Grichanov, I.Ya. Olegonegrobovia pappi sp.n. from Tanzania
(Diptera: Dolichopodidae)
Olegonegrobovia pappi sp.n. from East Tanzania is described.
A key to known species of Olegonegrobovia is given.
I.Ya. Grichanov, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection,
Podbelskogo 3, St.Petersburg-Pushkin, 189620, Russia.
Key words: Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Olegonegrobovia pappi
sp.n., Africa, Tanzania.
Olegonegrobovia pappi sp.n. (Fig. 1)
Holotype. Male, Tanzania: Kwamsambia, Tanga region / 1-18.II.1987
(leg. Mahunka, Zicsi). Paratypes. Male & female, the same labels.
Holotype and paratype (female) are conserved in the Hungarian Natural
History Museum (Budapest). Male paratype - in the Natural History
Museum (London).
Description. Frons metallic bronze green. Eyes joined in middle
fifth of face. Face bronze-black, grey pollinose, very narrow, 3 times
as high as wide under antennae. Epistome as a small triangle with
height/base ratioÿ1 ÿ010:6, twice as wide as clypeus, and narrow strip
lower. Palpi and proboscis very short, brown, with a small bristle and
hairs. Antenna black; first flagellomere slightly longer than its
height at base, with acute apex, densely pubescent. Arista dorsal,
thrice as long as articles of antenna together, pubescent, with
increasing length of hairs towards apex of arista.
Mesonotum metallic dark-green, with blue reflection, pleura and
scutellum bronze-green, grey pollinose. Scutellum with two strong
bristles and two microscopic hairs from the outside.
Legs including coxae yellow, apical half of middle and hind
femora and apical segments of tarsi darkened. Fore and middle coxae
with a few yellow-brown hairs, hind coxa with one black external
bristle. Fore femora with a dark fine posterior preapical bristle.
Fore tibia with small apicoventral scale of fine hairs. Second to
fourth articles of fore tarsi shortened. Length ratio of fore coxa to
femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 2.0 : 3.3 :
2.5 : 1.5 : 0.3 : 0.2 : 0.2 : 0.4. Middle femora slightly curved,
pressed, and thickened on ventral surface, bearing here a few black
short hairs and a bundle of brown hairs stuck together, nearly as long
as diameter of femora; one strong preapical bristle. Middle tibia
curved and pressed, subdivided into 3 sub-equal parts by two ventral
contractions. One curved anterior in middle third, one long apical
anterior and two short dorsal bristles; brown ventral seta in the
middle, as long as middle basitarsus. Middle tarsi simple. Length
ratio of middle coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first
to fifth) - 1.5 : 3.9 : 3.6 : 1.6 : 0.7 : 0.7 : 0.7 : 0.6. Hind femora
with a row of antero-dorsal seta in basal half, and with several ante-
ro-ventral setae in apical half. Hind tibia with a row of three or
four dorsal bristles in apical third. Length ratio of hind coxa to
femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth) - 1.4 : 5.0 :
4.8 : 1.3 : 1.7 : 1.2 : 0.9 : 0.7.
Wings slightly darkened, veins brown. Ratio of parts of costa
between R2+3 and R4+5 to those between R4+5 and M1+2 - 1.8 : 1.0.
Ratio of apical to basal part of M1+2 - 5.9 : 5.2. Ratio of m-cu to
apical part of CuA - 0.9 : 1.5. Anal lobe long and narrow, but clearly
developed, twice as long as apical part of CuA, with fairly
sclerotized distal edge, bearing a bundle of 3 or 4 black bristles,
nearly as long as m-cu. Anal angle obtuse. Squamae dark-yellow, with
black bristles. Halteres yellow-brown.
Abdomen bronze-black, with dark hairs, pressed from lateral
sides. Hypopygium dark-brown, big, massive, twice as long as abdomen,
expanded backward; basal fifth concealed. Cercus short,
yellowish-brown, densely haired. Surstylus long, dark-yellow, with a
row of strong ventral bristles.
Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual
characters. Legs and wings simple. First flagellomere somewhat
shorter, clypeus slightly wider than in male. Last hemitergit with
four short black acanthophorites.
Length: body 1.4 - 1.8 mm, body with antenna 1.8 - 2.3 mm;
wing-length 1.9 - 2.0 mm; wing-width 0.6 mm.
Distribution: East Tanzania.
Etymology. The species named after the Hungarian dipterologist Dr.
Laszlo Papp.
Diagnosis. O. pappi is generally related to O. zlobini and O.
barkalovi (Grichanov, 1995), except hypopygium expanded backwards.
Males of each species have their own kind of curvation, thickening and
setation on middle legs and can be also separated by many other subtle
Key to known species of Olegonegrobovia Grichanov
1. Coxae brown, comb of bristles on wing anal lobe twice as long as
m-cu, second article of middle tarsi enlarged....O. zlobini Grichanov
- Coxae yellow, comb of bristles on wing anal lobe nearly as long as
m-cu, middle tarsi simple...........................................2
2. Scutellum yellow-brown from below, hypopygium as long as abdomen,
expanded down under abdomen....................O. barkalovi Grichanov
- Scutellum completely bronze-green, hypopygium twice as long as
abdomen, expanded backwards............................O. pappi sp.n.
I am sincerely grateful to Dr. Laszlo Papp for his kindness in
giving me the opportunity to study the collection of the Hungarian
Natural History Museum (Budapest). I appreciate the help I have
received from Mrs Galina Grichanova in doing the illustrations.
Grichanov, I.Ya. 1995. Olegonegrobovia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae),
new genus from Uganda. - Int.J.Dipt.Res. (in press).
Remark under figure
Fig. 1. Olegonegrobovia pappi sp.n., hypopygium.