A checklist of species of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the World arranged by alphabetic list of generic names
by Igor Grichanov*
First published: 31 March 2003; Last updated: 30 September 2024

The list of generic names provided before the main check list shows the number of valid species for valid genera including fossil species and the number of fossil species separately (if present). It is arranged alphabetically for the valid genera; each genus is followed by the list of valid subgenera, available and unavailable synonyms and homonyms (if present) arranged chronologically and preceded with the equality sign. All generic names in that list are provided with hyperlinks to corresponding species lists in the main check list preceded with a generic name having additional information. For each entry, nomenclatural details are given, including authorship, date, place of publication (in short) and page. For the genus-group names, these details also include the genus or subgenus status of the name (between the name and author in square brackets), association of a genus with a subfamily or association of a subgenus with a genus (in parenthesis), then (after asterisk) type species and method for designation. Invalid (after double slash) or valid (after asterisk) synonymization is mentioned for a name (if present) accompanied with a reference. Plus in parenthesis (+) is placed between the name and author for extinct taxa. For the species-group names, these details also include (between double asterisk and single asterisk) type status and number (HT for holotype, PT for paratypes, LT for lectotype, PLT for paralectotypes, NT for neotype and ST for syntype), sex of the holotype (M for male and F for female) and depository (if known), type locality and species distribution. These details are provided for each species in its original combination only. Depository abbreviations follow Neal L. Evenhuis (2014). The distribution list provided for each valid species in its original combination is based on data from the most recent catalogs and revisions, being sometimes incomplete. Secondary species combinations contain only authorship, year (in parenthesis), original genus of species description (in square brackets) and first reference for a new combination (in parenthesis). Each entry for valid species combinations is ended with the asterisk (*). Each invalid species combination is ended with a present generic position of a species (after asterisk). Some incorrect Latin spellings (from catalogs mainly) and errors are also included in the main check list (in square brackets). Entries with incorrect spellings are not ended with the asterisk. It is worth noting that all non-Latin words (authors, journal titles etc.) are here Latinized in order to escape problems with character coding. So, superscripts and subscripts are here omitted, and non-Latin letters from French, Slav, Turkish and other languages are changed into the closest Latin letters.

A list of added papers (after 1 March 2023) is here

Part I. Epifamily Dolichopodoidae (=Dolichopodidae sensu lato), family Dolichopodidae (sensu stricto):
A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J| K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Part II. Epifamily Dolichopodoidae, Dolichopodidae sensu stricto, subfamily Parathalassiinae
Part III. Epifamily Dolichopodoidae (=Dolichopodidae sensu lato), family Microphoridae
To find a species list click on a genus name 
In all 256 extant and 29 fossil genera of Dolichopodidae, 8 extant and 2 fossil genera of Parathalassiinae, 2 extant and 8 fossil genera of Microphoridae
See additional information taken from available publications (type deposition, type locality, geographical distribution) under original combination of specific names (e.g., under Musca ungulata, rather than under Dolichopus ungulatus)
Generic name Number of valid species names Afrotropical Palearctic Nearctic Oriental Neotropical Australasian Fossil species names
Abatetia Miller,1945:72 1 1
=Nelsonia Parent, 1933:349
Abbemyia Bickel, 1994:212 3 3
Achalcus Loew, 1857:30 23 9 5
=Clinocampsicnemus Vaillant et Brunhes, 1980:383
Achradocera Becker, 1922:207 13 2
Acropsilus Mik, 1878:6 30 8 3
=Campsicnemoides Curran, 1927:184
=Nobilusa Wei, 2006: 491, 500
Acymatopus Takagi, 1965:78 6 6
Adachia Evenhuis, 2005:44 6 6
Afrohercostomus Grichanov, 2010: 184 14 14
Afroparaclius Grichanov, 2006:29 2 2
Afropelastoneurus Grichanov,2006: 28 5 5
Ahercostomus Yang et Saigusa,2001:239 1 1
Ahypophyllus Zhang et Yang,2005: 180 1 1
Alishanimyia Bickel, 2007: 68 1 1
=Alishania Bickel, 2004:27
Allohercostomus Yang, Saigusa et Masunaga, 2001: 180 3 3
Amblypsilopus Bigot, 1888:24 371 (10 unrecognized) 70 6 16 84 44 118 1
=Gnamptopsilopus Aldrich,1893:48
=Leptorhethum Aldrich, 1893:50
=Sciopolina Curran, 1924:216
=Australiola Parent, 1932:127
=Labeneura Parent, 1937:126
Amesorhaga Bickel, 1994:82 3
Anahydrophorus Becker, 1917:298 1 1
Anasyntormon Dyte, 1975:245 2 2
=Anasyntormon Parent, 1932:114
Anepsiomyia Bezzi, 1902:192 1 1
=Anepsius Loew, 1857:45
Antyx Meuffels et Grootaert, 1991:290 8 8
Apelastoneurus Grichanov, 2006: 24 47 47
Aphalacrosoma Zhang et Yang, 2005: 182 7 7
Aphasmaphleps Grichanov, 2010: 406 4 4
Aphrosylopsis Lamb, 1909:132 1 1
Aphrosylus Haliday in Walker, 1851:220 32 6 24
Apterachalcus Bickel, 1991:12 1 1
Arachnomyia White, 1916:252 3 3
=Pleuropygius Parent, 1933:186
Arciellia Evenhuis, 2005:45 3 3
Argentinia Parent, 1931:17 3 3
Argyra Macquart, 1834:456 120 3 43 46 12 3
=Porphyrops Meigen, 1824:45
=Porphirops Macquart, 1838:15
=Leucostola Loew, 1857:39
=Lasiargyra Mik, 1878:5
Argyrochlamys Lamb, 1922:391 10 9 4 1
=Halaiba Parent, 1929:56
=Camptoneura Parent, 1930:110
Arpactodolichopodites Hong, 2002: 355 1 1
Asioligochaetus Negrobov, 1966:877 1 1
Asyndetus Loew, 1869:34 112 14 26 23 14 24 14
=Anchineura Thomson, 1869:506
=Meringopherusa Becker, 1902:56
Atlatlia Bickel, 1986:165 2 2
Australachalcus Pollet, 2005:33 24 2
Austrosciapus Bickel, 1994:231 43 43 1
Babindella Bickel, 1987:97 2 2
Bicercites Hong, 2002: 392 1 1
Bickelia Grichanov, 1996:119 2 2
Bickeliolus Grichanov, 1996:224 7 7
Bickelomyia Naglis, 2002: 228 5 5
Binatangia Bickel, 2020: 366 3 3
Brevimyia Miller, 1945:72 1 1
=Brachymyia Parent, 1933:435
Calyxochaetus Bigot, 1888:24 28 21
=Nothosympycnus Wheeler, 1899:51
Cameroonomyia Grichanov, 2024: 4 1 1
Campsicnemus Haliday in Walker, 1851:187 313 8 44 48 5 206
(Hawaii: 188)
=Camptosceles Haliday, 1832:357
=Leptopezina Macquart, 1835:554
=Ectomus Mik, 1878:8
=Emperoptera Grimshaw in Grimshaw et Speiser,1902:81
=Camptoscelus Kertesz, 1909:306
Cemocarus Meuffels et Grootaert,1984:152 2 2
Chaetogonopteron De Meijere, 1914:96 120 2 1 92 25 2
=Pycsymnus Frey, 1925:20
=Hoplignusus Vaillant, 1953:11
Cheiromyia Dyte, 1980:223 8 8
=Cheirocerus Parent, 1930:13
Chrysosoma Guerin-Meneville, 1831:pl.20, fig.6 258 67 (9 unrecognized) 1 170 (38 - China) 21
=Agonosoma Guerin-Meneville, 1838:293
=Margaritostylus Bigot, 1859:215
=Megistostylus Bigot, 1859:215
=Mesoblepharius Bigot, 1859:215
=Oariostylus Bigot, 1859:215
=Eudasypus Bigot, 1888:24
=Eudasypus Bigot, 1890:268
=Oariopherus Bigot, 1888:24
=Oariopherus Bigot, 1890:270
=Spathiopsilopus Bigot, 1888:24
=Spathipsilopus Bigot, 1890:263, 268
=Kalocheta Becker, 1923:41
Chrysotimus Loew, 1857:48 81 20 7 24 30
Chrysotus Meigen, 1824:40 555 17 84 114 220 105 23 1
=Angiopus Meuffels et Grootaert,1996:224
Coeloglutus Aldrich, 1896:338 1 1
Colobocerus Parent, 1933:403 1 1
Generic name  Number of valid species Afrotropical Palearctic Nearctic Oriental Neotropical Australasian Fossil species
Columnocorna Hong, 2002:388 1 1
Conchopus Takagi, 1965:49 24 16 8 6
Condylostylus Bigot,1859:215 261 (+20 nom.dub.+
3 nom.nud.+6 unrecogn.)
26 6 35 40 175 1
=Dasypsilopus Bigot, 1859:215
=Eurostomerus Bigot, 1859:215
=Oedipsilopus Bigot 1859:224
=Tylochaetus Bigot, 1888:xxiv
=Laxina Curran, 1934:230
=Aldabromyia Meuffels et Grootaert, 2007: 29
Convexivertex Hong,2002: 351 1 1
Coracocephalus Mik, 1892:279 2 2
Corindia Bickel, 1986:137 18 4 1 13
Craterophorus Lamb, 1921:475(1922:380) 5 5
Cremmus Wei, 2006:490, 500 1 1
Cryptophleps Lichtwardt, 1898:491 23 4 5 14
Cryptopygiella Robinson,1975:40 1
Cymatopus Kertesz, 1901:408 23 2 4 4 13
=Vanduzeeia Parent, 1934:257
Cyrturella Collin, 1952:142 2 2
=Cyrtura Parent, 1938:390
Dactylomyia Aldrich, 1894:151 7 1
=Coelinium Parent, 1939:148
Dactylonotus Parent, 1934:136 7 6 1
Demetera Grichanov, 2011: 10 8 1 1 6
Diaphorus Meigen, 1824:32 272 20 46 38 86 63
=Brachypus Meigen, 1824:34
=Diaphora Macquart, 1834:447
=Munroiana Curran, 1924:229
Diostracus Loew, 1861:43 110 31 3 74
=Sphyrotarsus Mik, 1874:342
=Asphyrotarsus Oldenberg, 1916:193
=Takagia Negrobov, 1973:1520
=Lagodechia Negrobovet Zurikov, 1996:632
=Ozmena Ozdikmen, 2010: 265
Discopygiella Robinson,1965:51 5 5
Generic name Number of valid species Afrotropical Palearctic Nearctic Oriental Neotropical Australasian Fossil species
Dolichophorus Lichtwardt,1902:199 8 5 3
Dolichopus Latreille, 1796:159 645 4 305 328 26 1
=Iphis Meigen, 1800: 27
=Satyra Meigen, 1803:41
=Ragheneura Rondani, 1856:144
=Spathichira Bigot, 1888:xxiv
=Spatichira Bigot, 1888:xxx
=Hygroceleuthus Loew,1857:10
=Eudolichopus Frey, 1915:10
=Leucodolichopus Frey, 1915:10
=Melanodolichopus Frey, 1915:10
=Macrodolichopus Stackelberg, 1933:109
Dominicomyia Robinson, 1975:40 2
Dubius Wei, 2012: 611 7 7
Dytomyia Bickel, 1994:91 10 5 5
Elmoia Evenhuis,2005:48 8 8
Emiratomyia Naglis, 2014: 726  1 1 1
Enlinia Aldrich, 1933:168 89 8 81
=Collinellula Aldrich, 1932:4
Eodolichopodites Hong,2002: 360 2 2
Eoeuryopterites Hong,2002: 348 1 1
Epithalassius Mik, 1891:186 7 2 6
Erebomyia Runyon et Hurley,2003: 114 4 4
Ethiosciapus Bickel, 1994:141 6 6
Ethiromyia Brooks et Wheeler, 2005: 491 3 1
Eucoryphus Mik, 1869:19 3 3
Eurynogaster Van Duzee, 1933:339 25 25
Euxiphocerus Parent, 1935:121 6 3 1 2
Falbouria Dyte,1980:223 1 1
=Balfouria Parent, 1933:75
Fedtshenkomyia Stackelberg,1927:230 1 1
Filatopus Miller, 1945:72 4
=Nematopus Parent, 1933:398
Fushuniregis Evenhuis, 2021: 9  1 1
=Wangia Hong, 2002:354
Gigantosciapus Grichanov,1997:79 13 13
Griphophanes Grootaert et Meuffels,1998:191 18 3 15
=Griphomyia Grootert et Meuffels,1997:108
Grootaertia Grichanov, 1999:90 8 8
Gujaratmyia Bickel, 2022: 482 1 1
Guzeriplia Negrobov, 1968:470 2 2
Gymnopternus Loew, 1857:10 138 20 76 1
=Paragymnopternus Bigot, 1890:281
Hadromerella De Meijere, 1916:253 2
Halteriphorus Parent, 1933:368 1
Haodolichopodites Hong,2002: 369 1 1
Haplopharyngomyia Meuffels et Grootaert,1999: 289 2
=Haplopharynx Grootaertet Meuffels,1998: 253
Harmstonia Robinson, 1964:122 18 2
Haromyia Runyon, 2015: 590  1 1
Helichochaetus Parent,1933:354 1
Helixocerus Lamb, 1929:137 2
Hercostomoides Meuffels et Grootaert,1997: 474 7 1 7
Hercostomus Loew, 1857:9 474 24 (+3 doubtful) 145 21 325 0 4
=Microhercostomus Stackelberg, 1949:687
=Steleopyga Grootaert et Meuffels,2001:208
Heteropsilopus Bigot,1859:215 30 13 17
Humongochela Evenhuis, 2004:35 3
Hurleyella Runyon et Robinson, 2010 4 3 1
Hydatostega Philippi, 1866:779 11 3 3 5
=Millardia Curran, 1934:231
Hydrophorus Fallen, 1823:2 115 12 43 50
=Aphrozeta Perris, 1847:491
=Parhydrophorus Wheeler, 1896:185
=Glyphidocerus Enderlein, 1936
Hypocharassus Mik, 1879:627 5 1 2 2
=Drepanomyia Wheeler, 1898:217
Hyptiocheta Becker, 1922:245 1
Irwinus Grichanov, 2023: 84 1 1
Ischiochaetus Bickel et Dyte,1989:414 4
=Ischiochaetus Parent, 1933:384
Katangaia Parent,1933:12 4 4
Keirosoma Van Duzee, 1929:24 2 1
Korotongo Bickel, 2023: 6 1 1
Kowmungia Bickel, 1987:147 4 4
Krakatauia Enderlein, 1912:408 65 5(?) 60(?)
Lamprochromus Mik, 1878:7 14 1 10 3
Lapita Bickel, 2002:36 56 56
Laticopulus Hong, 2002: 380 1 1
Leptodolichopodites Hong, 2002: 345 1 1
Liancalomima Stackelberg, 1931:778 2
Liancalus Loew, 1857:22 21 5 6 7 3
Lichtwardtia Enderlein, 1912:406 42 24 15 2
=Rhagoneurus Loew, 1864:346
=Vaalimyia Curran, 1926:398
Liparomyia White, 1916:255 2
Longilabia Hong, 2002: 373 1 1
Lyroneurus Loew, 1857:38 17 1
Machaerium Haliday, 1832:351 3 1 3
=Smiliotus Loew, 1857:56
Macrodactylomyia Naglis, 2002 (2001): 496 1
Maipomyia Bickel, 2004: 844 2 2
Major Evenhuis, 2005:51 1 1
Mangrovomyia Grichanov et Gilasian, 2023: 396 2 2
Mascaromyia Bickel, 1994:100 31 31
Mberu Capellari et Amorim, 2011: 39  1 1
Generic name
Number of valid species Afrotropical Palearctic Nearctic Oriental Neotropical Australasian Fossil species
Medetera Fischer von Waldheim, 1819:7 361 33 199 45 62 22 35 2
=Pacystoma Swinderen, 1822: 85
=Taechobates Haliday, 1832:356
=Orthobates Wahlberg, 1844:109
=Anorthus Loew, 1850:117
=Oligochaetus Mik, 1878:7
=Medeterus Bigot, 1890
=Elongomedetera Hollis, 1964:260
=Lorea Negrobov, 1966:87
Medeterella Grichanov, 2011: 9 9 1 3 7
Medeterites Grichanov, 2010: 209 5 5
Melanderia Aldrich, 1922:146 4 4
=Wirthia Arnaud, 1958:184
Melanostolus Kowarz, 1884:51 6 6
Mesorhaga Schiner, 1868: 217 90 9 5 12 10 18 37 1
=Aptorthus Aldrich, 1893:48
Metaparaclius Becker, 1922:33 2
Meuffelsia Grichanov, 2008:160 2 2
Microchrysotus Robinson, 1964:251 2
Microcyrtura Robinson, 1964:245 4
Micromedetera Robinson, 1975:37 3
Micromorphus Mik, 1878:6 32 5 12 9 2 5
=Cachonopus Vaillant, 1953:10
Micropygus Bickel et Dyte,1989:415 16 1
=Micropygus Parent, 1931:13
Minjerribah Bickel, 2019:594 1 1
Muscidideicus Becker, 1916:268 1 1
Naglisia Quevedo, Capellari, Lamas, 2023: 348 1 1
Nanomyina Robinson, 1964:119 1 1 1
Nanothinophilus Grootaert et Meuffels,1998:165 4 4
Narrabeenia Bickel, 1994:101 2 2
Naticornus Oleinichek, 2005: 247 1 1
Naufraga Bickel, 1992:36 1 1
Negrobovia Bickel, 1994:83 3 1
Negrobovus Wang, Evenhuis, Ji, Yang, Zhang, 2021: 38 1 1
Nematoproctus Loew, 1857:40 13 6 7
Neochrysotimus Yang, Saigusa et Masunaga, 2008: 20 1 1
Neohercostomus Grichanov, 2011: 6  21 21
=Subhercostomus Grichanov, 2011: 22
Neomedetera Zhu, Yang et Grootaert, 2007: 227 1 1
Neoparentia Robinson, 1967:252 8 1 7 1
Neotonnoiria Robinson, 1970:40-17 1 1
=Tonnoiria Parent, 1929:184
Nepalomyia Hollis, 1964:110 87 2 4 4 71 6
=Neurigonella Robinson, 1964:119
=Scotiomyia Meuffels et Grootaert,1997:248
=Paluda Wei, 2006: 489, 498
Neurigona Rondani, 1856:142 168 1 42 39 33 41
=Saucropus Loew, 1857:41
Nggela Bickel, 2020: 2 1 1
Ngirhaphium Evenhuis et Grootaert, 2002:310 6 6
Nikitella Grichanov, 2011: 2 1 1
Nothorhaphium Bickel, 1999:181 5
Notobothrus Parent, 1931:19 1 1
Nurteria Dyte et Smith, 1980:461 3 3
=Turneria Parent, 1934:127
=Turneria Parent, 1935:123
Oedematopiella Naglis, 2011: 47  2 2
Oedematopus Van Duzee, 1929:38 3 3
Olegonegrobovia Grichanov,1995:125 6 6
Oncopygius Mik, 1866:307 6 3 3
Orbicapitis Hong, 2002: 345 1 1
Orbilabia Hong, 2002: 368 1 1
Orthoceratium Schrank, 1803:55 2 1 2
=Alloeoneurus Mik, 1878:8
Ortochile Latreille, 1809:289 4 4
=Orthochile Westwood, 1840: 135 
Ostenia Hutton, 1901:34 1 1
Palaeoargyra Meunier, 1895:5 2 2
Palaeomedeterus Meunier, 1894:121 10 10
=Gheynia Meunier,1899:322
=Palaeochrysotus Meunier, 1908: 9
Palaeosystenus Grichanov, Negrobov et Selivanova, 2014: 66 1 1
Paleothrypticus Ngo-Muller, Garrouste, Nel, 2020: 174 1 1
Papallacta Bickel, 2006: 211 1
Paraclius Loew, 1864: 97 164 5 16 33+ 64 23
=Leptocorypha Aldrich, 1896: 315
=Paraclius Coquillet, 1910: 583
Paracoeloglutus Naglis, 2001: 200 1 1
Paradolichopodites Hong, 2002: 382 1 1
Parahercostomus Yang, Saigusa et Masunaga,2001: 176 4 4
Paraliancalus Parent, 1938:213 2 2
Paraliptus Bezzi, 1923:179 1
Paramedetera Grootaert et Meuffels,1997:309 16 1 15
Paraphrosylus Becker, 1921:27 6 6
Parasyntormon Wheeler, 1899:41 22 20
=Neosyntormon Curran, 1934:230
Parentia Hardy, 1935:245 78 7 71
Pelastoneurus Loew, 1861:36 106 41
=Paracleius Bigot, 1859:215
=Metapelastoneurus Aldrich, 1894:152
=Sarcionus Aldrich, 1901:341
=Phylarchus Aldrich, 1901:342
=Paraclius Kertesz, 1909:230
=Proarchus Aldrich, 1910:100
Generic name Number of valid species Afrotropical Palearctic Nearctic Oriental Neotropical Australasian Fossil species
Peloropeodes Wheeler, 1890:373 31 6 2 10 1
=Anomalopyga Oldenberg, 1916:187
=Kophosoma Van Duzee, 1926:39
=Pachypyga Parent, 1928:173
=Neorhaphium Botosaneanuet Vaillant,1973:418
Peodes Loew, 1857:29 3 3
Phacaspis Meuffels et Grootaert,1988:312 4 1 3
Phalacrosoma Becker, 1922:44 4 4
Pharcoura Bickel, 2007:6 3 3
Phasmaphleps Bickel, 2005: 21 1 1
Phoomyia Naglis et Grootaert, 2013 2 2
Phrudoneura Meuffels et Grootaert,1987:319 10 10
Physopyga Grootaert et Meuffels,1989:200 1
Pilbara Bickel, 1994:99 1 1
Pinacocerus Van Duzee, 1930:11 2
Pindaia Bickel, 2014: 210  3 3
Plagioneurus Loew, 1857:43 1 1
Plagiozopelma Enderlein, 1912:367 112 18 20+ 70+
Platyopsis Parent, 1929:12 1 1
Plesiomedetera Grichanov, 2023: 247 7 7
Poecilobothrus Mik, 1878:1 30 21 11
=Achantipodus Rondani, 1856:144
=Chaetosphyria Enderlein, 1936:109
Pouebo Bickel, 2008:50  1 1
Prochrysotus Meunier, 1908:9 1 1
Prohercostomus Grichanov, 1997:82 8 8
=Sympycnites Grimaldi et Cumming,1999:67
Prosystenus Negrobov, 1976:122 1 1
Protomedetera Tang, Grootaert, Yang, 2018:139 4 1 3
Pseudargyra Van Duzee, 1930:31 4
Pseudargyrochlamys Grichanov,2006: 31 5 5
Pseudohercostomus Stackelberg,1931:776 4 1 2 1
Pseudoparaclius Grichanov,2006: 29 16 16
Pseudoparentia Bickel, 1994:135 7 7
Pseudopelastoneurus Grichanov, 2006: 30 2 2
Pseudosympycnus Robinson, 1967:901 15 15
Pseudoxanthochlorus Negrobov, 1977:146 1 1
Pterostylus Mik, 1878:4 1 1
Rafaelomyia Soares, Capellari, Ramos-Pastrana, 2023:152 5 5
Rajpardia Bickel, 483 1 1
Rhaphium Meigen, 1803:272 209 15 106 85 5
=Hydrochus Fallen, 1823:5
=Perithinus Haliday, 1832:353
=Anglearia Carlier, 1835:659
=Xiphandrium Loew, 1857:36
Rhynchoschizus Dyte, 1980:223 1 1
=Schizorhynchus Parent, 1927:62
Rhinoceromyia Grichanov, 2024: 490 1 1
Saccopheronta Becker, 1914:125 47 14
Salishomyia (+) Bickel, 2019: 31 1 1
Scelloides Bickel et Dyte,1989:415 12
=Scelloides Parent, 1933:387
Scellus Loew, 1857:22 24 12 15
=Anoplomerus Rondani, 1856:141
=Anoplopus Rondani, 1857:14
Scepastopyga Grootaert et Meuffels,1997:1588 1
Sciapus Zeller, 1842:831 81 3 72 8 2
=Leptopus Fallen, 1823:23
=Psilopus Meigen, 1824:35
=Stenarus Gistl, 1848:10
=Psilopodius Rondani, 1861:11
=Psilopodinus Bigot, 1888:24
=Psilopiella Van Duzee, 1914:438
=Agastoplax Enderlein, 1936:114
=Dactylodiscia Enderlein, 1936:114
=Dactylorhipis Enderlein, 1936:114
=Placantichir Enderlein, 1936:114
=Placantichir Anonymous, 1937: 381
=Placantichir Bickel, 1994:88
Scorpiurus Parent, 1933:357 3 3
Septocellula Hong, 1981:109 1 1
Setihercostomus Zhang et Yang,2005: 183 5 1 1 3
Shamshevia Grichanov, 2012: 558 5 2 2 1 1
=Arabshamshevia Naglis, 2014:728 
Sigmatineurum Parent, 1938:215 11 11
Sinodolichopodites Hong, 2002: 377 1 1
Sinosciapus Yang, 2002: 432 3
Somillus Brethes, 1924:110 2
=Ionthadophrys Van Duzee, 1930:20
Srilankamyia Naglis, Grootaert et Wei, 2011: 3 6 6
Stenopygium Becker, 1922:75 2
Stolidosoma Becker, 1922:213 18
Sunodolichopodites Hong, 2002: 385 1 1
Suschania Negrobov, 2003:35 1 1
Sweziella Van Duzee, 1933:346 7 7
Sybistroma Meigen, 1824:71 59 1 38 23
=Hypophyllus Haliday, 1832:359 
=Ludovicius Rondani, 1843:43
=Nodicornis Rondani, 1843:46
=Haltericerus Rondani, 1856:143
=Ozodostylus Bigot, 1859:225
=Nemospathus Bigot, 1859:215
=Dasyarthrus Mik, 1878:5
=Spathitarsus Bigot, 1890:276
Symbolia Becker, 1921:210 16
=Cyrtosymbolia Parent, 1931:10
Sympycnidelphus Robinson, 1964:149 5 3
Generic name  Number of valid species Afrotropical Palearctic Nearctic Oriental Neotropical Australasian Fossil species
Sympycnus Loew, 1857:42 253 28 33 28 18 104 42
=Gymnoceromyia Bigot, 1890:293
=Subsympycnus Becker, 1922:244
=Syntormoneura Curran, 1926:16
Syntormon Loew, 1857:35 114 15 56 20 15 3 7
=Plectropus Haliday, 1832:353
=Synarthrus Loew, 1857:35
=Eutarsus Loew, 1857:45
=Bathycranium Strobl, 1892:103
=Drymonoeca Becker, 1907:108
=Ceratopos Vaillant, 1952:36
Systenites Grichanov, Negrobov et Selivanova, 2014: 62 3 3
Systenoides Naglis, 2002 (2001): 499 1 1
Systenomorphus Grichanov, 2010: 80 1 1
Systenoneurus Grichanov, 2010: 83 1 1
Systenus Loew, 1857:34 48 1 11 6 8 21 2 1
Tachytrechus Haliday in Walker, 1851:173 152 15 31 35
=Ammobates Stannius, 1831:33
=Stannia Rondani, 1857:14
=Gongophora Philippi, 1875:86
=Polymedon Osten-Sacken, 1877:317
=Macellocerus Mik, 1878:5
=Psilischium Becker, 1922:93
=Gonioneurum Becker, 1922:98
=Syntomoneurum Becker, 1922:123
Tatamba Bickel, 2023: 213 1 1
Telmaturgus Mik, 1874:349 29 13 2 3 11 1 1
Teneriffa Becker, 1908:54 1 1
Tenuopus Curran, 1924:228 22 22
Terpsimyia Dyte, 1975:275 1
=Hadroscelus Becker, 1922:113
Tetrachaetus Bickel et  Dyte,1989:417 2
=Tetrachaetus Parent, 1933:436
Teuchophorus Loew, 1857:44 120 1 23 4
=Mastigomyia Becker, 1924:123
=Paresus Wei, 2006:493, 501
Thambemyia Oldroyd, 1956:210 7 1 1 5 1
=Prothambemyia Masunaga, Saigusaet Grootaert,2005
Thinolestris Grootaert et Meuffels,1988:32 4 3 1
Thinophilus Wahlberg, 1844:37 159 31 28 15 70 6 17 1
=Thinophilus Schiodte, 1844:44
=Schoenophilus Mik, 1878:9
=Pseudacropsilus Strobl, 1899:122
=Paralleloneurum Becker,1902:51 2 1 2
=Parathinophilus Parent, 1932:161
Thrypticus Gerstaecker, 1864:43 99 7 28 17 5+ 3
=Aphantotimus Wheeler, 1890:375
=Xanthotricha Aldrich, 1896:339
=Submedeterus Becker, 1916:360
Trigonocera Becker, 1902:57 10 4 1 6
Udzungwomyia Grichanov, 2018: 10 6 6
Urodolichus Lamb, 1922:394 11 5 4 2
=Ounyana Hollis, 1964:228
=Mischopyga Grootaert et Meuffels,1989:196
Uropachys Parent, 1935:80 9 9
=Pachyurus Parent, 1934:305
Vetimicrotes Dyte, 1980:223 3 3
=Microtes Becker, 1918:132
Viridigona Naglis, 2003 (2002):564 29 1 29
Wheelerenomyia Meunier,1908:9 13 13
Xanthina Aldrich,1902:92 13 13
Xanthochlorus Loew, 1857:42 20 1 13 1 4 1
=Leptopus Haliday, 1832: 358
Yumbera Bickel,1992:1007 6 6
In all Approximately 
864 1723 1305 1786 1260 1323
Including fossil species names 99
Including doubtful species names (see also some of them under 
Musca, Nemotelus, Scatophaga, Sciara, Tipula and Trypaneoides)
13 About 
Part II. Epifamily Dolichopodoidae, Dolichopodidae sensu stricto, subfamily Parathalassiinae
To find a species list click on a genus name                        In all 11 valid genera (including 3 fossil genera)
See additional information taken from available publications (type deposition, type locality, geographical distribution) under original combination of specific names (e.g., under Musca ungulata, rather than under Dolichopus ungulatus)
Generic name  Number of valid species names Afrotropical Palearctic Nearctic Oriental Neotropical Australasian Fossil species names
Amphithalassius Ulrich, 1991: 200 2 2
Chimerothalassius Shamshev et Grootaert, 2003:130 5 1 4
Cretomicrophorus Negrobov, 1978:86 3 3
=Jantardachia Zherichin, 1978: 86
Electrophorella Cumming et Brooks, 2002: 42 2 2 2
Eothalassius Shamshev et Grootaert, 2005:108 4 1 1 2
Microphorella Becker, 1909:28 28 1 9 10 4 1 3
Neothalassius Brooks et Cumming, 2016 2 2
Parathalassius Mik, 1891:217 15 3 12
Plesiothalassius Ulrich,1991: 191 3 3
Retinitus Negrobov, 1978:86 1 1
Thalassophorus Saigusa,1986:106 2 1 1
In all 60 5 16 23 4 4 4
Including fossil species names 6

Part III. Epifamily Dolichopodoidae (=Dolichopodidae sensu lato), family Microphoridae
To find a species list click on a genus name                        In all 9 valid genera (including 7 fossil genera)
See additional information taken from available publications (type deposition, type locality, geographical distribution) under original combination of specific names (e.g., under Musca ungulata, rather than under Dolichopus ungulatus)

Generic name Number of valid species names Afrotropical Palearctic Nearctic Oriental Neotropical Australasian Fossil species names
Archichrysotus Negrobov, 1978:84 4 4
Avenaphora Grimaldi et Cumming, 1999: 61 2 2
Curvus Kaddumi, 2005: 85 1 1 1
Electrochoreutes Badano et al., 2023: 342 7 7 7
Meghyperiella Meunier, 1908: 112 1 1
Microphor Macquart, 1827: 139 25 15 5 1 1 3
=Microphorus Macquart, 1834:345
=Microphora Zetterstedt, 1842:24
=Microphorus Lundbeck, 1907:189
Microphorites Hennig, 1971:16 9 8 1 9
Pristinmicrophor Tang, Shi, Wang, Yang, 2019 1 1 1
Schistostoma Becker, 1902:46 52 4 17 28 1 2
In all 103 4 33 33 11 1
Including fossil species names 30

A list of added papers (after 1 March 2023).  2023 and 2024 papers are marked with colour.

Papers to be included soon
All bibliography is here

A list of added papers (after 1 March 2023) is here

Papers to be included soon

  • Chursina M.A., Grichanov I.Ya. 2023. Phylogeny of the genus Dolichopus Latreille, 1796 and testing for phylogenetic signal in morphological characters and morphometric data. bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.02.24.481773



    All bibliography is here

    Please send me reprints or pdf files of the following papers:
    Wang Meng-Qing, Yang Ding, Zhang Li-Sheng (2019) Review of the genus Neurigona (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Thailand with three new species, Oriental Insects (114-126), DOI: 10.1080/00305316.2019.1568924
    Wei LM, Luo Qinhuai. 2023. The Origin and Evelotion of the Subfamily Diaphorinae (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Journal of Anshun University, 25(3): 109-115. (Not seen)

    *Author's address
    I.Ya. Grichanov, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection,
    Podbelskogo 3, St.Petersburg-Pushkin, 196608, Russia.

    Dolichopodidae Homepage