora yellow, sometimes yellow-brownish …………… 52

–At least hind femora black ......................... 57

52. Females …………… 53

–Males …………… 54

53. Vein m-cu as long as fork-handle M1+2 …………… C.(C.) senegalense

–Vein m-cu, measured along sinuation, 1.5–2 times as long as fork-handle M1+2 …………… C.(C.) schoutedeni; C.(C.) mesotrichum

54. Middle tarsus with simple setulae; middle tibia with short posterodorsal erect setulae; cercus deeply bifurcated …………… C.(C.) kuznetzovi

–Middle tarsus with erect pectination and/or white hairs …………… 55

55. Antenna brownish; second to fifth tarsomeres of middle tarsus with a squamous dorsal comb of white hairs; middle tibia and tarsus without erect pectination; cercus not bifurcated …………… C.(C.) pomeroi

–Antenna black; second to fifth tarsomeres of middle tarsus without white hairs; middle tibia and tarsus with erect pectination …………… 56

56. Cercus deeply bifurcated; middle leg along entire length with short dorsal ciliation, becoming erect apicad …………… C.(C.) cilifemoratum

–Cercus not bifurcated; middle leg without dorsal ciliation …………… C.(C.) ituriense

57. Wing black-brown, whitish along posterior edge, with narrow white transverse band, falling down from R1 (female) …………… C.(C.) praecipuum

–Wing hyaline; male middle tibia and tarsus with irregular erect setulae …………… C.(C.) gromieri

–Wing with brown bands and spots along costa and other veins; male fourth and fifth tarsomeres of middle tarsus with white dorsal hairs …………… C.(C.) zaitzevi

58. Antenna at least partly yellow-red; cercus usually simple …………… 59

–Antenna black; cercus bifurcated …………… 61

59. Cercus with long pointed dorsal apophysis at basal third, thin in the middle, slightly enlarged and setosed at apex, with very thin and sharp subapical dorsal hook. fore and middle femora black except apical quarter; first three tarsomeres of middle tarsus brownish …………… C.(C.) norma, C.(C.) arduus

–Cercus not bifurcated; fore femora black in basal quarter, middle femora black in basal 3/5; middle tarsus whitish …………… 60

60. Antenna pale-yellow; mesonotum with two bronze stripes; middle femora with exclusively yellow ventral setae; hind tibia yellow …………… C.(C.) zephirum

–Antenna red-brown; mesonotum without distinct stripes; middle femora with black ventral setae in the middle; hind tibia black.. 2nd to 4th tarsomeres of middle tarsus with posterodorsal fringe of white flat setae, as long as tarsomeres diameter. Cercus simple, tapering, without tooth …………… C.(C.) aequatoriale

61. First abdominal segment with snow-white band; middle tarsus without remarkable hairs …………… C.(C.) minusculum

–Abdomen metallic; third and fourth tarsomeres of middle tarsus ornamented with black and white setae …………… C.(C.) petersi

Genus Gigantosciapus Grichanov

1. Fore basitarsus enlarged and flattened …………… G. tuberculatus

–Fore basitarsus not enlarged ..................... 2

2. First flagellomere brown with yellow base, 7 times as long as high at base; coxae yellow, hind coxa partly brownish; fore femora and basal half of middle femora yellow, apical half of middle femora, fore tibia except base, fore basitarsus and middle tibia brown; fore tibia with three dorsal and three ventral setae; fore basitarsus with one strong posteroventral seta in apical fifth and two fine posteroventral setae in the middle …………… G. oldroydi

–Other combination of characters …………… 3

3. First flagellomere entirely dark-brown, 9–10 times as long as high at base; fore femora and basal half of middle femora yellow, apical half of middle femora, fore tibia except base, fore basitarsus and middle tibia brown; fore tibia with 2 fine dorsal, 1 apicodorsal, 3 fine ventral setae; fore basitarsus with 1 strong subapical posteroventral, 1 fine dorsal and 1 fine ventral setae in the middle; fore tibia and basitarsus also with fine ventral–posteroventral hairs, as long as tibia diameter; 2nd to 4th tarsomeres of the same tarsus with ventral spiculi. Middle femora with posteroventral cilia, longer than femora diameter. Hind femora brown; hind tibia and basitarsus white. Cercus narrowed apicad, with sharp apex and short cilia; surstylus slightly widened apicad and truncated on apex, with short apical hairs …………… G. meyeri

–Other combination of characters …………… 4

4. Middle tarsus ornamented with teeth or long hairs, longer than tarsomeres diameter …………… 5

–At least 3rd and 4th tarsomeres of middle tarsus simple, at most with elongate setulae …………… 9

5. Second tarsomere of fore tarsus swollen …………… 6

–Second tarsomere of fore tarsus simple …………… 7

6. Fore basitarsus with 2 posteroventral in apical half, 2 anteroventral in basal half, 1 fine dorsal, 1 basoventral setae; 1st tarsomere slightly swollen at apex, 2nd curved and swollen; middle tibia and basitarsus with numerous ventral hairs and fine cilia, 2–3 times longer than tibia diameter and 3–4 times longer than tarsomere diameter; hind tibia with posteroventral row of hairs, 2–3 times longer than tibia diameter …………… G. decellei

–Fore basitarsus with one seta in the middle and one seta in apical fourth; second tarsomere of fore tarsus bulbar at base …………… G. pseudogemmarius

7. Fore and hind femora with short hairs, at most with several subapical ventral cilia; fore tibia with row of ventral setulae, half as long as tibia diameter; middle tibia and basitarsus with antero- and posteroventral hairs, mostly twice longer than podomeres diameter; 3rd and 4th tarsomeres ventrally flattened, with ventral hairs longer than tarsomeres diameter; hind tibia with 3 or 4 long posterior setae in third quarter in addition to ordinary setae; hind basitarsus with posterodorsal and posterior hairs, twice longer than tarsomere diameter …………… G. nataliae

–At least hind femora with ventral rows of hairs, as long as femora diameter; hind tibia without long posterior setae …………… 8

8. Hind femora with a posteroventral row of cilia, as long as femora diameter, and group of 7–8 strong posteroventral setae at apical third; middle basitarsus with 2 posterior rows of long hairs; 3rd tarsomere with subapical ventral excavation, 4th tarsomere with basoventral tooth; hind basitarsus with erect posterior hairs …………… G. anomalipes

–All femora with antero- and posteroventral cilia, longer than femora diameter; fore tibia with posteroventral row of hairs, longest at base, twice longer than tibia diameter; 2nd to 4th tarsomeres of middle tarsus with posteroventral hairs, longer than tarsomeres diameter; 3rd tarsomere ventrally flattened, with subapical ventral sicatrix; hind tibia with dorsal and posterodorsal hairs in basal half, slightly longer than tibia diameter …………… G. francoisi

9. Fore tibia with row of six long and several short posteroventral setae; male cercus broad, with apical brush of black hairs, longer than cercus …………… G. saegeri

–Fore tibia with short setae or fine cilia …………… 10

10. Hind femora or tibia at least partly brown …………… 11

–Hind and middle legs yellow except last tarsomeres …………… 13

11. Posterior tibia entirely whitish or only somewhat yellowish at base; middle femora dorsally and hind femora entirely black-brown; first flagellomere entirely black …………… G. africanus

–Posterior tibia brown at least in basal eighth, white beyond the middle …………… 12

12. Hind femora brown (female) …………… G. inversus

–Hind femora mostly yellow, black in apical fourth …………… G. gemmarius

13. Fore basitarsus with 1 short dorsal seta in the middle, 2 strong posteroventral setae at base and apex; 2nd to 4th tarsomeres of same tarsus with short strong black setulae; 3rd to 5th tarsomeres of hind tarsus slightly widened, ventrally bare; first flagellomere almost entirely yellow, 2.5–3 times longer than wide at base …………… G. kamerunensis

–Fore basitarsus with smaller or greater number of strong setae (females) …………… 14

14. Fore basitarsus at most with two bristles on either side …………… 15

–Fore basitarsus at least with three bristles on either side of lower surface …………… 16

15. Fore basitarsus with one strong bristle on either side …………… G. anomalipes

–Fore basitarsus with 1 short dorsal and 2 strong posteroventral bristles at base and apex…………… G. kamerunensis

16. Fore basitarsus with six or seven long bristles on either side of lower surface …………… G. tuberculatus

–Fore basitarsus with only three or four bristles on either side of lower surface …………… 17

17. First flagellomere at least as long as face height …………… G. africanus, G. pseudogemmarius

–First flagellomere at most 2/3 as long as face height …………… 18

18. Wing darkened along costa at apex; hind coxa partly brownish; middle and hind femora yellow in basal half, orange-brown in apical half; fore tibia, fore basitarsus and middle tibia except apical third yellow-brownish; middle tibia in apical third, hind tibia, middle and hind basitarsus whitish-yellow; apical segments of tarsi brown; middle tibia with 3–4 ventral setae …………… G. oldroydi

–Wing hyaline; coxae and legs yellow except brownish 2nd to 5th tarsomeres …………… 19

19. Middle tibia with 2 ventral setae; first flagellomere half as long as face height …………… G. saegeri

–Middle tibia with 3 or 4 ventral setae; first flagellomere 2/3 as long as face height …………… G. nataliae

Genus Plagiozopelma Enderlein

1. Pleura yellow; all coxae yellow; m-cu straight …………… P. njalense

–Thorax entirely dark …………… 2

2. Arista bare and simple …………… 3

–Arista apically haired and/or flattened …………… 9

3. All coxae yellow …………… P. flava

–Posterior four coxae black or having broad black spot …………… 4

4. Cercus distinctly bilobate, with wide lobes and thin basodorsal apophysis …………… P. pallidicorne

–Cercus with ventral apophysis or simple …………… 5

5. Vein m-cu straight; fore tibia without long setae …………… P. inops

–Vein m-cu sinuate; fore tibia with long apical setae …………… 6

6. Cercus with large midventral prominence, entirely with dense hairs, approximately half as long as cercus; fore tibia with 3–4 long apical setae …………… P. vagator; P. ghesquieri

–Cercus with narrow basoventral apophysis …………… 7

7. Cercus with short apical cilia …………… P. nalense; P. angulitarse

–Cercus with long apical cilia, at least as long as cercus …………… 8

8. Cercus with short thin basoventral apophysis; fore tibia with 1 long spine of fused apical setae …………… P. capilliferum

–Cercus with long basoventral apophysis, half as long as cercus; fore tibia with 2 long anterior and ventral spines of fused apical setae …………… P. piliseta

9. Fore tibia without long apical setae; arista with 3 flattened nodes …………… P. tritiseta

–Fore tibia with a few long apical setae …………… 10

10. Fore coxa without lateral spines; second tarsomere of fore tarsus strongly sinuate …………… P. conjectum

–Fore coxa with a row of lateral spines …………… 11

11. Arista simple but having small apical brush of hairs …………… P. grahami

–Arista distinctly flattened …………… 12

12. Arista widely flattened at apex …………… 13

–Arista narrow, lanceolate in apical half …………… 14

13. Fore tibia with long fine anteroventral seta slightly beyond the middle and two small seta preceding it …………… P. bequaerti

–Fore tibia with 2 ventral rows of fine cilia in middle part …………… P. ramiseta

14. Cercus having ventral prominence in basal half and comparatively short hairs …………… P. vagator; P. ghesquieri

–Cercus with distinct basoventral apophysis …………… 15

15. Cercus with long apical hairs, which as long as cercus …………… P. daveyi

–Cercus with short hairs on apex …………… 16

16. Arista with longest cilia in front of long flattened lamella, where they 4 times longer than maximum width of arista and twice longer than cilia in basal half of flattened lamella; third tarsomere of fore tarsus half as long as following one …………… P. collarti

–Arista with longest cilia on the short flattened lamella, where they 2 times longer than maximum width of arista; third tarsomere of fore tarsus as long as following one …………… P. du

Genus Amblypsilopus Bigot

(females usually cannot be identified without males of the same series)

1. Males …………… 2

–Females …………… 36

2. R2+3 and R4+5 fused at wing apex …………… 3

–No …………… 7

3. Postocellar hairs numerous (at least more than a single pair); first flagellomere dark brown; cercus elongate with flattened area at tip …………… 4

–Postocellar hairs, one pair; first flagellomere yellowish; cercus small with tapered tip …………… 5

4. Wing heavily infuscate; vein M1 not recurved basad; apical sclerotized spot of wing tip not reaching posterior margin of wing …………… A. stuckenbergorum

–Wing lightly infuscate; M1 strongly recurved basad; apical sclerotized spot of wing tip reaching posterior margin of wing …………… A. retrovenus

5. Wing with reduced apical sclerotized spot and a dense patch of thickened macrotrichia; wing with two rows of hook-like setae below M1; cercus small with elongate base …………… A. fasciatus

–Wing with well-developed apical sclerotized spot and no dense patch of thickened macrotrichia; wing without rows of hook-like setae; cercus small with short, rounded base …………… 6

6. Arista cylindrical at tip; upcurved portion of wing vein M1 beyond fork M1+2 with definite, thickened spot; m-cu with two slightly thickened areas, these thickenings not forming distinct spots …………… A. bonniae

–Arista horizontally spatulate at tip; upcurved portion of M1 beyond fork M1+2 with slightly swollen, darkened area; m-cu with two definite, swollen spots …………… A. macularivenus

7. M2 absent; M1 with strong V-shaped curvature …………… A. lenga

–Venation normal …………… 8

8. Fore coxa yellow; halters usually yellow; lower calypter usually with light setae …………… 9

–Fore coxa black at least in basal half; halters usually black-brown; lower calypter usually with black setae …………… 24

9. All coxae wholly yellow …………… 10

–At least middle coxa with blackish-brown spot …………… 14

10. Fore tibia with long curved posterior seta …………… A. pallidicornis

–Fore tibia without such seta …………… 11

  1. Thorax metallic green, at most metapleura yellow …………… 12
–Thorax mostly yellow …………… 13

12. Fifth tarsomere of fore tarsus yellow, with lateral comb of yellow hairs; cercus bilobate …………… A. basilewskyi

–Fifth tarsomere of fore tarsus simple; cercus simple …………… A. barkalovi

13. Fore basitarsus as long as fore femora and tibia combined; 4th and 5th tarsomeres of all tarsi flattened; cercus with two long dorsal setae …………… A. stuckenbergi

–Fore basitarsus not much longer than fore tibia; 5th tarsomere of all tarsi slightly flattened; cercus filiform, with short hairs, nearly thrice as long as hypopygium …………… A. rosaceus

14. Antenna yellow; fore tarsus somewhat modified …………… 15

–Antenna black; fore tarsus usually simple …………… 18

15. Middle tibia except basal fifth with dorsal row of erect hairs, slightly longer than tibia diameter; fore tarsus simple but long, as long as tibia; cercus simple, narrow, not longer than surstylus, with long apical seta …………… A. grootaerti

–Middle tibia without dorsal pectination .......................... 16

16. Fore basitarsus enlarged, with ventral pile; other tarsomeres simple; fore femora and tibia bare …………… A. steelei

–Fore basitarsus not enlarged …………… 17

17. Fore basitarsus twice longer than tibia, with ventral pectination; 5th tarsomere of fore tarsus simple; middle basitarsus equal to tibia; cercus bifurcated, with long thin lobes …………… A. flavus

–Fore basitarsus approximately equal in length to tibia; 5th tarsomere of fore tarsus enlarged, with comb of yellow setae, longer than tarsomere diameter …………… A. basilewskyi

18. Middle tibia and basitarsus with anterior and ventral ciliation of thickened setulae, as long as tibia diameter …………… A. bipectinatus

–Middle tibia with simple setulae …………… 19

19. Fore femora with ventral brush of long dense curved yellow-brown hairs; 5th tarsomere of middle tarsus white; cercus bifurcated …………… A. gorodkovi

–Fore femora without such brush …………… 20

20. Fore tibia with very long posterior seta at apical third or fourth; fore basitarsus slightly broadened, with ventral pile; cercus bifurcated, with long lobes of equal length …………… 21

–Fore tibia without such seta …………… 22

21. Anterior fore femora bare; hind femora with light ventral cilia; fore basitarsus thrice longer than 2nd tarsomere …………… A. bruneli

–All femora with long dark ventral cilia; fore basitarsus twice longer than 2nd tarsomere …………… A. dallastai

22. Wing with small dark apical spot; 4 dorsocentral setae …………… A. nanus

–Wing hyaline …………… 23

23. Five strong dorsocentrals, no acrostichal setae; cercus knife-shaped, with 2 long middorsal cilia, as long as cercus …………… A. cuthbertsoni

–Two or three strong dorsocentral setae; fore and middle tarsi with erect ciliation; tibia simple; hypopygium and 7th segment small, cercus short, with small distodorsal apophysis …………… A. narchukae

24. At least fore femora with long brown-black ventral bristles …………… 25

–Fore femora with white ciliation below, sometimes with a few dorsal or preapical black hairs, or bare …………… 28

25. Hind femora yellow, narrowly blackish at base; cercus short, trilobate; middle and dorsal lobes with long black undulate cilia …………… A. aenescens

–Hind femora mostly black …………… 26

26. Fore femora with two fine black ventral setae in basal fourth, other femora bare; fore and middle femora brown dorsally and yellow ventrally …………… A. tenuicauda

–Legs entirely black; all femora with a row of brown or black setae; cercus simple, with small tubercle; fore basitarsus 1.5 times shorter than 2nd …………… 27

27. Fore tarsus with ventral pile of short light hairs at apex of basitarsus and along 2nd tarsomere; cercus with long dark hairs …………… A. disjunctus

–Only 2nd tarsomere of fore tarsus with ventral pile; cercus with short pale dorsal and dark apical hairs …………… A. madagascarensis

28. Cercus short, usually broad, not much longer than epandrium …………… 29

–Cercus filiform, at least twice as long as epandrium …………… 33

29. Cercus very broad, triangular, with pointed apex; fore tibia with posterior seta at apical fourth; fore basitarsus slightly broadened, with ventral pile …………… A. kraussi

–Cercus digitiform; fore tibia without remarkable setae …………… 30

30. All femora bare; fore tarsus (?) simple; last three tarsomeres of hind tarsus flattened; body 2.5 mm …………… A. pernigrus

–Femora with long white ventral hairs; first and second tarsomeres of fore tarsus with ventral pad of short fine cilia, at least half as long as width of tarsomeres; last two tarsomeres of hind tarsus flattened; body longer than 3.5 mm …………… 31

31. Femora with white ventral cilia, not longer than femora diameter; fore tibia and basitarsus with fine erect ciliation on dorsal side …………… A. miserus

–Femora with white ventral cilia, longer than femora diameter; fore tibia and basitarsus without erect setulae …………… 32

32. Fore basitarsus 3/4 to 7/5 as long as second tarsomere and 2/5 to 2/3 as long as rest tarsomeres from second to fifth …………… A. auratus

–Fore basitarsus 1.5–2 times as long as second tarsomere and 2/3 to 9/10 as long as tarsomeres from second to fifth …………… A. cilifrons

33. Fore and middle femora, apical half of fore coxa reddish yellow; fore basitarsus with 5 strong dorsal setae; fore tibia with two ventral setae; cercus long and narrow, with slightly enlarged base and apex and stronger hairs on apex ……………?A. flabellifer

–All femora mostly black; fore basitarsus without strong dorsal setae …………… 34

34. Middle tibia and basitarsus with erect setulae; all femora with two rows of short white ventral hairs in basal half …………… A. parilis

–Middle tibia and basitarsus with simple setulae …………… 35

35. All femora with white ventral hairs in basal half, longer than femora diameter; middle femora with white hairs turning into long black hairs in apical half on posteroventral surface; apical third of fore basitarsus with ventral pad of short hooked hairs; middle tibia with two short dorsal setae; cercus with long ventral cilia; surstylus strongly curved …………… A. longifilis

–Femora bare; fore tarsus with simple setulae; cercus with short hairs; surstylus long, almost straight …………… A. munroi

36. Vertex shallowly excavated, ocellar tubercle not prominent; clypeus and mouth parts strongly projecting; body mostly yellow …………… A. flavicollis

–Vertex distinctly excavated …………… 37

37. Fore coxa yellow …………… 38

–All coxae black …………… 52

38. Lower calypter with black cilia; coxae yellow, middle coxa black from outside; middle tibia with one dorsal seta; body 2.5 mm …………… A. rectangularis

–Lower calypter mostly with pale cilia; body longer than 3 mm …………… 39

39. Acrostichals long, more than half as long as dorsocentral setae …………… 40

–Acrostichals short …………… 44

40. Antenna yellow …………… A. basilewskyi

–Antenna black …………… 41

41. Fore femora with a row of strong pale setae, which longer than femora diameter …………… 42

–Fore femora without strong setae; hind basitarsus partly yellow …………… 43

42. Hind basitarsus black …………… A. sudanensis

–Hind basitarsus and apical 1/5 of hind tibia and hind femora on extreme apex dorsally brown …………… A. aenescens

43. Scape red; hind tibia bare; hind tarsus longer than tibia …………… A. nubilis

–Antenna wholly black; hind tibia with one anterodorsal seta; hind tarsus shorter than tibia …………… A. narchukae

44. m-cu shorter than M 1+2 distad of m-cu (if not, then ocellar hairs numerous, first flagellomere brown) …………… 45

–m-cu longer than M 1+2 distad of m-cu (if not, then only one pair of ocellar hairs, first flagellomere yellowish) …………… 48

45. Acrostichals absent; 5 dorsocentrals; fore basitarsus slightly longer than fore tibia; body 3 mm …………… 46

–Acrostichals present …………… 47

46. Thorax almost entirely yellow …………… A. stuckenbergi

–Thorax metallic green, at most metapleura yellow …………… A. barkalovi

47. First flagellomere dark-brown; 4 mm …………… A. stuckenbergorum

–First flagellomere yellow-orange; 9 mm …………… A. tropicalis

48. Ratio of m-cu to M 1+2 distad of m-cu greater than 1.5 …………… 49

–Ratio of m-cu to M 1+2 distad of m-cu less than 1.4 …………… 50

49. Thorax mostly yellow; acrostichals present …………… A. rosaceus

–Thorax metallic green; acrostichals absent …………… A. fasciatus

50. Fascio-clypeal suture relatively shallow; first flagellomere with anterior bulge dorsal …………… A. bonniae

–Fascio-clypeal suture relatively deep, pointed; first flagellomere with anterior bulge ventral …………… 51

51. Lack of setae on middle tibia in posteroventral position …………… A. macularivenus

–Middle tibia possesses a single posteroventral seta …………… A. bevisi

52. m-cu strongly sinuate; all femora black; middle basitarsus with 6 or 7 short ventral setae; hind tibia with 6 or 7 long dorsal setae …………… A. subfascipennis

–m-cu straight …………… 53

53. Fore and middle tibiae black or brown …………… A. auratus, A. pernigrus, A. munroi

–Fore and middle tibiae yellow or dirty-yellow …………… 54

54. Hind tibia mostly yellow …………… A. flabellifer, A. parilis

–Hind tibia black-brown …………… A. munroi, A. longifilis, A. parilis, A. miserus


I am sincerely grateful to Dr. Patrick Grootaert and Dr. Eliane De Coninck (Brussels) for their kindness in furnishing an opportunity to study the collections of the Royal Institute for Natural Sciences (Brussels), Royal Museum for Central Africa (Tervuren) and National Museum of Kenya (Nairobi). Dr. Daniel J. Bickel reviewed a part of the manuscript and gave several important corrections.


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Dyte, C.E. & Smith, K.G. 1980. Family Dolichopodidae. In R.W. Crosskey (ed.). Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region. British Museum (Natural History), London: 443–463.

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All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection,

Podbelskogo 3, St.Petersburg-Pushkin, 189620, Russia.

[Remarks under figures]

Figs 1–4, 6–14, 16, 18–22, 24–30. Hypopygium, left lateral view. Fig 5. Cercus, ventral view. Figs 15, 17, 23. Cercus, lateral view.

1. Mesorhaga demeyeri sp.n.

2. Mesorhaga pauliani Vanschuytbroeck

3.Mesorhaga tsurikovi sp.n.

4–5. Dytomyia deconinckae sp.n.

6. Dytomyia elenae sp.n.

7. Dytomyia paulyi sp.n.

8. Condylostylus basovi sp.n.

9. Condylostylus burgeoni Parent

10. Condylostylus chaineyi sp.n.

11. Condylostylus galinae Grichanov

12. Condylostylus selitskayae sp.n.

13. Condylostylus skufjini sp.n.

14. Ethiosciapus finitimus (Parent)

15. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) mesotrichum (Bezzi)

16. Chrysosoma pseudorepertum sp.n.

17. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) schoutedeni Curran

18. Chrysosoma stolyarovi sp.n.

19. Chrysosoma (Chrysosoma) tanasijtshuki Grichanov

20. Gigantosciapus francoisi sp.n.

21. Gigantosciapus nataliae sp.n.

22. Amblypsilopus barkalovi sp.n.

23. Amblypsilopus basilewskyi (Vanschuytbroeck)

24. Amblypsilopus bruneli sp.n.

25. Amblypsilopus cilifrons (Parent)

26. Amblypsilopus dallastai sp.n.

27. Amblypsilopus grootaerti sp.n.

28. Amblypsilopus kraussi sp.n.

29. Amblypsilopus longifilis (Becker)

30. Amblypsilopus parilis (Parent)